Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 04/09/2007 R Co~r County ~ 'i....--- - 16 18 ~ 1J Floodplain Management Planning Committee Ray Smith, Chairman Phillip Brougham Bob Devlin Christa Carrera Lew Schmidt Jim Turner Terry Smallwood Pierre Bruno Joseph Gagnier Lisa Koehler Noah Standridge Duke Vasey Mike DeRuntz, Vice-Chairman Gene Calvert Stan Chrzanowski Travis Gossard Mac Hatcher Herb Luntz Charles Martin Dan Summers Clarence Tears Marlene Wood Christine Sutherland Meeting Minutes for 4-9-07 Regular Meeting Start: 9:00 a.m. End: 11 :20 a.m. Location: 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Rm. 610 Meeting Attendance: Jim Turner, Mike DeRuntz, Noah Standridge, Dan Summers, Mac Hatcher, Stan Chrzanowski, Ray Smith, Lisa Koehler, Gene Calvert, Travis Gossard, Herb Luntz, C1arenee Tears, Phillip Brougham, Duke Vasey, Lew Schmidt, and Robert Wiley. One member of the public, David Farmer, also attended. Absent: Charles Martin, Marlene Wood, Pierre Bruno, Joseph Gagnier (Excused), Christine Sutherland (Excused), Bob Devlin (Exeused), Christa Carrera, and Terry Smallwood OLD BUSINESS: 1. March 5, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes and March 19, 2007 Continued Meeting Minutes Approval - Motion to approve by Duke Vasey with noted changes and comments. Passed unanimously. 2. Status Report Assignments and Completion Schedule . Phase I (Planning) o Involve the Public - Mike DeRuntz provided a brief status on the information he has drafted. o Coordinate with other Agencies - Noah reported he is working to set up additional meetings with several agencies. The FDEP meeting is tentative for next week, but not confirmed. Noah has been communicating bye-mail Phil Brougham recommended that a letter referencing the e-mail and telephone calls be sent with a return reeeipt. Ray Smith directed Noah to send a letter and ensure there is a receipt. . Phase II (Risk Assessment) o Assess the Hazard - Stan Chrzanowski discussed the map series he eompiled to identity the flooding hazard. He also discussed the brief public meeting assessments. Dan Summers brought out the difference in rules for defining "flooding". He said that Emergency Management responds when flooding is 2.5 feet deep in the house. This is used for the "response" side of FEMA where a property is considered uninhabitable. Ray Smith requested that Stan 16, ?''1 L.} ~ 0 Lf ineorporate critical facilities into the flood hazard assessment. Dan Summers expressed some concern regarding possible conflicts in defining critical facilities. o Assess the Problem - Dan Summers requested the Hurricane Evacuation restudy be attached as an appendix to the Floodplain Management Plan. He reported that the Local Mitigation Strategy is complete and updated, along with the Collier Emergency Management Plan being complete. Dan requested to be able to report back in three days on the length of time it will take him to put a complete summary of the problem assessment together. He emphasized the need to assess vulnerability and not assume all eritical facilities are equal. . Phase III (Mitigation Strategy) o Set Goals - Ray Smith requested Robert Wiley send out the revised Goals, Objectives and Policies doeument to COMMITTEE members. o Review Possible Activities - Mac Hatcher briefly discussed some additional changes he has to his previous submittal. o Draft an Action Plan - Lew Schmidt requested Robert Wiley to eompile the six Action Plan concept eategories and distribute to all COMMITTEE members. Duke Vasey stated there is a need to identifY which items need funding (e.g. critical facilities, flood warning system, etc.) and attach the connection to the A. U .I.R. Phil Brougham discussed the need to have a prioritized list of aetion items. Ray Smith wanted the Action Plan to 1.) identifY through the AUIR those projects focusing on flooding; 2.) identifY flooding problems in the primary, secondary, and tertiary stormwater systems for next year's budget; and 3.) identifY a program approach for future years. Phil Brougham then requested that Ray Smith set up a planning objective for the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC). Discussion followed on a possible new time line. Duke Vasey recommended taking the current plan to the CCPC on 5-17-07 or take staff comments on why we need to make changes. A proposed schedule will be developed by staff for consideration by the COMM1TTEE. It was agreed that the staff members of the COMMITTEE would meet on 4-16-07 to identify the resources needed to accomplish their assigned task, and they would eome prepared to discuss how the work would be done, not bring a list of problems. Noah Standridge motioned for all staff identified on the task spreadsheet to meet this week and discuss the needed work, staff and resources. Phil Brougham seconded the motion and asked that each staff member write out their understanding of the task need. Motion passed unanimously. . Phase IV (Plan Maintenance) - No discussion. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Revised Assigrnnents - topic handled under old business 2. Public Comments - None. 3. Next Regular Meeting Date: Monday, May 7, 2007 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Room 610 (The location is the Community Development and Environmental Services Division building). Motion to adjourn by Phillip Brougham passed unanimously at 11 :20 a.m. ~~~ .,-~ ':4 Ray S , Chao ::P~~ Robert Wiley, S fCoordinator 161 18 ~