CAC Minutes 02/21/2014 Coastal Advisory
February 21 , 2014
CAC April 10,2014
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Naples, Florida, February 21, 2014
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee,
in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this
date at 2:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd
Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following
members present:
Robert Raymond
Joseph A. Moreland
Victor Rios
Nick Penniman
Debbie Roddy
Robert Brown
Ian Butler
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant
Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples
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Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording
from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online.
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 2:00PM
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr.Rios moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr.Burke. Carried unanimously 9—0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. January 9,2014
Mr.Burke moved to approve the minutes of the January 9,2014 meeting as submitted.Second
by Mr.Penniman. Carried unanimously 9—0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report
The Committee reviewed the"FY14 TDC Revenue Report"updated through January 31,2014.
VIII. New Business
1. Marco Island Civic Association
* Backup Material
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary"Recommendation to approve the payment of
$4,600.00 to the Marco Island Civic Association, Inc..for repairs and restoration to their property
caused by damages that occurred during the South Marco Beach Renourishment Project(195-
80211), the Erosion Control Rebuild Project(195-80211), the Maintenance Grading of the North
Marco Island Beach Project(195-90533)this past year and make a finding that this expenditure
promotes tourism"dated February 21,2014 for consideration.
Mr.Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the payment of
$4,600.00 to the Marco Island Civic Association,Inc.for repairs and restoration to their
property caused by damages that occurred during the South Marco Beach Renourishment
Project(195-80211),the Erosion Control Rebuild Project(195-80211),the Maintenance
Grading of the North Marco Island Beach Project(195-90533)this past year and finds that this
expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Roddy. Carried unanimously 9—0.
2. RFP 15 Year New Permit for Beach Renourishment—Verbal
Mr. McAlpin reported:
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• The existing permit expires on 1/12/15 and the County is undertaking the necessary
measures to obtain a new 15 year permit.
• The Board of County Commissioners directed Staff to move forward and obtain a new
permit with an identified vendor.
• The Purchasing Department,after reviewing the item,requested a new Request For
Proposal be issued for the scope of work.
• The RFP was issued the week of February 10,2014 with bids due back by March 14,2014.
• A Selection Committee will convene to review the RFP responses and identify the most
qualified bidder to complete the work.
• The consultant will require approval by the CAC,TDC and the Board of County
• It is anticipated the consultant will commence work in June with the permit obtained by the
Spring of 2015.
Bob Krasowski requested the County take all necessary measures to ensure any work completed
under an issued permit is undertaken outside of turtle nesting season(November 1 —May 1).
These measures should include identifying this condition in the RFP.
3. BCC Approval
*Marco Island Sand Mining Conceptual Study-Verbal
*Industry Trends for Beach Renourishment—Verbal
Marco Island Sand Mining
Mr.McAlpin reported:
• The County is proposing altering the overall gradient of a portion of the beaches on the
northern section of Marco Island to solve the long term problem of standing water
accumulating on the beaches.
• A consultant will be engaged to develop a conceptual plan which will be reviewed by the
• Upon approval by the CAC, permits will be sought for the proposed work with an
anticipated initiation of work activity slated for the Fall of 2015.
Industry Trends
Mr.McAlpin reported a workshop will be held with the Board of County Commissioners on April
1,2014 to discuss industry trends for beach renourishment.
4. TDC/BCC Denial
* Beach History Yearly Widths-Verbal
* Atkins Proposal Beach History
Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary"Recommendation to approve a proposal from
Atkins North America, Inc. dated Februaryl9, 2014 to provide analysis of the affect of storm
events and beach renourishment projects to the Collier County coastline from 2005 to present day
under Contract 09-5262-CZ, authorize budget amendment, authorize the County Manager or his
designee to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of$14,103 (Task 1 only)and make
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a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism"dated February 21,2014 for consideration. He
• On February 11,2014,the BCC denied the request for Coastal Planning and
Engineering to develop a report formatting the available data on historical beach
renourishment from 1996 to present at a cost of$19k+/-.
• Staff now proposes that Atkins be engaged to perform the work and divide it into 2
tasks: Task I: Historical Analysis from 2005 to present I at a cost of$14,103; Task II:
Historical Analysis from 1996—2005 at a cost of approximately$20,000.
• The current proposal by Staff is to complete Task I at this time.
• Currently the County surveys beach widths and volumes of sand on an annual basis,
however the data is in varying formats depending on who completed the surveys and
the technology available for use at the time.
• The scope of work encompasses analyzing data in historic relation to the width of the
beaches and volumes of sand placed/remaining at given times,not identifying means or
features which may assist in prolonging the beach renourishment cycle.
• The purpose would be to format the existing data into a common platform to assist the
County in developing future renourishment designs.
Mr.Penniman requested, and the Committee agreed,he be allowed to meet with Mr.McAlpin
individually to discuss other areas where the scope of work may be beneficial
Mr.Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a proposal from
Atkins North America,Inc. dated Februaryl9,2014 to provide analysis of the affect of storm
events and beach renourishment projects to the Collier County coastline from 2005 to present
day under Contract 09-5262-CZ,authorize budget amendment,authorize the County Manager
or his designee to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of$14,103(Task 1 only)
and finds that this expenditure promotes tourism." Second by Mr.Raymond. Carried
unanimously 9—0.
5. RFP South Jetty Rebuild Doctor's Pass with Spur—Verbal
Mr.McAlpin reported the County is seeking permits to rebuild the Jetty at Doctor's Pass
including the addition of a"spur"on the end of the Jetty. The work necessary to obtain the permit
is anticipated to begin in June.
Chairman Sorey requested the Members individually visit the beach in the area of Indes West to
observe the state of erosion of the beach.
6. Beach Workshop with BCC-Verbal
Mr.McAlpin reported a workshop will be held with the Board of County Commissioners on April
1,2014 to discuss industry trends for beach renourishment.
Chairman Sorey requested Staff to contact Linda Penniman so she may notify any persons who
may be interested in attending the Workshop.
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Bob Krasowski supports the Workshop concept and encouraged the County to explore new
concepts for beach renourishment which may reduce costs, lengthen the renourishment cycle and
further protect the environment.
7. Naples Tropical Storm Debbie Renourishment Fall 2014—Verbal
Mr.McAlpin reported:
• FEMA has approved the placement of 52k CY of sand on the Naples beaches to repair
damage caused by Tropical Storm Debbie.
• The work will be completed via a truck haul project under the auspices of the existing
• The County will be required to match FEMA's expenditure at a ratio of 25 percent of the
total cost.
• The County is moving forward with the work necessary to develop an RFP for preparation
of the plans required to obtain the Notice to Proceed.
• The work is anticipated to begin after November 1,2014.
8. Marco Island Tropical Storm Debbie Renourishment—Verbal
Mr.McAlpin reported:
• FEMA has approved the placement of 15k CY of sand on the Marco Island beaches to
repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Debbie.
• Staff is concerned the cost estimates were provided to the County some time ago,and the
price of$150,000 quoted to complete the work may not be realistic at this time.
• Staff will be contacting FEMA to propose obtaining new price quotes for the work.
• He will provide an update at a future meeting.
IX. Old Business
FEMA De-Obligation of Funds
Mr.McAlpin reported the issue affects over 250 Florida communities and Staff proposes the County hold
a workshop on the issue. The County is working with the area Congressional delegation as it may require
Congressional action for the issue to be resolved.
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr.Moreland reported on the success of the Wiggins Pass project including a self scouring channel,
improved water quality and presence of new marine life. On a related note the Estuary Conservation
Association has scheduled the following events:
February 24,2014—7:00pm—Pelican Isle Yacht Club—Robert Hueter,Marine Mote Laboratories
presentation on sharks.
March 24,2014—6:30pm -Pelican Isle Yacht Club—Presentation on the impacts of the Deep Water
Horizon Oil Spill
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
March 13,2014—Government Center,Administration Bldg.F,3rd Floor
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There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by
order of the chair at 3:31 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
ohn Sorey,III,Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on `l �4 - 1 C/
as presented V or as amended