VB MSTU Minutes 03/06/2014 Vasdai'8IOt 8.ac4 M.S.7.11. Advisory Committee 3299 East Tamiami Trail Suite 103 ■ NNaples, FL 34112 R\A� 21 20\4 MINUTES: MARCH 6, 2014 BY CALL TO ORDER BY CHAIRMAN CHARLES ARTHUR AT 2:59 PM II. ATTENDANCE Advisory committee, Charles Arthur—Chairman Bill Sjostrom —Vice Chairman Mike Price Bruce Forman Staff Harry Sells — Project Manager Landscape Robert Kindelan- CLM A quorum of four is present. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mike Price moved to accept the agenda with the addition of Item VIII- C. Sidewalks Motion seconded by Bill Sjostrom. Motion passed 4-0 IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: FEBRUARY 6, 2014 Mike Price moved to accept the minutes as corrected Item X. second line to read "Staff responded a minimum of 4 months to start construction." Motion seconded by Bill Sjostrom. Motion passed 4-0 V. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE REPORT-ROBERT KINDELAN, CLM Gulf Shore Drive is essentially complete. Mulch on Vanderbilt Drive is complete. They are about ready to start treatment for insects and the addition of fertilizer. Mark Weber arrived after a weather delay at 2:26 PM. A quorum of five is now present. VI. PROJECT MANAGER REPORT-HARRY SELLS A. Budget report. For 3/6/2014 Attached B. Status of escrow account- Clerk The escrow account negotiations are essentially unchanged since the last meeting. The County Attorney has received the latest FPL response which ignores individual residences and businesses aerial to underground Conversions, non refundable engineering deposit for Phase 4, and any additional phases. Chairman Charles Arthur sent an Email to Scott Teach, Deputy County Attorney, requesting that the negotiations be pushed harder and that the Advisory Committee be included in the negotiations. VII. OLD BUSINESS No Old Business VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. FY 15 BUDGET Harry Sells presented the FY 15 Budget (attached). Bruce Forman made a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the FY 15 Budget be accepted as presented. Motion Seconded by Bill Sjostrom. A general discussion of the budget was held. Motion passed 5-0. B. HOLE MONTES CONTRACT 13-6178 Harry Sells presented the Hole Montes CEI Contract 13-6178 (Schedule A and B attached.) The contract extends for three years, totals $546,093, and covers Phases II, III, and IV. Mike Price made a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the Hole Montes Contract 13-6178 be approved. Motion Seconded by Bruce Forman. After general discussion of construction, scheduling and timelines, the motion passed 5-0. C. SIDEWALK ON GULF SHORE DRIVE. Charles Arthur, Chairman requested that the potential for a second sidewalk on Gulf Shore Drive be investigated. During season, people are walking in the bike lanes and the street. He would like to see the feasibility of adding a second sidewalk on the East side of the street to increase the safety of the pedestrians. IX. MEMBER COMMENT Mark Weber commented on the potential of developing the southern end of Gulf Shore Drive. X. PUBLIC COMMENT No public present. XI. Adjourn Bill Sjostrom made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Bruce Forman. Motion passed 5-0 Meeting Adjourned 3:34 PM by Chairman Charles Arthur NEXT MEETING DATE: APRIL 3,2014 -2:00 PM "Claussen Family Center"at St.John's Church 625 111TH Ave.,Naples,FL 2 • P VANDERBILT BEACH MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE At-fo CHARLES ARTHUR,CHAIRMAN OR WILLIAM SJOSTROM,VICE CHAIRMAN The minutes approve91 by the Board/Committee on , 2014, "as submitted" 1 OR "as amended" LXI 3