Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 02/05/2007 R eo1tr:r. <;;ounty 1 6 '. 1 .'"', f ~.,~ l...4 Floodplain Management Planning Committee Ray Smith, Chairman Phillip Brougham Bob Devlin Bill Schutt Lew Sehmidt Jim Turner Pierre Bruno Joseph Gagnier Lisa Koehler Noah Standridge Duke Vasev Mike DeRuntz, Viee-Chairman Gene Calvert Stan Chrzanowski Travis Gossard Mac Hatcher Herb Luntz Charles Martin Dan Summers Clarence Tears Marlene Wood Meeting Minutes for 2-5-07 Regular Meeting Start: 9:00 a.m. End: 10:20 a.m. Loeation: 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Rm. 610 Meeting Attendance: Jim Turner, Jim von Rinteln (substituted for Dan Summers), Mike DeRuntz, Noah Standridge, Gene Calvert, Mae Hatcher, Ray Smith, Travis Gossard, Herb Luntz, Charles Martin, Duke Vasey, Lew Schmidt, Phillip Brougham, Bob Devlin (and his substitute Bob Mahar), Robert Wiley Absent: Stan Chrzanowski, Lisa Koehler, Marlene Wood, Clarence Tears, Pierre Bruno, Joseph Gagnier (Excused), Bill Schutt OLD BUSINESS: 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for 12-4-06 - Motion to approve by Mr. Vasey subjeet to minor edits provided by him, unanimous vote for approval. 2. COMMITTEE Membership report - A letter is being mailed today appointing Christine Sutherland to fill the vacancy for the public volunteer member. The COMMITTEE requested to have the County Manager submit another letter to the City of Everglades inviting them to appoint a representative. 3. Publie Outreaeh -- Mike DeRuntz provided information on the ongoing public outreach effort and the series of evening meetings. Attendanee at the evening meetings has been very poor for the last three meetings after a good attendance at the first one. The COMMITTEE requested that there be a follow-up with Maryann Devanas on getting a speaker to give a presentation at the next Property Owners Association Presidents (POAP) meeting. Provide an e-mail on the results of this follow-up to all of the COMMITTEE members. Mr. Vasey motioned to have Mike DeRuntz be the presenter if we can get on the POAP agenda. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: I. Status Report Assignments and Completion Schedule . Both Mr. Brougham and Mr. Vasey requested that work products be submitted to the FMPC members as early as possible. Mr. Vasey emphasized that we are editing the existing plan. There was also discussion to begin getting information, obtained at the 161 .0 '.., If r ',~ ~ i ~~ .\. i.j evening public input meetings, eompiled and distributed to the various community leaders. . Mr. DeRuntz requested the assigned task leaders to get their review products out by next week if possible. . Mr. Schmidt requested that a questionnaire and informational memo be developed and sent to all the Homeowner Associations throughout the County to help spread the information gathering effort. . Mr. Vasey motioned for staff to prepare a report (spreadsheet) that takes the list of tasks to be addressed in the Floodplain Management Plan and identifies who is responsible to complete, the assigned funding in the budget, the standard for completion, and list the 2006-2011 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) item numbers that support this work. Ray Smith amended this motion to have the information submitted as a read-ahead to the COMMITTEE members. The motion passed unanimously. . Mr. Vasey motioned to modify the current questionnaire used at the evening public input meetings to add information on mitigation, repetitive loss and FEMA grants, and include this information on the questionnaire sent out to the Homeowner Associations. Motion passed unanimously. . Mr. Luntz identified the need to use more of the portable Variable Message Boards along the roads to let the public know about the evening meetings, use Comeast and the Gov't. Channel 11 for public notices, and get the meetings listed in the newspaper's Calendar of Events. 2. Misc. Discussions - Mike DeRuntz briefly discussed the AP A Zoning Practiee handout on watershed planning. Ray Smith asked all COMMITTEE members to use e-mail to pass their thoughts to Robert Wiley and not wait until the full COMMITTEE meeting. 3. Pub1ie Comments - There were no non-COMMITTEE members of the public in attendance. 4. Next Regular Meeting Date: Monday, Mareh 5, 2007 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Room 610 (The location is the Community Development and Environmental Services Division building). 5. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Vasey. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting ended at 10:20 a.m. PUBLIC SPEAKERS: None ~ ...- R mi, airman A'~~ Robert Wiley, S fCoordmator