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CAC Agenda 04/10/2014
Coastal Advisory Committee Agenda April 10 , 2014 Meeting Agenda and Notice COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE(CAC) THURSDAY,APRIL 10,2014-1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR,COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES • Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions • 2014 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI.Approval of CAC Minutes 1. February 21, 2014 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report VIII. New Business 1. Beach Renourishment BCC Workshop Presentation 2. 10 Year Capital Planning Review 3. FY 14/2015 CAC Grant Applications * Backup Material (Pages 1-75) * Backup Material (Pages 75-151) 4. Selection Committee Recommendations 15 Year Multi Use Permit * Backup Material (Request for Proposal) * Backup Material (Ranking Short list) 5. Conceptual Study Results Sand Mining Marco Island 6. CBI - Beach Benchmark Vegetation Line Proposal * Backup Material 7. Program - Funding FEMA Reimbursement 8. FDEP * Clam Pass/Seagate Beach Critical Erosion Designation * Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan * FY 14/2015 Cost Share Funding IX. Old Business 1. RFP Update * Naples Beach Renourishment RFP * Doctors Pass Jetty& Erosion Control Structure X.Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location May 8, 2014 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires,Jr., Esq., Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee FROM: Colleen M. Greene,Assistant County Attorne DATE: March 18,2010 RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary,the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual(2009 Ed. Vol. 31)provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 2010. The related back-up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Co ier County Growth Management Division Planning & Regulation Natural Resources MEMORANDUM TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Accountant DATE: December 10, 2013 SUBJECT: 2014 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2013 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 9, 2014 February 13, 2014 March 13, 2014 April 10, 2014 May 8, 2014 June 12,2014 July 10, 2014 August 14, 2014 September 11, 2014 October 9, 2014 November 13, 2014 December 11, 2014 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioner's chambers,third floor,Collier County Government Center,3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted. A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. CLl i CA,asi ZOPO Mraemer 28CC N Horz,estoe Dive•Napie$ I-I,34104 239-252-2966•FAX 233-252-2950 AWN clLtergov net coas'alzonemanagemer. CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minuted 1 of 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, February 21, 2014 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Burke Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Nick Penniman Debbie Roddy Robert Brown Ian Butler ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 6 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 2:00PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 9—0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. January 9,2014 Mr. Burke moved to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2014 meeting as submitted. Second by Mr. Penniman. Carried unanimously 9—0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report The Committee reviewed the "FY14 TDC Revenue Report"updated through January 31, 2014. VIII. New Business 1. Marco Island Civic Association * Backup Material Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve the payment of $4,600.00 to the Marco Island Civic Association, Inc.for repairs and restoration to their property caused by damages that occurred during the South Marco Beach Renourishment Project (195- 80211), the Erosion Control Rebuild Project (195-80211), the Maintenance Grading of the North Marco Island Beach Project (195-90533) this past year and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism" dated February 21, 2014 for consideration. Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the payment of $4,600.00 to the Marco Island Civic Association,Inc.for repairs and restoration to their property caused by damages that occurred during the South Marco Beach Renourishment Project(195-80211), the Erosion Control Rebuild Project(195-80211), the Maintenance Grading of the North Marco Island Beach Project(195-90533) this past year and finds that this expenditure promotes tourism. Second by Ms. Roddy. Carried unanimously 9—0. 2. RFP 15 Year New Permit for Beach Renourishment—Verbal Mr. McAlpin reported: CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 3 of 6 • The existing permit expires on 1/12/15 and the County is undertaking the necessary measures to obtain a new 15 year permit. • The Board of County Commissioners directed Staff to move forward and obtain a new permit with an identified vendor. • The Purchasing Department, after reviewing the item, requested a new Request For Proposal be issued for the scope of work. • The RFP was issued the week of February 10, 2014 with bids due back by March 14, 2014. • A Selection Committee will convene to review the RFP responses and identify the most qualified bidder to complete the work. • The consultant will require approval by the CAC, TDC and the Board of County Commissioners. • It is anticipated the consultant will commence work in June with the permit obtained by the Spring of 2015. Speaker Bob Krasowski requested the County take all necessary measures to ensure any work completed under an issued permit is undertaken outside of turtle nesting season (November 1 —May 1). These measures should include identifying this condition in the RFP. 3. BCC Approval * Marco Island Sand Mining Conceptual Study-Verbal * Industry Trends for Beach Renourishment—Verbal Marco Island Sand Mining Mr. McAlpin reported: • The County is proposing altering the overall gradient of a portion of the beaches on the northern section of Marco Island to solve the long term problem of standing water accumulating on the beaches. • A consultant will be engaged to develop a conceptual plan which will be reviewed by the CAC. • Upon approval by the CAC, permits will be sought for the proposed work with an anticipated initiation of work activity slated for the Fall of 2015. Industry Trends Mr. McAlpin reported a workshop will be held with the Board of County Commissioners on April 1, 2014 to discuss industry trends for beach renourishment. 4. TDC/BCC Denial * Beach History Yearly Widths-Verbal * Atkins Proposal Beach History ** Proposal-Backup Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary"Recommendation to approve a proposal from Atkins North America, Inc. dated Februaryl9, 2014 to provide analysis of the affect of storm events and beach renourishment projects to the Collier County coastline from 2005 to present day under Contract 09-5262-CZ, authorize budget amendment, authorize the County Manager or his designee to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of$14,103 (Task 1 only) and make CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 6 a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism"dated February 21, 2014 for consideration. He noted: • On February 11, 2014, the BCC denied the request for Coastal Planning and Engineering to develop a report formatting the available data on historical beach renourishment from 1996 to present at a cost of$19k+/-. • Staff now proposes that Atkins be engaged to perform the work and divide it into 2 tasks: Task I: Historical Analysis from 2005 to present I at a cost of$14,103; Task II: Historical Analysis from 1996—2005 at a cost of approximately $20,000. • The current proposal by Staff is to complete Task I at this time. • Currently the County surveys beach widths and volumes of sand on an annual basis, however the data is in varying formats depending on who completed the surveys and the technology available for use at the time. • The scope of work encompasses analyzing data in historic relation to the width of the beaches and volumes of sand placed/remaining at given times, not identifying means or features which may assist in prolonging the beach renourishment cycle. • The purpose would be to format the existing data into a common platform to assist the County in developing future renourishment designs. Mr. Penniman requested, and the Committee agreed, he be allowed to meet with Mr. McAlpin individually to discuss other areas where the scope of work may be beneficial Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a proposal from Atkins North America,Inc. dated Februaryl9, 2014 to provide analysis of the affect of storm events and beach renourishment projects to the Collier County coastline from 2005 to present day under Contract 09-5262-CZ, authorize budget amendment, authorize the County Manager or his designee to execute the work order for a not to exceed amount of$14,103 (Task 1 only) and finds that this expenditure promotes tourism." Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 9—0. 5. RFP South Jetty Rebuild Doctor's Pass with Spur—Verbal Mr. McAlpin reported the County is seeking permits to rebuild the Jetty at Doctor's Pass including the addition of a"spur"on the end of the Jetty. The work necessary to obtain the permit is anticipated to begin in June. Chairman Sorey requested the Members individually visit the beach in the area of Indes West to observe the state of erosion of the beach. 6. Beach Workshop with BCC -Verbal Mr. McAlpin reported a workshop will be held with the Board of County Commissioners on April 1, 2014 to discuss industry trends for beach renourishment. Chairman Sorey requested Staff to contact Linda Penniman so she may notify any persons who may be interested in attending the Workshop. Speaker CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5 of 6 Bob Krasowski supports the Workshop concept and encouraged the County to explore new concepts for beach renourishment which may reduce costs, lengthen the renourishment cycle and further protect the environment. 7. Naples Tropical Storm Debbie Renourishment Fall 2014—Verbal Mr. McAlpin reported: • FEMA has approved the placement of 52k CY of sand on the Naples beaches to repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Debbie. • The work will be completed via a truck haul project under the auspices of the existing permit. • The County will be required to match FEMA's expenditure at a ratio of 25 percent of the total cost. • The County is moving forward with the work necessary to develop an RFP for preparation of the plans required to obtain the Notice to Proceed. • The work is anticipated to begin after November 1, 2014. 8. Marco Island Tropical Storm Debbie Renourishment—Verbal Mr. McAlpin reported: • FEMA has approved the placement of 15k CY of sand on the Marco Island beaches to repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Debbie. • Staff is concerned the cost estimates were provided to the County some time ago, and the price of$150,000 quoted to complete the work may not be realistic at this time. • Staff will be contacting FEMA to propose obtaining new price quotes for the work. • He will provide an update at a future meeting. IX. Old Business FEMA De-Oblisation of Funds Mr. McAlpin reported the issue affects over 250 Florida communities and Staff proposes the County hold a workshop on the issue. The County is working with the area Congressional delegation as it may require Congressional action for the issue to be resolved. X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Moreland reported on the success of the Wiggins Pass project including a self scouring channel, improved water quality and presence of new marine life. On a related note the Estuary Conservation Association has scheduled the following events: February 24, 2014—7:00pm—Pelican Isle Yacht Club—Robert Hueter, Marine Mote Laboratories presentation on sharks. March 24, 2014—6:30pm - Pelican Isle Yacht Club—Presentation on the impacts of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill XII. Next Meeting Date/Location March 13,2014—Government Center,Administration Bldg. F,3rd Floor CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 6 of 6 There being no further business for the good of the County,the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:31 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey,III,Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended . CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Staff Reports 1 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 14 TDC Revenue Report 31-Mar-2014 FY 14 Adopted FY 14 FY 14 YTD Var to FY 14 YTD Description Fund Budget Forecast Forecast _FY 14 YTD Actual Forecast Beach Facilities 183 693,700 724,939 366,978 419,037 52,060 TDC Promotion 184 5,440,200 5,685,008 2,877,855 3,286,111 408,257 Non-County Museums 193 369,200 385,792 195,295 223,000 27,705 TDC Admin 194 1,800,600 1,881,668 952,535 1,087,663 135,128 Beach Renourishment 195 5,706,000 5,962,771 3,018,464 3,446,668 428,204 Disaster Recovery 196 0 - 0 - 0 County Museums 198 1,489,000 1,555,963 787,657 899,395 111,738 Gross Budget $15,498,700 $16,196,142 $8,198,783 $9,361,874 $1,163,091 Less 5%Rev Res (774,900) Net Budget 14,723,800 Collections %Budget Collected to %over FY 13 %over FY 12 %over FY 11 Month Actual FY 14 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections Oct 574,901 574,901 3.7% -8.43% 9.44% 20.06% Nov 876,087 1,450,988 9.4% 19.29% 26.66% 40.15% Dec 1,056,505 2,507,493 16.2% 10.14% 14.25% 40.85% Jan 1,520,239 4,027,732 26.0% 19.10% 25.79% 50.56% Feb 2,551,510 6,579,242 42.5% 24.01% 33.79% 59.34% Mar 2,782,632 9,361,874 60.4% 16.11% 19.65% 37.34% Apr 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a May 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a June 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a July 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a Aug 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a Sept 9,361,874 60.4% n/a n/a n/a Total 9,361,874 9,361,874 YTD 16.27% 23.46% 44.22% 4.5% Bal to Collect 6,834,268 42.20% 4/4/20145:10 PM H:\Revenue Report\Monthly Gas,Sales,and TDC Receipts CAC April 10,2014 VII-1 Staff Reports 2 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 14 TDC Revenue Report 31-Mar-2014 Budget Comparison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Budget to Actual Forecast Month History-Cum History-Monthly Collections Collections $Variance Collections Oct 3.5% 3.5% 548,712 574,901 26,189 573,404 Nov 8.2% 4.6% 717,469 876,087 158,618 749,756 Dec 14.2% 6.0% 930,912 1,056,505 125,593 972,801 Jan 22.4% 8.2% 1,269,166 1,520,239 251,073 1,326,280 Feb 35.1% 12.8% 1,978,765 2,551,510 572,745 2,067,808 Mar 50.6% 15.5% 2,400,701 2,782,632 381,931 2,508,734 Apr 69.3% 18.7% 2,898,005 0 n/a 3,028,421 May 79.1% 9.8% 1,523,102 0 n/a 1,591,640 June 85.4% 6.3% 970,266 0 n/a 1,013,924 July 90.3% 4.9% 756,037 0 n/a 790,059 Aug 95.5% 5.3% 814,545 0 n/a 851,199 Sept 100.0% 4.5% 691,020 0 n/a 722,116 Total 100.0% 100.0% 15,498,700 9,361,874 1,516,149 16,196,142 Tourist Tax Revenue Collection Curve N $3.5 E 0 $3.0 $2.5 N o $2.0 E. d o $1.5 - - Budgeted u Actual $1.0 Forecast $0.5 $0.0 ---- 3 0 z p - LL 2 cr m = , < w F, 2 � ,n 4/4/20145:10 PM H:\Revenue Report\Monthly Gas,Sales,and TDC Receipts W in Ni H H Crl .P 0 0 w 0 A 0 0 CD 0 m 0 4.4 w n n 01 n J n o H C) O n Ni o 3 H H H P H Ni H H' H o H in J w to H Pi U 00 .P Ni Ni .1 H Ni Ni cn z z w z In z z t0 z .1 z 0 o O 0 t0 0 H O J O o O Ni 0 A CO < < w < U1 < N < Ni < A < \ -4 1D H Ni 00 .1 O H H 0 Ul Ni Ni Ni cn U U H U 01 U U J U t0 U O 1.11 W PI Ui trl ■0 Li] to trl 03 L=] 0 tl A o r n t.0 n (O n om C) .1 n .I n to .1 to o to co H to .1 w w Ni A H 01 t0 o C.i C m ca Ni c., 4 H G .1 4 0 W Z .tea H o w A t0 Ni .3 w Ni to Ni H Ut A A in n U1 In H tD tD 0 H 'r] 'I] w 'I] A 'r] N 'r] 0 "r] H 'r] r to tr1 Cr1 m til .1 til 0 tr] to ['i m t l r H W W ■ W H tU O W in W co W H 0 Ni Ni 0 l0 .1 til .ro .1 to to m C)0 w * J * .1 * .] * w * N E * HH * .-3 Ni * * Ni * 0 * t0 * 01 * to * .0 O OH O < O tri b b ttii] t b O n r xl ro ro x1 ro H 'CI n ro ro 0 'd Rl H z (n * z r�i z H PO CO y * * U tr] (o * CCC) w tl] * y * •C •C K K ■C -I •C ,-< * .0 • * H * * U * C q [ q q W Z C C C C O H W 4 [�[ C� U 4 r C" C r r r r H H k O 0 0 0 0 0 0 (o m (o m m co Cl) ro [r] [I] ni CI] CI b] trl ro ro '171 ro ro WI 0 ti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-' Co Co A co A CO In (o to (o H Co O U1 00 Ni H )0 .1 In to 00 A 00 A .1 m J Cn .1 W < n -,n m (n D O m o 1 N O O N A W In p w b -4 0 0 o 0 N 0 0 - 0 N 0 H 0 ko 0 H O w to n 0 10 n to n n J n A n Io n O n H n w o H H m H Ul H a` H N H H H t H w H Ul H 0 H A A A to CD W H N d CO J m Z Z to Z m Z Z o Z w 7. w Z w Z Z O o 0 0 m 0 w 0 0 H O w 0 N O m O m 0 A o C < .4 C O C co < H < -I C H < co < A C -4 -4 H 0 0 U1 N) m m O H H o H W N m C7 t7 m C-.3 N t7 CJ 0 ty H tO In t7 m t7 N) t7 H to tr1 tr1 10 tr] N tr] H tr] LO (r] D tr) H (I] 0 Cr1 t0 Cr) A 0 n n ■0 0 m n H n A n co n In n -.1 n J n U1 A A N m H UI co Ul H U1 w 10 H �y yb w z Z Z Z H Z toil rn Z CHO Z toil Z O ■0 N W N H IO H (fl m C N H H In v U1 H Cr] Ul -.I A H N (.4 Ul P1 H "r3 'r) 0 '11 m 1r] H n3 m 13 H 'r] m 113 (.) 173 U1 13 In Cr] tr] N) tr] 0 Cr] N II -I CI -I Cr] -I Cr] Ul Cr] N) Cr] n H W W O W A W w W O W Ui W MX A W A P10 0 In -I co co 10 A -.I 4. 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( ! f � : I 2,,%' f{ ; - { !/ / { \\ � , ( — ( . - / - D, 9 • - o , . . . . \ & n U _ @ , ■ ( ` ° . . . - . 9 ) § \ : � 3. ; ` � k \ \� } , ƒ \ ° \ " 8 [ ▪ 7 \ -n \ 2 . . . . . \\ § = _ Q _ 2 \ 2 ' 2g . . . . . \} ƒ - 2 7 a ; / \ } ) a 8 7 / .2 ) { \ ' \ \\ \ § . : 3 5 2 59 \ ) 7 \ \ 11 NJ \ ' \ (\ \ § \ \ -< \ 0 \ \\ § m : : ° ▪., « a ~ z? } E) ■ ` ; = \ ' , EJ 8 r, `j (\ a s �� ' . CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve Category "A" Tourist Development Council Grant applications from the City of Naples, the City of Marco Island and Collier County for FY- 2014/2015 in the amount of$5,653,971 authorize the Chairman to sign grant agreements following County Attorney's approval, and make a finding that these expenditures will promote tourism. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of Category "A" Tourist Development Fund 195 Grant application requests for 2014/2015 in the amount of$5,653,971. CONSIDERATIONS: Received TDC Category"A"Grant Applications as follows: FY2014/2015 FY 2013/2014 PROJECT/DESCRIPTION: REQUESTED REQUESTED 1. Regulatory and Permit Compliance • Sea Turtle Protection Program—Collier County $160,000 $160,000 • Beach Tilling—Collier county-80171 $40,000 $ 40,000 • Physical Beach Monitoring—(Vanderbilt, Clam Pass $200,000 $206,000 Beach, Park Shore,Naples and Marco South) 90536 • Physical Pass Monitoring (Wiggins,Clam, Doctors) 70,000 $0 90536 • Biological Monitoring (Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, $150,000 $0 Park Shore,Naples and Marco South) • Shorebird Monitoring(Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, $10,000 $0 Park Shore,Naples and Marco South) SUB-TOTAL $630,000 $406,000 2. Projects Engineering— 15 Year Multi-Use Beach Renourishment $110,000 Permit Engineer/NTP—Naples Beach Renourish(TS Debbie Plus) $75,000 Construction -Naples Beach Renourish (TS Debbie Plus) $2,425,000 Engineer/Permit—Doctors Pass South Jetty Rebuild &New $150,000 Erosion Control Structure Engineer/NTP Marco South Renourishment (TS Debbie) $75,000 Engineering/Permit/Modeling - Sand Mining North Marco $185,000 Beach SUB-TOTAL $3,020,000 $15,000,000 3. Beach Maintenance Beach Maintenance—Collier County/Marco Island—90533 $250,600 $167,000 Naples Pier Annualized Repair&Maintenance—City of $692,449 $200,000 Naples (Category D funded by Fund 195) - 90096 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3 New Business 2 of 3 Beach Maintenance—City of Naples—90527 $160,922 $132,945 Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal—County Wide—90044 $75,000 $ 75,000 SUB-TOTAL $1,178,971 $574,945 4. Administration Project Management and Administration $520,000 $517,548 Indirect Administration Cost $90,000 $ 46,100 Department Rent $10,000 $ 10,000 Division Fiscal Support $60,000 $ 70,000 Tax Collector Fee's (2.5%) $145,000 $125,000 SUB-TOTAL $825,000 $768,648 TOTAL GRANTS $5,653,971 $16,749,593 Regulatory and Permit Compliance: All these items are required by FDEP permit, required by law or required to maintain critical programs between required permit activities. Approval is recommended. Planned Projects: Projects required to maintain the beaches, inlets and the engineering and permitting required to support construction. Beach Maintenance: Exceptional beach experience for our residents and visitors has been at the heart of our success in the past. These items are required to maintain that experience. Approval is recommended. Administration: This item funds County staff to manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program. It includes the Manager; an Office Manager/Accountant; a Field Supervisor/Project Manager; and two equipment operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco Beaches ($520,000). It also includes Administrative Indirect Fees required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources ($90,000). Current rent ($10,000). Division Fiscal Support ($60,000). Charges for the Tax Collector are also included ($145,000). Approval is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2014/2015 proposed Beach Renourishment Fund 195 budget appropriates funding for these grant applications. The source of funds is Category "A" Tourist Development Tax dollars. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT:Ther e is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will be presented to the TDC at their April 28, 2014 meeting. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval.—CMG CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3 New Business 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION: To recommend approval of the attached Tourist Development Category "A" Grant Applications for FY-2014/2015 in the amount of$5,653,971 and authorize Chairman to sign grant agreements after County Attorney's approval. Prepared by: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Manager, Coastal Zone Management Department Attachments: Grant Applications CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 1 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Collier County Parks and Recreation Department North Collier Regional Park 15000 Livingston Road Naples,FL 34109 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Barry Williams,Director Address: 15000 Livingston Road City: Naples,FL,34109 Phone: 239-252-4035 FAX: 239-514-8657 Other: 239-280-7035 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Barry Williams, Director Collier County Parks and Recreation Department 4. Details of Project-Description and Location: The following activities require coastal construction permits from the State of Florida and thus a sea turtle monitoring program. 1. Beach nourishment; 2. Construction,excavation or maintenance of coastal inlet and related shoals; 3. Beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. 4. Beach cleaning following a red tide or storm event. The following excerpts from current regulations(Chapter 16B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, Florida Administrative Code),provides for the scope of the permitting process and protection of marine turtles as it relates to the aforementioned activities. I6B-41.001 Scope This chapter provides the requirements and procedures for the issuance,denial,transfer, renewal,modification,suspension and revocation of coastal construction permits. In this Chapter Coastal Construction is defined as"any work or activity on or encroaching upon CAC April 10,2014 VII I-3*New Business 2 of 151 sovereignty lands of Florida,below the mean high-water line of any tidal water of the state,which is likely to have a material physical effect on existing coastal conditions or natural shore and inlet processes." 16B-41.0055 Protection of Marine Turtles(Florida Administrative Code) (1) In keeping with the Departments Authority to protect marine turtles pursuant to Section 370.12, Florida Statutes,any application for a permit under this Chapter for coastal construction that affects marine turtles shall be subject to the conditions and requirements for marine turtle protection as part of the permitting process. (2) The Department shall require appropriate measures to protect marine turtles and their habitat,such as: nest surveys,nest relocation,nest marking,modification of coastal construction,measures to reduce sand compaction,and short and long term monitoring to assess the impacts of the permitted coastal construction on marine turtles and their habitat. The Parks and Recreation Department,marine turtle permit holders for Collier County, monitor the following beaches for sea turtle activities as State and federal permit requirements for beach renourishment,beach raking,allowance for the use of vehicles on the beach for surveys,beach cleanup following a red tide or storm event and special events . Barefoot Beach: construction,excavation or maintenance of Wiggins Pass(only that area included within the area of influence of Wiggins Pass; 1 mile north of Pass south to Wiggins Pass);pass material disposal location(renourishment);beach cleaning following a storm event and red tide Vanderbilt Beach: beach nourishment;construction,excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals(Wiggins Pass and Clam Pass);beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. Park Shore: beach nourishment;construction,excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals(Clam Pass and Doctors Pass). Upland sand temperature studies as required by the State. City of Naples: beach nourishment; construction,excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals(Doctors Pass and Gordon Pass) City of Marco Island: construction,excavation or maintenance of a coastal inlet and related shoals(Big Marco Pass and Caxambas Pass);Beach nourishment;Hideaway Beach T-Groin; beach cleaning and grooming activities landward of the mean high-water line. The duties and associated costs of the program are as follows: 1. Administrative/permitting 2. Reconnaissance and beach zoning including installation and maintenance of DNR location reference monuments for CZM and Sheriff department 500 feet increments along 26 miles of beach 3. Daily monitoring(7 days/wk./beach-April 01-May 01 depending on renourishment schedules through Oct.31) 4. Evaluation, mapping and data entry CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 3 of 151 5. Responding to sea turtle disorientations(associated with renourishment and beach profile,as required by the State) 8. Reports(Sea Turtle Protection Plan-Annual Report; special reports per each beach nourishment and T-groin units, Index Nesting Beach Reports(Vanderbilt); State Productivity Reports,Beach Compaction Reports) 9. Mobilization/demobilization- 10. Vehicle maintenance-ATV's,penetrometers,data loggers 11. Supplies-acquisition,maintenance,inventory 12. Sand studies including beach compaction,sand temperature and ground/surface water studies and associated reporting requirements 13. Dune vegetation monitoring and exotic removal 14.Nest relocation in construction areas 15. Monitoring and reporting of escarpments 16.Additional studies required as required State/Federal permits(Florida Statute Chapter.161-053 F.A.C. Chapter 62b-33) 17. Stranding reports and removal of injured,sick and dead sea turtles from all County beaches(average 50-100/yr). 18 Public awareness-news media and public speaking upon request. 19. State mandated beach lighting compliance inspections and follow-up 21. Assist with maintaining rope and posting along the dunes 22. Other duties as requested by CZM Department 23. Provide technical assistance and respond to data requests from coastal engineering consultants upon request. The purpose of this application is to obtain funds to perform'the requirements of a sea turtle protection program in the specified locations. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: One(11 year 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $ 160,000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No ( X) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 4 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program/Environmental Compliance PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 160,000 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 160,000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Personnel and Operating $ 160,000 TOTAL $ 160,000 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comfy with all elines and criteria. V/ Signature f Sponsor Organization's Chief Official at CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 5 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Tilling 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning, Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Beach tilling is required by FDEP permit and is performed directly prior to turtle nesting Season. Tilling is paid on an acre basis for re-nourished beaches. Approval is recommended 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $40,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 6 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Beach Tilling PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 40,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 40,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Contractual Services $ 40.000.00 TOTAL $ 40,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Cf "AA/ Signa Fre of Sp nsor Organ' tion's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 7 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Physical Beach Monitoring (Vanderbilt,Clam Pass Beach,Park Shore,Naples& Marco South) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This Physical Beach Monitoring is required by FDEP permit and future renourishment. Beaches monitored will be Vanderbilt, Clam Pass Beach, Park Shore, Naples, Marco South and the southern portion of Barefoot Beach. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $200,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 8 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A" Grant Application Page 2 Physical Beach Monitoring (Vanderbilt.Clam Pass Beach.Park shore.Navies&Marco South) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $200.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $200,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 200.000.00 TOTAL $200,000,00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria.Ae- Sign re of onsor Orga ation's Chief Official ate CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 9 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Physical Pass Monitoring (Wiggins,Clam,Doctors) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project-Description and Location: This Physical Pass Monitoring is required by permit for Wiggins Pass ($25,000),Doctors Pass ($25,000) and Clam Pass ($20,000) and is used to determine inlet shoaling and dredging schedules. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $70,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 10 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Physical Pass Monitoring (Wiaains.Clam.Doctors) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $70.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $70.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 70.000.00 TOTAL $ 70.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. v'f-f Si ature of Sponsor ganization's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 11 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Biological Monitoring (Vanderbilt,Clam Pass Beach.Park Shore.Naples& Marco South) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples.Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Biological Monitoring is required to determine the health of the near shore hardbottom as a result of the recent renourishment. Approval is recommended 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $150,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 12 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A" Grant Application Page 2 Biological Monitoring (Vanderbilt.Clam Pass Beach,Park Shore,Naples&Marco South) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 150,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 150.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization, Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 150,000.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 150,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. ,-,/y/17- Si ture P onsor O anization s Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 13 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Shorebird Monitoring (Vanderbilt.Park Shore.Naples & Marco South) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples.Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Shorebird Monitoring is required for Vanderbilt. Park Shore. Naples and Marco South Beaches by FDEP permit. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $10,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 14 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A"Grant Application Page 2 Shorebird Monitoring (Vanderbilt,Park Shore,Naples& Marco South) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 10.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 10,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Contractual Services $ 10.000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 10.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. A c-- Si ature o ponsor O nization s Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 15 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance 15-Year Multi-Use Beach Renourishment Permit 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning, Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The existing 10-year FDEP beach renourishment permit expires on January 12, 2015. A new 15-year multi-use permit is being applied for to permit future renourishment. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $110,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No ( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 16 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 15 Year Multi-Use Beach Renourishment Permit 1 PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 110.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 110.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 110.000.00 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 110.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Sign re of onsor Or nization's Chief Official 6 _ Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3"New Business 17 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Engineering/NTP—Naples Beach Renourishment (TS Debbie Plus) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item provides funding to engineer and obtain the Notice to Proceed from FDEP to complete the Naples beach renourishment as identified by Tropical Storm Debbie with minor additional hot spot beach repairs. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 112014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $75,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 18 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A" Grant Application Page 2 Enaineering/NTP—Naples Beach Renourishment (TS Debbie Plus) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $75.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $75.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $75.000.00 TOTAL $ 75.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Sig re of S onsor Organ' tion's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 19 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Construction—Naples Beach Renourishment (TS Debbie Plus) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning.Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: The Naples Beach was damaged as a result of Tropical Storm Debbie and PW-0679 was authorized to perform approximately 52,000cv of repairs from Doctors Pass to R-79. Additionally, several hot snots have develoned since the last renourishment that will need to be addressed in Park Shore. This grant will fund these activities in November 2014. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $2,425,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No ( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 20 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Construction—Naples Beach Renourishment (TS Debbie Plus) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $2.425000 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $2,425,000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Construction Services $2.425.000 TOTAL $2.425.000 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. • Asic-(244. Si ature f Sponsor Organization's Chief Official at CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 21 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Engineer/Permit—Doctors Pass South Jetty Rebuild &New Erosion Control Structure 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Doctors Pass South Jetty has deteriorated and requires rebuilding to its original design standards. This is south of Doctors Pass and is presently the most critical hot snot in Collier County. Performance modeling is required to determine the effectiveness and type of erosion control structure at this location. The grant funds will be used for modeling, design, engineering, permitting, plans, specification and bidding to rebuild the south ietty and construct the new erosion control structure. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 22 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A" Grant Application Page 2 Enaineer/Permit—Doctors Pass South Jetty Rebuild, &New Erosion Control Structure 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $150.000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 150,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 150,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Modeling,Engineering,Design,Plans, $ 150,000.00 Specifications and Permitting $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 150.000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. M trid� C Si ture of onsor O �on's Chief Official Date P CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 23 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Eneineer/NTP Marco South Renourishment (TS Debbie) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item funds the engineering to obtain a Notice to Proceed which is required to perform the repairs as authorized by Tropical Storm Debbie PW-1079 FEMA. Scope will renourish approximately 15,000cv of the South Marco Island Beach. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date:October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $75,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3"New Business 24 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Enaineer/NTP Marco South Renourishment (TS Debbie) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $75,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $75,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization, Contractor,Monitoring etc) Engineering Fees $ 75.000.00 TOTAL $ 75,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Si'11 re of 'onsor Org ization's Chief Official Da e CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 25 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Engineering/Permit—Sand Mining North Marco Beach 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples.Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: This item will fund the modeling, design, engineering permitting plans, specifications, construction inspection and bidding effort required by a consultant to develop a sand mining project on the north end of Marco Island Beach to re-slope the beach. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $185,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 26 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A" Grant Application Page 2 Eneineerine/Permit—Sand Minine North Marco Beach PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 185.000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $185.000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization, Contractor,Monitoring etc) Modeling,Design,Permitting, $ 185,000.00 Engineering,Plans, Specification $ Bid Document,_Construction Inspection $ $ $ TOTAL $ 185,` I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. ke- Si ture of onsor Orga ation's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 27 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A"GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Beach Cleaning/Maintenance—Collier County/Marco Island 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project-Description and Location: This item is required to maintain the beaches and is recommended for approval. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $250,600 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 28 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Beach Cleanin2fMaintenance—Collier Countv/Marco Island PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 250,600 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 250,600 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Operating Expenses $ 124 500 Capital $ 126,100 $ $ $ TOTAL $ 250.600 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. /UL� �/t f �'� Si tore of ponsor Org ization's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3"New Business 29 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION 2015 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Pier Deck Replacement and Structural Renovation (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples,Florida 34102 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: David Lykins,CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State: FL ZIP: 34102 Phone: 239/213-7110 FAX: 239/213-7130 Other: dlvkins(iI napleslov.com 3. Organization's Chief Elected Official and Title: Hon.John F. Sorey III City Mayor 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Description: The activity description for this project includes labor and material for the upkeep and safety of the Naples Pier. A complete structural analysis of the Pier has just been completed with an inventory of renovation actions required for safety and repair. Please refer to attached Exhibits A, B, and C completed by A.D. Morgan for this detailed information and calculated costs. This includes costs for substantial re-decking of the entire Pier and new boardwalk lighting. The Pier is a public access beach facility as a tourist attractor and destination. The Pier provides shoreline erosion control and beach preservation effect. Additionally,the public safety through the continued maintenance of the Pier is of paramount importance,and includes responsibility and public safety of Pier structure,deck,restrooms and storage facilities as well as water and electrical systems related to the Pier's use as a fishing, tourist and beach preservation structure. The Naples City Pier captures out-of-county and local visitor well as tourist populations from through-out the region and world.The most recent data captured by the Naples' Community Services Department shows Pier visitation in 2013 as 1,070,545 persons,and this number has increased annually at about a 3.5%rate. Location: The project location is at the 12 Avenue—South terminus beach end. Please refer to Project Location Map found in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section below. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $892,449 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes() No (X) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 30 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application-Page 2 Naples Pier Deck Replacement and Structural Renovation (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET I PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $_692,449 FY 2013-14 Category A—Deck(Carryover) $_200,000* State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 892,449 *5200,000 was allocated in FY 2013-14 for deck replacement to be requested for carryover and combined with this request. 1f PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor, Monitoring etc.) Please refer to Exhibits A,B,and C for a full cost expenditure justification. _Cost Analysis from Engineering Study $_892,449 (Replace complete wood substructure) $ TOTAL $_892,449 I have read the Tourist Development Category"A"Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria, 4,,L 7-le"... 3/.zali . William Moss,City Manager Date Abet r EXHIBIT A-Naples Pier Inspection -Substructure '� c-%h. �,� EXHIBIT B-Naples Pier Structure Replacement Estimate 4 l ,0, Clerk EXHIBIT C-Cost Impact Estimate Pier ..1 ,;a CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 31 of 151 r ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ELIGIBILITY: Beach Maintenance activities will take place on beach area that are least 80%classified as eligible under the TDC guidelines. The project boundary location is from southernmost State-permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: The City of Naples will be the primary recipient and lead agency for controlling and completing all aspects and activities proposed in this grant application. The City will remain the lead agency for the duration of funding and will be the sole point of contact for all matters related to this proposal. The City has the managerial and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project described in this application. BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If a City project staff member or consultant is involved simultaneously in two or more projects, the staff will not be compensated for more than 100% of their time for any such dual involvement. PROJECT LOCATION MAP: ". :� i, - ray- L CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business - �� 32 of 151 . r APCF,44 1/4fv���6 w 5 4.1 X •11'7 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE(239)213-1030.FACSIMILE(239)213-1033 735 EIGHTH STREET SOUTH•NAPLES,FLORIDA 34102-6796 March 11, 2014 Mr. Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Collier County Manager 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202 Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Mr. Ochs: The City of Naples annually receives Tourist Development Council (TDC) funding under the Category "A" program which supports beach renourishment and pass maintenance. The funding provides resources for daily maintenance, trash removal and custodial services along the beachfront, including the Naples Pier and Lowdermilk Park. A Resolution will be considered by City Council during their regularly scheduled meeting of March 19, 2014 in support of two grant applications during the FY 2015 TDC funding cycle. The first is for an on-going Beach Maintenance project application. The FY 2015 funding request includes 1) maintenance equipment operator, custodians, and tradesworker salaries and benefits in an amount of $181,000, 2) equipment, fuel & maintenance in the amount of$7,000; and 3) beach cart in the amount of$12,000. The total amount of funding requested in this application - $200,000. The second application is for a maior renovation of the Pier, including replacement of the deck, stringers, railings, connection plates, stainless connectors, fasteners, water piping, valves, fixtures, electrical panels, breakers, conduit and walkway lighting. These replacements are required for public safety and ongoing preservation of the Pier structure. The A.D. Morgan Company was engaged to evaluate the Pier structural components and provide recommendations including cost estimates for this project. The report is attached. A.D. Morgan Company recommends that the complete wood substructure above the concrete pile cap beam surface be replaced. City staff is of the opinion that the visiting public is better served with the construction of a single project addressing the entire CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business •„ 33 of 151 facility deficiencies rather than a partial or phased effort insufficient in scope and funding. The City has received a grant from Category "A" for the current FY 2013-14 ($200,000) for repairs to the Pier. However, recognizing the significant pier deficiencies, these funds have not been spent. In the 2015 grant application, we request that the $200,000 allocated for FY 2013-14 be retained by the City, rolled-over, and combined with a new Category "A" FY 2015 application requesting an additional $692,000. The total amount of the project as estimated by the A.D. Morgan Company is $892,000. Category "A" TDC application submittals, by Collier County policy, restricts funding to $200,000 per project. Therefore, we respectfully ask Collier County staff and the Board of County Commissioners to assist in the identification and allocation of TDC funds that will allow completion of the Pier repair project. The City of Naples has installed counters to record the number of visitors to the Pier. Visitation counts recorded daily the previous three years at the Naples Pier demonstrate the facility attracts the most attendance of any facility in the City of Naples, and presumably one of the highest visited locations in Collier County. The visitor counts for the past three years are as follows: 2011 —932,799 2012 — 1,031,242 2013— 1,070,545 The City of Naples requests the following considerations: 1. That the Coastal Advisory Committee, the Tourist Development Council and the Board of County Commissioners favorably support the City's grant application for the Naples Pier Deck Replacement and Structural Renovation for FY 2015 in the amount of$692,000. 2. Grant a roll-forward continuation of TDC Category "A" FY 2014 funding in the amount of $200,000 as supplemental to the FY 2015 grant request to fund a project with a total estimated cost of$892,000. 3. Grant a waiver of the $200,000 annual funding cap restriction for a singular request. Thank you for your past support and for your consideration of this request for funding. Sincerely, /aAdiMemo A William Moss City Manager cc: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Manager eG4�! / G/l�Zt7 44G.'.Y°� ee.I.IG74 /Ll(GhlG e 2e/G ICO. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 34 of 151 Pier Substructure City of Naples / Naples Pier cofeo�� or Status Pier Substructure Comments No Issues Issues Decking Underside 1 Crack X Rare 2 Fiber split X About 25%of fiber split-through 3 Decay X 85%of decay of the exposed decking surface 4 Algae, Fungi X Almost all underside,except new replacement boards Stringers 1 Crack, split,decay X Rare 2 Algae.Fungi X Mild growth in some locations Hardware 1 Totally consumed by corrosion X Abcut 10%of the pier hardware 2 Severe corrosion X Abcut 35%of the pier of the pier hardware 3 Mild corrosion X Abcut 55%of the pier hardware Other 1 Concrete pier X Sound 2 Beach access stair X May require total rebuilding. 2 Pipe/conduit and strapping X Recuire repair/replacement General Description: Due to the high percentage of severe corrosion,and in some cases,total obliteration of connection hardware, structural integrity of critical components of the pier such as guardrail may be questionable. Equally critical is how well the substructural frame will be able to resist wind loading in future storms,with many of its connectors either consumed by or well within the advanced stage of corrosion. The condition of the decking underside appears to be much better than the top. Replacement of split,shrunk,decaying and well-worn boards is not only functional but psychological and aesthetic to the users as well. The same can be said about rebuilding a new beach access stair which will convey to the users a sense of safety and pleasing aesthetic to match the beautiful setting of a beach. .1/)A1o,i urt C'w ptura/ion City of Naples Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 35 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments jF „At rx;ir14 = - Description: Aerial view of the Naples wolk 104 ti Pier. fAirl « se P.t ' DeSCliptiOn: View of the Naples Pier from the beach,looking South. i rr •. T tie:new "• Al Morgan Corporation City o/Naples Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 36 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: View of the section of _ _ _- __ Naples Pier bridging over the beach,looking f -_ - _ _• South.M nil imp DeScnptiofl: View of the pier seaward hit I ����� ••�+ side,looking Southwest. 111�i1r,�. ►1,p ...i.M.• ti " - w Mr j AI)Mogan Corporation City of Nnrlec/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 37 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments 4 e`er, t� f{ Description: Restrooms facility and the a entrance to the pier are within the cluster of the coconut trees;looking Northeast. Qiikill.1110 414v. + Description: View of the South elevation of the pier leading section from the entrance • and over the beach;looking Northeast. a • • i U Morgan ('ur puratiurt ( Iry of Naples;Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 38 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,r1' Descript/on: View of the seaward side .P elevation of the pier. Note the food r:r*1 _, 4. ,.,, t1 'I 411,11r 11111... • concession facility in the foreground above l the deck and the seaward end shelter i. beyond. t Y ;-: •E11' -ND aft a 4 L +'y Ir ' *. t e in . MAIM IOW " _ _ Description: View of the rectangular it il precast concrete bent and the deck and y ~ µ railing at Pier#2 Pier#1 is to the right immediately behind the Male Restroom rear it r ` wall IP "a... II 1 Al)Moigun Corporation C'it►,qif Naples/Naples Pier i CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 39 of 151 ' * Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments • k k ,,,, NT, r. . .. _ Description: View of the decking 1 ::::' '44'%:,, underside in between Pier#9 and Pier#3\ .. .. ''',, A'--,,,,,.. .--'' . The underside surface anc the stringers „ �` appear to be in satisfactory condition. Note ` ���''� I "' a , water piping and electrical conduits strapped i1 1 j 1 ; i` t $ ! to the stringers.i. r,$ ,i / , l i 1 ..... . r . r , I ' 1 i $ t t • .2 /SRN:Electrical conduits and small water •f . _ pipes are strapped to the stringers with plastic �t L. straps or in some cases plastic hangers Note :�sr, the corroding washers and complete loss of hex-nuts,of both of the thru-bolt connectors, Jr to corrosion.at the base of a rail post over Pier#3 The anchor bolt and clip angle appear to have completely corroded away as Nell •r !ffr Resolution: Perform regular inspection a; t. t. " and replace severely corroded washers and hex-nuts. . . r •1l)Morgan ( or/1orcdion ('in of Naples/Naples Pier I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 40 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments tallotootio:. t l P Description: The thru-bolt connectors at the base of this rail post or the outside appear to be sound and free from corrosion, with the exception of the single nail in the .11X �. middle. • 7 - _ /SSW: View of the decking underside between the deck board span,looking back at - Pier#3 Deck board underside and stringers '` ...;'•)1 ��t appear'satisfactory There is an area of 100,,E a. a .. , concrete spall along the edge of the pile cap beyond Note water piping on right and electrical conduit on left. Resolution: Patch the spall spot with j ' x epoxy concrete to prevent further corrosion of "% %, " the pile cap reinforcing bars.• Il);tlur4uu Co/pant/ion C'it f•1,1*Nuplec Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 41 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ■ • i .fir... ,. /SSW: The rail post thru-bolt connectors and anchor bolt/clip angle assembly on this side are undergoing severe corrosion as well • Resolution: Perform regular inspection and replace severely corroded washers and• hex-nuts. In some case the galvanized clip angle may need replacement as well y /ssue.' View of an inside stringer anchor bolt/clip angle assembly which is normally buried under the beach sand causing - r. accelerated corrosion of the metal hardware Resolution: Regular inspection and replacement of deteriorated hardware is rt required. • 1/)Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 42 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ISSUE?: The rail post thru-bolt connectors ... and anchor bolt/clip angle assembly on this side are undergoing severe corrosion as well. ���r► h` Note the top thru-bolt washer and hex-nut have been corroded away. Resolution: Perform regular inspection 9Ml and replace severely corroded washers and hex-nuts. In some case the galvanized clip angle may need replacement as well. �..t.,, 4., issue: View of an inside stringer anchor s bolt/clip angle assembly which is normally buried under the wet beach sand and debris . t ausing accelerated corrosion of the metal ' • `� ' ` hardware _ Resolution: Regular inspection and • -4044 replacement of deteriorated hardware is - ' - • j'w required eta C•Ix i 4'.'w AI)Morgan ('or porwion City o/Ncrph•.0 Nap/es l'icr ■ CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 43 of 151 • Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments I ( ..) °` Issue: See preceding issue. . _4 � Resolution: See preceding resolution. r f Descry tion;General view of the decking'0' underside and the substructure,looking ` ` seaward at Pier#4. Note the water piping and electrical conduits.Also note random '' �°r ° horizontal cross-bracing. t I, . AD Morgan Corporation City o/Na les Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 44 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description:General view of the decking underside and the substructure, looking r-- -- , seaward at Pier#5. Note the water piping and +tea s '`' electrical conduits.Also note random• ,, ` - horizontal cross bracing. Note the Ir. accumulation of wet beach sand and debris falling from the foot traffic on either side of the r stringer splice burying the anchor bolt/clip ' " EK ` ` angle assembly causing accelerated ,,te corrosion of the metal hardware. L. • ' F Issue.' See preceding issue. Note the ai. i�t broken pipe straps leaving the conduit/pipe F ` unsupported •':O ;. Reso/utkm Inspect and replace corroded ,., ' , likiii4H metal hardware. Replace all broken plastic pipe straps and hangers to properly support r- the pipe/conduit. • AL)AMorguu C'o purutiurt C'itc of.Naples/Naples I'ier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 45 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Issue: See preceding issue a 1, ' Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded Illile'" t . '_ -eii�. metal hardware. Replace all broken plastic pipe straps and hangers tc properly support ;,. the pipe/conduit. tax. • - n' A h' •'` 'tit$ .% .. ...... {7 � Issue: See preceding issue lir, '`.. % Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded metal hardware.Replace all broken plastic "" 71.14 pipe straps and hangers to properly support e .. 1."r„` the pipe/conduit. r AL)Morgan Corporation City oI•Naples .i\aple.c Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business ' 46 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments l '.. Issue: See precedino issue , ..,-"," ‘ ±. " Resolution: See preceding resolution. 1 Y A of-"ft a • ... 1 . ISSue: See preceding issue. .' R }} .'.1;,, Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded • ( ,- ' ,Y metal hardware. Replace all broken plastic • pipe straps and hangers to properly support r. • .•,.: the pipe/conduit Mss 1 3.p' F` [ Y 1 II) Motgoti I ul/wrutiorl ( to o/Nuple% .\aplc.c Ther CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 47 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ISSUe.' See preceding issue Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded metal hardware. Replace all broken plastic pipe straps and hangers 10 properly support the pipelconduit. • • vs x Issue: See preceding issue , Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded metal hardware.Replace all broken plastic • I I pipe straps and hangers tc properly support the pipe/conduit. 711)Morgan C'nr/,w•a /ion City of Naples/Naples Pier I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 48 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Pe a t . t I i '1 ",,k Description: The rail post base thru-bolts display sign of corrosion which starts from the opposite side The anchor bolt/clip angle .. . a assembly appears satisfactory. r • r Ow ,iL 4:= . I, .ir" .... • ttl. ' '-,. -<: . . Descrtpt!on: View on the cxtcrior face of the splice assembly at Pier#5,where extra ,i a , ,,t , : pairs of thru-bolt are used to stiffen up the N. • outside stringer before the stair landing ,; opening on the right. i :' . f11)Morgan Cur poi aiiou Fitt?qf Nopk'•/Naples Pio• CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 49 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments &S IM: View of the same assembly on the interior face,which reveals severe corrosion .....0*" ,"16 of almost all the thru-bolts Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded metal hardware.Replace all broken plastic Y, r' pipe straps and hangers to properly support the pipe/conduit. • Description: View of an identical splice assembly at Pier#6. past the stair landing opening,where extra pairs of thru-bolt are Elk:4'°i; • used to stiffen up the outside stringer past the stair landing opening on the left. #'P a .11)Morgan Corporation City nl Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 50 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments de- /SSUe: View of the same assembly on the • inside face,which reveals severe corrosion of almost all the thru-bolts. Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded • metal hardware. Replace all broken plastic ■' ► pipe straps and hangers to properly support the pipe/conduit. IIIII its Description: View of the stair and railing *1 located along the North side deck rail, lk%1401 between Pier#5 and Pier#6.providing k_ pedestrian access to the beach. Al)Morgan Corporation C'i{V a/'Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 51 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments e Description: View of the East rail post/deck stringer/stair stringer assembly at the stair opening, between Pier#5 and Pier #6. ti r Sul t r t ISSue.' View of the rail posts/stair L i ." stringer/deck stringer thru-bolt connections on { • the inside face of the deck stnnger y — Resolution: Inspect and replace 11ro corroded metal hardware. Al)Morgan C'orpOrution City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business ' 52 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ii . Description: View of the West rail post/deck stringer/stair stringer assembly at the stair opening,between Pier#5 and Pier #6. Note Pier#6 immediately to the right. r 41,a. b. . r s.'1 4 r , it , dY DeSCrip60n. Typical view of the stair 1,. railing. , a e. ;1l)Morgan Cotporution ('iii nl Naples/Naples Pier ■ CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 53 of 151 - Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments . ` -,. { ,, Description: Typical view of the stair i.A; .'` --,• railing. Note the pedestrian lighting fixture •* -' - :,.:. :'. ' --VIM . mount. � � r «^ L" ly r r ` �i ► .,. - r ` • , ' ,,, , • „...„ . ....= J / , . , .. _ .., 1 , ... . 4 ,, ,. .-..r. . _ , .- cr iv .. issue: Almost all of the stair assembly thru- bolt connections display severe corrosion of ix be metal hardware Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded 4 ,' metal hardware. Al)Morgan Corporation City of qf Naples Naples-Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 54 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments i Issue: Stair stringer/deck stringer vertical +I connection assembly display severe corrosion ', ,'k, , of the metal hardware � Resolution: Inspect and replace corroded t metal hardware. To ensure structural fsoundness and durability,and to provide 1 4 T>. /' users a sense of safety and aesthetic, the ;�.-te. ' / entire stair may have to be rebuilt with better .. �. { corrosion and weather resistant materials in ' r f near term. • t. y1 I Issue: See preceding issue 1 -K" '� " A. Resolution: See preceding resolution 1 -- 1 /11)Morgan ('urppnrutien, City of Naples Naples Pies. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 55 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments w - r: Issue: See preceding issue Resolution See preceding resolution. If .,_ ... 4. ,. , , .44. ,. . i ;;4"'" - ce. It Afr liellil Issue: See preceding issue Note the •• • 4 NAl surface mount pedestrian louvered lighting •* ,p - * —� Iixture. *- 1 / 950/[/t!0/I: See preceding resolution. • n • ,„...A. ' l' + ,41111 �.• f f .4!141 -1 I)Mor't'ar, ('r»proration ('iut'of Naples i Naples T'ie'r CAC Ap , VIII-3*New ril 10 Business • 56 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments . ` z . , . ' Issue: See preceding issue Resolution' See preceding resolution. 4k ,;;. t; ' i , \w ,,,,,.. je, r . ,, , i /SSUe: See preceding issue Resolution: See preceding resolution. I ■ • _ ' , $ 14".;,,,,,:* Al) ■ Morgan ('wpm-anon ('its-of Naples%Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 57 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments +r4 rwr, Issue.' View of repeated pattern of severe r a i .orrosion of thru-bolt and anchor bolt assembly due to near-constant wetness "r.;:.72" > ¢ condition on top of the pile cap and the lack of 4 I direct sunlight and airflow to help accelerate• drying of all components under the decking , A Resolution: Remove and replace substructure connection metal hardware with 0441,111_17, 457 41%- ' better corrosion resistant metal hardware, preferably stainless steel type.when the deck boards are due for removal and replacement • � ° y • !". r Issue: See preceding issue Resolution: See preceding resolution. • AU Morgan C'or7 )rution City of Naple.% Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 58 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments • .,;., n s t .. r , ,� ,. , ,,..Ti 'r { 'I /A ' Description: View over Pier#18. f ,{.W 1 . F, � ` '4 f`'I i 3. s ail 4, ^f 1' f ' h 7 , ,:! .1.: ' ..,.. / �y 1� ' x Description: Typical view of the At:', substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#18. Note ' proliferation of algae between the gaps. Note multiple replacement boaros Also note some r r loose cross-bracing hanging beyond. A l)31ur;t,'un Corporation City of Naples,Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 59 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: View eve-Pier#17. F F �ti ..ice fi Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#17 Note = i '+ proliferation of algae between the gaps.The board on the right is beginning to decay from the edge. ..1/)Morgan Corporation City of Naples i Naples I'ier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 60 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments , w _ ____4VIV ■ *i i Description: View over Pier#16. r I l # _ + i 3 Description: Typical view of the ;* substructure framing and the condition of the �, Mt�. '°, , �;j i• decking underside from Pier#16. Note '* ,,, proliferation of algae between the_. , leelli, .'It .ii) :%ion;un (.(11 pin City of Nark Naples 1'rrr CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 61 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,�,''a+ ., - Description: View ove-Pier#15. ,.r u t r, 41111001100Mi , ,,, \ Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the \ decking underside from Pier#15. Note V multiple replacement boards. kF.-:"%t-:. ''''''''''':::"": „744t'r.f:4:* ''''''''4',..''''' *-4,-, - A ., ....... ''',r ' - c, -"..... ..,-„,..-'-' Al)Nlorgun Corporation City of Naples Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 62 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments -7 �tti { r1 ,. Description' View over Pier#14. i � � III, , � T t . ' 1 '4 . f 'i.1 N 3 ;' - �` Description: Typical view of the ,Nab c-2 substructure framing and the condition of the '''kv>ti'' - decking underside from Pier#7. Note a board with split fiber and covered with algae which accelerates wood decay. Note replacement board. Al),14or,gon Corporation City t?/'Naples Is Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 _ VIII-3'New Business 63 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments z_7,44 7t:• } a= . .1 : l f Description: View over Pier#13 j , , . .. . .. . 1 t , ' 111 „, �, , 3- . , 's * t ” ! s 4,0. r , 4. DeS(aptlon: Typical view of the ; -* .. substructure framing and the condition of the j decking underside from Pier#7. Note algae growth between boards. w ,, Al)Moo guts ('ut/>uratiutt City of Naples%Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 64 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments t 1;• - • • Description: Typical view of the .\\ s substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside at Pier#12. Note multiple replacement boards. �wb S.s4 A k g, ;, Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#12 Note multiple replacement boards. t ;1I)it'h rgun C'ornorution City()/.Nudes/Nuplr.. Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 65 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the de" decking underside from Pier#11. til tit • } a Desc ipbOn: View ove-Pier#12. !,4 ' k .!U Morgan ('orporution City a/•Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 66 of 151 • Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments +• *.*' _ . l 1 `iii ' Description: View ova.'Pier#11. ii P / 1 a�� ft ',l11'.. t'+ '1i � / I ;. _ I i u;, 1 t ; f ii fi I '1 y ik r+ ■ j tC.. 4 4 '. r}'{ y tf, tt , ., , 'ppyy f'SY 1. Yy 1 Description: Typical view of the " 'R`' i' substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#11. diroopeoiee;,01000, f rs� Al)Morgan ('orporatiol? City of Naplccc/Naples her CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 67 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ......- ... jrw. .., .„„, i0,.. _4 � ' §+ ;to e ,`. �� , Description: View ove Pier#10. `l� � t 7.,, 5 3 rrrr k y i I .� I M t°,, \� �„ rN '; ,r �� � Description: Typical view of the *., { substructure framing and the condition of the 1' decking underside from Pier#10. Note boards ., , with split fiber. "cw„ , t' .41)Moran ('nr7urrutiorr City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 68 of 151 ' Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments _ ar Armu_ ., . .., R;, ` .! ' 1, ' i, � t , J� 4 t, ,�'„ ;' Description: View over Pier#9. . ,,', i'' I ,if, i).16 f,j ,i,, ; \,,, .,' ., ., , , f.i. ,,, ,A, , ,,,i ki , ; ,'„ \ , r iiir , , � s r , Y .\ �' 1 G� 1 t 1,'i v l s i ''''.' i r i § 1 1 � ,it * `v',.1° ,% i taw Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the ' decking underside from Pier#9 AD Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pico' CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 69 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments 1lt ` • 4 • ', t 1 Description: View over Pier#8. r,' l � � I Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#8. oik :1I)Morgan Corporation ('itr of Naples i Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 70 of 151 ' Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments u r f 1 > ly't, ''‘, DeSC/iptf011: View over Pier#7. d'' ,,§ ,/ I/ ' i i i--,' rF4'i '\ .f r • s= 4 f it i ♦{ • t Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the '' " ee decking underside from Pier#7. Note a board with split fiber ' ‘,Aii ,i, .go_ s? a. 1/)Mogan C'orporalion (iir of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 71 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ress- ebb Description: Typical view of the .a _ substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#13 left opening i seaward. •' t Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#13 right opening 4 S: seaward. Al)A o gan Coloration City()I.Naples i Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 72 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,r',.-. ",i Description: Typical view of the { , substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#13 left opening ti backward. 1 I' p Description: Typical view of the `' substructure framing and the condition of the • decking underside from Pier#13 right opening backward. r • AI)Moran Corporation poration ('itv of Naples/ Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 73 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments 4 Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking between Pier#12 and Pier#13. The old deck boards display fiber splitting.The lack of direct sunlight and airflow in moisture rich deck underside proliferate algae growth. 4 j /SS!/e." View of the condition of the decking underside between Pier#12 and Pier#13 Note the main power conduit dropped away from its strapping along the inside stnnger above Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross- section, mass,etc). Al)Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naplec Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 74 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments *' Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking between Pier#12 and Pier#13. The old deck boards display fiber splitting.The e•1r lack of direct sunlight and airflow in moisture .�" rich environment cause the proliferation of algae below deck. • Issue: The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps Note the conduit has dropped away A, from its strapping alongside the stringer Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross section,mass,etc). V. .,.•+are >,\ Al)Morgan Corporation City W.Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 75 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments issue: Pier#12-Pier#13.The stress it "'�--- caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps.Note the conduit has dropped away from its strapping alongside the stringer Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross- ' l'ir, section,mass,etc). 4 Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking between Pier#12 and Pier#13 Note the multiple replacement boards besides the old boards. • x L .„ _. . , Al)Morgan Corporation City al'Naples i Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 76 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments /551/8: Pier# 12.The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin Plastic pipe straps. Note the conduit has dropped away from its strapping alongside the stringer 71.} Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e.more material thickness/cross- section,mass,etc) Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking in the vicinity of Pier#12 Note the multiple replacement boards besides the old boards. • .• ti .11)A1a,gun C.I„7)UIYNir,n Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 77 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments •} . issue: Pier#11 -Pier#12.The stress aused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength i these thin plastic pipe straps Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe a ' straps with better working strength and durability(i.e more material thickness/cross- h.; section,mass,etc). Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking in the vicinity of Pier#12. Note the multiple replacement boards besides the old boards. .4/)Morgan(ur,puratiun City qif Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 78 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments`1. .,a- --- Issue: Pier#11-Pier#12.The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength . of these thin plastic pipe straps. Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i e more material thickness/cross- °° section,mass,etc). t / ISSUe: Pier#11 -Pier#12 The sties:= ''it:f ' Imo'" caused by the movement of the main power effe ""' supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps. ��.,.o Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe r4' straps with better working strength and �/°' - durability(i e. more material thickness/cross- 116,,,, ., section, mass,etc) Al)Morgan ('o pora1wii City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 79 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments \\\ Issue: The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe • straps 1 Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross- section,mass,etc). /SSUe: The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe ., straps Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e more material thickness/cross- section. mass, etc). Al)Morgan ('mporatiun City Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 80 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: Typical view of the T v _. • substructure framing and the condition of the M - decking underside in the vicinity of Pier#11. • awneeml • h Issue: The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond • the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps. Note the conduit has dropped away ,0 from its strapping alongside the stringer Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and d ) durability(i.e.more material thicknesslcross section.mass,etc). AI)Morgan ('o i poraliun (Ytv gt.Naplc.s Nuples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 81 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside between Pier#9 and Pier#10. IDesciptton: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside between Pier#10 and Pier#11. Al)Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 82 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments +�- Issue: Pier#9 See preceding issue. Note the two hex-nuts and a washer have corroded away and cleared from the end of the rail post } thru-bolts causing potential faulty structural connections. e Resolute: Require immediate close inspection and repair/replacement. 4 µ v Issue: The stress caused by the movement of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross- section. mass,etc). AI)Morgan Corporation City of Naples 1 Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 83 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments a Issues See preceding issue Resolution: See preceding resolution. he t Issue: See preceding issue �F Resolution: See preceding resolution. 6,,,,, 11111 iv„00, Al)Morgan Corporation (Wt.of Naples Naples l'ier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 84 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments w , Issue.' Pier#8 See preceding issue Resolution.' See preceding resolution t, ' s-e Issue: See preceding issue.Note hex-nuts - • ' and washers have corroded away and cleared from the end of the rail post thru-bolts causing potential faulty structural connections. as: Resolution: Require immediate close � <. " "� inspection and repair/replacement. ilit ' ( '' Al)Ago,,'o,t ('orporulion City o/'Nuple.c , Nuple.s Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 85 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ISSue: See preceding issue `.r, ResolutiOn: See preceding resolution. t Issue: See preceding issue . .. Resolution: See preceding resolution. • AI).t'organ t'or poration City 'Naples .Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 86 of 151 Pier Substructure • Photo Descriptions/Comments Issue.'The movement of the deck under ,4 a wind gust can pull pipe/conduit out of its joint and/or rip a pipe segment out of its strapping. Resolution: Repair or replace all broken and loose pipe/conduit fitting and wrong when _...w. , - the deck boards are due for removal and � �,� replacement.Provide proper and durable pipe/conduit straps and hangers to ensure firm attachment and support against periodic P dynamic loads • • issue: See preceding issue for metal hardware from Pier#7 and beyond Resolution: See preceding resolution. Al)Morgan Col-Inn-a ion City of Naples/Nap/es Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 87 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Issue: The stress caused by the movement •�`I of the main power supply conduit is beyond the working strength of these thin plastic pipe straps 4 ;', Resolution: Provide new plastic pipe "` straps with better working strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross- section, mass.etc). =mac._ - i Description: Typical view of the � �'" substructure framing and the condition of the ,' decking underside in the vicinity of Pier#7- • ne,: !� Ak Imarte....40:. - • Lx - AI)Morgan Corporation Ciiv of qf Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 88 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments w Description: View over Pier#19. f. • i ( • l i J '11 z b : r' r fit i ',fq :,-11 14, Ati • 'Ey kh A I Description: Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside from Pier#16. Note the fiber split in the middle board despite it fresh appearance. The start of algae growth within 'fir the split indicates that moisture is migrating through the split from top to bottom. This is where wood decay is naturally takes root. • Ai):bloc.fan Corporation C'itt o/Nu/rle.s : rVap/eA Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 89 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,�y�, -$ y . f. .. DeSC/!pt%O/7: View over Pier#20. As the I",,,, a s pier begins to go over water seaward,the 1r r :� impact of the sea environment is ncreasingly 1 t w, # • ; t i . harsh on wood and metal hardware. Note the sign of decay on the board immediately to the q r , , left of the post. Note a decaying board on the I; , , }t y , , , . 11. �\ left. � � 9i ` ' t, t 1 I' '., '' 101 ! 1 :: , . a; .r ` ; "*''mow a' s x;r ;. � ISSUe: The connection assembly on the •' 4. • r • VII pier is the most vulnerable to sea spray that u 'p - . brings split and decay on wood,and promotes % _ ._ate`• accelerated corrosion of metal hardware „�.. ROSO/Uti0/7: Perform regular inspection \ i6 and replace severely corroded washers and p hex-nuts. In some case the galvanized clip 4 T ,,, : y ' angle may need replacement as well. r r \ ,. ,.,i, -„:0,.:'-: ''''' .II)A9ol;gun CorrorruioIr ('iir n/Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 90 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments . ' \ ., f e I S. DlBSCiipdOn: View ove Pier#21. I 1 r. .. , , ,.,_. , • _._ . Issue: In stormy day and high waves the deck is being washed in sea spray for the ;, duration. Note the boards are soggy from such weather event %.„ ,4r , , .. - .. Resolution Perform periodic inspection of the utility piping below deck *411044, Repair/replace/remove bro<en piping. Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working ` strength and durability(1.e more material thickness/cross-section,mass,etc). ,91)Mot-gan Corporation City o/.Naples /Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 91 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments .. - IDe$Cll/Dt%o/l: View over Pier#22. Note a J '� , decaying board to the left \\\`` N. \ i Issue. The connection assembly on the \ + pier is the most vulnerable to sea spray that !:rings split and decay on wood,and promotes accelerated corrosion of metal hardware J , Resolution: Perform regular inspection and replace severely corroded washers and y hex-nuts In some case the galvanized clip I angle may need replacement as well AI)Morgan C'orporution City of Nctplrc/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 92 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Y /SSUe: The connection assembly on the **'' ,r* art ` pier is the most vulnerable to sea spray that brings split and decay on wood.and promotes a: ! accelerated corrosion of metal hardware. ..-- 1 , Split/cracks in wood at the connection not / only weaken the structural components but f/ t make it possible for sea spray to infiltrate connector holes,and subsequently corrodes the metal hardware from inside out. / / #" , Resolution: Perform regular inspection 4r and replace severely corroded washers and r * 1 •x hex-nuts. In some case the galvanized clip angle may need replacement as well. LI‘ '4 �46 1 Issue: It's obvious that there's no 1 connections strength left at the base of this one rail post.Also it appears that the anchor ' M - . r bolt/clip angle assembly can no longer be ..i. , w `- relied upon to hold down the stringer to the *****Z6404.NIlitt pile rap dunng wind uplift px - ,°` Resolution: Immediately i . inspect/remove/replace all deteriorated metal hardware. Al)Morgan C'o,poration City of Napte.s Naplt'., Pic,. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 93 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,t Description: View over Pier#23. sr t t. ', /SSU6.'Sea spray took a rieavy toll on metal hardware on the pile cap. The structural Integrity and safety of the guardrail system on this part of the pier is questionable.not to mention the structural strength at the ;onnection of the stringers to the pile cap to guard against wind uplift in future storm : - t events Resolution: Immediately inspect/remove/replace all deteriorated metal hardware. vstf 1 Al)Nforgan Corporation City qf Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 94 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments r :41 i ` i { 1 `, n Description: View over Pier#24. 0 ti , I ili, 4 1i, ;` , 4\ j t, r P I /SSL @: Similar pattern of rail post and thru • . bolt connection issue. Resolution: See preceding resolution x 11 Amu, Ft'. ' r Al)Morgan Corporation ('itt•of Naples/Naples Pier i i ■ CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 95 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments r'0 1 / /SSue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru- /?/;-/` bolt connection issue. Note the middle thru-bolt connecting the rail r it post to the top part of the stringer is missing. The base has a::d:::::::::::t to / bottom end l ' Y Resolution: ' hd . >. t - 0 .i `p _—� q; t- ic s t"r '*" Issue: See preceding issue This pair is `NQ only for mounting pedestrian lighting \ '''Y Resolution: See preceding resolution. V f 4 .° ' rr . AD Morgan Cuw1)oration City ol'Noples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 96 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments IMP ."mil' w "►. . 4 2 Description: View over Pier#25. 4" , r,it .--littfi■d ` M , f ,{'- f 1 ,t� , fA,i dew }; m- Y Description: Close-up view of the anchor k,y bolt/clip angle assembly ccnnecting the :- stringer to the pile cap. Note the hex-head lag it i 4 screws fastening the rail post clip angle to the ` deck board. ili AD Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business , 97 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ;. issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru- ,` „ bolt connection issue. Note corrosion of the exposed adjustable-slot ',# 0. V_'4' may preclude the provision that allows for / ' w stringer's lateral movement and adjustment Resolution: See preceding resolution. / /f:'-: . te 4 ." .} ► - - 4 . ' Description: View over Pier#26. 4014/ '1'.7--`,. I . ;.i.jp. tif., ka\:‘,4k Nr::y t , ,' 0t j ii t' 1'. r. 14 1. 1 1 j . `', t Al)Morgan Corporation City o/'Naples•/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 98 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru bolt connection issue. I• , �, t •- . do I ,' Even horizontal connection hardware is no ' 1 � ,. ! ; I spared by corrosion from sea spray at this ` ` post t ` YS i 1 4$1. lit, # +/ ., I I Resolution: See preceding resolution f Ip ,i lKi 1i r ,� k •, k, y lljj� '}/( •� ( f� F I rvl p-wemYw.• . +_t ,- Description: View over Pier#27 t r \\,‘-8 k II)* I Al)Morgan C'oiporutimi . ( itv qI Nup!es /Nap/es Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 99 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments n ":, % r- Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru- er bolt connection issue. . - w''e,, , A ' , '7,e- p4F t «_ , ResoIu : See preceding resolution. , . r '. ` t'°.. > A,�S 4 f . 4 _.. -— , R(rs a , ! 'i a ? y t, a� 'i!1 t Description: View over Pier#28. , 4', ili p,, tax . , t I/ r T.� Al)4 t, „#.. ,, , 1, ,„ k I. 1 ' '4'''' )6 4\1, 4.- ' 'I Morgan Corporation City of'Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 100 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments P .... t ni ISSUE?: Similar pattern of rail post and thru ■ y bolt connection issue, 1' z Even horizontal connection hardware is not . spared by corrosion front sea spray at this Post , Resolution: See preceding resolution ate,. t A ."1 .'4 Description: Gaps between rail post and `' rail may look like an ideal spot to temporarily hold and/or hide a still-lit cigarette butt. Here — is one of such location which accidentally ` ". caught on fire(possibly unnoticed burn) leaving a charred hollow as evidence on the • post. . Prohibiting smoking on the pier may be the F t Erb ' . ideal po by stil ht licy cigd arette to safeguard butts lodged against in fire the wood hazard i At cracks and crevices , . I 1 k Al)Morgan C'oiporatwn City of Naples%Naples Pk•r CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business , 101 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Mil 1 .rte; ,, I v� est, ':', ,, i t., ,.,.,A ,,4 f li 1 ., �1 a I,,i,,r Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru- . ti bolt connection issue. t i 'I' t t t Resolution: See preceding resolution 174 'N'i ,','i '114°' 7"if . ,r. " ,,,,�u, k r x .• -It ars Jamie.. c , ! > ' DeSC/7ptiOn' View ove-Pier#29. v, / A' i r 41)Morgan C'uipurutinu City of Naples 1 Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 102 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments k 'lit, 4. 1. , } St "' °6` t! '' igai t \i n. , 41 4 , 4 , r t 1 ., Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru- 1 , 111 1.x- ," * > bolt connection issue, •' Resolution: See preceding resolution. f . \ , i 1 ,i',7 y'-: I # TIF4 '1 I it fI ' Pc i ■ r r t I "} I - > ' ■ f - , \ , r t 4 Li, 1,i, E r i, Desrriptron: View over Pier#30., it' 'tt i J t� \,tt i, 1 G .�:iiii, , 1 i. I. , t 1 i , ; & ,i, ; 1 , Al)i 1 ..._ _ Morgan C'orporufiun ('ih"of Naples/Naples Pier lopopv CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 103 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments WY -' ',.:.',' Issue.' Similar pattern of rail post and thru Molt connection issue. Note corrosion of the exposed adjustable slot may preclude the provision that allows for stringer's lateral movement and adjustment. Resolution: See preceding resolution. .te a I i F r. 4 i R ISSue: See preceding issue. This pair is P 4 i only for mounting pedestrian lighting \ ' t Resolution: See preceding resolution xxr:t,.- 1, "' 1,R '` i'ry •`` -4 f i' if s R.; f . R' ' S, AI)Morgan Corporation ation City of Naples/Naples I'kr CAC April 10,2014 • VIII-3'New Business 104 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments„,, \ r I,'4 ... , ,,,.., .., A 'I T4 t 1 7 ,y'1. Issue.' Similar pattern of rail post and thn, ' bolt connection issue. N' Resolution: See preceding resolution ` 1 4 : 't 4y., ifiZi .. . INF ;iy 4s — _ _ ,1r i i r ,. y, ► _. Description: View over Pier#31. fi I ; fi , ., .4 : 1 , , 1 f t— ” , it its Al), Morgan Corporation City o/'Naples/NupleA Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 105 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments f a o' 1-'`1 Desc✓iption: View of, possibly,a tide ., ' gauge component of a weather monitoring station at the Northeast corner of the food r_, concession pier. 4311 I tit 'N., .1 liv- \ , 14160 ..„ , , , , Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru ,ft connection issue. �~ Resolution: See preceding resolution. AD Morgan COlpuruliun City at Naples i Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 106 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments i t i,I I Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru z bolt connection issue • Note corrosion of the exposed adjustable-slot may preclude the provision that allows for ft, stringer's lateral movement and adjustment I Resolution: See preceding resolution. • • r .r DesCript!On: Typical view of the -`° substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside in the vicinity of Pier#32. Note the fiber split in the deck boards despite their fresh appearance.Pipe/conduit strapping .44000000-. is satisfactory. Al)Moigun Corporation City(if Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 107 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments faawas a • 5 9 1. Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thrs bolt connection issue. Resolution: See preceding resolution. E < Description.' Typical view of the substructure framing and the condition of the decking underside in the vicinity of Pier#32. Note the fiber split in the deck board despite it fresh appearance.Close up on the part of the stringer indicates some level of wood surface decay is taking place. ■ AI) Morgan Cor porWion City qf Naples/Nuple.ss Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 108 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments • , ,..r� 1 f _. _ h Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru l, # ' 4 . .,„ bolt connection issue. :- Resolution: See preceding resolution. IId Fir r.',77 t+ _ \ , .,e', O.* ..:.? .f ft.., -..,- ,,,,.. . . ;,..,.:.,. - . \\\i, \. "1., ,:tik.:'1: \\\ `Hx ssue: View of the post-to-deck clip angle N \ i ,. ' ' lag screw connection unde-going early corrosion beginning with washers. Resolution: See preceding resolution Al):'/lit-gun Cur pururio i City a/•NVuples/Miplc'.s Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 109 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments N gg �!J Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and tlli f. bolt connection issue. ` Reso/ubon: See preceding resolution. t. . ,s r.t -vim . ,. r —µ ) •, + 4 DeSCript%on.' View over Pier#32. Note Vie.~ horizontal connection hardware corrosion au" r1 ' beginning with washers. } AD Morgan Corporation Cite al.Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 110 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru bolt connection issue. Resolution: See preceding resolution. 1 . 1 i Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru P bolt connection issue Resolution: See preceding resolution. Al)Morgan Corporation ('itv of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business 111 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments I` ; , Issue: Similar pattern of rail post and thru bolt connection issue. , .:„ l'+ry Reso/ut.,n: See preceding resolution. x i E R ._ * tit F *. ,:„..\\.t ,., Issue: View of the post-to-deck clip angle lag screw connection undergoing early • corrosion beginning with washers. ° \^ Resolution: See preceding resolution. \ k‘ _ • . , ,*..i.i„. ,, , Nitt , 1., , 1 e � hit ,* "4 Al)Morgan C•o17)orution City of Naples i Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 112 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments .e� I • rt • +_ ISSUe: Similar pattern of rail post and thru 46- r� tr bolt connection issue 4.2 4'1 , Resolution: See preceding resolution. • • { iSSUO: Similar pattern of rail post and thru, ,.�, olt connection issue. C ` Note corrosion of the exposed adjustable-slot ,ay preclude the provision that allows for = stringer's lateral movement and adjustment Resolution: See preceding resolution. /II)Morgan Cur purutuorr City of Naples !Nuple., Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 113 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments R ,Fw : + &SSue. Similar pattern of rail post and thru- bolt connection issue 5 Note corrosion of the exposed adjustable slot• ''" may preclude the provision that allows for .. 4 stnnger's lateral movement and adjustment '• Resolution: See preceding resolution. 4.:,---- , ' r '',A ley '�, ,. ; 'N.I'1„ ' ,ip'` "- .:\ �w ,k.'+ ..`, '� . ► �'` Description: Typical view of the �.` ,°.A „ substructure framing and the condition of the t ti 1 decking underside in the vicinity of Pier#31. Aiz t -",. .,,,,,,k s ii k.:,,,,%..\,,s,,,, .,,,,i,,,,,. ,,,,, . . . ,. AL)Morgue C'o►poration City of'Naples I Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 114 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments . x ' « Description: Typical view of th \. P the N ` ` substructure framing and the condition of the , • ' decking underside between Pier#31 and Pier #32. • i ■ /SS tie: Similar pattern of rail post and thru ,i bolt connection issue Resolution: See preceding resolution.• Z 5 'ill V Al)Morgan ('0i puratiun ('iiv of'Naples Naples Pier I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 115 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments I "'- ,,. Description: View over Pier#37. Metal taC..i#C r '� ..; .il! hardware from here onward appears to _ , a,:x_ generally fare much better than the previous ` I. stations possibly due to recent 1, ,��, , ' ,!i,1 repair/replacement. 0.1,11" 1 1 ■ 1 w 1 , , 101k, 1 : \\ t '-'. 11‘':, E Description: View over Pier#38. Or; AL)Morgan C'or poration City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 116 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Description: Metal hardware from hcrc onward appears to genera ly fare much better \' #s than the previous stations possibly due to \ recent repair/replacement. 001110111111111111111111W rl. • .° ci 1 Vf ,r /It 37 k Description: View over Pier#39. 4: Al)Morgan Corporation City of'Naplrs i Naples Pit'r CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 117 of 151 Pier Substructure j Photo Descriptions/Comments 4w. , N Description: View of the underside at Pier #39. Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors 0,rs, .43 .t4` display only mild corrosion ';err 2 trr e` ~f; ,q ;' : Description: View of the underside at Pier #39. Note the electrical junction box with missing cover. Al).Morgan ('o,7)nration ('itr qt.Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 118 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments 0 / f Description: View over Pier#40. Aii/0 * A, °kNZ.!-•y„ ' * 1 A Y� '�\. ''''..,:,4. i . A r '1 t w 1 * , Description: Metal hardware from here onward appears to generally fare much better than the previous stations possibly due to WYrecent repair/replacement. I J:' .11)Mur Lzuu ('wpm-alirut Cm'of Naples; ,\aple.s her I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 119 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments i 1 _ '. . .. r ,, _ ,..,..::.,Fary ilekl A Description: View over Pier#41. if;!,ei hili, ;i r ' #4.). i i,:: :I * ' . ,, , £. , _ 1 ,,,;A$ i;P, .tt`, b" 1'i, „/,.;/ i Issue: In stormy day and high waves the deck is being washed in sea spray for the duration. Note the boards are soggy from g ? such weather event. Note the small + • pipe/conduit appears to have been broken off. t ”' Resolution: Perform periodic inspection of vikihri. ' the utility piping below deck. Repair/replace/remove broken piping. Provide -ow ,,,• new plastic pipe straps with better working l � - strength and durability(i.e. more material is.- thickness/cross-section,mass,etc) 11 A/)Morgan Corporation City nl'Naplec/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 120 of 151 Pier Substructure 1 Photo Descriptions/Comments I ii .;{/ ( Description: View over Pier#42. - ,„it " '- 4. r F. / V� ., J r,f r td 1 it t, / ' 1 K f t - } :t rMhllgillIllg Ai,' ' „ . Descnpton: Metal hardware from here Y onward appears to generally fare much better ;',, ' than the previous stations possibly due to , : ' ��1,,,,. recent repair/replacement P . / ,, } ,,e' ., w`' ..,- . .,f AD MO/gall C'oq n-warn City of Naples/Naples Pier 1 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business , 121 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments r +!i y.^ Description: Metal hardware from here t onward appears to genera ly fare much better than the previous stations possibly due to qa., _ recent repair/replacement. yi V a i �' d M I, js 0 ? f f.{ M' I 'i t DeSCripk0n: View ove-Pier#44. I i ' i ! "' r i ■ 1 I \' Al)Morgan Cunrorution City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business • 122 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,. Description: View of the underside at Pier #44. Note the stringer anchor bolt/clip angle ``___' displays only mild corrosion. , ,„ „ i ,, t, i ` tk 4 �vT ...: ' • "' i Description: Metal hardware from here 4 onward appears to generally fare much better f '. than the previous stations possibly due to ,. recent repair/replacement ,P Y ill)Morgan C'inporatiun ('Itr of Naples;Naples Pier ... CAC April 10,2014 w.„-: 4 , ..., VIII-3'New Business 123 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments Mr, 'a «, ---- ,,,L„.....".-----. ......yM "!'w. ^�,, fix.".,.«+ - ; _-sax:. . DescnptiOn' View of the underside at Pier #44. Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors display only mild corrosion. max" , i • t • ;;. � ro xy ,, "x" t_`' '. ' y.. - . f - ,t,`" x.- ',M1: . "' DeSCript%On: View of the underside at Pier -• ,r= = #44 Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors i display only mild corrosion .s: ....'.- r. Ts ^^ .� - ''''1i AD Morgan t'orporafionr City of Naples/Naples l'ie, - I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 124 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments -;;4 Description: View over Pier#45. ■ Desorption: Metal hardware from here " onward appears to generally fare much better than the previous stations possibly due to -410111111 � '�� recent repair/replacement. /11)A4 ni in C'oapwatinn City of Naplc., Naples l'ier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 125 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments /.1r` ._T • 1 r, ` Description: View ove-Pier#46, • II ` I L .. . {t 8 #! ,.t; tt,t Issue: In stormy day and high waves the deck is being washed in sea spray for the duration. Note the boards are soggy from • such weather event / 1 Resolution: Perform periodic inspection of the utility piping below deck Repair/replace/remove lace/remove broken piping Provide new plastic pipe straps with better working strength and durability(Le.more material thickness/cross-section,mass.etc). .II)A9ot art Corpora/lurr ('in uJNaples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 126 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments MS's -=,k '� Description: View ove-Pier#47. My. 0 ����,f 7 14 . . . ,, „„i„,,) , . ., 4. ,t,.,_. . . At''''tar 1 t , Issue: In stormy day and high waves the -' _ .`~ deck is being washed in sea spray for the duration. Note the boards are soggy from . a such weather event. Note board with split , fiber to the right. �erw » Resolution: Perform periodic inspection of e the utility piping below deck. �- , ' Repair/replace/remove broken piping. Provide r -+ " . new plastic pipe straps with better working ,r"' • strength and durability(i.e. more material • S thickness/cross-section,mass. etc). A' s�i Al)Alo,f_eni (',„7u,rati(,n City o/Nrtpie. :\upleA /'rrr l I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 127 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments -- t. , _ --040„,...' •, t ""� j Description: View over Pier#48. Ill i*-. `"", ...« it,i N d - Issue: In stormy day and high waves the deck is being washed in sea spray for the duration. Note the boards are soggy from such weather event. Note board with split fiber in the center Resolution: Perform periodic inspection of � the utility piping below deck : Repair/replace/remove broken piping. Provide C new plastic pipe straps wits better working " strength and durability(i.e. more material thickness/cross-section.mass,etc) AD Morgan ('mporation City al.Naples/Naples Pier CAC Af 10, 0`Nepri171 w Business VIII 3 128o151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments }3 .~_ Des caption: View over Pier#49./ 1 � ; i ., r f 1 i t P' i. may. tki r( it a �' Description: View over Pier#50. E f: / r. t �r ,, i �t y„;t'`;y Al)Moi;varn Corporation (•itv of Naples Naples Mier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business i 129 of 151 s ..Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments • F Description: View of the underside at Pier . 1 #50 Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors display only mild corrosion. {(j jj. 5 tit/ T Y f.. Description.' view ove•Pier#51. r 1} i Y f :1U Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3`New Business r 130 of 151 Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments �,. Descnj,f.0/7: View over Pier#52 4 , Description: View over Pier#53. ' 41)Morgan ( €) 011111011 City of Naples% Naples Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 4. 131 of 151 S Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments IN ,» ^ -. aOescIJption View of the underside at Pier • "` #53. Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors �" �__1`- display only mild corrosion. s .- : I s , .. :..:•:... ..._..max. `-at.. ,141, Description: View over Pier#54. 1 .i 44 0 I , .k, i 1: 4. t \ ', i l AD Morgan Corporation City of Naples/Naples Pier I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 132 of 151 I' Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments `",jai K .. lif. y. is Description: View over Pier#55. _ s a{ i11 , y .. da -.JLP tr Description: View over Pier#57. Note the - - decaying board beside new replacement ". 467 �' , boards Al, . Ig,,.. t,..4."'1.; . _ '' 1 ! r i I - - AL)Morgan ( u►7wranon ('itv u/Naples 1 Naples Pu'r ■ I CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 133 of 151 t Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments ,„ 4 i f I 11 Descno iOn: View over Pier#58. '1,4 �` t y; i a ."w"iG391i',p.. ,- f �'f.kt ' I _� f r , y `j, -- 4 ' ` • 5,1 Desorption: View over Pier#59. ( AD Morgan Corporation City of Naples i Naple.. Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 134 of 151 / Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments -..-.....,,N, 4 _ ........ , ...,, ...., .. , s f x Description: Metal hardware from here onward appears to generally fare much better / ALI. than the previous stations possibly due to recent repair/replacement. ,„, b/t e, .. } if '' k1 f + �'r • • yl i ''''' 1, i ��1 \t DeSCrIpt%On: ::r:: amn::0te the king splays fii r I r ,j `Itx' l '\, . I ';'''! ril i, .: ) ; .k 1 , p t I i ,l l '�I Al) tI it gur1 ( WpOrulirrrl ('itv o/Napie■ AAuplec Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 135 of 151 t. Pier Substructure Photo Descriptions/Comments s L, ... ......, , _ ,_... �..�`"" Description: View of the underside at Pier R #60. Note the rail post thru-bolt connectors ' display only mild corrosion. s K w �Lp, $^ 2'� , 411‘ Al)Morgan Corporation Cily o/Naple.s i Nuple.c Pier CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 136 of 151 Nt ligO i to .0 I- C t6 E E re 0) V C5 0. tea) V a) w O — OOOcn Q4,1 . . O it) O N 0 N CO /� N M N N O 00 • �' "�w, I V •,-• Ti: O N N W •- e- M f CO L t► M * I. 41"' �y 0 V {,V F-- co L _ 0 vb■P RI o rn ‘Lit N .a _ to eA to b4 EA EA to to to to eA 169 d CX. 0 CD O v Q L V C) °- co o = *6 .a L. fl, CD .E a £ w a a a a. V d wp W T. N L. -0 c) V) p o m Q' o co, ,n ym Q C n c en rn , ca • = v 6 c O o Z E = aoct ina CD 0 • > > > > > = u) E 0 0 0 0 0 w d m 4) E E E E E Z C7 v) 0 eCCCWCCO hig E T-- N cn • .. 0 0 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 137 of 151 ' vit r. ligO g N 4-• Y C R E re a) V fa a. NC) V , ■ a o ' ' I o d p Cti 03 0 — Cl, 3 4' Lei i ° Q�4-/� N • CO V♦ O) 44 fA 40) fA 69 i" fA /A 69 to d O as o v o L U a) N IL op I C N a 0 L o U a) Q U a) EL ' 1 ! CC c Q 0 O r N U 8" o C V to N CU w G W N y 4• c m p = CC c d V) cn U o 2 Z3 2 to N M U) kg E .1.. o a 6 a CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 138 of 151 Z. - - - lig Z. �o�v 03 1 U) +I a- C CD fa E ce a} 0 ca CL a) LL wV W . W N 1.0 O O 0 0 Cs to O O O O O (D M O '- ti N CO ' ' d' e `mow. to L N N 43 10 v W ° o L *.a CO M CO V m1 QrA (Au9v► w4sa> v3va44 69 44 01 (A b9 Cl. C ti c = o p u) r. L V 0 0 CD `,n o 0 CL co I-- h N a a o L LL "0 N •O. 8 V) — ../ d ` ai -c2 E in 41) ai N o ' c � o v a) p O y co� � 0- c c C a) co O. "0 N V O Q M C ( . .G L O O O@ O U Z to v 0 5. �, ea o to o ow Tm E a N a ►- ,° �.=_ moo .. a) -0 ro g, (s (o .0 y O y zI. CC) Sw F- co D cn ffl • co ti CO c- • > > > 0 '0 0 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 139 of 151 • Nli O H Y C R CD d E Le w V w�w, /��W/ LL Y U RI EL y v Ohl F- L ++ (3 CO Z co 73 too eA 61 419 VI e» tH tl o CD O C) L V C, Om tn 0 0 0 en I C 0 0 0 L. m -o m 4) m co TO a. Q. m P 4) U H rn rn C3 C a) -5 D. m to m' v m C Z = cQ O p ca. O. ii cn V1 cn W cn sn a r- lig E ir- Ci CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business • 140 of 151 a i, r O aCo hig g N + i .1 C tIS E d CD V CU Q. a) cc V cu w CU CD E 0w ° � CO 0 Z cu cn a. O W- o v o L V CD CL to o C L «. a) 0 cn CD Cl. co ',., E aa) 0 In P i H Ci H >% a) N -5 C N Q 01 m G 0) C o U C Z C o >. n C) > CD a) C w lig E tV M et 0 Ei CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 141 of 151 • Nt F. M i 0 H E fr a) V 0 NNa) Q ~"1 N °D 0 , C 0 () 00 fit' tD �' `� h. O Q3 //�� mt co co to to d' •... C o N ' N O m Co I O 01 CA @D M V M N t=+ w « M f a ~ CO 1� r) d' CO o 1y O W F-- co . o I. ft". 4.0 CU co rn .� '4.+ v> b9 w tag w to to to eA 44 H k9 6A 40)- Cft V) 40, d © 0 O U C O c L 0 o 41 .in Q. a Z O C a CI 0 L = C rn N ch\a CL = C E c d c� O II CA W at cm x G C co .r N ] 07 L 5'+ LT C t0 Ql ° a • � C rn O 0 c O 0 a- X ea Y D o a U Z c CD CD v v � L � w, ,� vi N 3 3 °6 +▪�+ 00U m O O C i. 6- W U u j Q,1 ( U N Y f/1 C C a c.-, r > W dN 0 U U V V 1- 1` Ilig r E (0 ID r.+ Q 6 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3e New Business 142 of 151 Cost impact Estimate 3.20.Naples Pier The City of Naples Issues Imrnedafe Withal two years Within five years Fixed Systems ssue> lmrtedate Wdhm two year. Within five years Superstructure(Deck-Railings-Stairs) R«pa-e 3i Walkway Boards mmeon:eiy s rsi 7 Papa,'damaged Rail POSTE and connectors See Subseuce.re Fee^no Replace Rea Post pletesaasteners wen Stainless Steel peleslfe steno"', Sew S,Reeucl.w eye way, Replace All Jack Boards using Fiber Force gestic composes n•atera see:.uwsira,ie rsewm. Replace all Railing wannew PT Lumber,SS fasteners and Faber Board top plate her SvGSeuc ute Eser,,l.e Repia:;c Stair structure to the beach level see Sunseucsne(small Substructure(Wood Framing System supporting the Deck) Replace d.: 'plate wood subsl'ecture above be CertCtete Pik Cap Beam surface" 5 851 day ••see Petaled Esrenete es Oa Report Season Restroom Facilities Remove a Replace'Wood Saimaa Rnotng DC' Trim Trees away from butdng comacr lawwwv-re Replace Rusted elec.Meter Boa Cover S di Restroom Deck Support Male Restronm Foundation Pier Repay g ?AC Salem PaKlwig Cl ground level S rre I don Floc Condo'and Wa.ny Repels al Crawtspace Wwatne.ce Shower Dare.and Structure repairs 5 625 Resteoom slob demoStronlreplecemonl S 76660 ReeCOen{bombing underslab rough Aping replacement s r 630 (1e6.0,1 corero: landscaping at shdwor odometer S 60[ Conceselon Facilities Remove S Replace Wood Shingle Ruu'ng S 13'AK Reelect Wale,Fountain +Svc Install Etee Panel Deadfrom 'tlC Install m.ssieg bench deck fasteners We von..r..e Seaward Shelter Remove&P.epaco Wood Sting*Roofing _ 4•a; Operat rig Systems Issues ohms:mote Within two years Within five years HVAC Iss.reE l 1 I Plumbing Included n Substructure above Electrical Included n Substructure above1 Fire and Life Safety Included or Substructure above Cost Impact Totals $ 66.334 $ 892.449 CAC April 10,2014 VI 11-3*New Business 143 of 151 Agenda Item 6-b Meeting of 3/19/14 RESOLUTION 14-13429 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT FISCAL YEAR 2014- 2015 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATIONS UNDER THE BEACH RENOURISHMENT AND PASS MAINTENANCE PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Tourist Development Council (TDC) recently announced the availability of grant funding under its Category "A" program which supports beach renourishment and pass maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City has identified needs for that grant funding to support activities related to Beach Maintenance in the amount of $200,000, and to Naples Pier Deck Replacement and Structural Renovation in the amount of$692,000; and WHEREAS, City staff prepared two grant applications to capture funding for the activities in the amounts noted above; and WHEREAS, the funding is in 100% dollars and requires no local matching funds; the applications for such funding will have no adverse impact on present or future operational needs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPLES, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to submit Fiscal Year 2014-15 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Applications, together with any related documentation, to the Collier County Tourist Development Council to support annual beach maintenance in the amount of $200,000 and Naples Pier Deck Replacement and Structural Renovations in the amount of $692,000. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 144 of 151 Resolution 14-13429 Page 2 PASSED IN OPEN AND REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPLES, FLORIDA,THIS 19T" DAY OF MARCH 2014. Attest: Patricia L. Rambosk, City Clerk John F. Sorey Ill, Mayor Approved as to form and legality: Robert D. Pritt, City Attorney M:IREFICOU NCILIRES12014\14-13429 Date filed with City Clerk: CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 145 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION 2015 Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Naples Beach Maintenance (Project Title) 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: City Of Naples 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 2. Contact Person, Title and Phone Number: Name: David M. Lykins, CSD Director Address: 280 Riverside Circle City: Naples State: FL ZIP: 34102 Phone: 239/213-7110 FAX: 239/213-7130 Other: dlvkinsc naplesuov.com • 3. Organization's Chief Elected Official and Title: Hon. John F. Sorey III, Mayor 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Description: This is an annual TDC funded project essential for support of maintenance on local beaches. The City, in recent years, has taken over the upkeep and grooming of TDC eligible beaches from the County. Under this project, the City removes litter, accumulation of algae and rocks along public access beach portions of the Gulf within the City's jurisdictional limits. The Naples Pier receives over 1.0 million visitations annually resulting in a high level of maintenance needs. Funding is a benefit to both residents and tourist populations, and to the preservation of the beach, shoreline and overall appearance and investment in beachfront facilities. This year's request includes; 1) maintenance equipment operator and service worker salaries and benefits, 2) beach cart, and 3) equipment fuel and maintenance. Location: Significant coordination of effort continues between the City and Collier County concerning beach maintenance. The project boundary location is from southernmost State- permitted beach cleaning area within the City's jurisdictional boundary to Clam Pass in Collier County. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1, 2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $160,922 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded, can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes ( ) No (X) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 146 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application-Page 2 Naples Beach Maintenance (Project Title) PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $_160,922 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $_160,922 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering, Mobilization, Contractor, Monitoring etc) _1 Equipment Operator/2 Service Workers $_141,922 _Equipment Fuel and Maintenance $,7,000 _Additional Beach Cart-Gas w/Manual Bed Lift_ $12,000 $ TOTAL $_160,922 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. A.William Moss, City Manager Date EXHIBIT A GAO April 10,2014 vIII-3* jew Business 147 of 151 l ,. 7 A D D ITIONA L INFORMATION ELIGIBILITY: Beach Maintenance activities will take place on b eac. h area that are e 1, ea s t8 0% classified as eligible under the TDC guidelines. . heprolectuounaarylooAtion is from southernm_ststetpermitted beach cleaningareawithin the CrtYajurisdictiona, ooundayto Clam Pass in Collier County ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: The City o4Napteswillbetheprimaryreciliont and lead agency for controlingandoonvletingail aspects and activities proposed in this grant application. The City will remain the lead gency for the duration of funding and will be the sole point of contact for all matters related to this proposal The Cl4Yhasthe managerial and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project 7f$,dii de st1i1;'7'IiIi;.tc hfi.:;o, ed in d this avolida t on BUDGET ASSURANCES: Dual Compensation: If a City project staff member or cons ulta n t is involved simultaneously in two or more ProjeCteithestaff will not be compensated for more than 100% oftheirtime for any such dual involvement PRoJEC, "ncArkajmAp: 11 :,%; e 'fi ' fiy:, lt e.;:'S404.1:";e- VV%ifigt4,1,4411.'"k:''1',..',""gi' ''4t.,,,(-ki',. .%-.'",'''`.',,,,::'•.,1 ':":t°% ,4'.,..,54-.51:14;,..?, ,t,,,`",:.t':',p,-f,c 14%eARI:V.R1-',,::;%Y.:;t:4';',Ar4.54.P.„.r: ',-.:;;":,t0;1•:*.C..:.1.,. ::':14.'1:' ;.,it.iy::'" :!•::; 7°:,':.,.4.1.:FlIcirtg, 14,L2MiliP‘*'1,4Z:n5;,1-;.1,7f'ir',,:t"...i..;i:','P,: ;I:cit,i'i'-ti., :',,,..,k1,,,!:,4.-,, ,,i '4,44:ite , v;;11,:, 14 ;,,;-,V e-..,::-,,,k *effit,',:ti$::*':, v1,;; ,',„?,,y14;', ;),,,,,,:la '",„:frf74.4.iii(,"*' 1 ',,, •-- ,, . 1;,,1.:41kiktgc,t!Titi,: 4,t;';' 41,-*,;*;44,1::l'.;ri' ,-,''' i , K.zw,,kiii-1,,,,,ifiligm5ii-* ',:,,;., 4,,,i:,;$0.„,,:. ,c4-x: :' -1- :.#.,,,,,4*-1 v.,,,,-,,, 411* ..., -fk,1- ''' .,,,,,0 ,, 4:1',44' ''','.''::'• :" *.'<,tli.-74.!:::,:i7,47;01':i' :''' "':'-l'be,:i.:t.'•tfAi cq 1"'''''''fLi:,'1. '.:'P,1..:*.;, t : ;" :,:i1;r'Xit 1'''';''AS':', ' kl'ot,*:‘:1 ,::‘,i,,;";-,',,,4",X,','„?,qii..".::.!'":-,,Nilc.„ ,- ,•*-i : , .:,: ',4,4- t;',, v..4y. r4.44.,,,,,,,4.,,,2.,,,..k,,:,,7c*Erok‘,,,—,%•—eo°;:-,°' ',',:t),..%•),'' - ' r -,1-4`' 4' --.. vo '. , -,:„., ..:,„z°:,-4,:,,,-;:,.. i '?ii:':,,,,,,,..4.;,AfgA,VkgaZZ;k",: •°;4'447.11 , 4''''' Aafilielt:404 g3h,1;.. .0, 2;,::-7 t': 7 .47"e''',. ::7k7:621 lii4patte,O.' $ FVONIAL7,77 ",,,,, CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 148 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY"A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Vegetation Repair/Exotic Removal County Wide 1, Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2, Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambrig_ht,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project- Description and Location: Dune planting and exotic removal greatly contribute to a healthy beach environment. Each year the county sets aside $75,000 to repair dune vegetation and remove exotics on all our county beaches. Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1,2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $75,000.00 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes (X) No ( ) CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 149 of 151 Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 Vegetation Renair/Exotic Removal County Wide PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $75,000.00 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $75,000.00 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization, Contractor,Monitoring etc) Planting/Removal $ 75,000.00 $ S TOTAL S 75,000.00 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. Sign re of Sp sor Organization's Chief Official at CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3*New Business 150 of 151 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATION Beach Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Fund 185 Administration 1. Name and Address of Project Sponsor Organization: Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive Naples,Florida 34104 2. Contact Person,Title and Phone Number: Name: Gail Hambright,Accountant Address: Collier County Government 2800 N.Horseshoe Drive City Naples ST FL ZIP 34104 Phone: 252-2966 FAX: 252-2950 3. Organization's Chief Official and Title: Tom Henning,Chairman Board of County Commissioners 4. Details of Project-Description and Location: This item funds County staff to manage the projects, maintain the beaches, administer the program and is broken down as follows: Staff includes the Manager; Clerical Support; a Field Supervisor/Project Manager; and two equipment operators to clean and maintain the County and Marco Beaches ($525,000); Indirect Administrative Costs required for administrative functions like purchasing, information technology, motor pool and human resources($90,000); Current rent ($10,000); Division Fiscal Support ($60.000) and charges for the Tax Collector are also included($145,000). Approval is recommended. 5. Estimated project start date: October 1.2014 6. Estimated project duration: 12 Months 7. Total TDC Tax Funds Requested: $825.000 8. If the full amount requested cannot be awarded,can the program/project Collier County Tourist Development Council Category"A"Grant Application Page 2 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-3'New Business 151 of 151 be restructured to accommodate a smaller award? Yes(X) No( ) Fund 185 Administration PROJECT BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT AMOUNT TDC Funds Requested $ 825.000 City/Taxing District Share $ State of Florida Share $ Federal Share $ TOTAL $ 825.000 PROJECT EXPENSES: (Engineering,Mobilization,Contractor,Monitoring etc) Funding 185 Administration $ 520,000 Indirect Administration Cost $ 90,000 Department Rent $ 10,000 Division Fiscal Support $ 60.000 Tax Collector Fee $ 145,000 TOTAL $ 825.000 I have read the Tourist Development Category "A" Beach Funding Policy covering beach renourishment and pass maintenance and agree that my organization will comply with all guidelines and criteria. r Sig re of Sponsor Orga ation's Chief Official Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the short list of design professionals pursuant to RFP No. 14- 6228, "Collier County Beach Renourishment 15-year Permit," and authorize staff to negotiate a contracts with the top ranked firm for subsequent Board approval. OBJECTIVE: To retain professional engineering services to obtain a new 15-year multi use beach renourishment permit for future Collier County renourishment projects. CONSIDERATIONS: The existing 10-year beach renourishment permit will expire on 1/12/2015 and a new permit is required to perform future beach renourishment projects. Collier County is desirous to permit a comprehensive renourishment program for its beaches under the new FDEP 15-year permit rules. The permit application will adhere to essentially the same project built in 2005-06 and planned for 2013, which will simplify permit processing. The project area extends along the Gulf Coast in Collier County, FL between FDEP monuments R-22 to R-79. The purpose of this scope of work is to secure a 15-year multi-use permit in order to perform routine or emergency nourishment along Collier County beaches. The permit will allow for Collier County to be ready for an emergency response to a major storm event with approved sand sources. Borrow Area T1 will be re-permitted for use as an offshore sand source. The permit will include the use of upland sand sources to supplement or substitute for an offshore sand source. The template will be a composite of the 2005/06 and 2013/14 design. The project will be designed with a 6 to 10-year project life, but will accommodate sea level rise during the project life. The permit application will request approval for two major nourishments from offshore sand sources supplemented by truck haul projects. In addition, multiple truck haul projects, every couple of years, using upland sand sources, will be requested as a substitute for dredging from offshore sand sources. The aim is to provide the County flexibility to change with the dredging market and needs of the County. Key components of this permit will be: 1. Beach management flexibility • Permitting three types of projects — routine maintenance, major post-storm restoration, and emergency hot spot nourishment using both offshore sand source and truck haul from an upland sand source. • Emergency truck haul will be permitted to allow for quick sand placement above and below mean high water during an emergency situation. • Permit three (3) upland sand sources and Doctors Pass as a sand source to supplement the offshore sand source. 2. Sea level rise incorporated into the design • This will allow for a progressively higher beach and dune template to help combat rising sea level. 3. Longer design life • The current design life is variable, which will be changed to a design life of between 6 to 10 years to allow for beach management flexibility and economy. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4 New Business 2 of 3 4. Longer permit length of 15 years • The FDEP permit length will allow fifteen (15) years or two beach nourishment events. If the permittee is unable to complete two events within 15 years, they may request an extension. • Request that the Corps accommodate this rule in their permitted length. 5. Expedited permitting process if feasible • Reduce the time and cost for securing a new permit. • The FDEP project criteria for expediting the project is: Beach nourishment projects that are constructed and maintained with no substantial changes in project scope, and past performance indicates the project has met design expectations are eligible for a simplified and expedited permitting process. • The Corps stated that the permit processing would be straight forward as long as there were no major policy changes in such things as critical habitat, endangered species, or in basic conditions for their treatment. • An application for a new BOEM license will not be part of the scope of work. • The entire 2006 and 2013 fill lengths will be permitted, with the option of including gaps where no nourishment is required. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was solicited in order for the project's design to be in compliance with the applicable Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) requirements. On February 18, 2014 RFP No. 14-6228, "Collier County Beach Renourishment 15-year Permit," was posted. One thousand one hundred and eighty five (1,185) notices were sent out and forty five (45) firms downloaded full document packages. Two (2) responsive proposals were received on March 14, 2014. On March 27, 2014, a selection committee short-listed the two (2) firms based on an evaluation of their technical proposals. The selection committee was represented by a member from the Pelican Bay Services Division, the City of Naples, the County Engineer, the Facilities Department and Coastal Zone Management. The selection committee by consensus (5- 0)ranked the firms as shown below: Name of Firm Final Ranking Coastal Planning and 1 Engineering (CPE) Humiston and Moore(H&M) 2 The top firm, CPE is very familiar with the scope of this project having just completed the recent truck haul project. CPE has extensive experience the state and federal permitting. Staff recommends approval of the final ranking and requests authorization to commence contract negotiations with CPE for this work. If contract negotiations are not successful with CPE, then staff is seeking authorization to commence contract negotiations with H&M with the objective of bringing an acceptable negotiated contract back to the Board for approval. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4 New Business 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact at this time. Funding is available through Tourist Development Tax, Fund 195. A Budget Amendment will be required to transfer funds from Fund 195 reserves to perform this work. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There are no Growth Management Impacts as a result of this project at this time. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval.—CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve the short-list of RFP No, 14-6228 so that negotiations can begin to bring an acceptable negotiated contract with the selected design consultant back to the Board for approval. Prepared by: J. Gary McAlpin, PE Coastal Zone Management Manager of the Natural Resources Department Attachments: (1) Request for Proposal; and(2) Final Ranking CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4`New Business 1 of 6 Request for Proposal 15-year Multi-Use Joint Coastal Permit for Collier County Beach Renourishment The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County is seeking qualified firms capable of providing engineering services as required to obtain a 15-year multi-use Joint Coastal Permit(JCP)for Collier County's beach renourishment program. The existing 10-year renourishment permit will expire on 1/12/2015 and the County is desirous of having a new permit in place at that time. The following items are to be included in this permit application and scope of work: Collier County is desirous to permit a comprehensive renourishment program for its beaches under the new FDEP 15-year permit rules. The permit application will adhere to essentially the same project built in 2005-06 and planned for 2013,which will simplify permit processing.The project area extends along the Gulf Coast in Collier County, FL between FDEP monuments R-22 to R-79. The purpose of this scope of work is to secure a 15-year multi-use permit in order to perform routine or emergency nourishment along Collier County beaches. The permit will allow for Collier County to be ready for an emergency response to a major storm event with approved sand sources. Borrow Area T1 will be re-permitted for use as an offshore sand source.The permit will include the use of upland sand sources to supplement or substitute for an offshore sand source. The template will be a composite of the 2005/06 and 2013/14 design. The project will be designed with a 6 to 10-year project life, but will accommodate sea level rise during the project life. The permit application will request approval for two major nourishments from offshore sand sources supplemented by truck haul projects. In addition, multiple truck haul projects,every couple of years, using upland sand sources,will be requested as a substitute for dredging from offshore sand sources. The aim is to provide the County flexibility to change with the dredging market and needs of the County. The major differences between this permit applications compared to previous permits are as follows: Beach management flexibility Permitting three types of projects—routine maintenance, major post-storm restoration, and emergency hot spot nourishment using both offshore sand source and truck haul from an upland sand source. • Emergency truck haul will be permitted to allow for quick sand placement above and below mean high water during an emergency situation. • Permit three(3) upland sand sources and Doctors Pass as a sand source to supplement the offshore sand source. Sea level rise incorporated into the design • This will allow for a progressively higher beach and dune template to help combat rising sea level. Longer design life • The current design life is variable,which will be changed to a design life of between 6 to 10 years to allow for beach management flexibility and economy. Page 1 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4*New Business 2 of 6 Longer permit length of 15 years • The FDEP permit length will allow fifteen (15)years or two beach nourishment events. If the permittee is unable to complete two events within 15 years,they may request an extension. • Request that the Corps accommodate this rule in their permitted length. Expedited permitting process if feasible • Reduce the time and cost for securing a new permit. • The FDEP project criteria for expediting the project is: Beach nourishment projects that are constructed and maintained with no substantial changes in project scope, and past performance indicates the project has met design expectations are eligible for a simplified and expedited permitting process. • The Corps stated that the permit processing would be straight forward as long as there were no major policy changes in such things as critical habitat,endangered species,or in basic conditions for their treatment. • An application for a new BOEM license will not be part of the scope of work. • The entire 2006 and 2013 fill lengths will be permitted,with the option of including gaps where no nourishment is required. Joint Coastal Permit Application 1. Prepare Joint Coastal Permit Application • State and Federal permits and approvals will be required to implement future beach renourishment before the existing permit expires. Every effort should be made to seek and secure a 15-year permit. Evaluation and incorporation of existing and recently acquired design,geotechnical,and environmental documentation into a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)Joint Coastal Permit(JCP)application package that presents the information in the approved agency format. New or additional field investigations or studies should be minimized and avoided. In addition to descriptive information,the permit application should include the appropriate sketches and drawings to graphically describe the project. The consultant will provide the draft JCP package to Collier County for review and comment. Electronic copies(Adobe Acrobat PDF format on CD-Rom)of the JCP application will be prepared and submitted to the FDEP for distribution and review. One(1)hard and electronic copy of the permit application will be submitted to the appropriate U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) representative responsible for project review and comment. Electronic copies will provided to other agencies as needed. The permit application will incorporate the results of the 2013 nourishment project. • The permit documents will include information pertinent to beach erosion, beach performance,environmental setting, design details in permit drawings,sand source criteria,and any other information deemed important by State and Federal agencies. The permit will also incorporate information developed in recently completed geotechnical investigations,engineering studies,and physical monitoring reports. 2. Administration • Administration includes coordination, meetings, progress and status updates, budget control, scheduling, planning, internal meetings, and other associated management tasks. Page 2 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4*New Business 3 of 6 3. Pre-Application Meeting • Coordinate with the County and State and Federal resource protection agencies to schedule a project pre-application meeting. Schedule the pre-application meeting sufficiently in advance to allow those State and Federal agencies responsible for project evaluation to attend. Agencies that will be invited include the FDEP, USACE, National Marine Fisheries Service(NMFS), United States Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS),and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). The purpose of the meeting will be to describe the design decisions that the County reached in formulating the proposed project. Goals of the pre-application meeting are to obtain agency input on the proposal, identify additional data needs and concerns,and develop responses to those issues before submittal of the JCP. By meeting with the agencies before formal submittal of the JCP,the critical tasks will be identify and criteria needed to process a 15-year permit. The FDEP has new rules for repeating nourishment projects that will reduce the amount of effort required, but they have not been finalized nor formally accepted by the USACE.One trip to Tallahassee with County staff to meet and coordinate with the agencies should be included in this proposal. Consultation with the Corps of Engineers(USACE)in Ft. Myers must occur to fully investigate criteria for an expedited permit process and a 15-year permit length, and how the Corps process can be integrated into the new FDEP procedures. Recommendations to the County based on the results of these meetings are required. 4. Prepare Engineering Sections • Prepare an updated engineering summary of the project area that will supplement previously submitted engineering reports. This summary will analyze recent trends and contain an updated sediment budget for the area. Update the design based upon previous design templates and maximize the design life where feasible.The design will account for historic volumetric and MHW change rates. The design will propose a progressively higher beach and dune design template in order to account for future sea level rise. Dune restoration and planting will also be included within the plan. This design methodology will be documented within the engineering summary for use in permitting. • Along with the engineering summary, prepare a project and construction description, project schedule, impact analysis,and other required engineering documents and drawings for the permit application. Permit sketches will be developed and finalized within this phase.The permit sketches will include a plan-view design with corresponding beach profile cross-sections along with borrow area design. • Results of the previous engineering,inlet and monitoring reports will be incorporated into the permit application. 5. Expedited Handling • The engineering report and attachments will make a case for an expedited FDEP permitting process. The criteria that beach nourishment projects that are constructed and maintained with no substantial changes in project scope,and past performance indicates the project has met design expectations will be used for a simplified and expedited permitting process under the following criteria: i. Beach nourishment has been conducted at least once since the initial construction of the beach restoration; ii. Physical and biological site conditions have not changed since initial construction of the project that would result in a violation of water quality standards or a significant adverse impact to the coastal system; Page 3 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4*New Business 4 of 6 iii. Physical monitoring data and analysis has shown the project has performed according to design expectations; iv. The project has met performance expectations,with due regard for storm impacts, by maintaining the beach restoration project through the design nourishment interval; v. The advance nourishment fill volume is not greater than the design volume used in the preceding maintenance events after an allowance for incidental erosion of the design profile (backshore berm); vi. Biological monitoring data and analysis has shown no additional adverse impacts greater than those anticipated by the original permitted project; vii. For the item f above,an analysis of actions at Blind Pass will address how they met FDEP Strategic Management Plan and Interlocal agreement criteria. viii. The applicant has conducted and submitted to the Department all the physical and biological monitoring data and analysis required by permits for the preceding project. 6. Prepare Environmental Sections • Biologists will review and compile updated environmental data (e.g.sea turtle nesting data, shorebird nesting,and hardbottom resources)that may be requested by FDEP and/or USACE.This will include pre-construction hardbottom biological monitoring data collected in August 2013 before the 2013 beach renourishment project. Coordinate with various agencies to obtain any additional data. No new field work should be required. • Environmental sections of the JCP application, including threatened and endangered species present,existing natural communities,wildlife surveys, biological resources, etc.,will be prepared by a qualified biologist. Biologists will also provide additional information for the USACE which may be required for consultation with USFWS and NMFS,such as the Manatee Biological Evaluation (USFWS)and the Section 7 Consultation Checklist(NMFS). Assist the USACE in preparing a public notice, consultation letter and advertising the public notice. • Based upon recent guidance, it is anticipated that the environmental information submitted with the JCP application and within the Manatee Biological Evaluation (USFWS)and Section 7 Consultation Checklist(NMFS)will be sufficient to satisfy NEPA requirements, including Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation with USFWS and NMFS and Essential Fish Habitat(EFH)consultation with NMFS.Assume that the USFWS Statewide Programmatic Biological Opinion(SPBO)for nesting sea turtles and the USFWS P3B0 for piping plovers will apply to this project. If a hopper dredge is utilized for the project,then the terms and conditions from the NMFS Gulf of Mexico Regional BO(GRBO)should be applied. Use of a cutterhead dredge would require concurrence from NMFS with a "not likely to adversely affect" determination or a separate BO for this project.This scope of work should not include the preparation of a Biological Assessment(BA), EFH Assessment or Environmental Assessment; it is expected that the environmental data provided to USACE during the permit application phase will be adequate to obtain all agency approvals.The environmental and biological criteria needed to justify an expedited permitting process(62B-49.0055,see Section 2 above) will be integrated into this section. • Environmental,geology,and cultural resources documents developed for permitting and monitoring from the permit agencies for the Collier project over the last 10 years will be assembled and organize on a CD for use by the permit agencies. This will provide an accessible reference for agency action on this repeat project. Page 4 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4`New Business 5 of 6 7. Prepare Geology Sections • Results of the past geotechnical investigations will be incorporated into the permit application. Existing permit sketches of Borrow Area T1 should suffice. A compatibility analysis of the borrow areas will be developed for the permit application. No new field work is being proposed. • Design of a borrow area, preparation of permit sketches and assembling geotechnical data in FDEP format for permitting the Cape Romano sand source subject to availability of funding remaining in this task order after completion of RAI No. 1 response. No new research, investigation or analysis is assumed as part of this task. • Upland sources will be researched and characterized in addition to the offshore borrow areas. This will include a recent sand sample and laboratory report characterizing the sand supplier product suitable for Collier County beaches. This will allow flexibility of sand source options during emergency nourishment situations. A small report of local sand sources will be prepared along with an analysis of representative mine samples for use in permitting. 8. Prepare Special Plans • In addition to project-specific engineering and scientific information,the following items will be required to receive a permit for the project. These plans will be based on those prepared for the last permit and will be submitted as data acquisition allows: i. Sediment Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QA/QC) Plan: A revised Sediment QA/QC Plan will be developed and submitted to the FDEP for review and approval. The new plan will integrate the latest sediment data from the project area. Separate plans will be developed for the offshore borrow areas and upland sand sources. ii. Physical Monitoring Plan: The physical monitoring plan for the beach and offshore borrow area will be updated. Monitoring will consist of profile surveys of the beach and periodic surveys of the borrow areas. The plan will be submitted to FDEP for approval. iii. Biological Monitoring Plan: The biological monitoring plan for the beach will be updated, if needed. Monitoring will consist of various diver investigations of the nearshore hardbottom habitat. Results of the 2013 pre-construction dives will be included. 9. Respond to Agency Comments/RAI Phase • This task includes preparing responses for one(1) Request for Additional Information (RAI)from the Corps and FDEP,as well as travel to visit FDEP offices one(1)time. The FDEP is using an extended information collection period in lieu of RAI No. 2,which will be covered in this task in conjunction with task E. Recommend actions to be taken by the County will be made should they be needed to move the permit process along. Recent experience shows that one round of RAI responses with an extended question period should address all the major issues. Anything beyond a first set of RAI and reasonable extended questions period or equivalent will be discussed with County staff to develop a course of action. Recent physical monitoring results will be provided to FDEP to supplement the permit application. Page 5 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-4*New Business 6 of 6 10. Finalize Permit Application Process • This task includes: Negotiating Permit and BO Requirements, Issuance of Public Notice, Response to Comments on Public Issuance,Coordination of Final Permit Issuance, and providing last-minute documents to assist agencies in issuing the permit • This proposed scope of work assumes that the following tasks will not be required based upon recent guidance:a chapter 62B-41.008h survey, Environmental Assessment, Biological Assessment, EFH Assessment, a new Division of Historic Resources investigation of the beach or borrow area, mitigation plan, modeling, and other major field investigations or reports. This scope of work does not include County permitting or other administrative actions. The pending BOEM lease will be good for at least 2 years, and no action will be included towards application of a newer lease. Permit fees will be provided by the County. Selection Criteria used for Consultant Evaluation and Selection 1. Firms Credentials and Experience—40% • Provide a "not to exceed"two page"Firm Credential and Experience" narrative that identifies and highlights the firms credentials and experience relative to JCP multi-year beach renourishment permitting,success and cost effectiveness. • Provide the resumes of key individual and qualifying experience relative to major beach renourishment JCP permitting that are available resources and assigned to this project. 2. Discipline Experience—30% • Provide a list of projects that includes sufficient detailed description that outlines the firms experience in JCP multi-year beach renourishment permitting,success and cost effectiveness. 3. References—20% • Provide five(5)completed reference forms from clients whose projects are of a similar nature to this solicitation as part of their proposal. The county will only evaluate the first five references provided. 4. Firm's Location,Availability and Responsiveness—10% • Provide a "not to exceed"two page narrative that identifies demonstrated responsiveness to county needs;availability of resources and identification of firm location. Page 6 I n 1 xl c c 8, 3 � . -0 v a n nk u) 0 5' = d ` C A ?iii/‘ Z7 Q, �? -, N CD C _ n K1 11 i (-DI C 0 i 4 o m.w ' = mom -. . 2 • m co N (D A CD M S y (=D W CD 0 M. 0 CO 0 2. 0 I — 0' to m-4 gz CD N -L 0 It w alI 3 a a � a N Cl ktia'N li N -u 3to c m a M 0 N > > cn 3 0 g. m 3 Cl)!. .f. CD N - 5 N -► D <Tt D o N ...A. l I T O O Z� o OO . W f o C N ..O 7 N A Cl, p* ID 7' 3 O O N O rN+ 0 C Ca ch M - O O ca 9- (3 CD < O O 7 7 3 O 3 90 <D 0) to CD - 3 3 N D a A r n C) DC fD CDD f� CD N N CD 11 m 7 m C C y .7. a N y 3 N j N n ' 6) t c N N r-t .. 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N N O -, fD 3 co t@ 2 O 3 N <D to N O m S N a 3 7 .' a .Oi 9. o aQ .- <' a) A °- m to 3 co = fD O� C N X a m C "�' m m. to m `< O. 3: N (.� 'D N C 0 �, do- p 0 0 CD < = .L X71 CD mg N = ° y 7 N 7 0 N d dm S' O6 Oa ° C N - CO -. N �v o W a 7 a a, 2 in '- °' 3A' -« mA- 3 3 ;° a u O. O m O o 3 Cr o 3 n N m :* a o a Su la T 3 O X a, 6.3. � 1 _ � 'flcnn �. ° A ' m N ? "7 O. 3 0 g S ° CD 3 tJ3 0 rn ccnn Q ? 0 N n o a O m -. ° ? <• rn ` an v cm �la0 � C �,W .0 a m a m° O 3 cn cn .� 0 p A 5. Q g H N O N c6 m m ° o * tmn p O 0 6 3 C tD 0. Cl, 0 ° N m O W N N• —I 18 , Q m 5' O a O.O. ■I co c O O. c v O 3 . 0 t0 co N wO N 7 O IV N co CD in ?�.. •'1 3 . "* C S. d mi 3 fl. O P. V e0�w d• O a I). r a g 0- co a a a to at I 0 O = a) .4 3 c7tnA" z� 3 to 3 a0 0 co — p 0, W o §a O ti.o_ s 3 N A cn E m 0 F 0 to co 6 CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6 New Business 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a proposal from CB&I Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc., dated March 21, 2014 to support FDEP FY 2014/15 Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) application and scope eligibility discussions and determination under Contact No. 13-6164 for time and material not to exceed $2,455, and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. OBJECTIVE: Resolve scope eligibility and funding with FDEP's FY 2012/15 LGFR Application CONSIDERATIONS: This proposal details the tasks necessary to address FDEP December 23, 2013 comments from Vince George for the 2010 to 2014 engineering and permitting tasks leading to the 2013-14 Renourishment Project. The issues deal with eligibility of the tasks for FDEP's 2014/15 LGFR and is required prior to future contract executed with FDEP Cost Share. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in Tourist Development Tax Fund (195) in Project 80096 Collier Beach Design and Construction. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT:Ther e is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends this proposal be recommended for approval for time and material not to exceed of$2,455. This item will be reviewed by the CAC on April 10, 2014. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for approval. -CMG RECOMMENDATION: To approve a proposal from CB&I Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc., dated March 21, 2014 to support FDEP FY 2014/15 Local Government Funding Request (LGFR) application and scope eligibility discussions and determination under Contact No. 13- 6164 for time and material not to exceed $2,455, and make a finding that this expenditure promotes tourism. Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Natural Resources Department Attachments: Proposal CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6'New Business 1 of 9 CB&I Coastal Planning &Engineering, Inc. f3 2481 NW Boca Raton Blvd. Boca Raton,FL 33431 Tel:+1 561 391 8102 Fax:+1 561 391 9116 www.CBl.com March 21, 2014 Gary McAlpin Collier County Coastal Zone Management 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 Re: Respond to FDEP Questions for the 2010-14 Renourishment Engineering Tasks, Collier County, Florida; (Contract No. 13-6164 "Professional Services: Architect and Engineering") Dear Gary: This letter is a proposal for hourly services for CB&I Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc.,(CB&I) f/k/a Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. to perform staff engineering tasks to support the County with addressing FDEP Questions for the 2010-14 Renourishment Engineering Tasks under the terms and conditions of the above-reference Agreement. This scope of work details the tasks necessary to address FDEP December 23, 2013 comments from Vince George and other issues for the 2010 to 2014 engineering and permitting tasks leading to the 2013-14 Renourishment Project. The issues deal with eligibility of the tasks for State funding. The FDEP Beach Management Funding Assistance Program does not receive the technical support formerly provided by the other beach oriented sections, and they need additional assistance in showing how the pieces from the 2010 and 2012 engineering services SOW are eligible for FDEP funding. A scope of work is included as Exhibit A, the fee proposal is included as Exhibit B, and the rates schedule is provided as Exhibit C. The cost with time and materials should not to exceed $2,455. Very truly yours, C__________ ts...‹. Ste,hen eehn, P.E. Senior - •astal Engineer CB&I Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. cc: Gail Hambright, Collier County Government Sheri Di , CB&I Authorize orporate Signature 6Qr04 }I)O al a Printed Name 7 VireJ� r Title CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6'New Business 2 of 9 C I CLIENT: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Acknowledgement and Acceptance: Authorized Representative Signature Printed Name Title Date CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6*New Business 3of9 13 .. Exhibit A Scope of Work CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6*New Business 4 of 9 Exhibit A Address FDEP Questions for the 2010-14 Renourishment Engineering Task Collier County, Florida Scope of Work This scope of work details the tasks necessary to address FDEP December 23, 2013 comments from Vince George for the 2010 to 2014 engineering and permitting tasks leading to the 2013- 14 Renourishment Project. The issues deal with eligibility of the tasks for State funding. The FDEP concerns were further described in a telephone conference on March 6, 2014 with Stephen Keehn. This task will respond to each of Mr. Georges' comments for the May 2012 engineering and permitting SOW with the September 2013 modification. For example, task 11- 13 were substantially modified by the 2013 change order, and the inlet tasks were focused on improving the beaches performance using inlet sand, which should be eligible for funding. Some of the tasks may be ineligible and we will provide the associated cost. We will concur with Mr. Georges' comments in these cases. Vince George's December 23, 2013 comments were as follows: Please provide revised, or new, versions of two scopes of work for the Collier County beach nourishment project. The first is for the preparation of the conceptual/modeling report (October 2010) and the second is for design, engineering and permitting services (May 2012)for the project, both initially provided in late August. General comments: In complying with the above request, perhaps it would be helpful to review billed tasks, apart from reviewing SOWs that are years old and contain tasks that may not have been initiated. All contingency tasks should be excluded. Please revise the Conceptual/Modeling (October 2010) SOW to include what has been done, since FY 2013-14 construction is ongoing, as the SOW is too old to evaluate. State budget language notes FY 2013-14 funding is for "Collier County Beach Nourishment Project". Anything for South Marco Beach, Doctor's Pass, Wiggins Pass or Clam Pass should be excluded from either SOW. Design, Engineering and Permitting Services (May 2012) SOW specifics: 1. Administration task is not eligible. 2. Task 2.b.i. for Doctor's Pass is not eligible. Task 2.b.ii should not include costs for the inlet projects. 3. Task 3.a-question age completed for the current permit. Task 3.c is out of project area. 4. Please provide SOW from other contractor. 5. Task 5.b. Remove Clam Pass Park analysis since it is not critically eroded. Task 5.d.Was structures analysis completed? Task 5. e.i North Park Shore is not eligible. Task 5.e.ii Barefoot Beach was removed from project, so was analysis completed? 6. No comment. 7. Was work completed and the lease obtained? 8. Only Minor mod was completed, so please adjust costs accordingly, specifically g, h, and i. 9. No comment. 10. Not eligible. 11. Task 11 in general may not have been needed. Please verify. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6*New Business 5 of 9 12. Task 12 is ineligible. 13. Task 13 is ineligible. The FDEP concern with the 2010 engineering services scope of work leading to the 2011 engineering report is the degree that they were needed. An explanation will be prepared for FDEP explaining how the Conceptual Engineering and Modeling Report developed project improvements that overcame obstacles encountered or not corrected with the 1996 and 2006 nourishments. These projects were restricted by permit conditions and lack of historic coastal process information needed for the design of a more effective project. The FDEP Beach Management Funding Assistance Program does not receive the technical support formally provided by the other beach oriented sections, and they need additional assistance in showing how the pieces from the 2010 and 2012 engineering services Scopes of Work are eligible for FDEP funding. In addition, changes to the program's direction not originally identified need to be identified. CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6"New Business 6 of 9 CBI Exhibit B Fee Proposal 8 To' k k 2 U C.' .c cn m _ _ Lo $ 7J i 10 10 / cq N.-= �� � |2 x 2 Cri N II II E co is k 2 � _ $ a 0_ 0 / 4A N f co 7. 8 c , ¥ in a c ■ w « c = E / § 02 § \ & 22 ¥ e Co- © 1r IL ® k s co §§ ■ 1. £i 6 c m 2222 ®ci k \/ � § � k0t % S aee _ off_ .0 = c ■ a) \$ / 2 ° v § U o 0 c $ U o - 2 o 2 0 7 co 3 a % 2 § a E r) . 0 § k 3 ED 2 e i \ g / 2 J .a. / o k N G fC w C 3 ■ -J § g t( 0 § 5 O k k f I— K it ■ $ $ w « § « CO u.& CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6*New Business 8 of 9 c . 4. Exhibit C Rate Schedule CAC April 10,2014 VIII-6'New Business 9 of 9 Exhibit C SCHEDULE B: RATE SCHEDULE ................. C Standard Hourly i Title Rate Principal $ 206.00 Senior Project Manager $ 172.00 Project Manager $ 147.00 Senior Engineer $Engineer $ 123.00 Senior inspector $ 96.00 Inspector $ 76.00 Senior Planner $ 139.00 Planner $ 110.00 Senior Designer $ 114.00 Designer $ 94.00 Environmental Specialist $ 109.00 Senior Environmental Specialist $ 134.00 Scientist/Geologist $ 93.00 Senior Scientist/Geologist $ 118.00 Marine Biologist/Hydrogeologist _ $ 110.00 Senior Marine Biologist/Hydrogeologist $ 138.00 Senior GIS Specialist i $ 139.00 GIS Specialist $ 102.00 Clerical/Administrative $ 62.00 s Senior Technician $ 85.00 Technician $ 72.00 Surveyor and Mapper 5 120.00 CADD Technician $ 81.00 Survey Crew-2 man $ 130.00 Survey Crew 3 man $ 161.00 S; urvey Crew-4 man $ 189.00 Senior Architect $ 154.00 Architect $ 121.00 This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Hourly rates for other categories of professional, support and other services shall be mutually negotiated by Collier County and firm on a project by project basis as needed. B-1