Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 01/24/2007 Informational 16 "I l ..:~ ~ Co~T County t:li.... - 'I Floodplain Management Planning Committee Ray Smith, Chairman Phillip Brougham Bob Devlin Bill Schutt Lew Sclunidt Jim Turner Pierre Bruno Joseph Gagnier Lisa Koehler Noah Standridge Duke Vasev Mike DeRuntz, Vice-Chairman Gene Calvert Stan Chrzanowski Travis Gossard Mae Hatcher Herb Luntz Charles Martin Dan Summers Clarence Tears Marlene Wood Meeting Minutes for 1-24-07 Special Information Gathering Meeting Start: 9:00 a.m. End: II :20 a.m. Location: 650 Central Ave. Library Meeting Attendance: Mike DeRuntz, Noah Standridge, Stan Chrzanowski, Ray Smith, Herb Luntz, Robert Wiley Absent: Jim Turner, Dan Summers, Mac Hatcher, Lisa Koehler, Gene Calvert, Travis Gossard, C1arenee Tears, Charles Martin, Marlene Wood, Phillip Brougham, Pierre Bruno, Joseph Gagnier, Duke Vasey, Lew Sclunidt, Bob Devlin, Bill Schutt (Krista Cerrara substituted). NEW BUSINESS: The meeting was very sparsely attended by the notified agencies, with only representatives from the Red Cross (Jerry Welty), Collier Building Industry Assoeiation (Brenda Talbert) and Naples Daily News (Larry Hannan) present. One member of the public (Judith Chirgwin) was present. Mike DeRuntz led most of the diseussion in an informal sit-down type meeting. Topies discussed included: . Red Cross mentioned their efforts in training, education, flood events and degree of flooding, shelters, hurricane awareness. . CBIA mentioned the need to work with the community for training/presentation to CBIA members, the idea ofretaining water on site is very eostly, ehanges in the amount of stormwater runoff from new construction caused by more impervious surface, and ~:~~ering Ansities;n the urban area instead of spreading more development to the 'R~fu~A ;!~~oordinator