Immokalee EZDA Minutes 01/08/2014 - Joint Meeting nty Co"F n.rii y Rees,'fthop !Lill Ageoc I M M KA . E CRA Enclosure 1 I The P ace#o CaI=4 fours MINUTES Joint Meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, Enterprise Zone Agency, and the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU January 08, 2014 750 South 5r" Street, Immokalee, FL A. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Mike Facundo, CRA Chair at 8:50 a.m. B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Present: Floyd Crews, Cristina Perez, Carrie Williams, Mike Facundo, Robert Halman, Julio Estremera, and Ski Olesky. Advisory Committee/EZDA Members Absent/Excused: Frank Nappo, Esil Null, and James Wall. MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present: Cherryle Thomas, Lucy Ortiz, William Deyo,Norma Garcia, and Andrea Halman. MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused: All present. Action: A quorum was announced as being present for all boards. Others Present: Fred Thomas, Chief Paul Anderson, Susan Golden, Erica Ray, Stephanie Gorski, Lina Chenak, Maureen Baynes, Hanna Wirtz, Stephane Morrow, Michael Fasullo, Jimmy Thomas, Andy Grennia, Drew Nickel, Mathhew Smith, Eva Garza, Amanda Campos, Araceli Diaz, Donna Yzaguirre, Sylvia Yzaguirre, David Genson, Dan Waters, Armando Yzaguirre, Richard Tindell, Steve Hart, Wayne Arnold, Corey Jones, Jamie Weisinger, Jerry Blocker, Pam Brown, Burce Blocker, Dean Blocker, Naomi Ruiz, Maricela Velazquez, Gloria Silva, Nicole Henry, Lydia Johnson, Michele Mosca, Kay Deselem, Dan Brundage, Magda Ayala, Eva Deyo, Stephanie Rice, Robert Davenport, Richard Yovanovich, and Richard Tindell. Staff: Brad Muckel, Marie Capita, and Christie Betancourt. C. Introductions. Due to the size of the crowd only the board members present introduced themselves. D. Announcements. a. BCC Agenda Items Staff announced that two items will come before the Board of County Commissioners on January 14, 2014. Staff also announced that Commissioner Nance will attend the CRA meeting in February. E. Adoption of Agenda Action: Mr. Olesky made a motion to approve the Agenda, Ms. Williams seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. F. Communications. The folder containing the Public Notice, Community Clean up Flyer, letter from William's family attorney was presented to the board. G. Approval of Minutes a. Approval of Minutes for the December 18, 2013 Joint Meeting of the CRA, EZDA & MSTU board. 1 CRA/EZDA Board Action vote. Action: Mr. Olesky made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 18, 2013 CRA and EZDA Meeting with one correction. The motion was seconded by Ms. Williams and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. b. Approval of Minutes for the December 18, 2013 Meeting of the MSTU Advisory board. MSTU Board Action vote. Action: Ms. Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 18, 2013 MSTU Meeting with one correction. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ortiz and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote. H. New Business. a. CP-2013-8 Proposed Amendment to the IAMP for large scale retailer Mr. Facundo informed the board that the applicant for large scale retailer would be making a presentation and having a Q & A with the board and then the board will open it up for citizen's comments. Wayne Arnold for Grady Minor introduced himself and he also announced David Genson from Barron Collier and Richard Yovanovich the attorney as being present. He also said that Michele Mosca and Kay Deselem are here from the county. Mr. Arnold said that the formal applications have been submitted to Collier County, seeking approval of a Growth Management Plan Amendment (Immokalee Area Master Plan) and a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rezoning, by Barron Collier Investments, Ltd. SR29 CPUD, approximately 24.99± acres is located in the northwest quadrant of Westclox Street and S. ER. 29 in Section 29, Township 46 South Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. The petitioner is asking the county to approve these applications to allow a concurrent amendment to the Collier County Growth Management Plan (Immokalee Area Master Plan) and rezone to Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) know as SR29 CPUD. The Growth Management Plan Amendment proposes to amend the Immokalee Area Master Plan to redesignate approximately 24.99 ±acres from the Neighborhood Center, Low Residential and High Residential Subdistricts to the Commercial Subdistrict — S.R. 29 and Jefferson Avenue. The rezone petition being processed concurrently with the Growth Management Plan Amendment proposes to redesignate approximately 24.99± acres from the A (MHO) Zoning District to the Commercial Planned Development Zoning District to permit development of a maximum of 162,000 square feet of commercial gross floor area. In Compliance with the Land Development Code requirements, a Neighborhood informational Meeting will be held to inform the general public of the proposed changes and to answer questions regarding the application. The Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) will be held on 2 Co of vv!1t`J r 4 (<<'➢P:r l i'y R deve;opn ter t Age;icy IMMOKALEE CRA Enclosure 1 1 The Place to Cal Home I Monday, January 13, 2014 at 5:30 PM at the Immokalee Branch Library, 417 N. First Street., Immokalee, FL 34142. Questions from the CRA/EZDA & MSTU Board to Wayne Arnold Question: Edward "Ski" Olesky Will the building be used as a single unit or multiuse? Answer: Wayne Arnold Will allow for either a single or multi unit use. Comment: Floyd Crews My biggest issue is with the roads. There is always talking about increasing SR29 from two to four lanes. Answer: Wayne Arnold SR 29 is a State Road and we are limited to what we can do. Question: Floyd Crews You requested exemption from the architectural and site design standards identified in Section 5.05.08, and the signage requirements of Section 5.06 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Answer: Wayne Arnold No clear design yet just a request. Question: Floyd Crews How much is this going to retract from downtown Immokalee? Answer: Wayne Arnold Not the same type of businesses on Main Street that would come into area. Question: Lucy Ortiz Can you explain Exhibit# "VA" in the Comp Plan Amendment? Answer: Wayne Arnold Entire area was required to show for county submittal. Question: Lucy Ortiz Why did you pick this area? Answer: Wayne Arnold This area was chosen because it is on a major intersection with high traffic volume, designated commercial and a large piece of land owned by Barron Collier Investments. Question: Cherryle Thomas Do you have enough population or big box to come in? Answer: Wayne Arnold Study says yes. 3 Question: Ski Olesky Do you think it would be better to build the big box on County Road 846 more towards Ave Marie area? Answer: Wayne Arnold Selected this site because we have good access. Question: Andrea Halman Have you thought on what it's going to do to the downtown area? Answer: Wayne Arnold Don't compete with local businesses that are downtown. They don't directly compete. Comment: Fred Thomas This is not a new concept we are growing with the casino building a hotel and the community wanting to make Main Street area into a tourist attraction. Question: Lucy Ortiz Have you looked into what impact this property change will have on the Immokalee Airport? Answer: Wayne Arnold No study has been done. Question: Julio Estremera Have you looked at how this big box would impact the small businesses? Answer: Wayne Arnold This question was already addressed. Won't affect restaurant businesses and downtown shops/stores don't necessarily sell the same items as the retailer will. Comment: Mike Facundo I don't shop downtown I don't think the stores have anything here that I would want to buy. Question: Julio Estremera Do we have the population to support a Retail Center of this size? Answer: Wayne Arnold Yes Comment: Bill Deyo I believe that this big box would help keep teachers here in town. Question: Cherryle Thomas 4 o c r Y./(_Lyn Redeye Jpeenl Agea(Y IMMOKALEE CRA Enclosure 1 'The Pace to Cal t+orrre i Average population in Immokalee is 24,150 people year round. What is the population for Immokalee during season is what? Answer: Wayne Arnold Don't have those numbers. Comment: Magda Ayala This has been the concern for a long time whether we can support a large retail store or not. I don't think that by this big box coming in that stores like True Value will go out of business because they operate off of local account holders. Like Mike and others have said, we don't shop downtown now and with this retailer coming in we would shop in Immokalee. This would have a positive impact on the low income community who don't have the money to spend on travel expenses associated with shopping elsewhere. . Comment: Mike Facundo The biggest factor is that Immokalee is a walking community and this location is a good location for the CAT Bus system to be incorporated into route for travel. Comment: Ski Olesky Growth is going to be the connection between State Road 82 and County Road 846. Question: Andrea Halman How many people are they intending on hiring? Answer: Wayne Arnold 300 people Comment: Fred Thomas Spoke about MPO meeting. CRA chair Mike Facundo introduced the students in the room visiting from Loyola University in Chicago here doing an observation of county government. He also asked public to wait on commenting until Q & A was complete with the advisory board members. Comment: Fire Chief Paul Anderson Spoke about his concern with big box coming into small town. Comment: Donna Yzaguirre 5 Spoke about traffic study that was done in August. Do not agree with the study. Question: Study was done in 15 minutes. Why were those peak times chosen for the study? Believe it is insufficient information. Answer: Wayne Arnold That is when study was scheduled Question: Donny Yzaguirre Has CRA board received actual application? Answer: Christie Betancourt Copies were emailed to all board members. Some members didn't receive the email due to size of file. All board members received hard copies at the November 20, 2013 meeting. Comment: Mike Facundo We don't begin to open ourselves up to competition we don't welcome Economic Development. There is nothing wrong with having healthy competition. Comment: Floyd Crews Agreed with Mike's comment about having healthy completion. The only way we can have economic development is to have shovel-ready land in Immokalee. This is shovel ready land. Comment: Andrea Halman Not such a bad idea that Winn-Dixie has friendly competition. Comment: Pam Brown The same exemptions they are giving to these individual should be given across the board. The traffic study that was presented by the Barron Collier Company was not done at the right time. We need another study. Comment: Wayne Arnold Revision of Traffic Analysis zoning application will be provided Comment: Susan Golden I am representing the Immokalee Housing and Family Services and the community of 125 families who would really like to see a big box retail store come into Immokalee. This would be extremely beneficial for residents of Immokalee. It would provide our community with job opportunity and a walkable shopping opportunity within a one mile radius of our main office. 6 (A)iEa r r :ni R ievei oU.;ert Age ncr 1MMOKALEE CRA Enclosure 1 The Pince!o Col !lotus Question: Donna Yzaguirre Remember what happened in Clewiston when Wal-Mart came in? All the Downtown businesses closed. Existing traffic signal will need to be changed at that intersection. Need to do a new traffic analysis don't agree with the study presented. The retail store will put existing business downtown out of business. 300 jobs, but how many will be from Immokalee? Top positions will be going to people from outside Immokalee. Comment: Susan Golden The residents at our community are legal residents. This will improve their quality of life Comment: Fred Thomas We would have people from Labelle, Lehigh, Naples, Fort Myers, Alva, Ave Maria, & Felda come and shop at this store. Comment: Floyd Crews This project would allow for upward residential mobility to the residents. Comment: Susan Golden This would allow people to move from rental housing, to Habitat, to private sector home ownership. Comment: Chief Anderson People that shop at Wal-Mart shop at Wal-Mart regardless of its location. You already see them getting off of the CAT bus in Immokalee with Wal-Mart bags in their hands. CRA Old Business. a. Land Development Code i. Workshop Mr. Muckel provided board with the background of their request from the December CRA meeting. Board asked staff to send a request to have a member of the County Planning staff in the room to provide technical assistant during the LDR workshops that we will be having in the near future. The public workshops that we want to have would be to garner input from the public before we craft any changes. We would discuss the interim LDC deviations process currently in place, the Public Realm Plan and Form-Based Guidelines, current overlays, and the draft Immokalee LDR document authored by RWA Consulting. Staff provided board with a copy of an email sent from Growth Management Division informing the CRA that they would not be able to 7 commit any staff because they have four planners that are already maxed out on projects. CRA staff will go ahead and schedule three workshops to be conducted during evenings or weekends in order to increase public involvement. b. First Street Plaza—Zocalo i. Maintenance of Plaza—Annual Maintenance Budget Staff informed the board that they would like for the CRA to vote again because "yes" vote was received by phone from Carrie Willams. Mr. Muckel gave the board members not present at the last meeting a brief history of the project. Although construction of the facility is grant-funded, the Parks & Recreation Department will be responsible for all routine and on-call maintenance of this facility. In exchange, that Department will have full use of the facility to hold community events which will generate revenue for the Department. In addition, the Immokalee CRA Fund 186 and Immokalee MSTU Fund 162 will collectively contribute up to $20,000 per year to Parks & Recreation on an interdepartmental reimbursement basis for documented staff time and materials associated with maintaining the facility. The CRA will also pay the facility's utility bills (water& electric). After discussion both board would like a quarterly report from Collier County Parks & Recreation regarding day to day services. Also board would like to see some type of interlocal agreement with the Park, MSTU & CRA. Mr. Olesky announced that the Collier County Parks & Recreation board will have their next meeting in Immokalee. Both boards would like for staff to send them an invitation and back up information for this meeting. CRA/EZDA Board Action vote. Action: Ms. Williams made a motion to approve an expenditure of up to $10,000 per year from CRA Fund 186 to fund the First Street Plaza maintenance of the facility. Mr. Estremera seconded the motion and the motion passed by a 5-2 vote. Floyd Crews voted against and Ski Olesky abstained because he serves on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. c. CRA Project Manager Report Mr. Muckel gave an update on the Stormwater Improvements Projects. He informed the board that he met with the Williams family in regards to their concerns with the project. The attorney representing the family sent a response letter with regard to the ongoing second phase; he said they understand from the meeting we had that the system design will be amended to include a baffle box to collect debris and sediment, and a reduced outfall pipe diameter. This was later clarified as meaning a reduced mainline pipe size, not outfall pipe. For the moment, and in the absence of a comprehensive understanding of the overall project impacts, we must assume that the aggregate effect of all five phase is an 8 „>n'),(-UM`1„,11'y Rucie;;toprrer t Ayeoc r IMMOKALEE CRA Enclosure 1 The Place to Cal ftarite increase in surface water flow over the Williams' property. The Williams must protect their interests, and our objective going forward is to actively participate in the design process and to influence that process to the extent we reasonable identify adverse impacts to the Williams' property. Comment: Dan Waters - South Florida Water Management District Our Agency reviewed the permit application including the pre and post- development flows. We also reviewed: •Permitting associated with Arrorwhead reserve •Flows—purposed—modifications •Pollutants - Land use •Pollutants same as it was previously •Slightly better than what it permitted now •More sediment/pollutants downstream with existing conditions •Baffle Box = less pollutants Comment: Dan Brundage from ABB Although it is true that we are replacing large ditches with RCP, we still have engineered shallow swales on top of the pipe runs for filtration. He said project will still have an overall improvement on pollutant reduction. Also, the project will ultimately reduce flooding. i. Drainage and Sidewalk Improvement Projects 1. Immokalee Drive Project SFWMD construction permit issued HHVS requesting an environmental assessment be performed prior to bidding the project. Projected construction start: May-2014. Deadline to request $200,000 reimbursement under Funding Agreement with Big Cypress Basin has been pushed to February 28, 2014. The extension will go before the BCC for approval on February 11th 2. Colorado Avenue Project Design complete. HHVS requesting an environmental assessment be performed prior to bidding the project. This project will be combined with Immokalee Drive and bid as one collective ITB in March-2014. Projected construction start May-2014 ii. Façade Grant Program Notary & Paralegal Services: Grant Agreement approved on 9/11/12 by CRA Board. Previous deadline for completion was 9/11/13. Following the CRA Advisory Board recommendation, on 9/10/13 the CRA Board approved the 180-day extension. Project must be completed by 3/11/14. 9 Following the CRA Advisory Board recommendation, the CRA Board approved the $20,000 Kountry Kitchen application on 9/10/13. Project must be completed by 9/10/14. iii. Crosswalk Improvement Project AIM Engineering was issued a Notice-to-Proceed on 6/12/13 to 1) perform analytical and observational pedestrian stud y along Main and South First Streets, 2) conduct public workshops to educate the community on transportation safety, 3) meet with community organizations to garner input on solutions to the pedestrian incidence rate, and 4) produce construction drawings for the device(s) that will have the greatest impact on reducing the pedestrian injury/fatality rate within the Immokalee Central Business District. ($73,070, funded by the MSTU Fund 162). AIM will be conducting their field studies on the weekends of 1/10/14 (tube counts) and 1/17/14 (observational assessments). d. IBDC Project Manager Ms. Capita provided the board with an update on the Immokalee Business Development Center. She informed board that the $115, 000 IBDC grant will go before the board to be recognized. J. MSTU New Business K. MSTU Old Business a. Budget Report Staff provided board with a budget to actual report of MSTU fund 162 and fund 111-163805. Ms. Betancourt reviewed the report with board. b. PO Report Staff provided board with a Purchase Order report showing all the open purchase orders and the balance of each. c. MSTU Project Manager Report Staff provided board with updates on the Zocalo — First Street Plaza, Immokalee Landscape Maintenance Contract, the Immokalee Main Street Median Reconfiguration Project, the Immokalee Median Landscaping Irrigation Improvements project, and the Carson Road Sidewalk Project. Zocalo - 1st Street Plaza Final construction contract being executed and recorded by County Departments. Building permit applications are currently under review by County GMD. Notice-to-Proceed will be issued to Surety Construction once the signed contract is recorded and building permits are issued. Projected construction start: late Jan-2014. Grant expires on 5/31/14. 10 u!: nty° .�>n 1t niy R deve>opr=er t flgeihty IMMOKALEE CRA Enclosure 1 The P+cee to Culs i bole Boards would like for staff to schedule a grand opening for the plaza once project is completed. Staff informed board that they hadn't spoken to James but he was due back for work the week of January 20` Immokalee Landscape/Maintenance Contract A&M Property Management has been diligently maintaining the MSTU areas. Current issues to be resolved: • Trash Container Latches o Container repairs • Irrigation Repairs • Plant Replacement • Angel and Banner Removal o Banner pole replacements o Banner knob replacements Immokalee Main Street Median Reconfiguration Project Jointly funded between MSTU and FDOT Construction completion date was 11/23/13 Submitted reimbursement request packet to FDOT ($67k) on 12/20/13. Final Bonness invoice paid December 23, 2013 Immokalee Median Landscaping/Irrigation Improvement project Jointly funded between MSTU and FDOT Construction plans currently at 90% Project on hold until the Pedestrian Safety Improvement project is completed. Our request to FDOT extending our performance period from Jun-2014 to 2015 has been approved. Carson Road project— Sidewalk 100% complete Final Invoice approved County Road Maintenance requesting that the MSTU fill in the areas at intersections with asphalt to avoid future pot holes. d. Contractor Reports; i. Maintenance Report—A & M Armando Yzaguirre from A & M Property Maintenance provided the MSTU board with a report on all services they provided for the month of December and January. ii. Greenwork Studio— Landscape Architect Report Richard Tindell from Greenworks provided the MSTU board abbreviated report for special joint meeting. He announced that observation areas continue to be much improved. Routine maintenance work has been performed. Site is clean and trimming complete along First Street and 11 about 98% on Main Street, weed control is improved but continued work is needed. Plant replacement of First Street is complete. Main Street has been put on hold. iii. Code Enforcement—Highlights Staff provided all board members a flyer of the community clean-up scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2014 from 8:00 AM — 1:00 PM. Ms. Cristina Perez announced that the cleanup will be at 1813 Lake Trafford Road next to Mr. 99 Cents store. Cristina also gave a brief report on the community effort from code enforcement in Immokalee. She informed the board that the next Community Task Force meeting will be held on January 28, 2014 at 10:00 AM at the Collier County Health Department office in Immokalee. Ms. Halman requested that code enforcement look into esthetic issues on property next to the vacant property that the community clean up is going to be held on. L. Citizen Comments. Chris Curry former Collier County Airport Executive Director wanted to thank the CRA staff, CRA board, and the MSTU board and community members present for working closely with him over his time with the county. He informed the board that he will be starting his new job in Tallahassee in two weeks. Cherryle Thomas wanted to thank Chris Curry on behalf of the Immokalee MSTU board for his service in Immokalee. Floyd Crews announced that the LCEC is building a power substation on Lake Trafford Road to service Immokalee. K. Next Meeting Date. The next regular CRA/EZDA Meeting will be February 19, 2014, at 8:30 A.M. at Southwest Florida Works located at 750 South 5th Street in Immokalee. The next regular MSTU Meeting will be held on February 26, 2014, at 10:00 AM at Southwest Florida Works located at 750 South 5th Street in Immokalee. L. Adjournment. This meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM 12 Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency IMMOKALEE CRA i The Place to Call Home i Certification of Minutes Approval Form Prepared by: Approved by: t Brddlcy v4'uckel,Interim Executive Director Michael "Mike"Facundo, Chairman Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency These Minutes for the January 08, 2014 CRA/EZDA Advisory Board Meetings were approved by the CRA Advisory Board/EZDA on February 19, 2014 as presented. * The next joint Advisory Board/EZDA meeting will be held March 19, 2014 at 8:30A.M. at the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency office located at 750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, Fl 34142. All meetings will be publicly noticed in the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F), posted at the Immokalee Public Library and provided to the County Public Information Department for distribution. Please call Christie Betancourt,Administrative Assistant,at 239-867-0025 for additional information. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact Christie Betancourt, Administrative Assistant, at least 48 hours before the meeting. The public should be advised that members of the Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee and the CRA Advisory Board are also members of the other Boards and Committees, including, but not limited to: EZDA, Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board, Immokalee Fire Commission, and the Collier County Housing Authority; etc. In this regard, matters coming before the IMPVC and the Advisory Board may come before one or more of the referenced Board and Committees from time to time.