Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 06/02/2008 R \_r County
Floodplain Management Planning Committee
Ray Smith, Chairman Mike DeRuntz,Vice-Chairman
Phillip Brougham Pierre Bruno Stan Chrzanowski Jerry Kurtz
Bob Devlin(Marco I.) Joseph Gagnier Travis Gossard Mac Hatcher
Christa Carrera(Naples) Adoni Kokkinos Herb Luntz Charles Martin
Lew Schmidt Dan Summers Clarence Tears John Torre
Jim Turner Duke Vasey Christine Sutherland
Terry Smallwood(Everglades City)
Meeting Minutes for 6-2-08 Regular Meeting
Start: 9:00 a.m. End: 11:12 a.m. Location: 2800 North Horseshoe Drive,Rm. 609
Meeting Attendance: Ray Smith,Mike DeRuntz,Rick Zyvoloski(substitute for Dan
Summers),Jerry Kurtz,Jim Turner,John Torre, Mac Hatcher, Travis Gossard,Adoni Kokkinos,
Christine Sutherland,Ananta Nath(substitute for Clarence Tears),Duke Vasey,Joseph Gagnier,
Phillip Brougham, Pierre Bruno, Lew Schmidt,and Robert Wiley.
Absent: Charles Martin(Excused),Herb Luntz(Excused), Bob Devlin, Christa Carrera, and
Terry Smallwood., and Stan Chrzanowski.
Meeting called to order by Ray Smith,Chairman.
1. Committee approved the minutes for the 5-5-08 Regular Meeting. Motion to approve by Phil
Brougham,passed unanimously.
2. Discussion on adding two civil engineer members to the FMPC(Mr. William Varian)--Mr.
Varian is the chairman of the Development Services Advisory Committee(DSAC). The
FMPC members in attendance introduced themselves,with some providing a bit of their
background and experience. Mr. Varian indicated that DSAC is concerned with the policies,
programs and costs that would be incurred from items recommended for approval by the
FMPC. One specific concern is with the proposed Stormwater System Certification program.
Duke Vasey discussed the apparent communication problem between different committees.
Pierre Bruno discussed that he welcomed checks and balances between committees. Phil
Brougham discussed that adding two civil engineering members would begin to slant the
FMPC away from the citizen's perspective and he would resign if the positions are added.
The discussion moved to the issue of members of separate committees discussing items that
appear before the committees, and whether this is a violation of the Sunshine Law. Robert
Wiley will check into this,but he thought there may be a conflict. (Note that as a follow-up
to this,the County Attorney opined that there is no violation of the Sunshine Law if members
of separate committees discuss issues since they are not both on the same committee.) At the
request of Pierre Bruno, Mike DeRuntz read portions of the approved Resolution 06-200 that
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established the FMPC. Phil Brougham motioned that the FMPC not support the addition of
the two civil engineer members. During discussion of the motion,Travis Gossard expressed
his concern on the position that placed the Committee members who were also County staff
since the direction to amend Resolution 06-200 came from the Board of County
Commissioners(Board). Phil Brougham called the question to vote, and the call to vote
passed 6 to 5. Then the vote on the motion failed 4 to 6. Ray Smith then motioned to accept
the Board's direction. Discussion on that motion followed with Duke Vasey requesting to
amend the motion such that the two civil engineers not be in the development industry
(members of DSAC). Ray Smith agreed to the requested amendment,but in the following
discussion the motion's seconder withdrew his second. Ray Smith then moved to table the
issue until the July meeting,with Ray,Robert Wiley and Mike DeRuntz meeting with the
County Manager in the interim to discuss the issue and bring back direction to the FMPC.
Pierre Bruno then expressed his concern that he may be in a position of having a conflict of
interest to be a FMPC member considering his current employment. Ray Smith explained
that there was no issue,based upon his application documents.
3. Planning for the Educational.Video for the County TV channel (John Torre)--John Torre
said that his department is very small,but they will get started on developing a revised video.
However, it won't be ready for this summer. Travis Gossard asked John Torre to publish the
Road Maintenance Department's telephone number as the place to call with all drainage
4. Action Items update and report on Sub-Committee meeting--Ray Smith discussed the 5-15-
08 sub-committee's meeting and review of maps locating the properties with flood insurance
and properties with mobile homes. Joe Gagnier motioned to approve these maps which are
task items in the new FMP Action Plan. Rick Zyvoloski requested that the maps be
formatted to comply with the planning districts of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. The motion
passed unanimously. Phil Brougham informed the FMPC of the need to keep the meeting
minutes updated on the floodplain management web page. Ray Smith asked Robert Wiley to
schedule another sub-committee meeting for Item 4(Meeting with local real estate boards to
discuss"All Hazards"educational meetings and prepare a grant application to fund
preparation of"All Hazard"educational brochures for distribution to prospective real estate
clients)on the previous sub-committee agenda. It was also discussed that the 5-15-08 sub-
committee meeting minutes need to be corrected on page 2 for the spelling of Krier(instead
of Drier). Christine Sutherland also requested Robert Wiley to contact Ellie Krier to follow
up on some information.
New Business
1. Flood zone determination and link to Property Appraiser web site(Tim Billings and Lindsey
Dagnall)—This item was postponed until the July meeting,but Duke Vasey suggested
discussing additions to the property identification page with the Property Appraiser.
2. Higher regulatory standards ordinance development(Robert Wiley)--This item was
postponed until the July meeting.
3. Public Comments—Mr.Varian was the only member of the public to attend, and he left after
the first agenda item, so there were no comments. Mike DeRuntz briefly discussed the
successful public information meeting held on 5-5-08 at St. John's Catholic Church on 111
Avenue North. That meeting was the last in a series of five meetings held this year.
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4. Assignments for July 7,2008 meeting
✓ Follow-up with Tim Billings(CDES Graphics)to discuss flood zone determination and
link to Prop.Appraiser web site
✓ Discussion on higher regulatory standards ordinance development(Robert Wiley)
✓ Discussion on the Floodplain Management Plan Annual Report(Robert Wiley)
Next Meeting(Monday, July 7, 2008 starting at 9:00 a.m.in Room 609 of the CDES building
located at 2800 North Horseshoe Drive,Naples,FL 34104)
Motion to adjourn , / agnier passed unanimously at 11:12 a.m.
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Robert Wiley, S Coordinator
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