Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 01/07/2008 R
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Floodplain Management Planning Committee
Ray Smith, Chairman
Phillip Brougham Pierre Bruno
Bob Devlin (Marco I.) Joseph Gagnier
Christa Carrera (Naples) Lisa Koehler
Lew Schmidt Noah Standridge
Jim Turner Dukc Vascy
Terrv Smallwood (Everglades Citv)
Mike DeRuntz, Vice-Chairman
Gene Calvert Stan Chrzanowski
Travis Gossard Mac Hatcher
Herb Luntz Charles Martin
Dan Summers Clarence Tears
Christine Sutherland
Meeting Minutes for 1-7-08 Regular Meeting
Start: 9:00 a.m.
End: 10:40 a.m.
Location: 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Rm. 609
Meeting Attendance: Mike DeRuntz, Rick Zyvoloski (substituted for Dan Summers), Gene
Calvert, Jim Turner, Mac Hatcher, Travis Gossard, Christine Sutherland, Duke Vasey, Joseph
Gagnier, Phillip Brougham, Pierre Bruno, and Lew Schmidt.
Absent: Ray Smith (Exeused), Lisa Koehlcr, Noah Standridge (Excused), Stan Chrzanowski,
Charles Martin, Clarence Tears, Herb Luntz (Excused), Bob Devlin, Christa Carrera, Terry
Smallwood, and Robcrt Wiley (Excused).
Meeting called to order by Mike DeRuntz, Vice Chairman
1. Approval of minutes for the 12-3-07 regular meeting - Motion to approve by Duke Vasey,
approved unanimously.
2. Brief discussion of 12-11-07 presentation of the FMP to the BCC (Mike DeRuntz) - Mike
informed the Committee that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) unanimously
approved the 2008 Floodplain Management Plan. Mike stated that he is waiting on some
information that needs to be added to the plan, and then he would provide copies of the FMP
on CD's to each Committee member. He also thanked those Committee members that
attended the BCC meeting and for the very insightful comments from Phil Brougham.
I. Development of Action Plan Task Sub-Committees (Mike DeRuntz) - Mike relayed
Chairman Ray Smith's recommendation to have one staff member (responsible department
representative) and one citizen member serving on each Action Item. Ray also recommended
that a citizen member serve as the chairman of each of the sub-committees. Approximately
half of the Action Items were assigned when Duke Vasey suggested that the chairman assign
the responsible staff member and ask the citizen volunteer members present whieh additional
Action Items that they would like to serve on_ Mike DeRuntz advised that thQ~ will
need to eontact the citizen members for their commitments. Mike also asked that as the sub- ('l
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committees are formed, they meet, appoint a chairman, and develop a schedule for
addressing each of the Action Plan items. Mac Hatcher requested to present the watershed
priority schcdule at the February meeting.
2. Stormwater Swale Maintenance (Duke Vasey) - Duke Vasey discussed the importance of the
maintenance of stormwater swales in floodplain managemcnt and how they playa vital part
in the quantity/quality of stormwater discharge, and the recharge of ground water supplies.
Duke motioned to have the FMPC rccommend that the County devise a plan for a
standardized swale improvement program that would address capacity and water quality
treatment for up to the 25-year design storm event. The motion was approved unanimously.
Phillip Brougham followed up by making a motion to contact the County Manager about
developing an educational video for the County TV channel about the importance and
environmental impact of swale construction and proper use. Following discussion, the
motion was approvcd 11-1.
3. Vaeancy on the FMPC being advertised (Robert Wilcy) - A note was provided on the agenda
indicating the vacancy is still being advertised with no applications received. Mike DeRuntz
stated that he had not heard of any replacements for the current vacancies. He also informed
the Committee that Lisa Koehlcr had taken a new job with the Transportation Planning
Department. A request has been made to the County Manager to appoint a replaeement for
Lisa from the Communications Department.
Along a similar line of thought regarding communication with the County Manager, Phil
Brougham motioned to send a follow up communication to the County Manager regarding
the Committee's concerns on having a central organization responsible for stormwater and
floodplain management issues. The motion passcd unanimously.
4. Schedule development for Public Information Gathering Meetings in 2008 (Mike DeRuntz) -
Mike informed the Committee of the proposed seven scheduled upcoming Public
Information Gathering meetings. Five general public meetings are scheduled for Avalon
Elemcntary School (2-4-08), S.W. Florida Research Center in Immokalee (2-25-08), MackIe
Park on Marco Island (3-18-08), University Extension Service at the entrance to the Collier
Fair Grounds (4-14-08), and St. John the Evangelist center (5-5-08). The public meeting
with agencies is seheduled for the Naples library (3-3-08), and for special interest groups at
the Naples library (4-7-08).
5. Public Comments - None.
6. Assignments for the 2-4-08 meeting:
. Mac Hatcher will present the watershed priority schedule that has been dcveloped for
the Watershed Management Plan study.
. Gene Calvert will present the schedule of activities that address the NPDES program
requirements for 2008.
Next Regular Meeting Date: Monday, February 4, 2008 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at 2800 North
Horseshoe Drive, Room 609 in the CDES building.
Motion to adjourn by Duke Vasey passed unanimously at 10:40 a.m.
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Mike DeRuntz, Viee-Chair
Robert Wiley, ff Coordinator
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