Floodplain Management Committee Minutes 01/05/2007 R
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Floodplain Management Planning Committee
Ray Smith, Chairman
Phillip Brougham
Bob Devlin
Bill Sehutt
Lew Schmidt
Jim Turner
Pierre Bnmo
Joseph Gagnier
Lisa Koehler
Noah Standridge
Duke Vasev
Mike DeRuntz, Vice-Chairman
Gene Calvert Stan Chrzanowski
Travis Gossard Mac Hatcher
Herb Luntz Charles Martin
Dan Summers Clarence Tears
Marlene Wood
Meeting Minutes for 1-5-07 Regular Meeting
Start: 9:00 a.m.
End: 10:50 a.m.
Location: 650 Central Ave. Library
Meeting Attendance: Jim Turner, Mike DeRuntz, Noah Standridge, Steve Preston (substituted
for Gene Calvert), Mae Hatcher, Stan Chrzanowski, Ray Smith, Lisa Koehler, Herb Luntz,
Clarence Tears, Charles Martin, Pierre Bnmo, Duke Vasey, Bruce Burkhard (substituted for Lew
Sehmidt), Bob Devlin, Robert Wiley
Absent: Dan Summers (Exeused), Travis Gossard, Marlene Wood, Phillip Brougham (Excused),
Joseph Gagnier (Excused), Lew Schmidt (Excused), Bill Schutt
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for 12-4-06 - Motion to approve by Mr. Vasey,
unanimous vote for approval.
2. COMMITTEE Membership report - Nothing to report this meeting.
3. COMMITTEE By-Laws - Mr. Vasey motioned to adopt the following statement into the
COMMITTEE's bylaws. "The rules contained in the eurrent edition of Robert's Rules of
Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Floodplain Management Committee in all cases to
which they are applieable and it which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any
special rules of order the Floodplain Management Planning Committee may adopt." Motion
passed unanimously.
4. Public Outreach -- Mike DeRuntz motioned to have someone present information about the
COMMITTEE to the Property Owners Assoeiation Presidents' meeting seheduled for March
2007. The motion passed unanimously.
1. Preparation for Public Meetings - Mike DeRuntz discussed the series of evening information
gathering meetings and presented a large map showing planned meeting "areas of interest"
and locations. In addition to evening meetings, a meeting is scheduled for 1-24-07 at the
Central A venue library for various local and state agencies [During the meeting, Lisa
Koehler went to confirm the library room reservation and returned with a time change.] from
9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. A second special meeting for interest groups is scheduled for 2-5-
07 from 1 :00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Mike DeRuntz distributed CDs of the proposed meeting
information to the COMMITTEE members present. Marco Island's representative requested
that they be included in the Goodland evening meeting, or have an additional meeting for
Marco Island residents. A suggestion was made to utilize the various fire districts to
distribute information and notices on the upcoming evening meetings with the public. It was
also suggested that the County's portable "variable message boards" be p1aeed in appropriate
locations to notifY the public about the evening meetings as well as contact loeal gasoline
stations for their permission to post notices. Lisa Koehler agreed to follow-up on these
suggestions. Mike DeRuntz explained the proposed method of conducting the public
information gathering meetings by use of numerous tables staffed by COMMITTEE
members for hands-on documenting. Mr. Vasey motioned to amend the COMMITTEE
agenda to extend the diseussion on the special meetings with the ageneies (1-24-07 and 2-5-
07). The motion passed unanimously. Additional closing diseussions were then held to
complete the item.
2. Floodplain Management Plan Update Assignments - Ray Smith quiekly discussed the draft
information distributed to all COMMITTEE members regarding staff assignments on the
various requirements. The COMMITTEE volunteer members were given the opportunity to
volunteer for task assignments if they desired.
3. Public Comments - There were no non-COMMITTEE members of the public in attendance.
4. Next Regular Meeting Date: Monday, February 5, 2007 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at 2800
North Horseshoe Drive, Room 610 (The location is the Community Development and
Environmental Services Division building).
5. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Vasey. The motion passed unanimously and the
meeting ended at 10:50 a.m.
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Robert Wiley, taff Coordmator
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