Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 03/04/2014 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA.Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 4,2014 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 3570 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102. I. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez (Chairman), Robert Messmer, Sheila Dugan, Gerry Buck, Carolyn Cochrane, Victoria Nicklos and Sandra Arafet. MSTU Staff Present: Ashley Caserta (MSTU Project Manager), Jean Jourdan (Interim Director) and Ekna Guevara (Operations Coordinator). II. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for adoption of the agenda. Motion to approve the agenda made by: Sheila Dugan. 2"d: Gerry Buck. Approved: 7 -0. III. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for approval of the minutes for the February 4, 2014 meeting. Motion by: Victoria Nicklos. 2nd: Robert Messmer. Approved: 7-0. IV. Protects Report: A. MSTU Update 1. Bayview& Lunar Update: Construction began March 3, 2014 on Bayview Drive. Lunar Street construction begins May 19, 2014. Final completion is September 28, 2014. 2. Thomasson Drive Update: Staff has met with RWA and has discussed the project and will continue to work with them to achieve a contract that is suitable for the MSTU and the consultant. The scope of work has been written based on the conceptual design. Fees have been discussed with staff and the Collier County Purchasing Department. 3. Karen Drive: Staff applied for the DRI grant in order to pay for the stormwater improvements on Karen Drive. The MSTU is currently under contract with Grady Minor to design the improvements and are finalizing the drawings. They have also agreed to facilitate the permitting process. Staff is currently making requested amended changes to the grant application. Additionally, staff has been in contact with the Growth Management Division to request we use their inspectors for the CEI services on the project in lieu of paying a consultant to do the work. The grant could pay for the GMD inspectors in full, but could only pay for a portion of the CEI services if they are provided by an outside consultant. 4. Monument Sign: It is due to be installed this week for our CRA/MSTU office. B. CRA Update CRA update skipped in lieu of the upcoming CRA meeting at 6pm. V. Old Business Offices: 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112 Phone:239-643-1115 Online:www.BGTCRA.com C/i/eati4/1", 1:41, Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA•Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU A. Request for Payment of Services: Motion to make payment made by: Gerry Buck. 2nd by: Carolyn Cochrane. Approved: 7 - 0. B. Danford Street Conceptual Design Presentation: David Schmitt from Grady Minor presented conceptual designs for Danford Street looking for input from the advisory committee and the public. The MSTU committee discussed the pros and cons of adding a sidewalk, and noted that a narrow sidewalk, but not less than 5 feet might be most appropriate. Several members noted that the project should absolutely include a sidewalk for pedestrian safety. The committee would like to see another rendering including a narrow sidewalk that is close to the street, that shows a house, phasing options and lighting. There was a motion to consider another options(s)at a future meeting based off of the notes above made by: Gerry Buck. 2nd by: Carolyn Cochrane. Approved: 7—0. VI. New Business A. Landscaping: Ground Zero's contract has expired with the County and is not renewable. The MSTU staff obtained bids from vendors that are on the County's Purchasing Department approved list. Three (3) bids were provided all of which were provided the same scope of work. Motion to accept the proposal from Affordable Landscaping made by: Gerry Buck. 2nd by: Sheila Dugan. Approved: 7—0. VII. Committee Communications: none. VIII. Public Comments: There were members of the community present who voiced their concern in regards to the Danford Street project. They are as follows: • Concern regards the loss of property especially the residents on the north side of Danford Street • Low-intense lighting, less than south Bayshore Drive • Bike paths and sidewalk options are liked by some not all • Safety is a priority • Beautification is a priority • Entrance rendering from Grady Minor is overall liked IX. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:55pm Approved by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman Offices:3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102 Naples,Florida 34112 Phone:239-643-1115 Online:www.BGTCRA.com