February 24, 2014
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
BCC Board Room
3299 Tamiarni Trail East, 3rd Floor,Naples, FL 34112
Members Present:
LaVerne Franklin, Chair
Vaughn Young, Vice Chair
Jennifer Williams
Debra Johnson Hubbard
Diann Keeys
Darling Smith
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Rhonda Cummings, Staff Liaison
Rose Young, Mother Perry Youth Empowerment Project
Pamela A. Wilkins, Member of the Community
1. Call to Order/Roll Call.
La Verne Franklin called the meeting to order at 6:14 PM. A quorum was present.
IL Open to the Public for items Not on the Agenda
Jennifer Williams of the BAAB wants to address the issue of the lack of bike routes and sidewalks
in the County for students to ride and walk on.
La Verne Franklin requested that she discuss during New Business.
Rose Young and Pamela A. Wilkins commented that the Diabetes Awareness Day event was a
success. The .BAAB concurred.
Board Action Items
1. Approval of new applicants, Pamela A. Wilkins and Chris Rahrnings, so moved by Jennifer
William.s and seconded by DJ Johnson Hubbard. All voted yes for both candidates.
2. Jennifer Williams moved that the .BAAB have the DAD event next year, 2015 to include a
budget. Vaughn Young seconded the motion. All were in favor and said I.
3. La Verne Franklin motioned to explore the possibility of establishing an African American
Marker in downtown Naples. Vaughn Young seconded her motion. All were in favor and
said I.
4. DJ Johnson Hubbard motioned that in the future that we include all Africans in the research
to include Haitians, Indians, Jamaicans and Hispanic blacks. The motion (tied.
February 24. 20}4BAARMeeting Minutes Pace 2n[3
8»/, Approva'of Agenda
La\/cnucFiauk1iu: Made a motion to approve the agenda.
Vaughn Young: I second the motion.
Motion carries unanimously
V. Old Business
1. La Verne Franklin provided to the staff liaison a Diabetes Awareness After Action Report.
which was provided to all of the members for discussion.
2. Jennifer Williams suggested that members who are assigned tasks be allowed to perform
those tasks.
3. La Verne Franklin suggested that if a task is assigned, it is incumbent upon that person who
was ausigocd the task to take the initiative and perform the work assigned. If there is some
difficulty in performing the task, then the chair needs to be advised of such. She insisted
the group move on from discussing this topic.
4. DJ Johnson Hubbard suggested having the event indoors the next time because of allergies,
heat and inclimate weather is unpredictable during this time of year.
X. New Business
Jennifer Williams want to know how many cldldrc.n arc riding their bikes to school. She is
concerned about the bike lanes and sidewalks in Collier County.
Rhonda Cummings will point the group to the right person in the County that can provide
that information. She will communicate to the group by email.
Jennifer Williams wants to know if BAAB can go before the School Board regarding the
bike paths and find out how many Black teachers there are in Collier County.
Vaughn Young suggested that we have preprinted certificates to provide to partners when
the BAAB does the next DAD event.
Darling Smith wants to know what the BAAB does to assist voters with registering to vote,
change of address or change or party affiliation.
Vaughn Young and La Verne Franklin suggested that Darling Smith do some research on
this and report back to the committee.
IX. Upcoming Meetings
March 24, 2014
April 28, 2014
May 26, 20l4
June 23, 20.14
]uiy2S, 20|4
August 25, 2014
February 24, 2014 BAAB Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3
September 22, 2014
October 27, 2014
November— Break
X. Adjourn
Vaughn Young: Motioned for adjournment. I move to adjourn.
Jennifer Williams: I second the motion.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:43 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted Approved by:
Rhonda Cummings, Staff Liaison Chairpdrson oil Desi4nee