Backup Documents 06/16/1999 SBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 16, 1999 Sent by: Konica Fax 9025 9412634B64; 06/16199 9:26; #650; Page 1/1 NAPLES I)AII,Y N£WS Pubhghed Daily Naples, FL 33940 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier [t¢¢or¢ the undms~gnrd d~cy srrvc as Ihc authorHy. personally aptx. atcd B_'~a?.b who oil oath says Iha{ a daily nc~pa~r publi~l~ at Napl~, m CelhcrCo~D'. ~or~; d~at Ql¢ allr~ched copy of fi~e ad~nisn,g. ~mg a p_.,~ BLIC NOTICE m the tlm~¢r of NOTICE OF CONSII)ERATION/ADOPTION ~tarLing on 06/10/99 nnd ending on ~tme of affiant) Sworn Io and $ubscnbcd before Ihls 161hdayof June. 1999 Personally Known X Produc~ ido,tificauon Type of Ident~ficalmn Produce~'__~ Jun 16, 1999 BCC Pubhc Healing NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ADOPTION ~ ~-.&, -~. ,- , . "..p~,. ;, COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMi~ISSIONERS AGENDA June 16, 1999 5:05 p.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 99-22 REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN AArY LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COI/NTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER ~PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE; WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRWOMAN. ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-102, AS AFtENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT; SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS I Jtm~ 16, 1999 TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLL©WING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING DIVISION 2.2 ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.4 LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING; DIVISION 2.5. SIGN DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS~ DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3,2, SUBDIVISIONS~ DIVISION 3.3 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS~ DIVISION 3.4 EXPLOSIVES; DIVISION 3.5 EXCAVATIONS; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION REMOVAL PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, iNCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF NON- CONFORMING LOTS; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SiX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance 99-46 - Adopted with changes 5/0 ADJOURN I'I:!H.I(' N()'I'I('E Pt;!f,l,l(' NOTI('E I'l,:Bl,l(' N()TI('I'~ Jun 16, 1999 BCC Public Hearing NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION/ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1999, at 5:05 P.M. in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Building "F," Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a County Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 125.66(2), Florida statutes, the title of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTIONS OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMI-FI'ED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.4. LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING; DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7 . ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISIOIN 3.4. EXPLOSIVES; D',VISION 3.5. EXCAVATIONS; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION REMOVAL PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, E, UT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF NON-CONFORMING LOTS; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and, therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk June 10. 1999 Naples Daily News Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily News BOAR0 OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS ATTN: TONYA PHILLIPS PO BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 3~101-3016 DEFERENCE: 001230 ~9158~6 57885817 91-102/PUD-99-O1 NOT State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally a~eared Angela Bryant, who on oath says that she serves as Assistant Secretary of the Naples Daily News, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, FLorida: that the ettsched copy of the advertising wes published in said newspaper on dates listed. Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; end affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or coporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED ON: 05/31 AD SPACE: 166.000 INCH FILED ON: 05/31/99 Signature of Affiant ' ~ ,,/ . ~1 ' COMMISSION t r~ 625177 EXPIRES: Aprll 16.2~01 ttu,~d I'hr~ Noterr ~ Un~ THE C~LLIER COUN- TY LAND DEVELOP- MENT COC~ WHICH INCLUDES THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORAT. ED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE RECIT- AL~ SECTIO~ 'two, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOP- MENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOL- LOW NG; ARTICLE 2 ZONING, DIVISION 2.2: ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STA~4. DARDS, DIVISION OF~-STREET PA~K. IN~ AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.4. LANO- FER NG' DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.~ SUPPLE ~ENTAL TRI~T REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONINg ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES' DIVISION 2.8. ARCHI~ TECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILD- INGS AND PROJECTS; i ARTICLE ], DIVISION ].2, SUBD VISIONS' DI- VISION 3,3. SITE 'DE-i VELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.4. EXPLO- SIVES; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION RE- MOVAL PROTEflON j AND PRE~RVATION; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. D~FINITIONS IN- J CLUDING BUT 'NOT. LiMITE~ TO THE ~FINITIONS OF NON-- CONFORMING LOTS: ~CTION PO~, CON- PL~CT AND ~VERA- BILITY' SECTION FIVE, I~CLUSION THE LAND OE~LO~- MENT CODE; AND SECTION SiX, E~FEC- TI~ DATE. Pefitl~ LDC-~-I, ~m- I muniN Devel~menf ~ Environmentol ~lce$~ r~rese~l~ ~e ~rd of County Commissioners, amending the Unitif led La~ Devel~me~ C~. C~les ~ the ~dt~e ~e ~ file w~ tion. All I~r~ ~es ore InvEed to ~end ~ be he~d. NOTE: All persons wishing fo ~ ~ ~v ~n~ Item must regis- ter ~ ~e C~ ~- mlnistrator PRIOR to present,Ion of the ~n. ~ Hem to ~ ~ressed. I~Ivl~l ~S will ~ IIm~ed to 5 mln~ any ~em. The sele~ ~ I~lvlduol to ~ ~ ~haff of an ~lz~l~ [ rec~nlz~ by ~e C~ir- J m~, a ~e~r~ f~ m o ~p ~ ~lz~ J mov ~ oll~ed I0 mln- ~es to ~ ~ ~ ~em, Per,on& wishing to hove ~lHen ~ ~lc ~erlols Incl~ In ~e Boerd Qgen~ must subroll ~ld m~erlal o minimum of 3 weeks prl~ ~ ~e re~ve pubtic heorlng, In any case, ~l~en m~er~ls In- te~ed to ~ c~sldered by ~e ~rd ~11 ~ ~- m~ ~ ~e ~r~e C~n~ s~ff e minimum of ~ven ~ys ~1~ to ~e ~bllc he~l~ All ~mrl- ol ~d In prese~l~s ~f~e ~e ~d will ~- come a ~rmo~nt ~ of Any ~r~ ~o ~Id- ~AIRWOMA DWIGHT E. BROCK, CL~K J By:/s/EIIle Hoff~n, ' O~u~ Oe~ / SEAL Nap[es Daily Ne~s N~ples, FL 34102 Affidavit o( Publication Naples Daily Ne~s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTN: TONYA PHILLIPS PO BOX 413016 NAPLES FL 3G101-3016 REFERENCE: 001230 ~915846 gl-lO2/PUD-99-01 NOT State of FIDride County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, per~onn[ty appeared Angela Bryant, who on oath says that she serves es Assistant Secretary of the Nap[es Daily Ne~.~S, a daily newspaper published ~t Nap[es, in Collier County, FLorida~ that the attached copy of the advertising was published in said newspaper c~ dates listed. Affiant further s~ys that the said Naples Daily N~s is ~ newspaper published ~t Naples, in said Collier C~nty, Florida, and that the s~id newsyper has heretofore been continuously ~blish~ in ~mid Co~[ier County, F~or~d~, each day m~ h~s been enter~ es second cl~s~ ~il ~tter mt the ~t office in Nmp~es, in s~id Collier C~nty, Florida, for a peri~ of 1 yeor next preening the first publication of the attmch~ copy of advertisement; and a~fi~nt further says that she has neither paid nor pr~is~ may person, firm or coi~rBtion any distant, rebate, commission or re[und for the ~r~se of securing this advertisement for ~blicBtion in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED ON: 05/31 ',,Y COMMiSSt0N I CC /!j ?: ~.:, ~.,;,.. LXPIRES: Apn116, ,'~01 T~ER COUN- TY LAND DEVELOP. MENT COO([ WHICH INCLUDES THE COM- PREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNIHCORPORAT. ED ~EA OF C~LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~Y ~OVlOING F~: SECTION ONE, RECIT. ALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION AMEN~MENT~ TO THE LAND DE~LOP. ~NT CODE, M~E SPECIFICALL y AMENDING THE F~- LOWING: ARTICLE ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DI~ENSIONAL STAN- DARDS DIVISION 2.3. OFF.S~EET PARK. ING AND LOADING; DIVISION 3.4, SCAPING AND BUF. FERING' DIVISION 2.5, SIGNS; ' DIVISION SUPPLEMENTAL TRICT REGULATIONS' DIVISION 2.1, ZONIN~ ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES' TECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES F~ ~O~ER~IAL BUILD- t~G5 AND PROJE~TS' ~ ARTICLE 3. DIVI~O~I 3 ~ SUBDI~SIONS' VI~ION 3.3. 51TE 'DE- ~LOPMENT PLANS; J DIVISION 3.4. E~O- 51VE5' DIVISION 3.~. V~G~TATION RE- MOVAL ~OTECTION J AND P~E~RVATION; I ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6 3. DEF NITION5 IN- J CLUOINO BUT 'NOT L MITED TO THE O~FINITIONS OF NON-- CONFORMING LOTS; ~CTION PO~, CON- FLICT AND BILITY; SECTION FIVE. INCLUSION iN THE LAND DEVELOP- MENT CODE; AND SECTION Six, EFFEC. ~nUql~ Deralimet r~re~entl~ ~e ~d of omendieD the Unlfified Land ~e~me~ C~ C~ es Of the or~ lion. All l~ested ~e Inv~ed to a~end ~ he~ NOTE: All ter wl~ ~e Coun~ . mintsire[or PRIOR rec~nlz~ by ~e m~erlats I~l~ed In Boord ogenda pockets must submit ~ld m~er~ ~ minimum of 3 we~s te~ed to ~ c~slO~ed m~ ~ ~e ~r~ Cmm~ s~ff o minimum i ol used In bel~e file ~d wlU ~. corec o ~r~nt ~ of es ~ a~ O ~clsion alninO thereto Is m~e, ~lch rec.d cl~s ~e ~sfi~V ~ BOARD OF COUNTY CO~I~ONERS COLLIER COUNTY, ~ORIDA PAMELA ~, ~AC'KII OWIGHT E. ~ Ctml~ PAM' PERRELL ~: NAPI F~ nAZI ¥ NFWc, ~ etc): (9A.1..! aE~S? ~cl L£G~4. ~Y~JITtSTiG C~ PUBLIC ~.MZW~S ~.ticio,~?: (.a.e & ~o~,~s): C:~.~:.~unit'.' Development ~ Environmental Services '5C0 '". uorseshr, e Drl~,e ',:aples, Fla. --rid 5nvironmenta~ Servecos representin%' the 5oard of County Commiasioner5 amendin.~ th~ Unified Land Davelopm£nt Code. Communion ~e~Jt~on(s). if erst. & ~-'.-,.~,~1 bmmrirq Orate: 113= l --~312-649100 Lilt Atl:I~(1) I. Hay 6, 1999 Ms. Pam Perrell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, FL 34102 RE: Notice of Public Hearing to consider LDC 99-1 Display Ad Please advertise the above referenced notice one time on Thursday, June 10, 1999. This advertisement should be no less than one-quarter page and the headline in the advertisement should be in a type no smaller than 18 point. The advertisement should not be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. Kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate, together with charges involved to this office. Sincerely, Lisa Steele, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No. 915846 C( )i C()ILJNTY (;()VIC. RNM!';NT (~( }MMI:NI'I 'f I}I,;\'I.~I,{)I'MI.',NI' ,\NI) I.;NVII(fINMI.;NTAI, SI.;RVIf'I.~N I)IVINI¢)N ,Naplt'~, I.'l.rid:~ ,14104 ',::/. ~,, ! BCC Publi. c }-tearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NIJMBER 91- 102, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COIINTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STAIq'DARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING ANT) LOADING; DIVISION 2.4. LANDSCAPING AI,I'D BUFFERING; DIVIS2ON 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 32q-D PROJECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3.4. EXPLOSIVES; DIVISION 3.5. EXCAVATIONS; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION REMOVAL PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUI)ING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF NON-CONFORMING LOTS; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. I)h(me (04 I) Copies of the propor?d Ordinar~ce are on file with the Clerk to tt.e Board and are available: for inspectio:]. All interested parties are invited attend and be h,~,]rd. Any person who d,~¢:id,~s ~:o appoal a decision of the Board will need ,, =,:cord of the pro¢:eedin.t;:; pertainin9 thoreta and, therefore, may nee~ to ensure that a verbatim rocord of the proco. edinqs .is made, which ~ecord includes the t:est:~mo;;'/ ar,ri evidence upon wh~c;h the appeal is to be based. BOARD (IF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <'C)LI,'[t.iP, COUNTY, FLORIDA '?[MOTi!Y l,. HANCOCK, CHAIItMAN DW[GltT E. BP, OCK, CLERK By: [,ldu~Or~ Kenyon, Deputy Clcr~: LDC P, CC AD 1 -2- CoLLier C~nt~f, ilEx, JEST F(~ LEGAL AZ)VTJITI$1mG Pet{tio~ wo. (If non~, gl~ I~*ief oc~:rJpti~): ~earir~g before: Other $ervic,'.~. 2.500 ". Hor~e~,horz Drive Na~ie.q, Fla. or l~alty r~ir~ t ' ) / I ~her nd t:,",':~r~,r,:::~.r~C.:~ R:r~ :~,:r~:: rr-,',res~nting the Do~:' ;sF Court~" cc~7=n;is=~,:,;;;:.~ :-m::ndi:,' ':nifO. e5 Land Development Code. List Attm~ts:(1) Other henrims: Initlatin. olvtstm iced to leereve ird sub~ orieleel to Clect'l Office. rttJlnine · ccev fro' file. ORDINANCE NO. 99- AN ORDINANCE AMENI)ING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, TIlE COIA.IER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, \V!!ICI! INCI.UDES THE COMPRE!tENSIVE ZONING REGUI~ATIONS FOR TIlE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITAl.S: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION T!!REE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO TitE LAND DEVEI~OPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALI~Y AMENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAI~ USES, DINIENSIONAI~ STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; DIVISION 2.4. !.ANDSCAPING AND BUFFERING; DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.6. SUPPI.EMENTA!~ DISTRICT REGUI~A'FIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES; DIVISION 2.8. ARC!!iTECTURAI~ AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDElANES FOR COMMERCIAl, BUILDINGS AND PRO.IECTS; ARTICLE 3, DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVIS1ON 3.3. SITE DEVEI~OPMENT PI.ANS; DIVISION 3.4. EXPLOSIVES; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION REMOVAI. PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; ARTICI~E 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT IAMITED TO TIlE DEFINITIONS OF NON-CONFORMING LOTS; SECTYON FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCI~USION IN TIlE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. FAX / NAPLES DAILY NEWS l~l[]~: ELLIE HOFFMAN IADC_~TION: COX.X.~ CO[R/Tg COURTHOUSE May 19, 1999 Ms. Pam Pertell Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples, Florida 34102 Re: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Petition LDC-99-1 Dear Pam: Please advertise the above referenced notice one time on Monday, May 31, 1999, and kindly send the Affidavit of Publication, in duplicate~ together with charges involved to this oilice. Thank you. Sincerely, Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk Purchase Order No.: 915846 ~XQ'L~?i_o_F__2NT_~N_3_. TO CONS IDER ORDINANCE Notice is heueb'f gi. ven that on WEDNESDAyL JUNE 16,__~_9__9_9_,_ in the Boardroom, ~%rd Floor, Administration Building, Collier County Goverument Centez, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners will consider the enactment of a Count~' Ordinance. The mecting will commence at 5:050 P.M. The title o[ the proposed Ordinance is as A/W ORDINA_NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATICNS FOR THE I/NINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COU~4TY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS: SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT: SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO T}{E LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, MORE SPECIFICALLY A34ENDING THE FOLLOWING: ARTICLE 2, ZONING, DIVISION 2.2. ZONING DISTRICTS, PERMITTED USES, CONDITIONAL USES, DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS, DIVISION 2.3. OFF-STREET PARKING ;C4D LOADING; DIVISION 2.4. L;,NDSCAPING BUFFERING; DIVISION 2.5. SIGNS; DIVISION 2.6 SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS; DIVISION 2.7. ZONING ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES DIVISION 2.8. ARC}{ITECTURAL AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS; ARTICLE DIVISION 3.2, SUBDIVISIONS; DIVISION 3.3. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3..t. EXPLOSIVES; DIVISION 3.9. VEGETATION REMOVAL PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION; ARTICLE 6, DIVISION 6.3. DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEFINITIONS OF NON-CONFORMING LOTS; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; AND SECTION SIX, EFFECTIVE DATE. Petition LDC-99-1, Communitv Development and Environmental Services, representing the Board of County Commissioners, amending the Unified Land D'evelopment Code. Copies of the proposed Ordinance are on file with the Clerk to the Board and are available for inspection. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. NOTE: All persons wishing to speak on any agenda item must register with the County administrator p_rigr to presentation of the agenda item to be addressed. Individual speakers will be limited to 5 minutes on an}' item. The selection of an individual to speak on behalf of an organization or group is encouraged. I~ recognized by the Chairman, a spokesperson for a group or organization may be allotted 10 minutes tc speak on an item. Persons wishing to have written or graphic materials included in the Board agenda packets must submit said material a minimum of 3 weeks prior ~o the respective public hearing. In any case, written materials intended to be considered by the Board shall be submitted to the appropriate County staff a minimum of seven days prior to the public hearing. All material used in presentations before the Board will become a permanent part of the record. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore, may need to ensure that a verbatim reccrd of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN DWIGHT E, BROCK, CLERK By: /s/Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk (SEAL) ()RI)INAN('I.', N(). 99- ;\~ ()RI)IN;\NCI.~ AMI.~I)IN(; ()I~,I)ISA~CI.~ NUMI?EI( 91-11)2, .,k~ll.~l)EI), TIlE ('()I,I,IEI~ ('()ti~'l'V [,AND (()I)E, %VIIl('11 I%('i,UI)1~S TIlE C()MI)I~I~IIENSIVI.~ I(E(;t'I,ATI()~S I.'()R 'I'11E t'NI~('()I~I~ORATI~I) ARIMA ()F ()~1.~, I~I.~('I'I'AI,S:SI,~("I'I()~ 'I'%V(), FI~I)I~(;S ()F FA('T: SI.~("I'I()~ TIIRI.~E, AI)()I'TI()~ ()F AMI.~I)MI~TS TO TIlE · x~II'~NI}I~(; TIlE I.'()1 .I,()xx'IN(;: AIITI('I,I~ 2, ('()~I)I'I'I()NAI, I~SIgS, I)IME~SI()~AI, S'i'ANI)ARI)S, DIVISION ~.~. ()FF-STRi.',ET I'ARKI~(; A~I) I,OAI)!NG~ DIVISION ].4. I,ANI)S('AI'IN(; AND Bt~FFI~I~IN(;: DIVISION ].~. I)IVINI()~ 2.6. SI'~I'I'I,I~.xlI.)N'I'AI, DISTRICT RE(;Ut, ATIONS; I)IVINI()N ~.~. AI~('IIITI.~CTt:RAI, AND SI'I'!~ s'I':xNI)A I~1)S ANI) (;t'II)EI,I~I.~S F()R ('()MMI~RCIAI, BI II,I)IN(;N ANI) I'l~().11'~("l'N; AIITI('I,I'~ .t, I)]VI~I()N ~.], I)IVISI()N .~.4. I~XI'I,()SIVES; I)IVISIO~ .~.9. VE(;I~'I'ATI(),N I~E3I()VAI, I'I~()']'ECTI()N ANI) I'I~I~i~IIVA'I'ION~ AliTICI,I~ I)IVISI()N 6.~. I)!~FINI'I'I()NS, INCI,ttl)IN(~, BtKI' ~()T I,IMITI~I) T() 'I'11E I)1~1:]~i'1'I()~S ()F NON-CO~FORMIN(; I,()TS~ SECTI()~ I:()UI~, CONFI,ICT AND SEVI~RAI~Ii,ITY; SECTION FIVE, IN('I.I:SI()N IN TIlE I.ANI) I)ICVI~I.OI'MENT ('(}I)E; ANI) SI.~("I'I()N SIX, !~FFI.~('TIVI.~ I)ATE. ()rdi.~:mcc N,,. ~1-1()~. ~hc ('.tlicr ('-trot', i:md l)cxch~pIllCnt ('~dc (hcrcinal'lcr I.I)(') . ~hich ha~ bccn XVI II'.I~I'.AS. Ihu' I.I)(' ma)I1tq I~C andcircled ira)re llmll t~o lilll~'S ill k'ttcll calendar >car I~tU'stmnl Io XVI II',RIL, XX. rids i~ d~u 11rst amc~dmc~ll Io the I.I)('. ()rdinancc ~1-lIIZ. in this calendar >car; and cstabli~hinS l.cal rC~luircmcms :red pr~ccd.rc~ 1~,' ',tmcndi~g I1~c I,I)(': and WI II~RK,XS. all rCclUircmcnts ~I' I(cs~dmi.~ ~7-177 haxc bccn mc~: and WIIKRIL.XS. the t~.:,'d .l' ('.trot> ('~mmissi.ncrs. in :~ man~cr prescribed b> lax~. did h,,Id adxcrliscd public hcari~gs ~,n and . and did take ;IClioII Ctl11CCrl/Jllg these illllClldlllC11[s Io lilt J.J)( ': ~()W. TtII'.RI~I'()RI I~K I I ()RI)AIXI'.I) hx lhc Ihmrd (d' ('~unT)' ('(UnlniSsi~mcrs of arc dclclcd. v, tsrds imdcrlincd ;tr¢ ad,.Icd. SF, CTI(IN ONE: IiI.X'I'I'A I.S '1he lbrc?inv recitals ;u'c truc ;red c~rl'cct ami inc.rl~(,ratc,.I hv i'cJ~.'!'CllCC hCl'¢in ;1~ if' I'LIII.~ .%EC'I'I()N 'I"~V(): FINI)IN(;S ()F FA('T 1'he I~,~at'd .l' Cmmt? C~mmfissioncrs of Ctqlicr (..'mint), Fhu'h.l:~t. hcrcb) makes the I',.qh~xxhxg i. Ctdlicr (.'tH. 1111.~. p[ll'Stlallt Io ~c',;. 163,~ 161. el Seq,. Fla. Nitit.. the Florida l.ocal ( }ox url~l~v,.:111 C'omprchcnsixc Pl:mIfin? .red I.aml J)ckclopmcnt Rc~ul:ltions Act (hcrcinal~cr IhC ":~Ct"). i~ required to :\l'tcr ;tcl.l~ti.n ol'lhc (.'tmq~i'chcr~sixc Pl:.m. the Act and in parlictdar Sue, 16~-320211 ). Fla. hnplcmcnt the ad~p~cd cmnprchcnsivc pl;m. ~quc. 16~.32~)1, I'la. Nlat.. pn,',idcs ll'~at it is the intenl (sl' Ihc Act Ihat the ad~plitm nnd cnl~rcctncn~ hx ('oll~cr C'mmtx ~d' I;md devckqm~ent re~ulation~ for Ihc total tmh~corptmtted area shall be based on: hc related tt~. illld i~c a 111c~{11~ O1' impJemcnt;tlion Ibr. Ihc adt~ptcd (',mq~rchcn~ivc Plan its required h,, the Act. 4. F, cc 1(,3.31~}4(1)1h). Fla..~t~l].l l'etll. lillCS fi~al all land dcvclopmncnt m'cgtmlation~ era,clod or amendud b~ Collier Cmimy be ccmsistcnt xxilh the adoplod Cmnprchcnsivc I'lan. or clcmnent or portitSll with the adopted Comprehensive i~km. or eIClllUBl or portion thcrcol~ shall be amended so as Io hc .'";co. 163.~202(3). Fla. ~t.~11.. st;lies that the Act .'<hall be ctmstrued to ,..'ncoura~c lh¢ u>c ~d' inm,va~ix c land dcxclopmcnt rc~ulalions. ()n .ku",~ar? I0. I t)~t). £',.dlicr (.'Otllll.~ ad,,pled the ('.11icr Count? (;rmkdl ,~kmagcmcn~ I'lan Ihcrcinul'tcr II1¢ "(~rok~th Management I'lan" or "(iMl'"l as its Comprehensive Plan purst~ant h~ requirements t~l' ,~s..'C. I (>~4,~ ] (~l ('~/.~t...~. Flu. Smt.. and Rule *Li-5, F.:\.('. 7. Sec. 163.~1~)4(1)(uL Fla. Star.. mandales that alicr a (.'omprchcnsixc I~km. or clement or portion lhcrctd'. has bccn adopted in ctmlbrmity with the Act. all development undertaken by. and all actions mkcn in rc~ard Io dctclopmcnt orders I~y. governmental a~cncics in regard tt~ land covered by huch C'tmq~rchcnsixc Plan or clement m' portira1 Ihcrc(~F shall be collsJsletll with sticJl ('Olnprchcnsivc l'hm or CJClllCllt ~)r potfilm thcrc,l'. 8, I~urst.~am tu .";co. 163.3194(3)(:.t). Fla..~tal.. a development re'der or land dcvclopmcm regulation shall bc c~msi~tcnt with the Comprchcnhix'c Plan il' the land uses. densities or intensifies. in the Comprchcnsixc lqan and it' il meets all other criteria enumerated by the Iocnl g.vrrnmcnt. 9. Ncclion 163.3194(3)1b). Fla..%t;.ll.. requires 111;11 ;.t development applxwcd or undertaken b) ',t local ~t,x'crnmcnt nhall t~c consistent with lhc Comprehensive Plan il' ~1~ land uses. densities or intensities. capacity ~r size. timing. and olhcr aspects ol'dcvclopmunl are compaliblc with. trod Ik~rlhcr the ,,~jcciix'cs. ptdicics. land uses. dcnsilics or illlCIlsilics ill the ('mnprchcnsivc Plan and it' il meets all olhcr criteria 011tHllcralcd hx the local gtwCrlllllC111. ()n ()ct,bcr 3(I. 19t)l. ('oilier £'ount.x acloplcd the Collier County l.and l)cvchqm~cnt Code. which became el't'cclivc on N.vcmbcr 13. 199t end ma5 hc amended tu.'ic¢ annu:flly. Collier ('tmnty finds that t11c 1.and l)cvclopmcnl ('ode is inlcndcd and ncccssar5 to prcscrx c and enhance the present advantages that exist in ('ollicr County; encourage the 111osl approprialc use o1' land. xxatcr and resources. consistent xxilh the public interest: overcome prosertl handicaps: and deal cl'Igctixcl5 with I'umrc problems that ma) restill I'rom IhC List and development oc land xxithin IhC total Words ~~ i~rc deleted. ~ ords underlined arc added. 2 unmcorp, w;~lcd m'c ~I' t.'~dlicr ('ounl.', and il ix inlcndcd Ihat d~is I.and Dcvclopmcnl Uodc preserve. promolq. protect. and hnpl'oxc thc public hcahh, xulL'ty, cmnlbrt, $ood order. appearance, COIl~ClliCltCC. 12. It is the huem ~,l' II~e I½,,uud of (',rantry (',anlnli:,,si,an,,.'r:,; uf (',allicr ('ounl.x Io hllplcnlcn! tile I.and I)cxclopmcnl ('~Mc m accm'd:mcc ',silh Ihc prox i:,iorc, of linc t'ollicr ('Ouluy ('Olllprehensixc Pl;lll. CJxq',l¢l 123. I:la. ~l~lt.. and (,'h,q'xcr I(G. Ila 5,1at. and fiw,,n. lLzh Ihc:-,¢ aIllClldIllCllls SE('TI()N '1'111~!.'.1.~: \I)¢)I"I'I()N ()1: \MIL~I)MI.;N'I'S '1'()TIlE I,ANI) I)I.;VI.~I,¢)I'MI.LNT St'lk~l.X"l'l¢)X 3...\ ,.\MI.LNI)MI.LN'I',~ T() Z()NIN(; I)ISTIIICTS, lq.~l~tMl'l"l'l.~l) I ~1.;~, ('¢)XI)I'I'I()N..\I, I'Sl{.'q.I)IMILNSI()NAI, S'I'AN!)AI,tl)S I)IVISI()5 I)ik isien 22. /toninS l)istrict. l'c~nfilted I:scs. Condifiunal [ T~c.~. Dimcnsimlal Slamlards. ol'()rdinancc q l- I(C. as amended. Ihc Collier Count> J.and Development ('ode. is hcrcbx amended Division 2.2. Z()NIN(; I)I.STRICTS. PI';ILMIT'I'I.;I) I)IMI'~N.'qI()NAI, ST..\ N'I)A RI)S I. LSF. S, ('()NI)ITI()N..\I I 2.2.2. I*tui'al a~riculturM tlb. lricl (AI. ~. /'cr.titlud .,\gricuhtmll actixilies. inchMing. bul not limilcd to: crop rai:qng: htwlicullurc: Fruit and nut productJim: lbrcslry: groves: nurseries; r;mching~ beckcoping: pouhry and egg production: milk preduction: lixcsmck raising. and aquaculture Ibr native species subject to tile ~talc of Florida ?me and l'rcshwatcr fish conmlission permits. The IbJh~xx ing permitted usc~ shall only be allowed on parcels 211 acres size or greater: tlair3in~2: ranching2: gouhrv and c~roducthm:Dnilk producli{m: Jixcslock raisin~ and raftreal breeding, raising. training. stabling or kcnncling. 'lhis is not to preclude an individual o~tlcr I'rom the kccphl~ ol' !'taxi or poultr). ~1ol to cxcccd 25 in 1olal number. and the kccpmg of horses ;itld livestock Icxccpt Ibr hogs} not to exceed Ixs¢ such ;mimals tkq' each acre. arid xsith 11ol Opel1 l~'cdlols. Ik~r pcrs~qla[ LISC arid IlOl ill associalion xx itl~ a colllmcrciaJ ;igriculturaJ aclix il5 on parcels less tilan 20 acres in size. 2.2.2,3 ',m/id,~tui u.~cx. Fhc I'td hm, ing uses arc permitled ;.15 conditional uses rural agricuhural distrim (:\) subject to the standards and procedures established in dix i~,ioi~ 2.7.4. .'.4. I)air> rag;: i'anehillg~: lixcsmck raising.:: poultry and egg productionk: milk ptoducdm~: }ive~,,e~r~i~in~ ;udmal breeding. rai~ing. Irathing. stahltrig or kcnncling on parcels less than 20 acres in size. This is not to preclude an indixidual property oxxncr I?om the keeping ol'lbxxl or poultry. not to cxcccd Z5 in 1olal number. and the keeping of Jlorscs mid livcshwk (cxccpl Ibr ho~s) IlOl Io cxcccd txko such animals fin' each acre. and ~kilh no upon Ik'cdlots, Ibr pCI'SOIliII LISt LIIld Ilol in association xkilh a commcrciul agricuhural activin> oI1 parcds less than 20 am'cs in size, Words s~+~+m~t are deleted. xx ords underlined arc added. 3 ,\n~ rool~.'d 'qruclure used Ibr the shelter :uld,'or I~:cdin~ of ,,uch :mimul.~ ,,hall b,.' Ioc~ucd a minimum .f I00 l~.'ct I¥om an', lot line. VilI;Uzc rcsidenli;d di',lricl !'t.'lm~C un~//nitwit. Ihc purpose ;in,..l intent of tJlu xiJlagc residential district (k'R) is m provide kinds x~hcrc a mixturu o1' residential uses maF cxisL ..Xddifi-n~dlF. uses ~rc Iotaled and designed to maintail~ t1~ ~ village residential characlcr ,,~O~ti~c4 which is ucncrallx Iov, Tclmixclx smull I~uiklillb~prints as is the current t~carancc o1' ;Hid ~cl~tnd. Ihc VR di~lrict Ct~l'rcsJ~olltis Io illld inlplcmcnts the mixed ,csidcmial I:md use dc~i?x~fion on thu lmmokalcc I'llflirt land use map o1' l~crmissihlc in the x illa~c residential district and rite urhan mixed use dcsi?mkm shall I~c guided. in part. Iw the density rating system contained lhc ftiltH'c land use clement of the ('oilier ('OUlll)' grox~lh illmltlgcnlclll plan. '1 hc maximum densit> permissible or permitted in Ihc MR a district shall not cxcccd the dcnsib' pcrmissilqc trader the density rating system. cxcc ps'r~.~L~_d t~xL_~olicics ctmuth~cd m Ihc I'uturc I:md use viemorn. /Ii.zc.~i..uJ ',/um/.',,'~/, Ihc Ibll,v, ing din~cnskm~d stam. lm'dn .',hall app[.'. I- ~1[I i~crnlilk_'d, ilcct.',,sol s. and cJmdilion;11 ii:,,cs in lhc ~, illa~c rcsidCllliill dislricI I]Ningl¢- ;md Xhq, ilc Muhilqc- lamil> I )~ clhn,_.' £'omlllhm,~ i .1 IZ building hcigh~ (~11-qrvvl p;lrkiug lind Ioadm~ \~ requlr,:d PH di% I%I~IH ~ ~. buildinK ma~ conlain mt~re Ihan fiu'ce levels o1' habitable s_pace. ..\clual m;IXillltl111 densit)' shall I',e dclcrmincd Ihrough lilt.' al~plicalion of lilt: densit.~ ralinLz ,,x sicin. or al~lqie:fiqc pt~lici~,s ~.'onlain,:d in lhc fillUfo Innd risc clt.'mcnl. or die lnullokalcc f'ulurt: land use map ,:slal',lishcd in Ihv ('ollicr ('011111.V ~ro',',th 111111111gclll,...'111 plan. nol to cxt:et:d lhc ;ibm c spccilit:d dcnsil.~ flu' each ux~.'. ~ee, 2.2,12. ¢'ummcrcinl i~rufes~i4mnl di~lrk'l (('-I) nml e.lnmerei:~l pr. re~i~mal Ir:msili(mal dlslricl (('-I?l'). I'~o'/~o.~u urn/intern I'he C-1 cureinertial professional dislrict is intended permit those uses which nfinimizc pedestrian mid vehicular Iraflie. 'lhc p~ ,~ is; ms ,,f Ihc ('-J district life intended Io apply high~a5 s arid arterial roads. l.;mdscalqng. controlled ingress and egress. and gigllama) I'rmn abutting uses. '111c ('-1 dislrict is designed Iobc c~m~lXitiblc ~ilI1 all rcsidenlial uses. ;l~ ~ell as rcsidcnlial uses Iotaled along arterials. I hc /'-I/T cmmucr<'ial imd'cssional'lransilional districl is intended Io appl> lo lIIOSC ill'eLiS Ihal arc Ir;mshion;il: prl~ Joealcd between areas ol' higher and devd~Hm~ent. I'hc uses in Ihis dislrict are ofl~cc. low intensil~ service uscs~ and limited rcsidcn~J. uses Ihat mccl the relent ul' the ('-I/T commercial prul}ssional/trnnsilional district, Those areas idemilied as transitional (('-I/I3 shall be li~rthcr holed I'hc commcrci;fi pr~dL's~hmilJ district itlld lilt eOllllllcreiilJ fmq~'ssiomfi/iransitiUl~;d district are consistcnl with Ihg Iocatitmnl crilcria I~r commercial and d~c Eoalx. ,,bk'cdvcs and policies as idenlified in Ihc l~lurc land use ticmere ~,1' the ('oilier ('oUtIt)' growth Ill;lllilgClllClll plan. The maxinlunl dt'nsil? po'missiblc in the commcrci;fi protbssional dislricl alld file c~,mmcrcial Imfi~'ssimml'transitional dislricl desi~ni~lMn shall be i,~.pro~ idcd Ibr hereto. ~uk~¥l=4~he W,rds ~t~-t,-~.~.~ are ddcled, ~,~rds Lmderline~d are raided. [?E~_~U_~[)~ ol Ihc I'uturu I;u~d u~c ticmum (fi' the colnprchun~i',u ~ro~lh Ilusiucss ,,~.'rx ict', (~l'mlp:, 7.;I I. 7;13. 7322-7.L;I. 7LL~. ?~nl. 7~71. ('hild &Ix ()l'liccs h,r ,:]lFiuc~.'rulF. mchilcclural. ;red sut'xc}m~ 0731. NTI I.N?I ~1 ',' ') I lc;dlh nu'l~lcc, ;~[)J I-,~o-I~)) ludl~ idu,ll uud hmulx ~(,cull '.ct'. Ices (X~22 ;jetix itx (~'111cl's. cld,:rl) or huu,.liCUl~l~Vd: ,idIlJl ~.J;l\ ,..';11,2 LCIIIL'I~: ~u'kl d;l? C;11'e ¢L'llh.'t'~. ~t,.hlh mid h:ul,,iic;Ipl,cd ~,nh ) l;:l-l. Nli~cclhmc(,unl~Cr'nunul scrxicu'>(7?)ll. t, VnldS .lt~)¢-k-ih~,.u~h ,uc dclctu'd. ~,)td~ uiMu, rlmed ale addcd ]~) file Ihrcg,fing uses hwludin~ IImnc lhal pcrlll{llcd ;i,, ol' ri,~hl in Ihc ('-~. ('~i,' J' dislricl. ('i~, iC. ~oCi;II ,red Iralcr11;IJ a~snci;di~Jns (S6-11 ). I'duc;mmv, iI ~cl'~ ick'~ 1:';21 I -x2 ~ I I. I h,mclc~ ~hchcrs. a~ defined I~> lhis Incrcn~ctl buJklm~ hci~h~ In a maximum o1'5l) I~.'cl. 7. Mixed rcsklcnfi~d nml c~mm~crcial uses suh. iccl m Ih¢ I'olh,~ing ~'rilcria: Ih;11 is dc~i~ncd 1o pn,lccl Ihc cJlilrllclcr o1' lb,..' rcsidcnli;d h,~ul'~ ,f .pcrmi~m. ~ixc ul' dclk'cFy Imck~. m~d I>pc equipment: I'hc rcsklcnlia[ uses ;n'c designed so th;ll they arc cOn]l~;uiblc I~c~idcnlinl d~cllin~ unil~ ~rc h~'atcd al~o~ c princil~11 c. Rcxidcnlinl :red c,,mmcr~'inl t,~cs d,, iltll OCCUJl)' lilt ~;1111C Ilour The m,ml~cr ot' rcxklcmial d~clling units shrill bc controlled by d~c dhucnsional sramlards of the C-I, C-lfl' dislrict. lo~clhcr xxilh the specific rcquircmcnl thai in no insl;mcc shall rc~idcmi:d u~cs cxcccd 5(I pertoni nf Ihc gross II~,~r arch ol' I{ad~ T'cxidcmi;11 d~elling unil ~hall cmmdn lhc Ihc i~ixcd o,mmcrcialXrcsidclm:d xlruclurc shall be designed h, enhance c~m~pmihilhy of Ihc c~mm~u'rcial and rcsidcmial uses flu-ouch such nwasurcs ;rs. but I1Ot limiK'd to, miuimizin~ li~hlm~ ;~',l~ I'mm rc~klcndal unil~; and scparalinB pcdcxtrLm and ~dficul;u' acccx~va)s m~d parkin~ arca~ I'rum rcddcmial unhx, Io Ihc ~l'C;itc~I cxtc~11 possible. ,X. Nursin~ ;red I~cr~on;11 care I'acililicx I"uncral xcI'~ i~.',.' aid ~:rcm;lloricx .L'72(__.(.~_~, u L!.L I~cli~ious or~m~i/alhmx I,~6(,1 ). t I: I TM "'" ' ' ' ol'licc (I)7421. ¢xcludin~ outdoor kennulink. Imm.uw,,.ul ~m,nh.'d, lhc lidlo~in~ dimcn~ion:d ~lamlard~ xhall appl.~ in dK' ('-I. ('-I T dJMricl. \Vhcrc xpccili¢ dcvclopmcnl crilcria aid ~landardx al~, c>,i~l in Ihc (hqdcn (imc XlaxK'r I~hm. hmnokalcc Xlaxlcr Phm or Ihc ~ ] ~ 4 J. ~lim.u.. Jul ul'Ull -' ~ _.4_. lhHmlillu /u! uhJfh lIlll I'ccl. 2..?.'.1 2,J. 1. .~/mm/luu lur{Jru~lturcum/11~ I I'rmll ~m'd 2.4 l'cc! hall' ul' lhc buildm ' h~ as mcaxurcd _a__lDirdlt!.um ol'Jil'tccn. I.{..L~_,~ l'ecl. Rcur v.rd I ~' t'ccl .... I _.4.6. 22 24? .... 1_.4.8, 2,2.12.5. 22 26 Set'. 2.2.13. Sec. 2.2.14. .~lininlunl ./l~mr urua ~/' lu'in('il~aJ .qrtlutltrt'. building on tile ground Iloor. ), htximu,! lol c'tn'ct'a,Uu. (l~.cSCl'vctl,} 1.000 square l'~et for each I"jtmr ~tl't'¢t ratio. {Reserved.) .Wini.nmt o//iWruul p.rki.,< tt~ltl ol/i,vtrct'l hntding. As required in disision _.4. Lmul~cal,in.k'...\s required in dixision '~ l.t,<htin,< The m;tximum height of lighls shall bc 25 Ibex. 1,ights shall be Iotaled so Ihat no light is aimed directly toward a property designated residential, which is located xxithin 200 Ibct ol'fi~e source of the light. , h'chitcc/ural urn/ .vi&' dcxi.k'u .xlttndut'd.v. All croninertial buildings and pt'~.iccls shall bc subject m Ill,.: provisions of division 2.8. ('raninertial convenience district (C-2). ,~ liHinntm .l't/t'tl reqttircnwnl:c /"tong v. rd. 25 feel. ,S'idu yard. ~a-5.'4~t-q one-hail'of the buildin, hci~casurcd I'ron~ 3. R¢'ar yw'd. I 5 fuct. ('oreinertial intcrmcdiale disf riot ((7-3}. .~/J~lit~ntm y(u'd t'eqltirctHcltl.~ 1. l"ront)'w'd. 25 each cxlcri.r xxall xx ilh a minimum of liftcon 1~,~.~: ,X'idc yard ~,-3-tbe4 tmc-hall'~,t' lhc bulktin, h~ as measured I'rom each cxlcrior ~:111 x~ ilh a minimum of l~flct:11 I~. Rcw'yw'd. I 3 10el. \\'ords ,,~4,.-4h, o~h arc tl,elcled, v, ords undt:rlincd are added. 0 Sec. 2.2.15. (;choral commercial ,lislric! (('-41. .,'~gricuhural scrx ices (groups 11741-0742. 0752. x~ilh outdoor kc,mcling). ..\muscmcnl and rccrcalion services. outdoor (groups 7948. 7092. 7996. 7999). Auclionccring services. auction rooms (7389. 51191. ..\ummofix c dealers and gasoline scrx ice slati.ns (groups 552 I. 5551. 5561. 551}~} oredoor display pcrmi(tcd). ,,\ulonlotix c rCTllal and leasing. Otltdoor display permilled 1groups 7513. 75191. 7. Fishing. hunling and trapping (groups 0012--01191. I:ucl dealers (groups 5183--59891. I 1omclcss shehers. as dcl]nu'd by lifts code. I(I. I lotels amt toolels ( groups 71111. 7112 I. 7041 ',xhcn hwalcd oulsidc an actix'i(y I I. .just ice. public order and sal;zty , , c '~ ~ '~ (groups)_~.-- ;..41. 12, Kiosks. Mothm-~,ie~m'e-lheate~.,4-~g3-?q-. I.ocal allc~l suburban 1ransit 'rLkEg.gR.5.' 4 1 I 1-412 I. hu:.: .,,l~t__l ,,"m~l ~~ ~4..'~3=q-.Motiml pielure thcalcrs 7~ 13. princ4pM-~ruetur~. Communication hn~crs a vc__~,5.[swcil~cd hc~ s~l}2j_cct t~__Lsccthm 2.6.35. ~mtv-k4t~et}~*s-deti~.-~!.4'L~lhb~-.,~*de. I'crnfi((cd use x~i(h less (hah 71~11 s~!~%~.' I~.y!j. fi_'gross Iloor area in II1¢ '~r~p2~l structure. lhm.m.t )urd rcqti.'c.;cnlx I')',,,l y.rd. 25 pitis one Ibot Ibr each one Ibol oF b~ hc~! ,lx. er 5() I~.'cl. 2 .S'idc yurd. 4.-5-t;eet one-hallOo ;is nlcasurcd from each exterior ~xall with a rain li:et. 3. l?cttr r,rd. 11o,--.'x4~1 15 Sec. 2.2.15V:. Ileavy commercial di.stric! (C-51. Words ~rm.'4,,-~m,~h ;ire d¢lclcd. wor, I0 rlined are added. 2.2.15".,.4.3. Sec. 2.2,16. li11Dnutl! )'urt[ rcqldrt'nwtlls I')',nl V,O'U. 25 l~'Ct. phis one Ibol Ibr each one lbot of Imikling Jlcight over 51) Ik'ct. 2. S'h/u vw'd. ~t one-half of the buildin, h~as nlcasurcd from each exterior xxall xxhh a minimum oflificcn I~. Induxlrial district (I}. ]~t'l"ll/flUt[ IlVt'5. I. ,,Xgricuhural scrxiccs Igroups 0711. cxccpl Illat chemical Ircatmcnl of soil Ibr crops. I~'rlilizcr application Ibr crops and lime spreading crops shall bca minimum of 500 Igct IYom a residential ZOIlillg district. 072 I. cxccpl Ihat aerial dusling and spraylag, disease contrt,I tbr crops. spraying crops. dustJag crops. and insect control Ibr crops (~ith or ~ilhoul I~'rtili/ing} shall be a minimum of' 500 f~,ct f?mn a rcsidcmial zoning district. 0722-0724, 0761. 0782. 0783). :Xpparcl aml uther finished products (groups 231 1-2399}. .,Mmmlotixc repair. service. aml parking (groups 7513-7549). -1. Ik,rhcr shups l group 7241). 5. Itcaub' sh,ps or saltms 17231 ). 11uilding construction (groups t521-1542}. Ilusincss ~crkiccs (sroups 7312. 7313. 7319. 7334-7336. 7342-7389. includin~ aLlClion rooms (50091. subject tO parking and landscaping Ibr retail usc~. S. ('omm,micafiuns (gr,ups 4812-4899 including communicalions hmcrs up to specified heights. Stl~jcct Io section 2.6.35}. % ('.nstructi-l~--spccial Iratic contraclots (groups 1711-17991. l(). I)cp.sitm'~ aim nondcposilt*ry institutions (grotlps 6011-6163). II. Eating places {5812). 12. I{ducalional services (8243--g24g), 13. Electronic and uther clcclrical equipment {groaps 3612--3699L 14. ILnginccring. accounting. research. management and rclaled services ~groups 871 I--8748). 15. I:abricalcd metal products igroups 3411--347g. 3491--3499). Food and kindred produels (groups 201 I--2009 except slaughlcring phmts). I 7, J:urnilt~rc told I]xlurcs (groups 251 I--25gg). Words ,m:uc&ql~e.~h are delc~etl. ~ords underlined are added. II (Junsmith ,q].p,~ (LJroup 76()0) with accessory .~hooting range lbr [C~lVy coll~lrtlclioll (~rOtlpS 16l I --16Zg). l.cathcr :red Icnfi~cr products (~roHp~ ~13 I--3199). Lind ~tihurban IraflaiL (~roups 41 I I--412]). I.unlhcr illiLl ~ood products (groups _4.6. 2431--2499). mcdicnl [llld ¢pdcal ~m~ds: ~atchcs and clocks (~roups 3~ 12--3g73 ). Mcmhcrhhip .rgmlizntiuns (~roups ~6l I. g631 }. Misccllanceus i111111tlJ'ilcltlrill~ industries (groups 3gl I--3ggg). Miscclhmceus ~air services ,n~ 7622-769~l with nt, associated sales. 4.1_. and ~varch(msing (groups ~ ~ = ._ . ;Ml~lor l'rcighl 421~ '"'~ ~ '~ .--4 .... 4__6 except nil chcmic;ll bulk ]u:30~ Paper nnd allied pr,ducls (2621--2679). ~31. Pcrstmal services (grtmps 7211-7219~. ~32~ I'hysical lithess fi~cilifics (7g01), ~3.;~ I'dming. publishing and alticd industries (groups 2711--2796). ¢~34~ Railrtmd tr:mspertation (4011. 4013). ~4=:;~ Rubber ~md miscellaneous phistics prnducls {groups 3021 3~53 ~. ~:%3(~. Stone. clay, class. and concrete produels (groups 3~1. 3255--3273. 3275. 3281 ). 31)52. 3253. :~f,.:37, Textile nlill product.s (groups ~'~l ~'" '~41 2297. ", ", t 'l'ransl-,{matien CClUipmcnt (grm~ps 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732. 3751. 3761. 376-1.37(~9. 3792. 379(?). .~3t)~ I'nmsi'~ortntitm l',x air I gr, tH'~s 4512--4581 Cxccpl airporls and ll.xin.S -lg=41~ '1 ransp{matitm scrx ices (groups 4731--4783. 4789 except stockyards}. 4.m4o~ tinired Struts Postal .'qcrvicc (431 I). 44~2~ \\'cldinL~ repair 17(¢/2]. Words ,m~ '-u~4~m~h arc th.'lctcd. ~ ord', underlined ar~' added. 12 4-~,-J.,3= \\'l~olcsalc trade--durable L2ocds (groups 5012-5014. 5021--5049. 5063--5( {)2, ~ 318... 4L_4._4_: \\holesale trado-mmdurablc uoods IL2roups 5111--5159, 5181. ' " 51{)1 except Ihat x~hnlcsalc distribulion of chemicals. fi:rlilixcrs, ins{eli{ides. and pesticides shall be a minimum or 500 fee! from a rcsidcmial/uning dislric115 Ig2--5 lgg}. .'4, cc. 2.2.21}. 222).37. I'lanncd unit dcvchqm~enl distrio! (I'LiI)) J }lc Jloard ol' ('~tllll~ ('onlnlisSiOllcrs Illav q~ q~11([11ioll 0~ a rovaJ [Ilia at~tion of the rex{ming ' th ~t bl~~ ~ f~w t~~~ u I~ fi q~t- 13 !Lf:~',;j'...~_c_l_~.9_!d~.~Jxj!'.k~: vmqrl~encv medical services and 'ur dcdicalcd tbr_puhlic use. \\'hun dcxch~?L!.~ c~mmdtmCnlS include renl ~r~erlv convcvanc¢~ II:md m~d'or easemcms~ h~ ;~public enlit¥ hll' ch CollV',..'vllIlCCS Illll.~l he JYee ill' till cncunlhr;mcc:~ ~hich could ch~ud lille It~ tJl,z r~' or result ill Ihe cxtinuuishmcnl ~d' Ihc puhlic cntil~'s interest. Wilhin 60 da~s ol' r~_~j. ucsl hv d~c (',,umv a~~cr ma~ elect m_.ZLmwide the ('oilier ('mmtv rcal~ II1~111~1 ,~I~;irlillCill wilh c~lhcr an t~-lo-dIitc title ~1111111J1111c111 illld ~l~LQ~E~hl~t~crmin~ m tl~c c~mvcvm~~ ('~dlicr ('oumv LI~ IJIc [~o~cd in~urcd. ur ;1~1 atmrncW~inion tq' fillc. %lmuld Ihc ~h;dl I~c rc~p.nsiNc t'~r ;dl cnsix includin~ all search premiums. Within ~)ll d:tx ~ ~q' hcin~mvkIcd linc c~mvcv:mce ~uh-rdin',tlkm doctlmClllS Iw I1~ (~mv ~r~~ch o t~cr linlc criod :~s Ihc ~hall return s;tid d~cumcnt~. I~lllv executed h',.~.tlY '~ ~r~l, r.lc nrdcs' rcad~ Iku' a,~'ccL~mnce t~ d~c B~xm.I ol' ('ountv ('~mm~i~ioners and i,..'c,~rdiIl~ i~ Ihcj?uhlic rec~rd~ ,~f('ollicr (.'i~Ullb.' Florida. Ihc d.llar aremini .f ',l.potclxi;d ij~).~L~;tct l~'c crcdil due m rc~uh .f Ihc donati~m tq' a I~.'c c~lill¢ ill hind t~ ('ulIicr ('lltlillV ~hall I~c the Ic~e, cr .f Ihc fid Iox,, Ihc i~ri.__c_c_j2_cj~.jj?jZc?_._L' pHcc~uar,.' I~ol Ihc dexeh~2LS.~aid t~u' II~c I~'~_~per1_ED_Lil~mrchuscd xxifl~in file 2 year j~eriod immedialclv4~rcccdinu Ihc cl'l'cclJx c date of lhe initkfi re/~,n¢ acdtm an,.J~or duvuh~£mcnt t~rdcr r.?£uir_~ij~ ~uch o,nvcvm~oz) muhi.plicd limes the area conveyed tt~ 111¢ Ihc mm'kct xaluc tq' Ihe I:md conveyed Io the ('~mntv as tq' the inmtcdiulcl~_j?rcccding the cl'l~.'clix'c d.'llc ~1' Ihc initial re;,.onc :~tclitm ;md".r d:.'x,,.'h:jm:,...nt urdcr re,, :.~ such L'OllVeVilllce ~ determined I~', an a_.~L~rai~¢r l'rtm~ the fi~¢n-current lisl of ~ ro~rabcr~ ;~d?lqcd I~', the ll~xm.t td'('ounIv (.'ommi~itmer~. ('.llicr ('(~tllltx ih the ~z~raiscr's co-client tIloIl~ with the [he ('~tllltV simll hax C 3() dax s to review m~d a r~c~raisal r~.rt. I"ccs Ibr p~im~i~al scrx ices shall hc paid lbr by Ihc dcvch~ I)cvcl.pcrs may I.c uli~ihlc Ibr an addilional i~acl Igc credit equal .no hul~Z~,l~ttjc~raisal Ibc. V, up.h ,.,m~,~.4~h,.r~-,. h ,Ir,,.' dvlclcd, ~,',i~rds ~jndcrlincd are I.I ~;)L)~tqilical ,ubdix isiun of Ihc SitItc of I:1orid;~ 'l'i~c Ihxlrd ('(,lllll) ('omlll~5~iOllCl' ~~~vcr 1H~ '~dV ill' ('oilier ('OlllllX, I Ire'ida. alld :~s I{x-ol'l]ci~ Ihc ,{~ board ~d' tl~c XV;itcr Ncx~cr I )}stricl." and ;inx ;red .ll indc ~cIld~)vUI'IlIllCllIllJ districts inchidh~ [l~[~sc ~d'thc Nillie om' J.'lorida mnav ~r<~' exercise c~mlractu',d in n:durc. m~d nlilx bc cnfi~rccd by sui! I~r s.gccific M.r~.,o-h, hm:l( )verhty l)istriet.t:M 17~()}, \\ ul tl',, ~tFt~k-'lhl',qt~h arc dch:h.'d. ~ .rd% Hndcrlincd arc iLLIdcd. 15 ",Vord~, ~h--~.~o~h are deleted. ",,.ord~, underliner] are ridded. hei ~ ht--i,ermht~lq;m4 hed~hMl~t~tn~4~tre: \\'¢rds ~,i~ '~,,~4~,~,~ ~?~ are dclclcd. ~rds underlined are addt'd. 17 ~ttmre-l;veh \Votds ~'4,-4h~ h are delch:d. ~ ords underlined are added 20 Words ,,~r~.~ ',c~-H~r,~,~l,, arc deleted, v, ords underlined art... added. 2t Words ~.~h arc deleted, ~l ords undcrlinct~ arc added. 22 (z,, ~.l m ~,~:eial--I h,iJ,.li ~)(t~rd,; ~ ~t~41~i¥h ;~rc dcl¢~'d, woi'~l~i ~111~ arc added. 23 Goremere4 M-I hti hlm ~ ~md - P~*~ti~:~ ,~, 2-1 l~e~cweet~ae~aeet~t-i~u bkl~..~. di t'(-t t Jit J it il l- t~ttt 1¢¢t i.~,¼ ~. ~,rd'., ~.~ '~4,.~,~.Jt drk' d',:lvt',:d. '.', ord~, un,,I,:rlincd are added. 2g ~h arc dclctctl. x~ords underlined are added. Words ,a~&-~hr-.~+~ arc dclclcd. ~ ords underlined an.' added. ffarM leF--4~ k-~ ~r--pe r p¢nd ita~ 'br--{e~-4 he--mljaeenl--+i~)t-q~:-wa.~ ",Vords ,v~,~,M.l~,t..~ arv duh. qcd. v, ords tmdcrlirp.'d are addt2d. 31 · .., ,: · . .. -:'.: Words ~ arc d¢Iclcd. words underlined ar~: added, 32 \~. otd', .d~c4~Fi~*~h arc dclcl,,:d. v, orth kmdt'rlint:d ar,: ;Itldt'd. 34 \~, .rds ,,~r,~k-4h~o~.4? arc ds.'lct~.'d, ~sords underlined arc added. h .%t;ID;I.X"I'I()N 3.B: :\.MI.;NI)MI.;NTS T() ()FF-S'I'RF, ET PAl{KIN(; AN!) I,()AI)IN(; l)ixisicn 2.3. (,H'lLStrcct IMrking and I.onding. of Ordinance 91-102. ns amended. file ('ullicr ('.unt) I.and I)cxclopmcln ('ode. is hereby amended Io ruad as Ibllo~vs: I)IVISI()N 2.3. OFI:-STI",I,:I'71' PAl(KIN(; ANI) I,OAI)IN(; Sec. 2.3.16. ()rl'-slrecl p'arkin~ nntl slacking; required :mmunD;. 2.3.16,1 /~icyc/c f)w'kin;~ b,r ,lt,u~ru.vhJulfiiu/ tl'cvcJtqnm'ttlv. I'rox isions tbr the saiL' and secure parking of bicycles shall be furnished at a ratio of live percent o1' requirements fi~r motor vehicles as sol lbrth in Sec. 2.2.16. bill 11oi I0 cxcc~d a ~ o~~lm,m~' maximum oI'1¢ total bicycle parkin~ spaces. A minimum of Ix~t) bicycle parking spaces shall bc provided. Words ~~ are doleled. ~ords underlined are added. 3fi space") shall I~c of a stand-alone invcrtcd-t I dcsi~n mcasurin~ a minimum ~q' ~, inches high and 1~ inches ~vidc [o1' I~,S inch ~chcdulc 4~1 pipe. A~IM F I0S31 J hem in one piece ("hike rack") mounlcd securely to linc ~round Iby a 3/~ inch thick steel base plate, AS'I'M A St~J so as to sCCUl'C IhC bic) tic I?amc :red bodl x~hccJs. Each parkin.u space .qndl have a ininimum of three fl.'c! ol'clcar:mcc on :fil skies of the Iqkc rack. Bit}tic spaces shall I~c pa¥~ surlYaced with the same or similar malerials a~prmcd Ibr the ~mlor vehicle ar~u~ lighted and iotated no ~rcatcr than 100 l~ct I}om tl~c main buildin~ giltrance. f!xlrmmlilmr.x Iqcx clc imrking designs which dcparl Ihm~ linc Iqkc tuck sl:mdard I~ut m'c in kccpin~ x~ilh the dcvclopmcnl's ticsign fi~cmc shall be c.nsidcrcd by Ihe ('otlnly archiloci. Bike racks x~ hich I'tmclitm ~x ithout securing the bicycle IYamc. require Ihc use ol'a bit>tic kick stand. or xdfich may be lYeely rcoricmcd are not ~etv~-..~;?4. Nhmd.r ds--[o f-tin rkin ~°-wit hi~t-4 h e--~-i. re~,~l ke-t) r~ve-lh~si~ess-I )isl riet ( M hl)BDF. Wurds ~4,q~fi~ arc deleted. ~ords underlined are added. 37 SI;IISI.~("I*I()N 3,(': AMI.]NI).MI:.N'I'S '1'() I..,\NI)S(':\PIN(; AND IIt,FFI:.I{IN(; I)i~i.,h,n 2.4. l.ai~dSCalfinF, ;red Iml'lk:ring. ~1' ()rdinance 91-102. ;.is amended. Ihe ('.11icr ('OLtI'H~, [.;111d I)cx clopmcn! (_'.de. is hcrcb.~ amended to read as I)IVINI()N2.4. I,.\NI)S(';XI'IIN(;ANDIItrFI:I':RIN(; Sec. 2.4.?,. Procedures. subdivision plat. t~nal ~itc do clopmcnt phm. or building perrail. m~ applicanl xs hose development is c.vercd by the requiremcnls o1' this s~(liOll shall ~ubmit a landscape plan to I11c planning service dircclor. 'l'hc landscape plan shall i~car Ihc sea] of ;i l.andsc;q~c architect regislcrcd in lhc Slate o1' I:lorida, or tile stam~ ol'a I:1orida ('¢rtilicd l.andsc;t e l~ncr. A landsc;~ designer. con i lied as such b\ the State of l:1orid;~ also macarc and ~ubmit I;mtlsca~lans Io Ihc extent pcmfitted Iw Florida lax\, The landscaping required Ibr singlc-Ikmfily. txvo-fimfily. and mobile home dx~clling units shall bc show n on Ihc building permit plot plan. This plan is no~ required to bear the seal of a landscape archiloci, S t 'I:ISI.;("I'I()N 5.1) Ihc hindscape plan shall bc drax~n to a suitabtc scale. include dimensions. i~orth al'roxv, dale, lille. pro. joel owllur's Ilalltu', ticlinoart tl~c existing and proposed parking. ~ uhicular use areas. buildings. access poims. roachkays. show all uliJity lines or easements. and shoxx thu location of existing and proposed planting areas and vegetation communities and designale thcn~ by species name. The code required hmdscaping shall be highlighted or indicated tm the plan to dil'lbrenliate I?om Ihe applicant's pro\ idcd landscapin~ that is in addifi(m 1o that required by this code. l)esign crcaliXit3 is encouraged so long as it meets the intent of this code. The phm I~:trricadcs. curlgng. and n'cc .ells. '1 he plan shall also include a chart italicrains graphic plat sb mbtfi. botanical aild COlllmOll Ilt11116. quanlity. height. spread. spacing. native status. drotl~hl tolerance rating his defined by "Xcriscapc Pkm (iuidc 11" imbliM~cd by Soulh Florida Wa~cr Management l)isn'icL West Pahn Beach. Florida) and lyp¢ of mulch. 'l'he plan shall sho~s Ircc and palm staking sictails per accepted imjustr) practices and standards. In add ilion. a tabulation oJ' lilt code-required landscaping indicating calculalions ilcccssar) to insure con~pliancc wifi~ this code shall also appear. ..x certificate ol'occupancF shall not be issued until approxal oflhe landscapin~ phm and installation of planls and malerials ctmsis[ent approved plan has bcc~t c.mplclcd and inspected by lhc COUnly. ..\.\11.:NI)MI.:N'I'S T() SIGNS I)ivision 2.5. Signs. of ()rtlinancc 91-102. as amended. lhe l)cx cl,~pmcnt Code. is hereby areeluded Io read as lblloxvs: I)IVINI()N2,5. SIGNS Words ~,~ arc deleted. words underlined are added. 3~ Col!let ('OUll t',' l .;tied RcM t'~h/lt' .~i.k'll.~. '1 hc tblh,xxing signs chtssiticd as real estate signs shall be perufitted in residetotal districls sul~iect to the lblhmqng: ()no grmlnd or ~all "For Sale." For Rent." or sitnihtr sign. with maxinlulll 01' Ibur square I~ct in size. per street I~ontnge Ibr each parcel. or Iol less filan one acre ill SiZe. Said sign shall be located closer lhan tell Ik'cl f~onl ally at[iacent rcsidcnlially used proporb' tllld may be placed up Io the property line abutting a righl-oO~va5. pl'OX idcd it is a minimum of len IWI lkom the edge oF pavement. building perrail rcquirml.) ()no ?mml m' wall "l"or Sale." "For Rcnl." or similar si~n. ~ith a maxintern oF l£ settare lk'ct in size. per street ('rm~tage lbr each parcel. or lot one to Ion acres ill size. (No hi,tiding permit reqt, ired.) t)nc ~fm.~l pole sien ~ill~ a nlaxinltlt11 heiuJJ! of 15 tWI or wall "For Sale." "For Rent." or similar sign. with a maximum of 64 square Ik'ct in size. per sircol I?om;tgc fi,r each parcel or lot in excess t~' ten acres in size. Real estate sign* shall not be located closer Ihan 15 fizct I'rom any property linc. In the case o1' tmdcx'dopcd parcels xxl~crc tl~c existing kegoration max not allow the location of the sign 15 Ik'cl from the propert5 line. the planning scrxiccs direclot may allow a reduction in the amount of lhc required setback hm~cvcr. in no ease shall said sign bc Iotaled closer dian five Ibm I~onl any propuny line unless aulhm'izcd hx Ihc board o1' zoning appmds through the variance princess. Rc.I cst.lc sig.s sh;lll be removed ~vhetl all applicable temporary use permit h,s expired. or xvidfin scion days of lilly or Ihc lbllo~ving conditions: tm norship has changed: Ihc propq~y is no longer lbr sale: rcnl or least: or. the model home is no hmgcr heing used as a model JlOIllC, (L ;\ sign advertising ih.'tt a property has bccn sold or leased shall not bc displayed lbr more than 30 days after it is erected. .th;dcl h,mc xign~ ()no m)-prcmiscs sign Ik*r model homes. approxcd in CCnmiUnclion ~ifil a Icmporar) LiSt permit in lilly 7onill~ district 11OI 10 exceed 32 setmarc tkct. Model home sign copy shall be limited Io the model ilamc. Imiklcr's name. mmmc and address. phone nunlbcr. price. logo. and model home. Model home stuns shall not be illuminated in alw iliaill/or. {NO Nlikling perrail required. ) ~ 'tm~trm'tim~ .~ig,.~ All supports Ibr stmch signs shall bc securely buih. conhtructcd. timid crcclcd illld shall bc located OD lilt silo tillder conslruction. subject h~ lilt tblhm ins: ()no ground or ~xaJl si~n. with a maximun~ of Ibur square I~cl in site. 111ay be used as a conslrtlclioll sigll by the general contractor or the dcvclolm~Cnt or as a permit board. wilJlin each ITont yard lbr each parcel less than tmc acre in size. (No building permit required.) ()no ground or ~all sign. with a maximum of 12 square feet in size. may bc used as a construction sign by the general conlraclor of the dcvclopmncnt or us a permit board. widfin each t?ont yard Ibr each parcel one to ten acre5 in size. (No btmilding ~rmit required.) tVords ,~m~4m~. :ire deleted. ~ ~rds underlined arc added. 3g ()no ~rouml ~Lt~lc si_g~.~ilh tJ maximum height o1'15 t~ct or ~all si~n. wid~ a maximum o1' 64 ~quare I~'el in ~izu. may bo u~ud :t~ 'a con~m~cdon ~i? by Lhc ~cncral cmllraclor of lilt development or as a permit board. xx idfin each t?oBI yard Ibr each parcel in excess o1' ton ()1/C ~rotllld or wall st?. 'o, ilh a IllaXilllUlll of I~mr square Igc[ it1 SiZe. may hc used as a construction si~n by each contraclor. Icndin~ institmim~. or other similar company involved with the developmorn. regardless of parcel ~i/c:: (No buiklin~ permit required.) f '.nditi.n,d u~c~ nidlin the rcd~&'ntiul und ~:icultura! dixlricl.*. ('onditim~al ugc~ ~xififin the residetotal district arc permitled ~{~n x~ idl a IllaMllltllll oJ' ~2 sqtlarc Igor. Corner lots ~r¢ permitted Condilion,d titus x~ithin tiao a__gricuhural districl irl Illo urban urea. rcsidcmial and estates district~ wifi~ a siroct frontage of 150 I~:¢t or more and a land area of 43.560 stjtlar¢ feel or lar~cr ~,r¢ permitted a ~round sign. itl~ a maximum aro:~ of 32 square Ibm. l~ullclin boar~.15 illiLl idonliticalion signs ibr public. charitable. cducatinnal or rcli~iou~ institutions located on IJlc prcnliscs of ~aid in~tilulion5 and IlOl exceeding 12 Stillarc I~'ct in ~i/c. (No buildinF permit required, ) The Board of County C'ommissionors may approve adtlhional signage as may be deemed appropri.'~tc during lho conditional use approval process. ,S'i,k'n.~ within mm,rc,~idcntial dixlricts: t'~_~ictL~__...2191LJdtm. Where muhi P ~ r'n~ - ~ ise sins are ro oscd thr a sin~ site or ~ecl. or in d~c case of a sho~cenler or roLllit-use buildin~ *miffed stun phm shall t~c cm21okcd. An ~licalion Ibr silo dcvclo~mcnl or site iT~rovcmcnt ~k~l'twaJ shall be aceore alfc~l by a ,ra hie and narralivc rcprcscnlation ol'lhc unified simian to be utilized on the site. The trailSod siu~lan may be amended and resubmitted Ibr i~roval Io rel]ecl style than ,~ or chanuing tenant needs. I)esi ,~clcmcnls ahich shall be addressed in bod~ ,~hic and narrative tbrm include: coilslr'dction I11atcri.:iJs ;.111d 111clJlodi architectural dostun: ~J ilJun~inalion method: I ~.5L) .c±m v sq v I c: Ik~ /ml~' 'lnts l, I~. <a(mn s' and i:] linc case of muhi-usc Imildin ,~.parccls wid~ muhiple structures 't ' I 1't I'r",, t~milicd sire lan shall indicate conlk~rm;.ulc¢ ~, ith the Ibllowingl no wall stun shall exceed 8(_g_perccnl of the widd~ ol'lh,: unilLSJ occupied by a business with a minimum of 10 .percon! clear area on each outer cd ,e ofd~ \%,rd~, ,,~r~-hqimv*~h arc deleted. ~ords undcrlincd are added. 4O all wall 'duns fi~r muhi-use buildingk shall I~c located at ;t cons;stem location on the Imildin, lhcm~ that anchor tcnanl~ may yaw I~t~m this h~cational r~uirmnent in stele xxilh the anchor tcnant's laver;mary thcade dimohs;tins. All ~i~hall udhere Io lilt dimen~i,ms provided Ibr in Ihe unified simware ]2hm: and p.;2t~i~:k,; sl._2;jJlA~.rt_2_vi~le ;__B~t~h: cover ~ ith architectural desi~ tk'att.'¢s. including colors and'or materials common to uNcd in the desist om' linc htmildi~, th~ is accessory to...k minimum I0(1 ~r~ lanfi~ area sMll ~roxidcd around the base of a11v ,r rand w ~~i ,~ consistent xS.]lh proxisim~s o1' dixisi.n 2.5. of this code J;~~ Iljustr:tlitm beh~x~& __'_.~;._.'~.__'~; .1:£)?j,u,'c,'l, In addition to tile abo;c ..rc_.g. tdrenlcnl,.. unilioJ .,,__ig2k.plans lk,t ,,t_..~?arccls. reuardlcs>. o1' Ihc size of the out~.r~el.,_,..J~;A!k_h¢ limit.~ed to tits' a ,aali siu~)_ Ibr ;?___An,._lhcadc ;______jdace~.pjj._hJ,c~t-of.____x~;,__~ and a v, all .,i~, I'or ;m', lilc;,.J¢ lhcm, the main c,,mmereial cemcr '.'.ilh a illaximt. iI11 oJ' (,A) s_t/uarc Ik'et. llt'd to ;..'xceed a ill;IXimTIIll of p,~,o v, aJJ signs lk~r any single useL;jl2Lt: u :,inulc ,-'r.und or '~oi~fi,r____t2.~.parc¢ls ha~ in,' a lgcl m' more. n~,l 1o u. xu'u, cd (~l) ~Aluarc J~:cl. Pole ~ shall he limilcd to 15 lk:et in hei,'hl. /hdldi,~kj~cr,;ir___~uc~/x P, cqucsts fi~r buildin~crmits Ibr permanent tin- premise signs shall adhere to the unil~ I ~i ,n I'u~ x~l~ q~hall b~%u t on file in Ihc cOllltlltnlilV dcvcJopmClll arid ¢11viro~ltllutllaJ services division. J'~c~ ue~crmil ;i new si,n. trY, lo relocate re ]ace or strttcluralJv aller all cxistine~ shall I~c accom~;micd hv a unilied simian Ibr lh¢ huildi~ pr~J d~e si~n is accessory to. I{xistin~ermiued si m~' remain in~ t~m~cxcr. all Ikmu'c rc tu ~ f r ~ niu wh t~r F~r q ~w d~~~~eloctitit~ alteration. or replacement of an existin, q~n~hall adhere to the unilied ~ plan Ik,r tl~c ~crlx= I )~"~ C]Oplllellt Slalldilrdy., Maximum allm~alqc llcight. All signs v,'itiml non-rcsidenlial zoned dislricls aml a~ applic;d~l¢ to non-residential designated portions o1' Iq I[) zoned properties are limited to a maximum hdghl ol' eight J~cl. except wall or pole signs. or as otherwise provided lbr ~vilhin this Seelion. I ldght shall be measured Ikom tl~e lowest cm~tcrline grade of II~c nearcsl punic or private R.O,W. or k'11selllCIll lo the uppcrnmsl portJim oJ'lh¢ si~11 slruclure. Minimum setback. All signs ',,.;thin non-residential xoned districts and as :q~plicablc tu ram-residential designated pt,'liollS of PtH)ztmed pr.pcrtics shall not I~c located closer than 15 t~ct Ikom the property line. unless t,lhcrx~is¢ noted below or as provided Ibr in section 2.1,13. Rcu/c.s/./c .mU v.' 'lhc lbllowing signs classilied as real estate signs shall bc perinbred in non-rcsidci.ial districts suhj,..'~:t to tile li~11oxving: ground or wall "For Sale," "For Rent," or similar sign xxith a maxthrum area ol'ti~.ul= txxelve square fi:et in size per street lYonrage For t,~ ord., .4,,t+~a-~lwo4~h. are ,.Iciered, ,,xords underlined an: add,:d. dl each pared. or Io! less Ihan 011e ,'ICFe il~ SiZe. (No building permit required,) ()he ground or ~all "For SAD." "For Renl," or similar si~n. ~itl~ a maximum 32 square Igcl in size. per slrucl l'ronltl~e Ibr erich pnrcel. or Im one to ten acres in size. (No buildinB purlnit required.) ()he ?'euml D,Ic~v, ith :~ maximum h¢i ,ht o1'~ or wail "l"ur ~ah:." "For Renl." or similar sign. ~a'ilh SiZe. p,..'r slrk'~..'t J¥,,qlla~¢ I't~r ,,.'Lleh parcel t~r Jol ill exC¢.",S ~,)J' Jell ilCr',.'s size. Rcul cstalc SigllS shall m~t be Iotaled clnser II'mn 15 Igct l'rum nnb properb' linc. In linc case of undeveloped parcels xxhcrc Ihc cxisling vegetation may not allo~ the location of the sign 15 1~c1 I?om the property line. the planning services tlireclor may allow a reduction in Ihc amount o1' fi~c required setback hoxvcx or. in no case shall said sign be located closer than like I~et IYom any properb' line unless authorized bx tt~c board of zoning appcnls through linc xariancc Real cstmc signs shall be removed ~hen an applicable temporary use pcrmi~ has expired, nr within seven days nf any o1' the fifilox~ing c.ndhions: mxncrship has changed: or, the properly is no hmger Ibr saJ~.'. FcIll or lease. :\ sign advcrlising fi'ml a pruperb' has been sold or leased shall no! bc disl'fia.x cd fur tim.re Ihan 30 da.vs after it is crueled, ('t,.~/r.c/im~ .vi,<..~..,\11 supports I't~r such signs shall be sueertl5' I~uih. cnnstrucled. and ereclod ;ind shall be totaled on lhe sile under conslruclion and no closer than 15 Igel J}Olll lilly property line. 1111d su~jccl lbl[o~ ing: ()no ground or wnll sign. ~vid~ a maximum o1' 12 square Igcl. ma)' bc used as a ctmstruction sign by the general contractor of Ihc development or as n permit board. wilhin ench I?onl Fard Ibr each pnrcel less than one acre in size. (No building permit required.) ()no ground or ~nll sign. x~ith a mclxinlulll of 32 square I~ul in size. may be used as a conslruction sign by lhc gcnorllJ tonimotor o1' Ihc dcvclupmcnl or as a permit board. within each front ynrd l~r each parcel one Io Ion itcrc~ in size. (No building permit rcquircd.~ ()he ~r~mmt oi~ with a maximum he~ o1'15 11:et or ~all sign. ~ith u illaxinltJm of 64 square Ibel in size. tony be used as a conslruclion sign by lhe gertoral conlraclor of lJlo devolopmenl or perrail b~lal'd. x~ififin each I'mnt yard Ibr each parcel in excess of acres in size. ()Itc ground or ~ull sign. with a maximum of 4 sqt,:tre I~.'¢1 ill size. may be used as a conslruclion sign by each conlrllclor. lending inslilulion. or other similar compnny involved xvith the development. regardless of p~.'ccl size. ~.Nlq44 (No buildin, crmi~ All conslrumi.n signs must be removed prior to tile isstmnce ot' ccrli ticale o f occupancy, 5. ()n-i.'t'mi,~'¢ .vi,tuts. On-premise pole signs. ground signs. pro. jecling signs. x~all signs. and mansard signs shall be allowed in all nonresidenti:fily zoned districts subject In Ihe reslrictions below: Words s~41q.l~t~h are tleleled. v,'ord~ umterlined are added. /%h' ur ,k'r.~uU/ ,ti.k'u.~ Single-oCCUlXmC.~ parcels, ~ht~Pl~in~ ccnter~. office complexes. business parks. or indu~Irial parks h;nin8 I~onl;18~ o1' more .n a public sireeL or comNned public slt~el lionlaB( of .r m,,rc Ibr corner h,ts. shall be permitted one pole or Iwo 8rOlllid signs. Addititmal (~P ~r r mn~i ms m~v ~ ~~~i~~~widet~~l:~ mininmm o1' a I~(I-Ibol ~aration between such ~ mF~ulback rz~piiremenls are Illel. Ill 11o case shall the ntllllher el' ~0~ 'ro as ~h-pl~h~g cenlers. ~d'l]cc cmnplcxcs. buslncss parks, or industrial parks ctmhlillin8 2~,1)0{) squ;u'c l~'ct or IBOl'e Of gI'L~SS leasable Ilot~r area. and eight .t' mm'c imlcpcndcnt businesses will be permilled one direclinT sign maximum size of 251) square l~'ct Ibr a single entrance oil each public slreel. When a dircctorx si~n is proposed Ihcn any olor ,round si ,IlS shall be limilcd to the ililiDU illld I~ el' I}10 COlll~lex [IBd slitIll 11ol gOlll[lill illlk leilalit. Maximum ;dlox~able sign area: I00 square I~:el fur each pole gl'(~tllld signs. or a 1111Lxhlltlm combined ;.lre,:l or 120 squnre l~:et I;~r Two gr. und signs. except Ibr approved directory signs. .qclbacks: [5 f;.'cl from ;m} properly line. public or privale righi-of- ','.il.',. or CktSclllCllt. tillJess olhcr~Jsc II(1tgd bcloxt or as provided Ibr ill seelitre 2.1.13. and xt ilh tl~c exception of directory signs which mab be locltled x~ilhJll tl~e IlledJalls el' private sireels or cascnlenls. proxided lhal fi~crc is a minimum oJ'a 15-11~ol solback I?om all prqjecl boundaries and public righls-ol~ways and easemenlfi. and lheir 1ocalio~l proseros no visual obslrtlCliOllS. or Iralilt hazards Io i~1olorisls or pedestrians. unless otherwise holed belmv or as provided Ibr in section 2. I. 13. The 15-Ibol solback requirement nlay be :ldminislralively reduced by a maxilnUl:: of ten I¥cl by Ihe planning services director tlpoll submission of file adminislrative variance I~'c and a ~vrillcn rcquesl. The platoting scrxices direclor's decision I:: reduce the required 15- lbol setback shall be based on tl~e li~llowing: \Vhcrc it can he demonstrated Ihal ~idlin the adjacent right-of- way tile area behveen the property line and the edge of IXiX cmcm is excessively wide and that the actual paved area is unlikely to be widened to the extenl Ihat reduction in the required solback will resuh in the sign being any closer Ihan 3(1 IL'et h)Ihe cclgc of' pavenlenl: b) \Vhcrc title t,,~ Ihc existing site ctmditions and in~provemcnls. it can he demonstrated Ihat adherence to tile required 15-1but solback ~x ill have a delticfloes el'IL'ct on the sal~b' of users the silt fi'om the perspective of' xehicuktr parking and vehicular and pcdeslrian ingress and egress: c) Where dec It) the nature and location of cxisling hnldscapc I~.'alurcs ;md't)r spccinlen trees. il woukl be prudent Io allox~ Ibr a rcducliun in the required setback so as It) mosl appropriately h)catc Ihc sign strt,cturc: or. d) The exlcm of ll~c reduclion is IIle nlininmln limotint to provide relief from lhe applicable condilions cited above. Maximum allm~ablc height: 20 l;.'el in heighl. excepl li:r direclor.x signs as permil~ed m section 2.5, which may be 25 lieet in height. I lcight shall measure from the lowest centerline grade o1' the Words ~t~4,qlm~.~h :,re tk'lc~cd. words underlined_ are added. 43 ncarc,q public m' priv,'He righl-ol:~vay or casem,:nt to the uppcrmosl p,,~rlhm of lhc si? strucmru. The maximum si/c Ihnhalion shall apply to ¢ad~ structure. IMI¢ or ~round signs ma) be placed back Io back. side by side. or in V-type C(~IlSII'UCIio11 ',',ilh m~l more than one display on each Ihcin~. and such sign slruclur¢ shall bc cm~sidcrcd as one sign, Slml or 11oodlighls slmll be permilled only where such 11oodli~hl is non-rc~oMn8 and said lighl shines onl) on the m~ncr's premises m' signs and :ma~ fi'om any _?k-..%.k b) ~3,0rtl~, ~r~ek.~. are d¢lclcd. ~ords underlined ar~.' added. a~nin~ ~i~n sl~all bc pcrmiued 11~r each single-occupancy parcel. or Ibr each cstahlishmcnl in a multiple-occupancy parcel. ~ l(m~ units within multip~*ml~t~l~rC~is sh~[~ centers. or single oCCtlpal~cy parcels xx hCl'C fi~crc is double I'rolltagc tm a public right-oF-way. shall bc allm~cd fi~e-(~mfiq,~P~rea .n one ~all. In addition. oulparcds wilhin shoppin~ conlets may b~ allotted one additional ¢~lv s uar~ [ool wall sign li~cing Ih¢ qml?in~ center i l' fi~c additional si~n is nnt oriented Io~vards any public ri~hl- ol'-ska). In no case shall the Iltllllher of k~il~ Jk~r [Ill out, ark'el cxeu'¢d siuj)~= I(¢lail businesses xk itl~ a Iloor/IFRil oJ' larger lhall I 5.(ll)O square tVcl a l'nml x~all length of more than 200 linmlr lgel. are allowed lhr~c x~all signs; Jlt,~k'~cr. lJlc COlllbJll~'d area or fi/osc signs shall 11ol cxceRd lilt IllaXillltllll allo~alqc display area Ibr signs by this code. lhu maximum allm~ahlc dispkly area Ibr signs shall nol be moru than 21) pertoni .1' the Iolal square Ibotage of lh¢ visual lincado o1' building to ,a hich the sign will b..: attached alltt sh:dl not. in exceed 250 squat.: I~:¢t in area Ibr any sign. 2.5 5 2.4~:4 5=_~ I'ro/'ccmLk, .~i.~.v. I'm cclin~ ...igns may be substituted for ~all or IllilllS;ird signs prokidcd lhut Ihc display area of the projecting sign shall nol ,:xceed 60 S,.luar¢ fl.,el ol'clispla.,. area. Ih'o.iccling signs shall not project nlor¢ than Ibur fi:¢t I'rtml the building ~aall to v~ hich il is attached. I'rqiccting si?s $1~;tll n.l extend al~ox e lite roollin¢ of the bulkting t. x~hich h i~ allached. I'r,jcctin~ si?.,, q~all iml project inlo Ihc public righl-ol:~,.a.~. I'ro. icctin~ ,,i?$ ~hich prqi¢ct o,.¢r any [x'dcslrian ~ay shall he clcxalcd to a nlhlhlltlnl height of eight I~'ul abov¢ such pedestrian _.:,.:,._....~.- 5.~. I'mlcr-c'u;,q~v .vi,'dn.v In addition to any other sign allowed by this code. one tmdcr-canop} sign sJlnJJ be allowed Ibr each estahlishmenl in a shopping comer. Ibis sign shall nol exceed six square Ibm in area and shall be a minimum o1' eight lL'ct ubovc Iinishcd grade. llndcr canopy signs do not r'cqtfirc a building permit unless the sign is equipped with an electrical Ct IlllJ~t)110Ill. Words ,e~r 'm:k44~o~.,~a are d,:h:ted. words underlined are added. 45 ~:~.~:.~:~=~: 5iunauc l;~r mltorrh~hih,.. scrkicc slatiml< Ihe fullo,.,. ing arc tl~c .id':.~l ,l_b.gs IS ~ermilted in ;lurere.hilt sert ices ~t:.llitms (zperaliun, elner,'cncv tel · Jl ~11'( llJ )~. ~1~. J~cr.~ alld tl¢CL' lahJ¢ credi! cards. ..\n illuminalcd corxma~ ~ith a maximun~ arca of l~vdvm~ ~uarc fuel shall be allowed Oil a callo~ J~tce wiltell is ;~acelll 1o a dcdicaJcd slrcc~ or hi ,h~w)v ()Ht~vi~~~en~i ,hlin, and back liuhtin~ is prohiNted on canop~ sm~clures. l'~de~~_prohihitcd. hmvcvcr o~.,.__A'~r,~ shall be pcrlnillcd t'.r each site and shall be 9ltlcctl xxilhin a 200 ~uarc I~ol landscaped area. I lci~ is limited so thai the Io ~ ~0~ ,n~ is less, lh;m ?jghl ~_ I~cl above grade, Nlaximum permitted area 70 Nluare Ibm. Illuminalcd '(m~n'l ,' Io~. ,~., ~.s adverfi/m, and inlbrmalion are_grohibited above :4:(,= .S'i.tu~.v wit/H, i~lumwd uni! d('rt'/t~/)nlt'lil.v H'I..'I).~]. lh~rstmanl to lite purpose and imcnt el'Ibis division. erealive. flexible aml tmilbrm comprehensive sign plans providing lbr silo. Ioca6on. b pe. and ci)111111Oll archilcclural design skmdards. are encouraged within all I'lq) zoning dislricls. and specificall} mcquircd tbr m'l :m)s comainhlg in a commercial Conlporlcul. Sign classes iltltJ sixes fbr phulncd unit developments should be the same as Ihe standards Ibtmd ~ilhin this cede Ibr tl~¢ zoning dislricl Ihc dcvcmopnlenl most closelb resembles. unless such plamlctJ unil developmenls have comprehensive sign slantlards coillathed in the I'tH) doctlnlelll. 5.~7_= I.'h/,t~v I(esidcnti;d properties Illal have been issued a certificate of occupancy Illily dispJa> up h) three i)on-conlnlcrci;lJ tlags. Three IlOll- Cmllmnurcial flags ma} be elisplayed at Ihe m~lrancc of a comn~crcial. office. indtmstrial or residential developraoul. Where lhese developmcnls have mtmhiplo entrances. anx entrance ma) have up Io I)~rce I]ags catmi. provided: Hie dcvelopmncnt is at JcilSl fell acres in size. any enlnmce with flags is pro~ idmg ingress/egress only oft' ;I r(*ad~%ay IhilJ is desigmllcd a collector or arterial in tile Iral'lic cieraertl of the growIll Illallagelllcnt plan. and all cnll'amlccs wid~ Ilags are al least 300 Ibet apnrl. Four addilional tings mnay be displayed wid~in a dc~ ClOlmlCnl provided Ihe flags are not visible I0 molorisls ~mhmg an) frontage madways, The Four internally displayed llags may be increased by up Io cighl addilional flags fiJr maximum Iolal or Ihc amounl of lhe proposed increase Io be delermined by the pkmning kVol'd5 ~OH~*~h are deleted. ~ ords underlined are added, scr,.iccs dir,.'clor. prm'ided: all prol'X~sed 11ags v,'ould no! bu visible h~ n'lohn'iSl~ ahm~ an.', l'r,.mta.u¢ roadv,:tys aild lh,,t plannin~ ~crviccs direclot dctcrinil~cs IJl;11 lJlc dispJ;iy ol' lJlC extra Ila~ i~ essential Io the theme and ..\11 I1aLZl'~des v, ilh a hd~hl in excess o1'15 tbct above finish~ ~radc or Ilml CXlcnd inorc Illan fun l~'cl I?om any buildin~ Ihal lhcy arc almchcd h~ ~Imll 1~ ~ul~jccl Io lhu buildin~ punnil process..,~ a condillon of pcrmiuin~. Ihc flagpole Ibumlalion t~r auachmcnl shall bc designed b} a Florida registered engineer on ~ si~ncd m~d ~calcd dr;m'in~ ~lxminB COI1SII'LlClioII dcliliJ~ alld 111aXillltllll lla~ area IllIll J~ xuplmrlablc. Ccrtilicd desi~lfin~ and sealin~ shall not be required ~ here Iia~polcs ere h~catcd at a distance cxrccdin~ their hui~hl plus Ii~c l~'ct I'r~m~ all slrUClUrcs (¢xCcpl IJlt~s~ clcsi~ned solcl} Ibr slora~e). lm~pcrly bmmdaricx. ulilib' linus and poles. and pcdcslrimffvdficular ucccss~a) s and fondways open to linc ~cncral public or the residents el' Ihal communil}. ()n singlc-lmnily t~r duplex Ires 11agptdes shall nm exceed 30 I'ccl in height ab, wc finished grade. For all od~er residenlial zoned parcels. IlagpoIcs shall m~l exceed 35 Ibm in hcighl l?om Ihc Iinishcd grade or cxlend more II~an 2(} Ik'cl Ikom any building lo Milch lhcy are allachcd. In 1I~c estates. agricuhuml or conscrvalion districts 11agpolcs simll not exceed 35 Ik'cl in height above finished ~radc. In all mhcr /rating districts. Ilagpolcs ~hall nol exceed ill I~'cl in heighl frmn Ihc IimfiM)cd grade. mmr cxlcmm Illore Ihan 2(I IgcI from an) building h, Mdch lhcy :u'c mlachcd. m~r xhall Ihc ~tidlh ol' lhc tlaB exceed percent of Ihc Icn~lh ol'thc pole m which it is allached. ..\ll Illin2 in all ZUlfing. distl'iCls shall have a minimutn 5 Ib,~l scllxtck I'mm all.pr~_2L~erl~ lines. 5.X. 7k'ml..'.~3' .W,~.'.,' )'he creelion of' any Icmnporary si~n shall require permitting as estahlixhcd ~ithin SCClimt Z6.S3 unless olhcr~isc immicalcd herein. Applicants Ik~r temporary sign permils shall pay the minimumn Ibc csmhlishcd lk~r said perrail. Temporary signs shMI be tdlmvcd sul~jccl lo linc restrictions imposed bx this section and i}lhcr relevant parts of'lhis code. Z5.5.2.44:4: 5.X.I. I'.1i/icul .¥i,k'm. I'~ditical campaign signs and posters shall I~c permitted Sllh. jCCt ILl tile INIm~ ing rcquircmenls: l'rbr m the crcctiun. installing. placing. ~r displa)ing of a political sign a Imlk temporat3 permit shall I~c (~bmincd. The permit number ,hall :rappear Oil cvci? Si?l OF till the pole supporting Ihe si~n. I'he lot fi,r said hulk perrail shall I,c as a&q~tcd by rcsohmti,m by Ihc Ix,ard of Political c:tmpaign signs ~r posters ~ilhin residenil;all) 7orled or used prupcrl} shall no! exceed I;.mr square IL'el in size. aml shall m~! be Iotaled chaser Ihan Ii~e Ik'et Io any properly line. Polilical signs placed ~idfin residential dislricts shall require ~rillen permission from lh¢ properly ox~ I'uli!ical campa,gn signs or IreSleto's will I,c permitted in all other /,ming disu'ict> ~xithin a maximum copy area o1' 40 square lk'ct per sign. and shall I~c h,caicd mm closer Illall J5 Ik'cl tO lilly Ill'*)]lCl't} line. lhc mm~hcr el' such signs shall he limited 1o Iwo signs Ibr each lot or pro'col per Imlk permit issued Ibr each candidate or issue. All suplmrls xhall I~c securely buill. c{mstrucled :red ,:reeled m conlbrm ~ ilh the requirements oflhis code. ;ire deleted. x~ ord~, und~ aru added. 47 'lhc maximum height of any political camp;fi~n .'.;i~n or poslcl'. cxccpl Ihosu tl~:11 may bc :d'lixo. I m a v, nll. shall bc liralied i'oiitical si,,zn~ ~lmll bc cr¢clcd nol n'ior,2 Illall (~0 c~.11t'lldar d;.I.','~ prior an t'lccliOl~ or political c',t'111, ;.111d .,iJl~.lJJ bt' p3111ov¢l.J ,e~JJJ'~ill stt,,.'Cll calcndar ti~l)'~ al'lt'r IJle clotlion. cvcnl. or nlicr lilt' c:1111paigl! JSS!.It,' Jl~l~ bccn decided. ........ .,ku-:_: .',.N._. (;ruud ~)jYnimt .~i.k'n.~'. An occupmll may dispiny an on-silo grand ~JUiU'e-l~qol~J. The bmmcr si~n shrill he [111cJlol'cd told may hc disphi)ud ~m- ~itc Ibr a period nol cxcccdill~ 14 d;I)'s ~ilhin the I]rst lhr~c I1mlllhs lh;ll Ihc 2 ~.~..~_..k,~,uciut uvc,r, .~O.uz~ .\ special c~cm~ sign not cxcccdin~ 32 square It'cl in ~i/c may bc displaFcd Io [111111~llllCC or ndvcrlisc StlCJJ Icmporary usc~ ils I'air~. carnivals. circu~cs. revivals. spordng evunls, or an)' punic. chnrilahlc. educational event. Such sign shtfiJ bc locilied m~ closer Ihan 15 I~'cl Io a11)' propcrI> line. Such signs shall require a building permit. 5.'). ,s'pcciul pm7~.~e .¥i,k'~t,~ (m~-xilu). I)ue to the unique trod varied nnlure of the Ikfilox~ ing uses. additional signs tony he required Io provide the desired Icxcl m' scrx ice Io Ihc public. Special purpose signs shall be permitled its Ibllo~s: Time u~l lemlwrulure .~i,t~n.~' ()he lime and temperalure sign ha~ing a surli~cc area not exceeding ~ 12 squnre Ibm shnll be permitled at each imjustrial. commercial or uther mm-rcsidenlinlly zoned properly. Such signs be al'fixcd to the strutlure of a pole or ground sign, Such sign shall rcqui~c a building perrail. 5. IlL ('~mtmurciul. t,u*iiw¥* pur~' w~l iu~lu*triul ~lirt'cli~,ull or idcnli/iculim~ .~/.k'~lx l)ireclional or itlcnlilication signs no greater lh;111 six SqtlarO Igcl size. and located mlcrn;lJ Io IJlo subdivision or d~vcJopnlcnl [11~tl ~tilh minimum scfi~ack of15 I~cl. nla)' be allowed su~iccl to IJle approval of lilt' community devcJopmncnl and environmenial services adnlinislralor. or his designee. Such sign shalm ohm5 be used io ideniil~' lhe localion or dircclion of approved uses such as sales conlets. inlbrmimtion centers. or lhe individual components of tl~c developmcnl. direclkmnl or idenlil]cntion signs maimaining a common itrchltcclural theme may be combined into a single sign uol to exceed six Ibcl in hcighl and 64 stjuitrc I~'cl in area. Such signs shift] ~'el~e rc~ a bulkling permit. For signage Io be Iocalcd along (Mldcn (iale I'ark~kay. see division 2,2. seelions nnd 2.2.21.~.2 and lhc (}oldcn (}ale Xlaslcr l'hm. In~ on all directional ~j~ shall nol exceed ~l~crccm oflhc siun area. 5.11. ()~-i.'emi.¥e .~i,~ns' u illflu u,w'icullurM di.~'lriclx. On-premises signs shall be pcrmiucd wilhin agricuhurally zoned or used propuny. li~r ngri-commercial uses ticlined ~vilhin lhu ('oilier ('ounl)' zoning ordinance only. and suhjecl Io Ihc fifilo~ing restrictions:¢-hNh ._q:l_l~h (h~c pole or ground sign idtntil~ ing the fi~rm organization. located at the Clllr;111cc or gntc of CilCJl strccl I'rolllilgc. ;111d onJ) ll)r pcrllliltod agricuhurnl uses. ]'he illilx{mulll nllo~vahJc sign firell Ibr cheil pole or ground sign shall not exceed 1(1(1 squilrc IUoL %%ith n miLXilllUlll hci '111 o~. and Wards )If '.¢J~)~.~._h are doltled. 'a ord% underlined nr¢ added. 48 shall bc Iotaled a minimum of 15 I~'el from any properly lines, public prix ale right-ol'-\~ a> or caseinertl. 5.1].2..k'ua¥¢mu/./arm ,U.Wt.~' hn/-.~'ih'). ()lie Icmporary pole or ground sign idcntil~in~ tl~c fnrm, I~rm or~m~ization. entrance, or gate not exceeding 40 square IL'ct in area. This sign shall be used to identify' temporary agricultural tq'ficcs so as Io cxpcdilu the exlmrnuion of' crops m vnrinug pn~s of the count). Such signs shall he permitted I~r a period nnt to exceed 30 du) s and me) hc issued only tx~ice in any cnlcndar year. Such signs shall require a building permit. :~=L].._3_: l'-I'iv .W.k'n.¥ ()no I l-Pie sign located at the cnlmnce or-dale~f p~j each street I'rolmtgc. I he milXilllUlll alh:wnhle sign nrta lbr each {;-I:ic sign sh::11 nut exceed 32 squal'c I~ct, ~111d shall be Iocatud a minimum (fi' 15 I~'¢t tkoln any pn~perly line. puhlic ur private right-of-way or easement. b4= 5. I 1.4. Well. mun.wwd canw{r m' uwnin~ si,~n.~' wiltfin a,~rivuhmul dJ.slricl.','. W;.iII. m:.lnsard. canopy or awning signs shall be permilled ~ithin a~ricuhurally zoned or used property. tbr agri-commerdal uses defined ,.,, illfin the (Miller ('otmty z~ming ordinance m~ly. mid subjoel Io Ihc Ibllnv,'ing restrictions: One wall or mans:~rd. canopy or awning sign shall be permitted each principal use structure on the parcel. Corner parcels or double- frontage parcels shall be allowed one sign per sireel fronlage. but such signs shall not be combined lbr the purpose of placing the combined area on true wall. The maximum alloxvable display area IBr any si~n shall not be more than 20 percent of the total square footage of the ~all to ~hich it is al'lixcd. and shall not in any case exceed 250 square fk'ct in area per sign. 5.12_. (?l/2premis'u.~ dircvti, nul si.w~¥. Ol'12premises dircctinnal signs tire permitted suJ~jccl to review and approval of the design and location of such signs by the cnmmunity development and environmental services administrutor, or his designee. il' the Ibllowing r~uiremenls r~ are IllCI: ()ff-prcmiscs dircctionul signs slmll only be permitted in n(mrcsidcntiall.x/(mud. nr a~uricuhural districts. more tileIll tWO one-sided or Olle doubJe*sidvd ofr-prenlisc dircclional si*dns slwII bc permitled. idcnlif~,'ing the Ioc:uior! and naturu of a building. structure. or use which is not visible from arterial rnad',',a.~ serving such building. slruclurc. or uses, provided: Each sign is liO! more tittin 12 square tTect in area 'l'hc si[Zll is IlOl mnrc than eight I~:cl in hcighl abo,.c the Iov, esl ccnlcr ~radc of Ih¢ arterial rom. lv, ay. .i. 'lhe sign is Incated no closer than 15 Ibm to any property line. 'lh¢ aPlqicanl must S!.lbntit 'o. ith the permit application notari,'cd. ~,'.'rillm: permission front lite proper1)' m.~ncr ',q:ere the off=site sign is localed. The sign shall only be located xYhhhl I.(}00 Iket o1' the intersection of the arterial roadway serving the building, StHIC[tlrC, nr IlS'J, Wt~rds ,,u,,,~,~!,.-Ii~,,,~ arc dch:l~.'d. ~ urds underlined arc ridded, ()l'l'-prclUihCh ,.lilccliomll siSn.s .';,hall not bc Iotaled clo.'.;cr then from a residcmiall.v zoned dblricl. 4. I)l'l'.l'~rcmi,~cs dirucliomd hi~n.~ shall nut he Iotaled clo~¢r fi~m~ It). fl.'el I'rom ;lnofi~cr dT-prcmisc'~ ,.lireclional ~ign. 2.5_%2413: ::,=1.._~_= IIh,mi.~/ud ~i.k,*~.~ .All illuminated siuns shall have dcctrical c,,mponcnt~. c,nncction~. and in~t;dlations thai conl;~rm 1o the ~;ttiontd I~lectric;d l.'tlrtJlcr. liuhtcd signs shall: hc shielded in such a i11;11111~r glare. hazard or nuisance m motorists or occupants of ;{dj;iCcltl properlies; IIOlHIIIdilILlIJlI~ IJ~hl ~ourcc. .~cc. 2.$.6. .~i~ns cxempl frum permitting. In uddilion to d~,:.¢c sign:~ Jdci~liticd ui..gcv, hcr¢ in titis code. !.he lbJlu',,.mLZ SiL~nS arc cxc111pT from lhc perrail rcquircmcnls of tiffs code. and shall he pcrmiltcd in all di.,;lricls sul~.j¢cl m 2.':,.f I. .'-;i~ns required to bc m;dntaincd or pc, Med by la~.s, or ~cwcrnnlcnt~ll order. rule. or rc~t~J;lli,,m. ()n-i~rcmi,~cs ,Jirccfi,m:d signs. not cxce,.'ding t~r ~x square I~'cl in ',stoa. intended to l'acilimtc lhc illt~k chicIll o1' pcdcstrbns mid vehicles upon x~hich such si~n~ are posted. ()~rcmlscs directional limited to Ix~o at c;tch xchlclc accc~oinl and ihc dcvclo~mcnl. Imcrnal s~ns are not intended to hc rcadil~ visine front the ()no idcntillc:ilion siren. prol~'ssional nameplait. or occupational si~n fi~r each prol~'ssional ol'ficc. or business cstahlishmcnl nol Io exceed lwo ~quarc Ibm in ~i? area and placed Ilush n~ainsl a buildin~ Dec or mailbox side. and dom,ting OrllF the mlnlC of the occupant told. at IJl¢ OCCIIpiIII['S cJcctiOll. [JlC (ICcIIp;III['S pmtb~mI prolgssion or spcciahy and/or Ihc street address of [hc I~I'L'IIl~SL', ~..~.6,4. Nlcmorial pl-a~te~ ~_~. cornerstones. historical tablets. and similar bpcs of CoilFir'tiered oI' J~rOllZC or ofilcr rlOllCOm~tlMibJq 111;ller]{lJ~. "No '1 rc.,,pussii~g." "No I)unlping." or olhcr prohibitor>' or sal~ct.v I.vpc si?s. i'~roviclcd each siren does i1ol exceed ~ three SCluarc I~cl i11 size. ( )no ~round or v, all "For .%1c." "{.'or Rent." or similar .sign per su'cut I'ro111;l~c Ibr each parcel. or lot less tllal~ h.'r'l acres in size. ()no on-premises si? Ibr model homes. approved in conjunction v, ith a tempotar) u.sc pcrnlit in any zoning district. 2..':,. ( .x [)no (m-prcnlise.'¢ Ol'x.'n I1otlsc sign riot Io exceed I~,~tlr square t~'et ill SiZe. ~tlcll si? .',h:dl nol be h,cuicd x~hhin 15 I~:¢I of ill1)' properly line, riLzhl-ol:-~ay or 2..:,.6.g. 2.5.t~. I I). l~,ullctin Imards and idcntiticafion signs fi.~r public. charitable, cdtlcation:d or religious institutions located on the premises of said institulions and not exceeding 12 square Ibcl in size. ,'qiL~ns h)catcd on I~:ncc.~ t,r %~alls surrounding athletic fields. or within sporls :u'¢n:ts. simlium.'< and Ihc lib.'. n-t to cxcccd 32 square I~.'et in size. per sign. arc deleted, ~ ords md~ arc added. 50 ~i~m, .shall hc orionled along lilt l;~ncc or wall Io fituc Ihc field(s) or pla.~ inL2 illILl ;.I'W;I.V J'rolll lilly .tldj.:lc¢llt public or private roads. l'raflic conlrcd mid sal~:ly signs or mhcr municipal, courtly, slate or I~'dcral signs. lc~al m~liccs. railroad crossinB signs. danger signs and such temporary emergency signs x~hcn erected by an appropriale aulhorily. .... ,. i.: I Wim. l,.,v, mcrchandi.,.c disl',la.~.s v, hich are cJlf. lllged o11 ;I regular basis. meaning m, I,.'>.:-. fre,..luenll.x Ihan m. ,:r.x .;n tla.x s. I.~. Wim. lov, signs m,t exceeding 25 p,:rccnt ol'tl~:,,ml e~,,vindow area. 2.5.6 b5 1_~_4. .".;ign.s h~catcd at the cntrallCC drive of residences Iotaled upon 2.25-acre JOl.s ur ,~rcatcr. displa.,. ing the name amt address of the resident and not exceeding J~LIr square I~ct in re'ca. ~ ~ L~. .... 6. t6 Flags. or insignia.s of go,.'crnmcnlal. religious. charliable. I?alernal or other IlOllpl'OJ]t organizations ~hcll displayed on properly OX~IlCtI b)' Or leased said urganizalion. Non-commercial I1ags that x~ill be Ilown on a Ilagpolc Ihal does Ilt~l exceed 15 I('ct in height above finish~ grade or cXlClld more than Ion IZ'cl l?om any building the)' arc attached Io, arc allowable if the number flags displayed does not cNcccd those described in scclion and l]aglmlcs do n.l require a ccrlit~cd.dcsign or bc scaled by a Florida rcgislcrcd engineer as described in scclion .... 6.4.7 .,\d',crfising and idcntil}'ing signs located on taxicabs. buses, trailers. trucks. ~ _.3.7 or vehicle bumpers. provided such si~n does nol violate section ~ ' of this code. L7. Religious display.s Ilmt do not conslitutc athertising. 2.5.6.~O l_,~. I~ainting. repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure. or changes u. hich arc determined It> he le.ss Illan a substantial improvement. "':. ( *' l{~).('upy chanL2cs Ibr sb~pping center. theaters. hillhoards or marquees Ihat haxc routine thansos ol'copy. or are specifically designed Ibr changes of copy. ,.>.6.~ 2_1). (.Inc ground or xxaJl sign tony be used as a construelion sign by the general contractor o1' the dcvclopmcnl. whhin each l¥ont yard ilar each parcel less lb:lB 1¢11 LICrC in size _..',.6.~ _~1. Temporary signs in conjunction ~.~.ilh an approved temporary use permit. Sec. 2.5.7. I'rohil)ited signs. It shall N: unlax,.l'ul I,~ creel, cause lo he creeled. mainl.'fin or elltrust to be maintained. :my sign not cxprcs.sly amlmrizcd by. or exempted I'ronl Illis code. '[hc Ibllowing signs are cxprcssl5 prohibited: .";igns ,.,,hich are in vi.lati(m of tile building code or ¢leclrical code :ldopted by ('oilier ('Oillily. ,,\bancloned signs. Words ~4m~.4.~h are deleted, v,,ards mtle~ are added, 51 2.5.?.3 ,.\nimah:d or activaled signs. except tinl¢ and Icmp~r:mlre signs., tlashing signs or 14cleommic reader boards Rolaling signs or dislqi_j3..5~. 2.5.76. I llu]ninuled signs in an} rcsidentially zoned or used district, except residenlial idcmi!icatiou signs. residential nameplates. and street signs Ill;It are ilhmfinatcd I~ soft or illtiled light. Nonrcsidcnlial uses within residentJail) Hscd or /0lied disu-ict~ I,y tw~s~t conditional use. I't II) ordinance. or as olhCllX~isc proxidcd lb~ ~idfin Ihc z:ming ordinance, shall he allroved Ihc risc illuminated signs. sub. itel to the approval of the community services adminislrator or his designee. .';igm, 1oc;11eti upon. within. or oilier\vise encroaching upon cotInly or public ,ights-,,IL~ a}. cxccpl ils II1;1} bC permitted under the provisions ol'{)rdimmcc jNo.] g2-gl. :is illllCllded. ;Hid fi~ose ereclod by a governmental agency or Lc!ufircd r~ir~J lo be erected b~ ;l governmental agency. 2.5.7.S I~illl,oards. £.5.73t. .";trip lighted sign:,. Nc,n I}pc signs except ~ithin all commercial :red industrial dislricls. I~,oo1' signs. _. I'ormNc signs. 2.5.713. .'qigns ~hich resemble an} official sign or marker erected g~,x crnmcnlal agcnc). or ~hich by reason o1' position. shade or color. ~ould conflict with the proper timorion of any traffic sign or signal. or be o1' a size. location. illOVglllglll. conlent. color. or iJJuminalitm xvhicJl II111)' be reasonably coil fused with or construed ;is. or gOIlCC;I]. 11 IraJilt conlrol device. .'State h.r,,. r¢lL'rcnce(sj--l)ispkL~ o1' unauthorized tr:ll/ic markings. F.S. ~ 316.077. signs. signals .'-;igns. commonly rcl;,'rrcd It} ils snipe signs. made el'an) rnaterial ~vJmtsc~evcr and atlilchcd in an', x~;ix' It} a utility pole. Ircc. fiznce posl. stake, slick or any olhcr oh. itel hwatcd or situalcd tm public or private properly. except as olhcrv. isc cxprcssl.', allox~cd by. or exempted from Ibis code. \Vind signs (except ~k hcrc permilled :~s part of section 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 of Ihis code ). 2.5.7. :\ny sign ~hich is located adjacent to a county right-tq:~ay xvithill the tinincorporated areas tH' the counly xQlich sign was erected, operated or maintained without the permit required b)section 2.5.12 having bccn issued bx Ihc COlllllltlllil) dc~clopnlcnt SOl'Vices adnlinislralor or his designee shall hc rome\ cd as pro\ idcd in sccliOll 2.5.7. Such signs shall include bul are lief liralied Io struclural signs. I?ccslanding signs. Jandl signs attached or afilxcd IO MI'LICIL1FCS O1' other objccls. ,.\nv description or rcl~rcscntalion. in ~dmte','cr tbrm. o1' nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual cxcil..2111~.llt. ~.,,llell it: Is i'~:ttcntly ol'l~nsivc It* ctmtcmporary standards ill Ihg adult community x~ hole with respect to x~ hat is suitable sexual material fi~r minors: and Word~ ~b~h are deleted, x~ord~ umlcrlJned are added. 52" 2.5.?.2~." ~.>.7._4. 'l'akcn ils it v, holc. lacks serious lilttory. artistic. political. or scienlilic vahle. Any sign v, hich: It. mils alMihlc SOtllld. ~apor. smoke. or gaseous illaller. ()bstructs. conceals. hides. or olher:vise obscures fi'om view ;my ol'llcial traffic .r gox crnmcnt sign. signill. or device. I'mlqO.xs motit,n. hw,-e ha_~s ~isible ranvine parts. or gives the illusion of molioll I cxcJudillg ti;nc illld temperature signs). Is erected or maintained so as to obstrucl arLv I]rellghting equipl'nClll. \', illell)',:.. drool'. or opening used its ;1 lllCilllS (I]' ingress or egress for tire eseupc purposc,; inchMMg any opening required for proper light and: ¢1~tilntion. ('on.slilmes ,a Iral'1ic hazard. t)r detrimcn! to traffic safely by rcas, on o1' ils size. h~cation. 1110'VClllCIll. OOIllellt. coinring, or 111OtJlod of JlJtllllillalion. or b3 ~d~stmcling or distracting the vision of drivers or pedestrians. Signs mounlod tm a x chicle. be it tile rool: hood. trunk. bed. and so on. x~l~cre said sign is intended to illtract or may dislract the attention of motorists i~r the purpose of ad~ crlising a business. produel. service. or the like. ~hcther or not said vehicle is parked. or driven. excluding emergency vehicles, laxi cabs. and deliver>r vehicles. ~herc n roof mounlcd sign does 11oi exceed I~o square Ibcl. This section shall nol apply Io magnetic b'pe signs nl'lixed lo or signs painled on a vehicle. which are nol olherx~ise prnhibilcd by this code. Ilscs Ilashing or revolving lights. or cont:lins tile ¥(ords "Stop." "l.c, ok." "l)anger.l' or nny olher words. phrase. symbol. OF characler ill such fl rollfiller as to inlcH;,.'r¢ x~ilh. mislcnd. or toni'use :'chicular traffic. :\I].V sign x,.hich ad:cl'liscs or publicizes an activity not conducted on the premises upon v, hieh the sign is maintained. except as otherwise provided tbr x~ ilhin Illis coL]t/ N, sign shall 1',¢ placed or pcrmilted as a principal use on any property. in an) /,ming dis:ricl cxccpt as lbllnxxs: t l-l'ic sigm. political signs or signs approxcd bx tempotar} permit pursuanl to the time linlilations set [i~rth hereto .... 7 . [ S . h~llmablc signs. SUIISEC'FI()N 3.E: .'\CCClll lighting as dt.'lqncd i,: this ,\.MI'iNI)MI.;N'I'S T() Sti!'I'IA.iMI.iN'I'AI, I,tI.X; [11,ATIONS I)I\'ISI()N I)i\ision 2.6.. Supplclncntal District I~,cgulations. of Ordinance 91-102, as amended. the t,'ollicr (,.'Otllll) l.mld I)evcloI'HllOIlt ('ode. is hereby amended to read as I}Mlows: I)IVI51()N 2.6. .St:I'I'I,I.:MI.:N'I',,\I, I)IS'I'RI('T I~,I.X;t~LA'FI()NS · ~cc. 2.6.4. I.{xccpli.ns to required .~ ards. Words .,,~sw.g-~.~. are deleted, v, ords tin e~ are addcd, 53 Z.,q.4. l.'irc escapes. staima.~s. and txficonics xq~ich arc unrooFcd ott~cmisc l~crmiltcd ~xififin this sccli~mJand unencloscd shall not prqjccl ,x cr I~vc fccl into a required side or rear yard and three t~c1 inlo n mulliplc-l~unil) dx~clling, hold or IlllqeJ alld 1101 ovur tl~reu rcquh'cd ~r~ skit m' rcm' )ard ofa ~hl~ic-I~imily rusidcndal d~cllin~. 2.6.4, .5. Ihmd,q canopies. m' roof o',crhangs .shall nm project ,wcr lJlrcc Igct into required .',anl. but ~,hall mq come closer lhall OllC foot 1o IJl~ Jo! line. ["cncc~. v, alls and hcd~c:,. ',ubj¢cl to suction 2.6.11, and p;.u,J-nlounto, I air c,ndifi,mcrs arc I'scrrnhlcd in required .yards. sub. jeer to [Itc provjsjollS of scclion 2.-1.4.13. (',*rllicch. ¢axc~, or ~2till,..'r~..~ll~lJJ 11ol tm,.iccl over Ihr¢,.: l~:cl illIls a required ) ard. prox idcd d~a~ x~ here Ihc rcquiro, l yard is less Ihan six fl.'el in ~'.idlh, such l,miccli,,n shall m,i cxo.'o.I one-half II1¢ x~khh of the yard. 2.6.-1. I:xccpt :~,~ prm idcd in ,,cctim~ 2.t,.I. nt~tlfinLZ in this zoning code ',hall co11:',11'tlcd ils Io I'.ohibit hmd:,capin~z. 64. j .~. 2.fx4.1 Sec. 2.6.10. 2.6. ILL1. .2. I xccpI ;Is othcrv, u.c proxidcd I',? this land dcvclol'mlCnl code. l~,th hides or all undcxclopcd recorded lot contain II residential slruclurc ~h,sc front );u'd sc11~ack is lcs~ than is m~xv required. the nvcrage of the sctl~acks of the tx~o ctmliguous developed Ires shall serve 1o cstalqish the minimuln front )Llrd rcquircmcnl Ibr the XilCiiill (xai~orls x~ hich arc t~cn m~ all skies nlav encroach illlO the r~uircd xards prox idcd they do not encroach inlo the required lalldSca C htlff~s as rut uircd I~x Ihis code' ~n I fi~r~~m~c if the landsca in H~s~xd~cre the car ~ort~~oscd. the landsca in ~mlst be u ,rad~d tt~ c~11~ ~lv o,dc ~'~uircmcnls 1o the greatest cXtCllI ~os~rior m Ihc issuance of tmildinu perrail fi~r said c;tr~ons. This shall bc accomplished by an Nile I)cx clojm~cnt I'hm amendtamil or ~il~vcmcn~mva[. ale. Italic ,k'~l/¢' n/ tz/Cr~JZOJZC ]wvcra,L,t'v 'l 116 *he~le~h~ne~eview la~g scrx ices drccmr. or his designee. In;~y auth-rizu the sale of alcoholic beverages conStmlplioll on-prcmi~cs SUbjOel to compliance with all zoning rcstriction~ und Ihc lblloxxin~ h~cati,n:d criteria: N,, such use shall I~c loomed within 5(10 I~'cI of ;In~ cstahlishcd middle ,r high hch.ol. child cmc ccnlcr. public library. church. pulqic park. ,r pulqic playgrouml. unless a ~ai~ cr of said distance requirement is granted b~ a hom'd of zm~in~ appeals rcsolulion pursumlt h~ scclitm 'l'hi~ does md include t~cuch access points. 'lhc distance of 5(10 l~cl shall bc illCilstlrcd [1S the sllorlcSl distance I~cmccn linc h~l on xxhich the school. child care ccnlcr. pulqic lil~rarx. church. public park or puhlic pla>ground is Iotaled and Ihc Iol on xxhich tile alcoholic I~cxcragcs arc Io I~c mid, cxccpl establishments located in shopping centers shatl bc measured Io Ihc oulcr x~all ol' tl~c cslalqishmcm No such use shall I~c hw;llcd within ji}ll I~'cl o1' lilly existing eslablidm~cnl The distance of ~()0 I~'cl shall bc recastired as the shortest distance the hH on x~hich the cxiMing cslabJisJlnlcnl is lOt/lied and Ihc alcoholic beverages arc to be sold. except thai cslabJJsJlmcnts Iotaled sh~q~ping centers shall t~c measured m Ihc tinier wall of the cslalqishmcnl. Words ~~ are dclcled. ~ords m~d~rlined :~re 2.6.11k2.1. 2.6. 2.6.11).3.2. 2 ~6. I ().3.3. The erection of an> scln~ol. child can: ccmter, public library. church. public park ~r puhlic ph~ygrt~und ~xilhin 50l) l~'ct or [111 ~'slablishnlenl ~hich lhc s;xlc ~l't~lct~holic I~c~raBcs Ii~r co~s~mption on-premises shnll not Ihc :q~l'qicmll sh~dl sulkmir a she plait shox,,ing the I'ollov~ing: ! I)i~t~c~si~ms td'sul~j¢cl premises; 2. All x chicul:sr p, ints ,1' ingress and egn.'ss: ('omplim~cc x~ ilh all requirements ol' this cod~: including landscaping. ol'l:strccl p::lki::~. I~ul'l~'r ureas. and 1ocaliOll ;q~pr, x;d I',r Ihc side of alcoh,~lic beverages I~r ~ollSllmpti~11 on-premises. time ;tnd sh;~ll thcrc;tl'tcr I~cc~nlc null ;red xoid: In the ¢:~se of ~n cXislh~g slrtl¢lt~re. zt~li~ approval shall expire .six mol~lhs I'rt~II~ the tl~tc o1' ispl'~r~v:d unless. ,,', ithin lh;.11 period of lime. opt:ration ol* the ulcoholic bcxcr~lgc esl:d~lishmcnt hi~s comme~,~ccd. For purposes of* Ihi~, section. oper~ltior~ shi~11 be defined as the sale of alcoh~lic beverages in the In the case of a new structure. ~'oning approval shall expire one year IFom da~c o1' al,proval unless. xx ifi~in thai period of lime, opcr;ttion o1' Ihe alcoholic I,cx cra~c cstal~lishmcnl hns communeoil. I Iox~cvcr. it' sul~sl;tntial construction is c~liq~lclctl. lhc tle~t~ls~e~t I;~ services director may gr;HII ~11'tti~.t.t' ~/ i/i~t~t~lt't' t't'tlttiri't~tt'tlt.~ The board o1' 7.olli~lg appeals may. b} rcstslutit~n. gr;mt xxnixcr o1' parl or all of lhc millimum dislance rcquir~'menl set Ik~rth in section 2.6.10.~ il' it is dcmonslralcd by the applic;~nl ;111d determined by the board of zoning appeals 111111 the site proposed l~r the sale ;u~d consumplion o1' ;ricohollo beverages is separated Ikom an established I~usincss whose ~rimarv I~mction is Ihc s~ll¢ o1' alcoholic heyera c.nsumpC~o~rc~isu~ school. child care center. public librnry. church. public p;trk or pul~lic playground hy n;~tttral or manmade bottndarics. strutlures or olhcr lk';~turcs which oil'sol or limit the Ii¢ccssily I~r such miniretire dist;mcc rcquircmc~tl. The board t~l' zoning appeals] decision The n;tlur,.: ;~nd I.','l'~e o1' natur;tl or m;.iJlllladt.' bot~ndary..'4truelure or olher I~.'alurc lying bct,.vccn the proposed eslahlishn'~ent and ;.in existing scl'~ool. child care center. public library. church. public park or public playgrotmd which is determined bx the bo:trd o1' ;.'olling appeals tt~, Itssell the.' need For tile t~tul 5[){}-tk~ot distance rcqt~ircmenl..Such boundary. slructure or olher I'eatttre I~;J> include. htl! 11OI h,.' limited dcsigI~;it¢cl preserve ;ire;is. c;H~;lls. ;tnd m:tjor righls-ol:w:D'. 'lhc pi~ths o1' ~,.'hicul;Ir ;u~tI l'~ctlcstri;tt~ tral'fic v, hich could he taken the cst;d~lishmcnl ;red Ihc school. child care center. pul'qic library. church. I',uhlic p;~rk t~r public pIaygrotmd. 'l'hc hours o1' i~pcralion and lite noise and ligh! which could l'~Olcntially bc gcncr~,tcd l'ron~ tl~c prc~6.,,cs selling alcoholic bcvcraL~es. arc dclcl¢,.l. ','.'*~rd'., tl~d~ art., added. 2.6.1(I.4. 2.6. I ().4. I. 2.6.1(I.4.2. 2.6. I (I.4.3. 2.6. I0.5. Sec. 2.6. I I. 2.6.1 I.I. 2.¢~. I 1.2. g'hed~er-alc-oh~ ~Ik'--l',e¥ erage~i-v, il l-I'~,-.~ ~k¼~:-m}jm~et km-withqk~[~u~whether prhnar~qL~ Prior m ctmsidcration of such waiver by d~c board of zoning ;tl~l~Cids. linc applicant simll provide to the t~k,pmo~t la~ services direclot a ~rillcn application Ibr waiver t,f the distance limitation on an application R,nn supplied by Ihc ~Jo~t~ Itu~ services direclot. including a legal description t~f all applicable structures with a survc} ~r buundary sketch h) SCale. alld such olher inlbrmalion which the applicanl can supply which would assist Ihc board of zoning appeals in its cvalualitm i~urstmnt to Ihc lhctors set tbrth above. tipon receipt or the applic;mt'~ appJicatim~ and Ihc appiicahlc application t~'e established county commissioners. a public hearing dale shall hc schcdulctt bclbrc board of zoning appeals fi~r a determination m~ the proposed xkaixcr. Ihc applicant shall notify. by certified mail. linc ox~ncrs t,r rcprcscntali~ cs of the subject sch{m]. child care center. public library. church. public park or pulqic pla) grtmnd. o1' linc application at least 15 days prior lo the public hearing: and evidence ~J' such notil]calion shall be supplied to lhc tle~k~m plannine services dircctt*r. Jl.ixumpli,ns /;'ore di.~tttm'c requirement.t The tl.dlo,,vmg u.scs shall bc exempted I'rom (he d'~ta{-~-e4~'~' "Aa6e~ re_equiremenls o1' section 2.6.10..4~. I~t rcstauranl deriving at I¢.'1st 51 pcrccllt oJ' its gross revenue fi'om the sale and nomilcoh{~lic bc:'cmgcs. .,\n.x motel alld/or hotel x',itJl J()(} or more [2tl,,2strooms. ..\ny private club. golf club. country club, civic or fraternal club may scr',c 'alcoholic beverages lk~r consumption on-premises v, hen such service is incidental to the 111:.lhl 1.1.',4,,2 alld J'or the CXCILISiv¢ rig,.2 oJ' the 111,2mb,.2rs. tenams andq~r ~ucsts ol'th¢ Ihcilitv. }.%'hlldntt'lll (?/',t~ru.~.v r¢'cviI;I.V. ~ ,'\fly awncr t~r operator of an cst;IJ~JJsJlnlcnt apprtwcd under this scution to sell any alcoholic beverages Ii~r c{msumption ~m-prcnliscs shall upoll ~vriltcn tlcllltllld of the ~,~t Im~ services director. nlakc or cause t(~ he nladc under oath [i statenlent itemizing ~hal percentage tfi' his ?~ss receipts arc I?om the sale o1' alcoholic beverages. I"cncc.~ i~ rc.¥idc~tiul ~fi.¥tricix. Fences or ','.alls shall he allo,.vcd in :ill /oning districts sul'ticct m linc restrictions set lbrth in sectionIs] /?c.w<lcnliul di~lrict.~ Ira' linc purposes ol' this scclitm. residential districl, shall include: ]{SF rcsidcmial sin~lc-fimfils: RMF-6. RMF-I2. and RMF-16 rc~idcnti;d multiplc-famils: R[' residential tourist: VR village rcsidcntiah MII mobile hmnc: 'I"IRVC travel trailer-recreational ~chiclc park campground: and residential increments of I'll[) residential planned unit developmorn districts. Fences and ~alls placed within r~uircd xards ~hall bc sul~icct to tl~c I:cnccs or walls m~ all lots greater than one acre in area ma~ reach a maximum hci'~ o1'6 I~ct. ~.t. ords ~-lh*q~g,~ i :ire deleted. worda und~ are added. 56 Jilltriter tel50lle acl'L' Hr I¢~s. ill arcL~¢¢~ or_.____zalJ'; t.__31:_l',....~ ru'ach a nlaXJnlun_~ hcjg~hlol'6 IL'et Ibr ~kle and rear v r' d~ h,~ .' ulare limJlcdlo4 I~.'ct ~idfin Ihc i~.~£uircd l'ronl ~ard. 2.(,.I Ig,r comer 1olstmc acre or Its' i~. ~area ,,,,hich hv d¢finilion Ilavc,ml~ front ~ards and side x ard~. anx perlion o1' a ff.nt 3ard fYncc ~zilhin Ihc sag' s~ tri;muJe dcscrihcd ht ~cction L2.S.L22 of tiffs code is rcslricled to 3 I~'cl hi hci,.,hl. I'l'v.o sides of Ihis Iriang.l~ extend 3(I fleet trion ,~J.!.?_pr~tmC_LLrtv lines h'oul lhc point ~,.llcre file ri-"llt-~d:v,'a', lines mecl. and thu third side is a linc collrlcclil12 tJl'.: other t.2.5 HarN:d x~ire, rLIZ,tH' ~.tire. s ~i~i ~lar~ o.._j' ¢l¢clricmll,,~ I~.'ncc.'. shall be.prohibilcd. except tim! lhe board of zonintt..~ cal.~' Use of' barbed x,.irc in CCUljUncti¢'m with chainlink lL'ncing. Ibr fi~cilitics xkhcrc a sccurih Ila/ard Ill:Ix 'q u ql~ q illlillY ,~t~l~s~ ~'t n~,4exxat:e I_rgitt~gj~_l_.]'~Ililll, or sialilar use. 2.0. I 1.3. · I.t,,ritU/lZiru! ~liwricl.x.I.'or the purposes oFthis secttun. agricuhural districls shall include: :X agrictfitural: 15 estates: illld ('ON conserxation districts. I'c;lccs and ~::11s within agricultural districls shall be exempt from hcighl and t) pc t~l'construclitm r~uirements ~lm~dtur, ll~u~o~rt~ .Sec. 2.6.21. Dock facilities 2.6.2 I. I. qmli~ idual ur ii:uhiplc private docks. inchiding limoring pilings. daxits. lifts illlit the like are permitted I0 servo the resideals oJ'il developmeal ~111ci'XXilV lots. provided Ihcy do not protrude more Ihan Ihe respcclixc dislances specified in sections and Ibr such canal or ~kiIICl'~115. Docks nnd the like are primarily intended Io adcqtmlely secure IllOtH'cd vgsSOJS illlit provide salb access by users lbr routine mailllcnance 11Ild use x~hiD minimall> impacting fi~e navigability ol'lhe xxalerx~ay, the nafixe ~urrounding properb' o~%nc:'s. I'crmiucd duck I~icJ~ily pt't~lrusions cxtcnsiun of dock lbcilifics arc measured l?om the property line. bulkhead linc. shoreline. SC/l~111J. rip-rap line. or Mean I ligh Waler line, ~vhiche~cr m-rc rcstricli~e. (m unhridged barrier islands. a bo:11 dock shall be c,nsidcrcd a permit led principal use: 110XVCVCF. iI dock siltill Ilol. constilule it use or slruclurc xkhich permils. requires. and/or pro~idcs Ibr an> accoshot) Lists lind'or >truelures. IJollfilOUSCS and dock lacililics proposed rcsidcnliallF zoned properlies as defined in seelion 2.1.4 of this ('ode. shall be considered an accesser) use or slruclt~rc. J~oiilhotlSCS shnlJ I~c appr, vcd through file procedure lind crilcria in seelion nnd 2.fi.21.4. In addilion. any covered slruclure eretied tm tl privale boill dock shall at<. be considcl'cd an act.'css::r', tl~ ',~,. I q. ,. s~,'fil also be re~. uircd Io be _.6._l.~:lm 2l .621.4, a_~L~ruved lhrou ,Ilk the procedures illILl criteria ol'sgction el'this code. ~~~~ l~i~~l~ ~ ~I~~I~ xs ords ~ are rick'It'd, ~vJirds IIIld~ are added. Sec. ].6,IX. .l\Ulomohilc ~crvic¢ Sinlions. Sec. 2.6.33. Tumpo,';iry use permils. un) development I~r ~ hich nt least a preliminary development order hns hccn ~r;mlCd. ;is required bcJo~x. lJlc developer may request a lcnlporar)' use permit IBr 1J~ hdo~-Iislcd acliviticsl I'hc Imllporary List ~'rmit shall he ~rantcd millall} I~r a period nol Io exceed 24 months hi lengdl and 111ay hc rcne~vcd HIilltl[llJy hased tllXm dellltHlSlrLIlio11 oJ' I10Rd. t~ submilled Io Ihc siJo dcvclopmenl review direclot ill wrilillg IhC cxph'alion o1' the IClnporary use perinil. 'J'~lllporary COllSlrtlcliOll dc~ ch~pnlcnl pcrmh~ shall I~c allotted Ibr th~ Ibllowin~ 'lcl:lporar.~ of'lites Iobc tlscd lbr collslruclit)11. tllld m. Jnlinislralixc J'UllClioIl:-; ~iHfin 11it d¢~¢Jol~nl¢lltl lllcJ]"~,,rl()r;.Jr~, administrali',l¢ ol'l'ic¢s Io be 11sed in conLun¢lion xxilJl a I~ona I]dc aericuhural use in Ihc alzricuhural zoninj~ district ~hcn Incated in Ihu area dcsiunalcd :tLlricuhural on lhe I'ulur¢ land use Ill;1~ o1' the l'umrc hind use ¢lcmcrl! oF Ih¢ ('ollit:r ('ounp,' g.rn~th ( )nlSitc :;t~ra~:c ol'cquipmcllt and conslrt~ctit,i1 maleriklis I'or tl~e 0111J1¢ do', u'Jopnlcnl :,ilc OllJ.,.. ()nq, itc toolgit home used ;,is ;i temporary office or s~oraL:e I'acility Ik~r persons cn.ua.ucd in the development of the site, z, ()n.sit¢ inul~i]¢ radio and tcl¢'¢i.¢,ioll ¢qttipmenl ;.mtJ alllel't~la¢. &. ( In-site 111oJ~ilc ho~11¢ for die tts¢ oI'tl ~,vatcJllll,;ii1 or carmaker onl). '~t,'ords si '~-4.~a-4br-o~. are deleted, t~ ords tmdcrlined ;Ire added. ()n-sh~.' temporar.x ~.me of Mructtlr~s nll(I cq!.fipnlent Ibr the Building of public ulilJlh.'s. ~1II¢.J ~¢wurnlll~.'l]t protools. ( tl'l'-silc Iemporao parking on properly ',',hich is Iotaled conlJ~uous Io ilK' stlJ~jccl dk'~cJopllle11I. or x~otlJd be COIIli~tlOtlS eXcCpl Ibr a roadxxa3 Ihnl is not alesignaled its tl collector or artcri;iJ in the trid'fic ch'cul;ui,,n clement of the grexxlh management plan, x~Jlh the xxrittcn atitJlori/al jot~ o I' the prt~pcrl3 i ~x~ tier. Pr,__g2_-~c,~orar~ slrt:cturcs idcntilicd abo,,¢ r~_~il.uir,.' Illc submission c, mccp!_tLaJ .,i~J~'lqan x,, hich addrc~,,;cs the r,.'quircnl,.'nts ~f seelion 2.6..I.1.2 M,dul t~omcs and inotlct ,',ales tenlets ,';hall be ol'a Icmpor;iry Ilaturc and hc ;illogical in an) rcsidcmiaJ /oning districl or residential Co[110011cill o1' I'J :l). in tiac estates /onin li ~c~111d ill IJle tl ,ricuJlurul ioninc dislrict as i t~ a ru~~~lxisi,,, by the issuance o1' a temporag' use permit; hm~cxcr. a model center ils a 'r~Ctp~~~ithM a PIll) and not Iocale~ x~:thin a dwdling unit. shall net r~uirc a temporan' rise permit. Modal hollies told model sales centers ;ire intended to ti~cililatu the sale of the model dust?. or of preducls similar in design to file model, Modal JlOt11CS model sales centers h~calcd ~ilhin residential zoning dislricts. or within a residential componcn[ oJ' :1 Pl~l) shall I~c restricted lo die promotion of product or products pertained ~ithin Ihc residential zoning dislricl .r Pl :I) ~xhich Ihc nmdcl hemc ,,r nmdcl sides center is lucalcd and fi~rthcr subject I. M.dcl hemes shall onl3 t~c permitted lbr d~cllings ~hich ha~c not been prcxiousl~ used ;ls a residence, ..\ m.del home or model sales center is nol intended Io allox~ the Ihll sccpc of real eMiliO acti~ ities and shall be resttitled primartb lo the ~alc and marketm~ of' tile model. ur products similar m the model. m,McJ h,,rnc ,hidl nol include offices Ibr btlJJdcrs. O~lltr;Ictors. dc~ cJopcrs..r ~UluJar ;ICli~ Jilts. M,-.tcl lionlos trilL', hc "V. cl" or "dry ." .Model hom,:s periflitted ;i.,4 "dry" inodcis un~Lm:d hx a ~,ah.'s ¢1'11cc and,'or rc '~rc,~el~ shall limit,:d to a conditional certificate of occtlpallC)' :lllowin,d. Ill,: use of Ihc slructurc as a model only provided all required infrastructure is phtcc to scrx ice tile unil. Model honles pemlilted as "wet" nlod¢ls o~ied bv a si,l¢s office and/or re e,~~ sh:llJ not Ix, occupied until such lime :is all required infrastructure is m,';dlablc sk'l~. i,.:~ lhc tLnil alld ;I perlll;.liletlt ocrlit]cate oJ'ocCl. lp;.incy Jlos be¢ll Wc, rd,, ,,,4r4.~,-4tm,,'*~, are ,.l.,.'fclcd, '.',c, rd:*. un,,l~lincd are added. provided at a ~alos con.____Jc~r ~hich sh I'~ I ro~i It · r' tt ~~d '~kin. aml handica~ ;l~.'Co111111t~daliol/S ill accordance ',~ Jib section Model homes ,~ccupi0d bva sales ol'l]cc mld/or~rest.'nl;lliVe illliSt ha~c ~fil rc~uh'cd landscai!jo~arkfi~l handic~~c~ >itc..A IcmR~r~crmit lbr U~joc~ ~hall I~c issued inhialt& I~r~criod ol'lhrcc I.~xtcn~ion~ in cxcch~ ol'thi~ K I J~ II ~ t~~~~~miual and ~p2ro~ al of a comlitional use pclilion in l~-i~,sued-imli,11,,-flu' ,~ 2~,-?4 .~.;: '~hxlcl sale, conicrs Illak be Iconled Jn oilher a Icln12or~_~l_gl~._L'lyr~c. u~uall~ a mobile home. or a erl~nl slruclt,rc ~,t,]liC]l is either a r_t;s_i_tJs'j~ti;_31._d35~FJIin..2g umt or :l non-r0sidcnlial sireemro. l em~orar~ I!~_pcrmils shall be i:,suod as Ibllm~s: ,,\ ICl~l])Ord~'rnlit fi~r a sales cenlcr in a ten1 '~ slrucmre shall be issued inili:lllv Ibr a.period oI'lhrcc '.enrs Illa't, bO rono~ed annualh based _t.~R~ dClllonstr:11ioll ol'need. ..\ Icmporar', use _pcrnlh for ;.I ~11OS coill0r in a .pern~arwnl slruclur0 ~hich is a residenlial d~elIin~. unh shall be issued iniliall~ for a period o1' Ihre,e years. lixlensions in excess of Illis 2criod shall _rtgguire submillal and a_pprov;11 of a condilional use pclilion in accordance ~ilh ~ocli~L 2.7.4. of Illis codt.'. A Icmporarv use .r, crnlil i'~r a sales COllier in ;I .[~¢rlllanelll slrucluro olher Ihan a residenlkll dwelling unil shall he isst,od iniliall,, for a period of Ihree 5'cars and Ina~ he rene~cd alllltlitH',, Oll d0illOllSlrilliOll of I10od. I'cnlporar.', use pernlils Ibr IllOdeJ homes or IllO~.Jel Sak:s eL'liters to bg Iotaled within a proposed single-liunily or nm tMd:amilv dc~clopmenl prior Io linal plal approval may be rcqucslcd by lhc applicant illld conslruclion I~l_~kt~Uu all required ild}aslruclure Ibr II~c }o~o~! ~hich Ihc rood01 home or model sales cc~2lcr is Io be ]oc~~lc_t~ and 2~ a ~i~c dc~0h~pmcn~ plan ~!)l~2 pursnanl Io dioNion 3.3. subitel 1o Ihc ..\ maximum of linc models shall I,c permilled ~ilhin an appro~0d dc~cJopillClll prior to Illifil plat appro~aJ ils pernlitlcd 'lho al~plicant shall provide document.'ltion thai all r0quirod elililies ~ill be availablo Io Ihe sub. joel silo. nnd. ~here required..,,hall depicl such ulilhJos in delail on Ihe she ,.Ic't cJoplllClll pliln. It) I hc parcds on ~hich Iho nmd¢ls are located mum abut a pri~alcl5 o~tlled and mainlaincd road. lelllpOrar} in haltIre or i~cri11anCllll) conslrucled 1o ('oilier ('OIlnl) road~ta)' Sl;111dilrds. ~t,'ords ,.,Ir4~-h-4hr-~. I* are doleled. t~ord,i underlined arc added. The hmmdarJ¢~ dcpiclcd nn Iht: i~r¢lhnhmry subdixision phil qmll be dcpJclcd on lhe silo dcvehMmcnl plan in order Io CliNtire compliance wid~ [he applicable d~'vclopnlcnl Slalld{ird~ JlJ CI'I~'Cl OI1 tilt' sul~it:ct property. I"inal 1ol grading and dr:dnagt: convt:yanc¢ shall I~t: in conlbnmmcc wifil Ihc inasler grading phm Ibr lhc projoel as depicted on lhe preliminnry suNlivision plnl submillal doctllllClllS. All olhcr lempnrar} use requt:sls tbr model homes shall require Ihe submissJ(m of a conceptual phm which dcmonslralcs lhlll provisions ~ill be Illfide 1o ndequmcly address lilt requircnlcnls orscclion 'FeI~rv.._2usc c~~r a model sales center ~vilhin :m cxislin. g sulxlivisio....~n sq~a~uir q silc~~oxvsl in Ihc case of a purinaheal strutlure which i a d v ql~ t n~l ~5p~~~ r(nTmc~ lan SIP ~ F ~~~~he crop ora erinanent struclure xq~ich isothcrdmnadxvellin nil a ~d vq ~~~~~ ~1)~~ i~he case of a tern r rx q t q ~p m b~% ho~ ~r~ ~~~e~ilher a t I ~~ CSP wh~h n~lt~~s I~e ret uiremenls of on lhe extent nf lhe work ret~ 'Fcm ~~)crmits Ibr model homt:s Io he Incaled ,~ ilhin a ~ ~ I~il~~~~ dli~fitmih' develo men~~rovud lblhm'ing actminis~ra~ive ~o~la~ and conslruclion draxvin~ Ibr nil rc~luircd inlFastruclurc encore i~m, d~qots on which the models arc to be conslrucled pursuanl to division 3~ and a permitted tuffy in conjunction with an ~ SI)P fi~r a model sales ccnlcr which provides ndet ttalt~q ~ m su oft the model~ 'l_cm~' u.._.k~'~crmits lbr occu ict~ mt~tlt:l homt:s Iblloxxinu subdivision agprnx'al shall r~uire aconce lua~lan which addresses II~e r~uiremenls ofseclinn Temporary use permits Ibr unoccupied model homes fi~llowing subdivisi(m ~1~ r~uirc a ('oncclmml Nile I))an and shall be issued only in conjunction ~ith an a_u2provt:d silt: tit:rolo m~Jan or silt: Jill roymat:hi J;lll for a model sales ccnler ~hich provides ndt:¢ Words ~r~-~kqhr~h are tl,..leled. words in(~ ar~' added. 61 ~ :,q:3 ).:4 4. a, lj a,:'~m- mM-.q~rr,mmli nt~-pr, l~erties- Src. 2.6.35. With Ihc exception of rooftop Io,.~.crx ;.Ind tov¢¢rs on csscmial scr~iccs- ,.~,Mhi,mal--us¢ sites. each new communication lower shall ftqhmin~mrafion requirements: liach nc~ tm~cr that exceeds 185 I~ct in hdOz shall hc Iotaled not less than 2.5 times the hci~ ,r the trevor from all RSI.'-I lhrou~ RSF-6. and I{MI"-6 /,ming dislricls includin~qmmcd tlllil dcvclo mcnt~ ;~hcrc Ihc q~qccit tt~~s/[~ (~ corn arabic hs. RSF-I throu ,h I{~ n~~Ml:-6 7xmin, dislricts. ll' a ~;trl ol' a PI fl) is not dcxclo~ and il is inconchmivc wh~lhcr thwart o1' a Pill) area within such minimum s~nralion distance from ll]c ~oscd tm~cr site may I~c dcvclo~ wilh a density ot' six units ~ ;icrc or less. it shall bc4, rcsumcd that t]l¢ Piti) area Ilc;trcst to the pr,p{~xcd site will bc developed ;tt lh¢ lowest dcnsilv possible under ~h~cspcctix c lq In addition. each such ncxv Im~cr that exceeds a hciuht o1' scvcnb'-fivc ~2 Ikcl cxchMin~nlcnnas $1ra~aralcd I?om all houndaries surroundin IRMF I~ I~%~~~~ I~ ICF VR Nlll TTILVC II and tl~e residential areas or PUl)s wilh exisfin~ planned densities ,r ~hq~: units ~ acre b nol less than total hci,~ ol' the trevor includin, its a~t~mq~ and from all olhcr summndin~rt~' boundaries by a dislance not Icss Ihan one-half the hci,~ of fi~c lower and its anl,mmc t~xvcr's ccrtilicd colla~rca. Words ~h arc doleled, ~ .rds tmdcrlincd arc added. 62 S! qiSE("I'I()N 3.F: ~hall in xv_ri_fi_rL.~g.r;mt one or I~1or,,:_s t.,c~, articuhucd cxcc.nfions I0 tl~exe sc._~12i~r'~d mr' u, ~ cci c._ lr'~lct~l.~ bu! only to lhc cx! 'hi in the o inion oflh¢ ('OtlllIV :\IIorll ,v "1¢~1 '~,, ~licd-I'or cxcc lion is mandalcd by ~qicafion of ~uch Inw~ ~'~ ~ Iie~cx~owcr A.MI.~NI)?,IENT,% T() ZONING AI)MINI.WFi~,ATI(}N AND I'I~,()CEI)I. II~,ES DIVISION 2.7.. Zoning ,.\dmmh. tralion and Procedures. of Ordinance t}l-102, as ;uncndcd, the Collier ('ounty I.and I)cvclopmcnl Code. is hercb.x amended m read as I)IVISI()N 2.'7. Z()NhN(; AI)MINIS'I'I,b'sTION AND I'I~,OCEI)URES Sec. 2.7.2. AIIicndmt'll! pr~cctlurcs I)cdicatiun t~/' tlw /mMic /aci/i/it'.~ and dev¢lolmtCnt tff'/,'c.scrihcd a, tcni/it'.s'. I'uhlic Facility l)cdication. ~i :~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ' ' Words ',sm~aqhr*,,m~, ~ arc d¢l¢lcd. ~ords underlined. are added, 63 conm61n~cm~ iI~cludc real ~gp~r~ conveyances Lland L'~IXCIllCllI~J_I~[J~LII~IJc ClIIJI~ such collvcvallccs IllLl~t o~uld cloud titlu to tile ~pcnv or rcsLih ill the punic clllilv'~ Jlllcrcst. Within 60 days {'~LInt','. ;~ dcx¢lul~er m:w clecl In provide the ('oilier (.'Otlllp,' real man;~lCllk.5~j~;Irlntcnt xxith either an i~-1o-dLiIc lille c(lt11111illllC111 ;111d ;jp._~lj~pr~*~scd insured. or ;m uut~rnc~'~inim~ of lille. Should ,_h.:!Jl_~s_rc~nmsilqc Ik,r all c~,~,ls i;~cluding. all search c~cnscs and ~llhtH.dhl;llJOll d{~ctlillCllIN ~x ('OllIll~. or such olllcr I~111c period as Ihc h~ilrd ,d' ctllllli~ c Hllllll~itql¢'r~ III;1~ ;Itllht~rixc hx oFtFro;moo II1¢ dcxcJopcr sh;lJJ iJ! jJ!V.puhlic records t,i'('ollicr ('ounw Florida. l~utqic Iitcilitics mid scrx ices. credits pr,,~ klcd h~ file ¢utJnh in return Ik~r th~..~uircd dedication ol' land lbr lmhlic u,c. Ih¢ coil',. ¢~ :illcu tq' ;! J~.,¢ ,.2si;11¢ ill ~aJd lands shall ilo__~¢r;11¢ h~ rctJtlO.' I h_~_gO~_sE~J;~.qg~_' ~!L~!.~LLt~_\!~c_r~.l~p2Ji,r_EA~U~poscs ~fi'dcnsitv c:llculation. !!Is'. dt~lJ;zr~a_03km~j_ ,)fjk. J2k~_IcI~t~tgl in._.~pacl Ik.'c crctlit ,.lu¢ Io Illc dcxch,p2sz a~ ;~ rcsull ~l' lh¢ dim;ilion ol' ;! Ik.'c cslalc hi J;.ind Io Collier (.'ounl¥ s]l;l]l bc lhc Ihc pl'icc~'~' :~lcrc ~£. ri~p. sr_~s~ uar¢ Iimt the dcvdo~;tid Ibr 1he pO~!c~'JS_L(t'l~lirchascd ~ iihin the 2 vcarl~criod immcdi;tlclv prcccdinu the cl'lk'ctix c date ol'th¢ iniliul re/one aclioI1 ;l!ld/or dc~ ciVillent order !'Cq!!JlLi!lg. ~us'h c, m~.,.',. itL~y~'_l .!!u.~lJjjqicd lim,:s Ihc ~.ll'CiI L'oll~. L'\ t.'d h~ C~2 Ihc nmrk,.'t ~;lluc of the land conxcxcd to the cotinly ;is nf lilt t.J;ii¢ inuncdiutcj'.~12~'Scff?_L~ th¢ ¢l'l~:clixc tititc ol' the initial re/one ac6on and'or dckclopmcnt titder r~ tli~ such co11v 'Vq~lCCd (IclcrlllillCd hv an S~L~raiscr l?om the then-current Jill oJ'a ro~raJscr~ In Ihc cx u~11 the tic\ cJo.L~,...'r ,..;]lo~scs to s'dJ,...'cl tile !L~LpI~:~ ~ ~r~~ra~s'rs. Ihc~lcvcl~c~ musl nolil'v dax s ,d' Ihc developer's notice p~rocccd x~ilh Ihc a~raisal asSiUllnlcnl. 'Ihc ;llotl~ x~ Jib TILL' dcvch~pcr. 'lJl¢ COtllllV shall Illlye thirty ~ days ~)Ll~t ;tl!prox c the appraisal p o~s~omH ~dsal services shall hc~aid I~r h~ tl~c tJcvch~pcr. l)u~ clo ~crs nltt~lqc s'rcdjkkAiual Io one hul f LJ_2J of the ;~raisal am'ccmcnl v, hh Collk'r ('otmtv. or any olher a_gr¢¢n~erll xxl~icl~ i.~)jl~)~l IL'c__ccrcdils, lh_?_de_ ~h~. ~c~rovidc fl~t: c(mnlv cxcculcd c(mvcx anco. rdease and'or suN~rdinafi(m instrumcnts.,_j~k.cilher Iht: i!I~L¥'~ii_.N~IzE~)(~rl reid:rented :there. or a copx of Ihe devch~p_Lcr.'...~'spurchas~: a.gycemcut and deed far the .pr~ !' !~rA~tt]m~,cs ~1' lhis section. "( 'oilrile" ;red "('oilier ('eLlliFe. ',.t!!?~.h_'Li~i-ILtLI_LI_L~ S mtc ~)f I:h~ri~:~ho;ird el'county p.L~;£L~L~I3c m~xs'g~in~ Ix~dx of('.llier ('ountv. Fh~rid;b. sj~l :~s ~?zr;_~ij)g.l~oard .flhe ('oilier ('ounlv xwll 'r s '~ ~v r~~,l' rill - :lnd ml.__~v ;red all i nd q~.sLn_d c._Sn_l_gm crnmcnml dislricls inch~din~lh.sc of lhe .NlaI¢ of I"lorida s~hich max ~r~crh cxcrcisciurisdiclion ~xcr hind and'or ¢ascmcnl ¢on~ ¢', LIIlCeS m;u. lc [)tlrstlatll lo file sli[~tlJillJOllS find d¢'ccJ¢'~_g~ COmlllilllleill~ all\ r,,:/Olls2 ordJllLillC¢ alld"or ..\11 dcdic::fi,n:,~:onxcv:u:ccs and related dcvclo :~ c~tmcn~uircd :,1 the dcx clo~cZ as a comlili:m Io Ihc :~roval of Ihc rexone ~clilion and ado 1~_9f file xonin~.rdinanco shall I~c deemed conlrnclual in rollufo and may bc ertlbreed I~x suit fi:r ~ c~pcrfi:rmancc or olhcr :~riale rclicl'. UI c~:~~mcludin, reasom:blc mh:rnc~ 's IL'es shall be ax~arded to the goxernmcntal emitx if il 2rcv::ils Nt, c. 2.7,4. ('.nditi.nal u~;t, pr.cedures .\llx. condhi:mal u~,c shall expire ~t~' Ihre___cc year~ from Ihc dale of granl. if b\' lhal dale lhc risc Ik:l' x~hich 1h¢ Col:ditional use ~as granted has mq been C't I lll Ill CI1C~.'tJ. .\1]'~ Col]dirk)hal risc shall expire orlc yc:lr Ibllo,,ving the disc(mtinuanc¢ el'the u.,e flu' ~hich Ih¢ condilhmal use ~,~,it:., [r;inlcd t_lnlcss lhc silo ~.vas ;Illd or .xlrLlcltlrcs tmilt I~ur Ihe s.p¢cillc rises a_p_pmvcd h', a conditional use alld x~hich canmu I~c con,cried Ioa tlsc_.perrnillcd hv the tmdcrlxin,~n.._g~ duxienalion oflhc Silo I hc board .J' zoning ;lj'~pcLiJs IllLI,~ EzraIll ;I lllilXJllltllll oJ' ;Jff~ 011~' OllC-)C[IF CXICII~JOll ,,I' :m approxcd cunditi,ma] use tipell wriIICll request el' lhc pcIJliollcr. J~t NI. II{.NI'i( "1'1 ( )N 3.(;: ..\Y, II.:NI).MI.;NT.N '1() ..\I{('111'I'I.X'Tt:IL'~I, ANI) SITI.; I)E.',il(iN S'I'ANI)AI{I)S .\N'I) (;I:11)EI.INI.L"4 I:()1~ ('()M,MI.;I,I£'IAI, IIUII,IIIN(;~ ANI) I'l{().11.;('l'S I) I \T'.41 ()N l)ixisi,m 2.X....\rchllcclural and Nile I)csign ,Standards ;.red (iuidclines Ibr Commercial Buildings and I'ro. jccts. of ()rtlimmcc g]-102. a'~ anlcndcd. lite Collier ('ounty l,and ])cvelopnlcnt ('ode. is [lorcl~} altlClltlcd I0 rcild ;iS Iidhw, s: arc d¢lclcd. ~ erda. underlined are added, 65 AI~.('III'rI.N'TI 'I~,AI, A,~I) SI'I'E I)I.~SI(;N S'I',\NI)AIII)S ANI) (;I:11)EI,INI:.$ FOIl ('()MMI.~I~,('I..\I, IIIIII,I)IN(;S AND I'I;,().II'X*'I'~. Sec. 2S 3(~. ~.t, nrds ~+~-41.~ ;~rt' d','l',,'l.,.'d. words tmderlint'd nre mided, (] o~lc~A L M~MI' OF' ?_o ANt> Ioo c)'c~ oF FL~t,4T A~EA -10oS,E Illu~trntion 16 .'4t:IINI.:('TI()N 3.11:AMI.;NI)MI.:Nl'.',; 'i'() .',;trlll)lVl.',;IONS I)IVI.',;ION [)ix i,,icn 32. %uhdix i,,im),,..1' ()rdinal]CC 01-1(12. as :towndeal, 11~¢ Collier ('ount.s I;md I)IVINI()N 3.2 .',;t BI)I VI.'41()NS 3.2.~.3.4. lb/l/&' a/'cav Sul~dixisions or dcvelopmcnls shall be bullSred Ibr the l~rotcclitm o1' propert5 ox~ners t?om surrounding land uses its required pursu;uH Io dix'isitm 2.4. I~t]l'lL'rs shnll not inhibit pedestrian circulation J~clXXUCll adjacent c,mmcrcial kind uses. I~uf'l~'rs shall be insNiIIcd durin~ ccn~tructiol] ;Is fi41m~ s ~ifld il~ acCl)l'd;111cc xx ith division 2.4: ~,\ ¢rd,, ~4~c&--41~h are dclch.'d, ~s ~sl'ds underlin,:d arc added. 67 'lu sol'rotate residential dcvcJopn:cnts froIll conlmcrcial. communib use. il~duslrial and public use developmorns and ad.jaccnt cxprcssx~ays. arlcriaJs and railroad righls-otsx~a)'. except ~hcrc such cxprcss~xay. arlcriaJ. or railroad rigJll-ol~x~a5 :~buls a g~ql'c,mrsc '1 t~ s,:pm':~Ic commercial, cOnll'~nmilv u'4¢. industriul and public tic,. clopmcnl.,, l¥om residential dc~.¢lopmcnts. c) lB separate subdi'~isiJms of residcnlial Prol~crl5 thai do not rcsull in lhc submillill of a silo dcvch,pmcm plan pursuant prm isit~llS ofdix isitm 3.3 l}om olhcr rcsidcmial properties. Scparatiml sly;ill bc urealed ~ilh a I:mdscapc Iml'l'cr strip which is designed and cmlslruclcd in ctmlpliancc ~ilh the provisions of division 2.4. ~4~ pr~,tcclcd'prcscrxc atolls shall COlll~rm Io lilt rcquircmcnls established hy the i~gcnc5 requiring such bul'lkr. l~-dh,¥,4ng-c-q'i.~'l hc de~el. er sha~uircd to construcl sidcx~alks ~r Iqkc ~mh~ n~d~ikc lanc~ ~hcrc '~ li~h~ d~cri~~ hcl~ unlcs~ m' bike patios. and bike lanes shall be conslmclcd C~mli ,t~ to u~ privmc madxva~s. which arc ~ilCCllt to and inlcrnal to the sitc~l conli~rmimcc x~ ilh Ihc l~film¥in~ criteria unless ~lhcrx~isc nlodil~cd t~r x~aix'cd by the Ihmrd of ('OLIIlIx ('OlllllliSsiollcrs: Bike lilll...'s sh;fil I~c pro\ideal on both sides o1' im.x ~lrccl classillcd higher than a Ioc.'d street l i.e.. collector. arlcrial). .qidc~alks six Ik.'ct in xxidlh. or bike.paths .'~ scion l;:et in ~idth. shall bc pru,. idcd tm broth sides of collector ;.111d arlcri:~l sireels. .'qidc~alks. t,r hike ;~ 1i~c fl.'el in width. shall be pr,,xidcd ,n h~,lh sides o1' local sireels except as Ibllm~s: \Vhcrc a cul-dc-s:~c ,r dcad-cnd slrccl exists ~ithin an a_p. prm cd .,,inulc I~.mfih' residential suhdMsi,n. :red ~vhcrc dc~ clo2Xr -f such subdivision ~as granted m~ cxcm_Plion to the subdivisitm regulations It) Nl{m' a sidewalk tm onl~ true side ~F~ It~ ' ~rc't tl~. ~c. samcc~tionshallthena Ivt,~anv uhullin, ~,m ,~.v residential subdivision which ¢xlcnds the dead-end stro:l or cul-de-sac to no more than I OIIi) I~.'ct. ..\11 sidcx~alks. hike paths und bike hmcs along public and private specifications idcntilicd in scclion and division 2.8 o1' this ..\herin:linc designs I~:Jl sidcx~alks, bike hines. or bike dc~clopmcnlS xxith public or private road~ays in:i} bc pro~idcd. sul!jccl h: ilpprmal b) the ('onlnlunity J)cvcJopnlcnl nnd I{nxinmmclmd Nor\ices l)ivision Adminislralor and ma} utilize. m:l hc limilcd hi lhc Itdlox~ing analysis: ~. ~rd~ ,.l*t~4~lm ~ph ;~rc dclclcd. v. ortl,, uIldcrlinctl arc added. d. :\ dcsi~uu fi~at matches ~1~¢ I:md use dcnsil.x and imcnsi dcvclolmlCnl along Ihc sircol 4)r cul-de-sac. A dcsi? lhal matches the expected Iraflit volumes ~lrccl or ctll-dc-sac. ~chiclcs parked ncross linc sidcssnlk or direels pedestrians c> ctis~s imo high tral/1c areas. s~ I.)~csiB~i Ihnl does nol CIlCOIIFiI~C addJlional lamlscapc area ',~dditi,,ual hardxcapc. addilhmal s~d'tCltinff .f tmtmlural linear COllCl'CTc ~trips. ,r similar A Ddcsign dml matches the expected demographics oI' the dcxcJopmcnt. incltldJn~ but i1~I Ihnitcd m COlloidorations adu}ls. A Ddcsiun dml matches reduced speed siftels ;llld cul~-do ~L~ l)slcsi?tl Ihal ilialobes Ihc cxpcclcd ilmOllill I~l' ulili/alion joggers. walkers and c>clisls. ;5 D0c~ign Ihlll lllillchcs the cJlilrilclCr o1' Ihc tlcx CIOIMllCIII. i.e.. golf coursc'countr> club c~smmtmily. al'lbrdablc housing. prix ale gatcd communities. tic. ('rileria pursuanl to lhc provisions of seclioll I~i~~,~ I)evclopmcnls Ihal provide an imcmal bikcpad~ 5)'Slglll xxhJdl fuI1CIJOllS rilnqrilv r,r lr~ns~p~li~l ~t~su's ~1ol recreation, and ~hich cormeels ~ilh existing public bit)tie pnlhs t~ bike lanes max be exempt {}Olll ~'~lUir~tem the nidcx~alk bike Eall~uircmcnt by the g?unt)'s ~?ansporlalion g~crsiccs Ddivision direclot if lhc ;fitcrnalivc s)'stclll functionall)operates Ctltlal h~ lhc slalldilrd~ ol' Ihc COtlnlV's bikcwa~r $?SlClll. illlcrcOllllgCts ~ith the existing or proposed counl) bikcx~a> s>stcm illld x~ill be pcrpcmall> open to The public. t)cvch~pmci~ts providing inlcrconncclions m cxisdng :.red I'ulurc dcvclopmcnls pursuanl Io the dcnsil) raling s)'slcnl ~eClJon of lhc Collier ('Otllll5 grot~lh mallagClllClll plilll's fi~ltlro Innd use cieraertl. shall include sul'licicnl rigIlt-ol~x~a> to accomnlodalc the road~a>. I~ikcpaths. bike I;mcs and >idcs~alks shall bc omslruclol concurtotal> sx ilh inc road~sax illlcrconl/cctJt~iI. \Vhcrc l?l;lnllcd ri,'hl-ol'-xvnx in_2!proxcmcms scheduled in tl~c il~rovcmcnls ~r~n CI~ cause sidc~alks'bikc2~afi~s -r hike lanes ~gtlirctl by Ibis code ~ilhin fiscal years Ibllo~i~ II~c fiscal ~car in ~hich lhc firsl buiktinu pcrmil lbr the ~r F ~ ~N~~~Mc ~kweh~ er in lieu ol' con~lruclion of the r~uircd sidc~illks'bikc '~llV ql~d bi~~ Ii l~x~ shall m~idc funds Ibr the cosl of sidcx~alk/bikc~afi~ and bike Illlie collslrtlclion illlo a fired l~I't~scd I% IJle IransportalJon services director or his Jcsiuncu'. Ibr l'ulurc conslruclion ol'j~c~drcd sitlcs~alksq~ikq~]~s ~osl bike lanes. bx the .,._.g.-!.. 14 .s'ittcu.lk.v wM hikel,.ths \Vhcrc ;m exemption to Ihc subdivision r~ulalions has been ~ranlcd ~u~ a sitlcx~alk'bikr path to be developed on our side of the st_Steel and Ih~_'..~i_d_exxr;___jl_k.'.'__bik~_..~all'~ cannot be mmic continuous ,n the \Vords s~l~ll~*.~ are delclcd. xx .rds underlined are added. same sill': of a strcu't I'or the Ien ,tit of lhe st~'~l the sidq~valk rnav h~ alh~v, cd h, colltilllle Oil th____c oIJ.__2er k'l.'d~. (' ~J' hi ~.%'qk'el rovM,,:d a pa',etl side'Aalk bike path conm:ctio]l v,'ifil curb tdlll~ is ¢mlstruch.'d front Lilt' end of tile sidc~alk'bik¢~t Io the str_eu_c_hl on both sides o1' Ihc street c.nsistcm ~ itl~ the dcsi~ criteria described in section ~.2.N.4.14. [111d dhishm 2.N. ol'fi~is code. SIBSI.X"I'I¢)N .1.1: AMI,~N!).'MEN'I'N T() SITE I)I.~\T~I,()ILMENT PI,ANN DIVISION I)i~ih~¢n 3.;.. Site l)c~cl.pmcnt Plans. o1' ()rdinancc ql-102. as amended. tile ('.liter L'oumx [;red l)cxeh,pment t.'od¢. is hereby amended to read as foiling,,: I)IVINI(}N 3..I. NI'I'E I)EVI.21.()I)MI.~NT PI...kNN Sue. 3,3,5. Site I)e'~elopment :red Nile hnproventerd Plan St:iml;ir(l~ .~&- rp2...'q~ c.z_Y ido ~J!~pccl ion. ('omplelc video inslx'ction of all qornl sc~er [36" in diam~r or less shall be erlbrmed al Ihe devch~en~c prior to tJ~e rd~reliminarv acceptance. Each seelion ol'slorn~ to be ~ idco-ta~ in odor on a standard~ualilv VI IN v~e and submil~ed. alone x~ Jib a w ritJun ~ort of localion and 6ondiliOllS to scrx ices .- inspcclhms Ibr rck Ihc x idco ta ~e t~aol'l shall dis I'lv d'Wl m, ,, ~ i ~e si/c ~i ~e Ix Lc. date a,_L~nd lime ol'm ~iLmgdismnce from structure and loCalion. I'hcre is no criteria Ibr mlihralion or exfihralion ill storm sewers. I Itc rexicxver~illhechcckin,fi~ur'd I'f'1'4 hntq¢ ~. ~ , *d~ ~ ~br~~ r.',~ 'cxliment and m insure tluu ioims are nol a,~sand or fines I'ronl lite backfill. In ~.~' c,. ~4'defccL,~ tile\ must bu corre,,ited filial allOttier video il'l.,q,~¢ctJOll l1111sl J~k' dollC pri.r to acccp.~.nc~ 5;cc. 3 3.7. I .U. I~lfi'uWrtlt'lttrc iml;rtn'cnh'nl/ffan~ 12 A'iduw.lk~ t,i~chmc.s un, llUkqt.ll;.v. For all rt¢c~uircd Io hc dexelo~t d~ fi~ '~ q ~n ml~h~~~l)~u~ss develo~mll I~uired to conslrucl sidewalks or bike alhs ~ hike hines M~ere ~ li nb~ ~s~bed below unless ml~x~isc excmgtcd from Ihe subdMsion~ulalions of this code. Sidcx~ alks ,r bi~alhs. Lllld bike hines shall be conslruclcd ctlll[J ,um~mblic an~rivale roadways ~ hich are a~ccnl Io and interwal Io Ihc site in conl~}rnltulce xk itl~ fi~e fidlm~inu criteria: Sidc~salks. six IL'cl in width. or hike pallis scscn Ib¢l in x~idlh shall hcj2rtwidcd on bolh sicl¢s ol'colleclor illld arlcriaJ slre~21s. .".;idcx~alks. orbike mh' I'lx- f"ls i~. ~ ~, l~idth shallbc rovidcd both sides o1' local streets CXC¢.0.[ as fidlows: \\'here a cul-de-sac or dead-end sJrcet exists ,,vithin ;m 't rovx*.l~ sin ,le famih' residential subdivisioj~_dmt__J ~ here the developer of such subdivision was ~ranted an exemption to ll~c subdMsion r~ulations to allow a si I ~ lk m m ~i~c tl~~~e cxcm lion shall then ;), I~y new abullin, ~m ,l~' residcnlial subdivision x~ hich extends file dead-end sircol or cul- de-sac to rm more tiltin I000 feet. \\ ords ~ drc aleicY:d, 'u, ords underlmt, d ;ire added. 70 classit%d h_~ghcr dxm n local sircot Lj._c., All sidc~nlk~b.i._kc pnfi~s and Nkc I:m¢s ahmg__nulqic nnd pri~ ate road~a~ s shall bc constructed in :~ccordancc ~'.ilh dcsi~ccilicalitms idcnlilicd in section 3.2.g.4.14. nnd dkision ~ ~ ,l'thi~ code. ,.\hcri~;mxc dcsi ,,n'~fi~r ~ldux~alks hike I;m¢~S~ld hi~k~paths in W.x idcd. StlJfCc~l~rovaJ by the COllllllUlliIV d~llllClll and cn~ ir.nmcntal services division administral.r and ilS;iv ufili/c. I~ul m~l I~c liralied tn t1~¢ Iblloxving crituria: Lt_L A dc~,i:n thnt r¢llccts lite land use density and inlcnsilx xehicles£arked across Ihc .siclc~nlk ur direels pccl¢strians nr cvclisls into h~ rafttic nrcas. ~ A dcsi~ that does no~ encouri~e nddifional Inndsc~ arch due Io clearing Ibr dlc inslalk~ ~ol'tcnin, ~r ~d~i~omq~mrdscn c at~ilional ul'unnalural linear concrete sift s o~lar A dcsi,~ dmt rellccts II~c expcclcd dmno~hics tl/C dcx clo mc 11~ htll 1101 limited considcralions such as 1he cxpcclcd mtmunl o1' schoul a~c children and active .'Mults. .,\ d~ fi~at rollcots reduced ~ccd sircots ;red cul-dc- A dcs~ thai rollcots tile cx~eclccl uli]ization hx ' ~r~ x~a k~s m~d cxclisl~. A cl~ lhal rcllccls i~oll'cot~rsc~countrv club COml~lt~itv. nl'l~,rdablc l)¢x ch~pmcnls that jy'n~ id¢ an internal hiku~ sx siena, which I~mclhmsj~rinmriJv Ibr trans ~rVt(~m urxt~cs IlOI rccrcmhm. and x~ hich cormeels wilh cxislin~ublic bicx tic paths .r Nkc lanes ma~ I~c cxcm~ I}om linc sidcx~alk hike ~all~uircmcnl. I hc ('OtllllX's Trimsport:ilion Scrx ices Division .,\dmil~islramr max gra111 SIICJl ;.111 cxcm_Plitm il'thc l)cx~cnb, ~r~ intcrconl~cctions Io ¢xislim2 ant~l I'uturc dcx cloj~mc~ursu;mt 1o tile density ratin~stcm sccxion ,,1' the ('~,11icr C*ount~ ~rox~ Ih man;~ ,c~l;m l~turc J:tlltl ii~q CJClllClll. shall inchide ~ul*licicm Ei~llt-olLxxax to acCOilm~,dalc tile ro~ldx~;ix ~qd~ J~ hike hulcs or hike · ul~ ~ I~~~ ~cr;~c~uircd. Ilikc at&bike lanes and sitlc~alks shal ~ c m~Irucl~ c~ncu~cnllv wi l~ h_: VVhcrc planned rit:hl-ol:x~ax in_.l~prnvcmcnt.~ scheduled in the COtlIlP.'5, c;i'~it~prox'cmcnls r) ,r'tt m ('IP ~, '~ fi It c~uscthc 71 rcmm'al ol'an', siduv, aiks/bikc.gaths or hike lanes r~_.~j, uiro. I tills code ~iH~in t~o 2 f~'cars Ibllowing II~u fiscal year in ~hich ~ltc Iirsl huildin~nnil Ibr the m~c~.l~ d~clo ~cr~u of con~lruclion ol'lhe r~uircd hjdc~ aJ~_])i~att~s and hi~ lanvs tJlC Co~t of side~xalk/hikc ~ath and hikg Jane ctmslrtlclion ;itld ~5[cj~osil Ihe Sallie illto ~1 Ikmd ;ip~rox cd bx lilt Ir;nls~orlalion ~s'[~ ~.~', ~gS'S~g]'d~ hb desi~.f~r filllite conslruclion 5;I liXl(f "l IIIN 3..h .~ MI.~\'I)MI(NF.~ '1 ¢) I.'.XI'I.(ISIVI.~S I)l~'l."il( L",' I]i\lshql ~.J... I xpMsi~c,. o1' (}l'dJlliHlce ql-J()2. as al110IldetJ. lilt.' (.'oilier ('otl111.~ land I)c~ chq~mcm t. ,,do. is hcrcb.~ alllClldcd to Ic.ld il, l'oJlov, ~,: I)IVISI()N 3.4. I.~XI'I.( ),Sl \'I(S 3.4.13. lit. qricli,m,, for lht' u~t. and In, mllinl~ II ~.Jl;2JJ bc url[a~l'uJ I~l' ;HI', persell. Io blast. tire. tJt'tOllalt: t~l' use illl~ ,,f cMq~,i~c ~ilhin l}~u tcrrilori:fi limits of the count> ~illloul l~rsl oNaining a bktsting pcrnlil as hcrcinalicr proxidcd b~ IlliS section: provided lJlal ill c~cm il sillill bC tlllJll~k fuJ l~r all} person It) bJasl. life or d01Ollille or rise anlounl o1' explosi~ cs ~hich ~kotlJd result in a resuham peak particle ~elocib in excess of fl.5 inches per sOColld ~holl Il1011stlrod t~11 llle ground ill lhc ilCill'CSl huiJding or qrtlclurc ilOl Ok~llod h> the pgrlllilt0e. or at il localion idcntilicd b~ the sci~moh,gisl of record alld [JlO l'lanlling Services Director. dcxigncc. A Nastin~ ctmtr:H procedure is herel:v cslabJished I:~ gJJ". rule I'or cotm'olJinu biasling ill urhiul COllSlrtlclitm 01lVirOlllllOlllg. J J' ,,t' Ihc allm~alqc ~ill'lJcJc ~cl(,cilx is exceeded. no hJaslhlg Ill;l~ he Iiildorlakcll Icllcr. t'acsimilc lransnlissi,____.2n_~ or I~hone call ~kilh a lbllo~-u ~C~ lac>imilc Iransmissmn is ~rovidcd h~ the Nastin, ~e~~iicanl to II~c C,~tllllk idcntilki:lU a revised I:lasfil: 1 flu I I *,v~v~:~~q~ o~idcsj:roccdurcs ill I~c in~plClnCntcd to assure that a etaarticle vclocilv Of 0.5 inches see,red ~ ill not I~c exceeded. Ihu maxinlum ;lllo~ahJe airl~lasl. nleastJred al 1110 nearesl buiJding_k~' slructtJrc not o~ned I~ Ihe pcrlnillee. or ~,*.Jlell measured ;,11 I'c¢l I'rolll 111¢ hJasl shrill not exceed 120 decibels ','.hell meast~red bv all }llsll'11111clll }1;1', iI1,.Z~_;l_ Jlal_.l'l~'t._'qtl,211C~Oll:qk' over ;1 r;itlg~ el' h c r?_: .Ij~/b£j p 0?J.ast..i, _r! NiL~!!¥sL33_ j! !L ;~_j g,;i r t~]L,~l Ilavil~_Jlal l[~,~'__jbJJj~M',j!u~_g_' r_~'~tir~._'rj~cj~j~__xhi__~HJ_i)p?12J& Io ;ill biasling. ~,,llhin tile urtxm ( )~ c;'burdcn shall nul be relnO~cd l?rior to bklslinu. \Vhen o~ erhurden exceeds 4 IL'cl of de ~II~i~im__tlnl of 4 fl.'el of overburden shall !'gnj;jjl~in_kj2lat~'g_pl i~,r h, blasling: All bla~l h:~lc- ~illlin Illlie fi:cl :H' Ihe nt:;.ircsl slru¢lurc bilst'tl on ;I dJ H g Uj LqS..,zt _[9_ S. o n I i.nS._t ! ~%gSj_,;5:o2bj'n',.,~d u c I s c,t' duhm;lliolk I'hc "borehole" surrotmdintk_the blast lube shall he hackfilled ..\It surf'act dolehaters shall be covered or buried. ~,t. ords ,d+~i,-41mm~. ~ ,ire rich:led. ,a ord,, .tmderlim:d ar~ added. '/2 All char,c~11 b' ~1 wi deftre;iLion of muhi£1¢ blasts SI'11$I,~("I'I(}N 3.K: ..\MI,~NI)MI.~N'I'S '1'¢) PI{ESERV,VI'()IN V E(; I".TAl'10 N, REMOVAl, .,\ND I)ix i~,iun .i,u., \'c?:t~thm. Rcmoxul ;eld Ih'eservatitm. td' ( )rdinance g I - 102. :is amended. the ('~qlicr ('tmnl.x I.and I)ex'clopmcnt £'od¢, is hutch)m~endcd to read .'rs I)I\'INI¢)N .~,9. VI,~f;I.H',Vrlf)N, I~.EMf)VAI. AND Sec. 3.9.5. Ve~.ehiti[)ll r~,.,;llf)val, pr()tccllt)n Ilfl{.} preservation stan(I;u'ds. Removal ol've~ct:uion for a roxe~alion hank sitcs~defined by the I.Iorida Ad~d~i~tj'~tiDz~_('~d_~;~Lsl;~c o~cr~ endorsed cnvironmomtl prcscrxmi,m. cnhm~ccmcm ~r rose,ration r~ or Stale of Horida. dixi~i~m of Ibrc~trx ~r~x ctl fire l~rcaks shall be permilled, ~guuion ~Eg~3~j~crmils issued under Ihcsc criteria are valid Ibr lhc ~critxl ol'd~c time S['I}SI{('TI¢)N .~.1,: ..\.MI.~NI)MI.~N'I'.~ T() I)EI;INITION,~ SE(~'I'ION I)ixi~i~n tx~.. l)efinitkm~. ~l'()rdin:mcc gl-lll2. as amended. tile £'olli¢r Coum.x I:md [)cxdopmcnl t.'~,.h:. i~ hcreh', ml~cnd,:d Io rc;ld as I~lloxxs: I)IVI.~If)N fi..~. I)I.~FINITIf)NS .\',.;ct.d.rmi,;~.'/,~l ./rcc.rd'. :\n) law ful let ~r parcot xd~ich a~rccmem tbr dccd .as cxcculcd. prior Io Ihc cl]%'clivc date of this code. and whid~ parcel does n,q mccl lhc minimum x~idll; ~ ~ lot area rcquircmcnls as a rcsuh of pass~lgc ~,f d~i~ c~dc shall bc considered as a legal nonconlbrming Iol and shall he eligible the i~suancc of a building permit provided all lhe other requircmcnls of Ibis code and Ihc l:h~rida ~l~ltules ~Jrc incl. I'his dcllmdm~ also includes any lot or parcel Ill;Idc IlOllCOllfi~rlllin~ :~ z'cx~ming initiated I~x C'ollicr ('Oulll) 10 iml~lcmcnl the Zoning Roevaluation ()rdinancc ~Ef"I'If)N I.'()l'l?,: ('()NH.I('T ANI) SI.~VI.~I~,AlIII,ITY hi Ihc ~.'vcll! lhJx ()rLlJll;ltlCL' CoTlllJcl~ with till% olJler ()rdJllalIL'c oJ' ('oilier ('OHlll)' ~llld olhc[ uppliculqc Inx~. ~l~c m,~rc rcsu'icdxc shall appl). If m~)phrase or portion of the ()rtlinancc is held inxalid or tmctmslitulitm:d I~x ;mr courl of compelertl .iurisdicdon. such pordon shall be tlem~led a separate. dislincl :red indcpcndc,u prex islam and such l~olding shall not al'lL'cl the xalidity of the remaining portbn. ~[("I'1ON FIVE: IN('!.U~I()~ I~ 'l'11E ('OI.I.I~R (7OU~l'Y I,AND I)EVEI.OPME~T COD[ '1 h,: im,x isbns ~,1' lhis ()rtlimmcc shu[I I~ccomc m~d bc made a pm'l of Ihc l.and l)e~clopmcnl ('ode of ('~qlicr Coumy. I'1orJdu. l'he ~cclJons of lhC (Mlinance may bc renumbered or rdcll~r~d Io accomplish such. and Ihc x~rd "~rdinuncc" mu) I~c ch~ulgcd IO "scclJon". "article". or ~11)' other appropriate word. ~,\ oros sm,,e-4,-~m~ are deleted, Ix ord.s .underlined are added. 7.~ .~i.X"i'I()N SIX: I.]I,'FI,:("I'IVI,: DATE This ()rdinancc styall become ct'l~'cti~ c upon filing with the I)epartmcm PASSI~I) .ANI) I)t~I,Y AI)()I"I'I~I) bx linc Board oI' County Comlnissioncrs of Collier Florida. Ih~s da) of. ........ . :\T'I'J:,S i': IIOARI) ()1: ('Or INI'Y ('()I.I.11!R COt TN'I'Y. FI.()RII)A BY: PAMF. I,A S. MA(_"Klli. CI IAll~\V(),",.I,:kN IS,,\'~l(Ti-I' f i.:.T I,,'i,. ~c~<. i'(.it:li~:' ....... .,\PI'R()VH) ,,NS I( I I:( )R,M AND l.liG,.\l. St ;H:I('II!N('~ \Vord~. ~mc-l,-4~,,.e~b~ are d,:l,..'led. 'n,.,rds underlined are added. ()RI)INAN('I,: N(). ')9.46 \N ()I{I)IN,\N('E ,,\,~IENI)IN(; ()Itl)INAN('E NlI,%IBEI{ 91-1(12, ~11.~NI)I.'.I), 'l'lll.~ ('()I.I.IER ('()I~N*I'Y I.ANI) I)EVI.~I.()I'bTI.~NT ('()I)E, %VIlI('11 IN('I.I'I)I.'.N *I'IIE ('()~II'I/EllENSIVI.~ ~()NIN(; I~E(;I~I..VH()N~ I.'()1~ TIlE I~NIN('()ItI'()IIA*I'I.~I) AllEA ()F ('()l.l.ll.'.lt ('()IIN'I'Y. I*'l.()lill)A, IIY I'R()VIi)IN(; F()R: NECI'I()N {)NE, I~I,~(~I'I'AI,S: NE("I'I()N TXV(), FINI)IN(;S ()F FA('T: bE("I'I()N TIIREI.'., AI)()I'TI{)N ()F A~IENI)~IEN*I'S T() 'I'11E I.ANI) I)EVI*~I.()I'MENT ('()I)E, ~!()RE SPI~('IFI('AI,I,Y A~IENI)IN(; TIlE F()I,I.()WIN(;: ARTI('i,I~ 2, ZONING, I)IVISI()N 2.2. 7,()NIN(; I)IS'I'RI('TS, I'l{ltMl'l"l'l.]) I~SICN, ('()NI)ITI()NAI, I~SI.;S, I)I~IENNI()NAI, STANI)ARI)S, I)IVIN!{)N 2.,~. ()I,'I.'-NTI~IC!,FI' I~ARKIN(; ANI) I,()AI)IN(;; DIVISION Z.~. I)IVINI()N 2.N. SI~!'IH,E~II~NTAI, I)I~'I'I{I{'T RI.t(;I:I,ATI()NS: I)IVISI()S Z.~. Z()SIS(; AI)~IINISTllATI()N A~I) I'I~()('EI)tt!IES; I)IVISI()S Z.g. AI~(;IIITE(~TlillAI, ANI) SI'I'I': I)ESI(;N S'I'A~I)AIII)S AND ('()~I~iEIt('IAI. BT;11,I)IS(;S AND IHl().11~(:'I'S; AIt'l'l('l,l~ .~, DIVISION .1.2, STiBI)IVISI()NS; DIVISION .~.3. S!'I'I~ I)EVI.;I,()I'~IENT I'I,ANS; DIVISION .1.4. EXI'I,OSIVES: I)IVINI()N 3.~). VE(;I.FI'ATI()N RE~I()VAI, I'I~()*I'ECTION AND I'I(I.~SEI~VATI()N; ARTI('I.E 6, DIVISION 6.,t. I)!CFINI'I'I()NS. IN('I.Itl)IN(;, BtXl' NOT I,IMITEI) '1'()TIlE I)EFINITI()NN {)F N()N-('{)NF{)Rh!IN(; I,{)'I'S; SIC("I'1ON F()UR, C()NFI,I('T ANI) SEVI.~Ib%I~II,I'I'Y; SE("I'I()N FIVE, IN('I,USION IN 'I'111C I,ANI) I)I.:VI.~I,()I'~IENT ('()I)E: ANI) SE('TI()N SIX, ICFFE('TIVE IX,VI'E. \k'l II.RI..,\~. ,,n ( )ct,d~cr .~tl. l()()l. linc (',11icr ('.unl?' Board (d' ('aunb' ('~mm~issiuncrs ()rdm;mcc No. ~l-ll)2. fi~c ('oilier ('otmi} l,;md I)c~clol~mcnl ('ode (herein;flier I.I)(') . which ha~ ~uhsc~ltlCiHi) ;m~cml,'d: WI I I'.R I'.A~. II~' I.I )t' ma> n,,t bc m~cndcd 111itl-~' thilll t~o lilllC'S ill Cill'h Cill~'tldLIr ?car ~lll'SIl;Itli WIII~Rl~A~. lhis is fi~c I~rsl mllCndmcm I. Ihc I.I)('. ()rdinancc gl-102. in dlis calendar ~car: WI IKRI~:~..n Nl:~rch l g. Ig(~7. the Board ~d' ('~unb' ('.mmis~ioncrs ~d(~plud Rcsolt~lion Wl II:l~l":~N. all rctpl~r~'m~'~ll~ ~sl' ~c~dllti~sll g7-177 h;ix~·bccn rock XVIII,~I~I.,X~. d~c lh,,,.'d .r ('..m~ ('.nlmisshmcrs. in a ilmnncr prescribed I~ la~v. did h,,Id ~ldxcl*li~'d ptlhlic hC~U'ill~ o1~ NltlX 2~. I~i"~ taXI .h,lc 16. lggg. and did lake ilCliorl concerning ~k'J II'.RI']..~. ~dl appJic~d~lc httl~sl:tnlix c and pr~sccchlral rcquircnlcnls ol'dlc Jtl~ Jlil~ ~' t~ccn n1~l. XI)~V. '1111.RI..I.I)RIL BIL I'1 ()RI)A1NI'I) bx the IIoard ~sl' ('t~JlJ]J)' Commissioners of (',dlicr Word,. ~,I~',1 'l~I'~Ft~,t~ 1~ ,Ire ..Iclctcd. ~'. ords untlcrlin~.'d ;lr¢ added I .%!,X"I'I()N ()~ I,:: I{ I.X TI'.,\ LS The fm-,,:?iu~ recitals arc m~e and ,.',rr¢O. and incorporated by reft:renee herein as if full.', set SE('TI()N '1'~,~ (): I.'INI)IN(;S Ol: I"A('T lhe P,~ard of £'mmty £'ommissioncr~, of ('oilier t.'otmt.',. I:lurida. hereby makes the iindin~s of I'acI: I. L'ollicr ('oullt)'. ptlrsualll to S¢c. 163.3161. cA s~_~.l.. Fla. Sial., the Florida I,ocal (loveinmont Comprci~ensixc I~lannmg and l,and I)cvclopment Regulations Act (hereinafter the "Act"). is required to prepare and ad~q~t a Comprchcnsive Phm. 6.~-:_0..( 1 ). Fla. 2, ,,\ftcradoptionoftlleComprchcnsixclqan. lhcActandinpanicularSec, I ' '~ ~ Sial.. illalldaics that Collier C'Otllliy adopt land dcvclopmcnt regulations that arc consistertl with and in~plcmcnt the adopted coml~rchcnsivc plan. 3. Sec. 163.3201. Fla. Star.. pro,.id¢s flint it is the intent of lhe Act Ihal the adoption and cnlbrccmcnt bx C'oilicr County of land developmeal regulations for the total unincorporated area shall be based on: be related to. and he a means or' implementation Ibr. the adopted ('on~prchensive Plan as required by the Act. 4. Sec. 163.3194(1}(b). Fla. Slat.. requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Ct~llicr ('ounl) be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. or clement or portion thereof. and an> land development regulations existing at Ihe time of adoption which are not consislcnl xxilh Ihc adopted Comprehensive Plan. or clement or portion thereof. shall be amended so as to hc collsislcnt. 5. Sec. 16...,_(1_(. ). l"ta. Stal.. states that il'~e ,Act sbal[ be construed to encourage the use of illllOX;.lliVC [all,,J ,.JcvcJopllleilt rcgtlJaliolls. 6. t)n January 10. 1989, Collier County adopted Ihc Collier County Grox~th M:magcment Plan (hereinafter the "(iro,.vth Management I'lan" or "GMP") as its Comprehensive Plan pursuan! to tile rcqt, ircmcnts of Sec. 1634.3161 e_t .v¢..~/. Ha. Sial.. and Rule 9J-5. F.A.C. 7. Sec. 163.3194( I )(a). Fla. Stat.. mandates that after a Comprehensive l'lan. or clement or portion thereof. has been adopted in confi)rmily with the Act. all development undcNakcn by. and all actions laken in regard to development orders by. governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehcnsixe Plan or clcmcnl or portion lhcreof shall be consislent with such Comprehensive Plan or cJcmcllt or portion lhcrcof 8. Pursuant to Sec. 163.3194(3)(a). Fla. Star.. a dcvcloprnent order or land dcvelopn'~cnl regulation shall be c{msistcnt wifil the Comprehensive Plan if the hind uses. densities or intensities. in the Comprehcnsix c Him and if it Illeels all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 9. Section 163.3194(3)(b1. Fla. Star.. rcquircs that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with tbc Comprehensive Plan if tl'~c land uses. densities or intensities. capacity or size. timing. and other aspects of development are compatible with. and fi,rthcr tile objectives. policies. hind uses. densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets nil other criteria enumerated bx tile local governmeal. I0. ()n ()ctobcr 30. 1991. ('ollicr ('Otlllty adopted tile (.'oilier County l.;md I)evclopment Code. which became cfl;ectivc on November 13. 1901 and may be amended twice annually. tl. ('oilier County Iinds tiltit the I.and Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier Count)': encourage Ihe nlost appropriate use of land. water and resources. consistent ',vilb the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal cfl;.2ctivcly with future problems tha! may result from the use and development oF land within the total \reeds .'qlq,,,,.d~m4%~ are deleted. x~ords underlined are added. 2 unin¢orporalcd arc of Collier Coumy and it is iraended thnl this J.and J)cvclopmcnl Code preserve, promote. prolccL and improve ll~c public hcahh. salary, coml~m, good order, nppcnrance, convenience. and ~cncral xxclfi~rc of Collier ('ounty: prcxcm the overcrowding o1' land and avoid the undue conccntralion o1' population: l~cilitatc the adcqualc and crficicnl provision of transportation. water. scxxcragc schoMs. parks. recreational l~cilifics. Irausing. and other rcquirmllcnls mid services. conserve. develop. utili/c. and prmccl naturnl resources within II~c jurisdiction or Collier ('ounl~: and proloci dcvch)pn~cm, linc chnraclcr and stabJill5 of present mid I~lturc land uses nnd dexclopmcm ill ('oilier 12. It b, the inlem uf ~hc Board ,ff t,'ounl.X ('ommissioners of ('oilier (.'rarely Io implcmcm lite I.and l)cvclolm~Cnt Code in accordance xxith tile provisions of the Collier ('ou,~ly Comprehensive Pkm, Chaplet 125. Fla. Sum. and ('haplcr 163. Fla. ,":,t~.11.. ;.llld lhrough these amendments to the Code, SECTIONTIIREE: AI)OI'TION()FAMENI)MENTSTOTIlELANDI)EVEI,OPMENT .",;IiIL',iI:.C'I'I()N 3.A:\*11.LNI),MI.~N'I'ST() ZONING I)IS'Fi~,ICTN, lq:.l~Ml'l-I'i:.l) ('()NI)ITI()NAI. I'N!-~S, I)IMENSI()NAI, STANI)ARI)S I)IVISION I)i,.isiun 2.2. Zoning I)istrict, Permilled ITscs. Uonditional l:scs. I)imcnsional Standards. of ()rdimmcc 91-1()2. as amended. the Collier Coum3 I.and l)cvclopment ¢',,de. is hereby amended to rc:u.I ils I't~llov. s: Division 2.2. Z()NIN(; DISTRICTS, I'F,I{.MI'I"I'EI) !)IM EN."qI() NA L S'I'ANI)ARI)S LISE.S, CONI)iTI()NAL USES, Sec. 2.2.2. Rural :lKricultur:tl district (..\). i. Agricultural actixitics. including. but not liralied to: crop r;tising: horticulture: fruit and nut production: Ibreslry: groves: m~rseries: ranchingl beckcoping; pouhry and egg production: milk production: livestock raising. and aquacuhure for native species subject Io the Slmc of Florida game and I?cshwmer fish commission permits. The INIoxving permilled uses shrill only be allowed on parcels 20 acres in size or greater: dairyingi= ranchingi= ~u Ir~md ~~~~ducliom milk ~rxlu ~ )u~n~~~;(t/m ,' and animal breeding. raising. refining. stabling (~r kcnneling. This is nol to preclude an individual proporb l)xt'11Cl' I'ronl the keeping of lbxxl or poultry. nol to cxcccd 25 in lol;IJ number. and tl~c keeping of t~orscs and livestock (excepl lbr hogs) ilol Io exceed Ix~o such illlJm~lls tbr each acre. and xx ith nol opoI1 Igedlols. Ibr personal use trod not in associntion xvilh tl commercial agricuhural activity on parcels less Illall 20 heres in size. '~,zditim~ul u.w.~'. The lblhm, ing uses are permitted ils ctmditional uses in rural agricuhural district (:\) subject to lhe sumdards and procedures estahlished in division 2.7.4. 24. l)airyingi: runching;: livestock raisingi= poultry and egg productioni: milk producti,m~, li~+~ ;mimal breeding. raising. training. slabling or kcnncling on parcels less than 2[) acres in size. This is not Io preclude an individual property owner l?om the keeping of li~wl or poultry. nol to exceed 25 in total number, and lhe keeping of horses mid livestock (except Ibr hogs) not to exceed two such animals each acre. alld x~ilh no open Igcdlols, for personal use and not in association x~ill~ a commercial agricultural nctivity on parcels less lhan 20 acres in size. kVords ~~ nre deleted. words i~erlined i~re added. 3 2.2.9. 'lhc comn:crciul ~r ~ I~: :tqion rills/Ill, Or brecdh'lg o1' exotic animals. olhcr Ihtm al~im:fis Ix'' 'ill' ~r~t~ ,'i,ri'ulturnl tmtr~,,ses or prgductk~ct to the t'ollo~ing, stm~dards: Milfimum 2o :tore pared size. AI]~ roofed structure used Ibr Ihc sheher and/or fi:edin, o~ animals shall hc Incated a minimum ol' I00 l~et from any lot line. Villn12,c rc~idcnli.'il district (VR). I'm7~..~v aml inlcnl Ih¢ purl'~Osc and hltcnt of the village residential d[stricl ~VR) is to provide lands xd~crc u mixture of residentbl uses muy exist. ,,~dditionally, uses are bculcd and designed to mainlain tI~ ~ village residential charutter ~~'~ which is ,cnc~fil~/ow relatively small buiidin~x~t rinP ~ d:~~rr~nt a caranco of (ioodland and C~dm:d. 'l'hc VR district corresponds 1o :red implements the mixed residential land use designariel: on the hmnokalcc [~lltl[e land use map t~l' the ('oilier ('ounty ~m~qh management plan. It is intended IhoSc urban areas outside of the coastal urban area design;fled on the Ik:turc land use map uf Ihe Collier County gro;qh management plan. though there is s,mc existing VR zonins in th~ coastal urban urea, The maxthrum densib pcrmissilqc in the village residential district mid the urban mixed use land use design;dion sh;dl he guided. in part. by the density rating system contained in the I'uture land use elcmcnt of the ('oilier ()ounty groxqh management plan. The maximum densit} permissible or permitted in the VR a district shall not cxccud tl~e density permissible under the density rating system. except as permitted hy policies contained in the future land use dement. or as designated on the lmmoknlee Ik~ture land use m;~p of the growth managen~m~t l)imvn.~ional . ~' I [ / i ~ J/[ / ~ · ~ / ~ l The I'olh:wing dimer~siorufi standards shall apply m all perinbred. accessory. and conditional uses in the village resklenli.'il district (VR). Sin~lu- l'amil.~ I)~ ellinb, nnd Mnbil¢ %qunrc I)uplex JO.O(}O Multiple- Family I):', e!ling Uses Conditional Uses 2. Mnmnuul hll s~idlh 6(I I'c,:l I(ff) feel 150 fi:et NA I()ll fi:¢t 3 Xlinmlum )nrd 2.t~.2 26.2 i Words ,~rt~,,-41~.~h an: dclct,:d. ,.vord~, ndc~ ar~ added, 4 l/'n ~,tllll t)f II1',' building * No buildinu max comain m[~rc than three Icyels of habitable s~ ..x. ctu:d m.ximum dcnsib' shall bc determined d~mugh the application o1' the density rating s} stem. ~r applicable policies c(mtaincd in the I~tt~r~ land use clement. or th~ Immokalcc l'uturc land use nlap established in the C'ollicr County groxvth nlanagcnlcnt plan. nm to cxccc3 the above specified density Ibr each use. Scc. 2.2.12. Commercial pr()fcssion:ll distric! (C-I) lind comnlercial professional lr.nsitional district (C-I£r). '9"9 3 . .... I_.1 I',rl~..¥c' uml intc,t. The ('- I commercial prol'cssimud district is intended to perrail du)~c uses ~hich minimiv.c pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The pro~ isi(ms ul' the ('-I dislrict arc intended to apply t(~ areas located ad ;ICelit high~a} s and arterial roads. l.;mdscapil~g. ctmtrollcd ingress ;red egress. and ()lhcr rcstricti(ms arc intended to minimize I?cqucnl ingress and egress to the bigItaly l'mm abulling uses. The C-I dislrict is designed Iobc compatible with all residential tines. as x~cll ;Is rcsidcnlial uses h)catcd ahmg arterials. The ('-I/T commercial prolkssiomd/transitional dislrict is intoruled to apply to tJlosc areas that arc lransilionah am~ located binween areas of hi~hcr and Imvcr intensity development ~Jm~ ' f ' ~~. The uses in this dislrict are ' : ~ . ol'l~cc. low intensity scr i~ uses and limited rcsidcnliaJ uses that mccl intent {Jl' lhc ('- 1/T c~mm~crcial prolgssional/Iransilional dislricl. Those areas identified as lransilional (('-I/T) shall hc l~rthcr noted on lhc official Toning I'hc c~mm~crciaJ prol~.ssitmal district m~d tile commercial i~rul~'ssional/transilionai distrim arc consistent with the h)cational criteria fur croninertial and the g~als. ~h colives and policies as identified in linc timbre J;ind LISt CIClllClIJ tlJ' I}IC Culllet ('otlnly gro~vth nlanagclllClll pJall. 'J'hc maxinmm dcnsib permissible in lhc commercial prol~ssiomd dislricl and ctmm~crcial pr(*l~.ssi(mal/transiti~maJ district ~ ' : : ~m shall bc a~mvidcd I~r hc~ ~~~ ~ Words s,,.,,eeh4~ ar~, dclclcd. words tjndcrlined arc added. o.~.tem: Ihe (2-1 1' /onin~ diswicl. ~l~¢re ulili/cd m mere the inlenl nf Ihc o,mm~r&i~-*n~l*~:~me~r,~;~*m~ ol*fic~ and infill managcmcnl phm, shall m~ly be applied onR tinlc to HiId ~ilJ 11oi Jle permitled Io expalld ad.iacClll Io olJlcr ~ co111111crciaJ /onin~ nblained ~ia consislCllC¥ ~iJll 111~ ol'licc an~l inlill COlllmcfcial I'crmilh'~l t~t'~ 'l hc I'tdh,~mg uses. us idcmified ~ilJ~ a ntllllbgr from Standard Induqrial ('lassilScamm Manual (19g7). or as od~cr~isc pro~idcd permilled use< in lilt ('-J commm'ciaJ prol~ssionaJ dislricl 1111d Ihe t,,mmcJciaJ pT',d~',shmal Iransili~maJ dislrim. :\cotmilling. auditing and tx~nkkccping services (8721 I. £ ..\ulomobilc parkil~g I7521 ), .... 7.*_.-7..1 7338. 73(,I.7371. :.< IIusincssscl'~it'cs(groups7311.7313, "~'~ ~ , 7.,7_. 737.I-7Wfi. 7379). 4% ('hikl day care scrxices (~351 I. (;roul~ care li~cililies (talegory I and II. excepl Ibr homeless shellcrsl'. care unils. cxcepl for homeJess shehers: nursillg homes: assisted li~ing lilcililies lmrsuant Io ~ 400.4(I'~ I:.S. 11IltJ oh. 5JqA-5 J:..,\.('.; ;.111d continuing care r¢liremcnl cmmmmili¢s fmrsuanl Io § 651 I:.g. and 4-1~)3 F ..\.('.: all ~,ubiec! to section 2.0.26. ()tliccs Ibr engineering. architectural. and Sllr".'e)illg ser~ ices (groups (17,'g I. X711-g7131. 7 ,) I Icahh scr~ ic~.'s I ,'4()11-X~149). glo. Individuld ired I'anlil.', social services (g322 aclivily centers. elderl.v or handicapped: adilll tl;.i) care conlets: alld day care colliers, adtlJl alld hamlicappcd mfi.x I. u.I.J. I i~surancc c;~rricrs. agcnP~ and brnkers (groups 631 1-0399. h41 I ). tn:12. I.cgal~cr~tcc';(Xlll). l h_l 3..'Xhumgcmcn! and public relations scrx ices (groups g741-g743. ~74g). ; 2 I:_1: ?.li~,ccllancou~, pcl,,mid scr~ ices 172ql ). 1-.~.:.15~ Museums and arl galleries (X412). I4: I_CL Nondepositor> credit institutions (groups 61,41-6163 ). 14.:17_~. I'ho~qfic studios 7-L_~21 · \\ ords ,,~r.~4,-dw,,m~t.h ,it',.' rick'led, words underlined are added. Real ¢sralv (xt'~ upx 6~I l-fiq,II ). and shoeshint mr~ ?~ ('SCS itlB. J MFtlCtLIF~.'S lb;it 111",.' [p2cL'ssor)' ;.111d hl~.'idClllaJ lo IhC LlSu's pertained ~,, of riehl m the C-1, C-I fl' dislricl. ('arctakcr's rc~,idcncc. sub. itel to section 2.6.16. ('.mlim.l.I u~c.~. '11~c Ibllo~dng uses are permissible as conditional uses in the commercial i~rolL'ssional/transitional district (C-I. C-I/I'), subject to the standards and pr,ccdurcs established in division 2.7.4. Civic. social and I'ratcrnal ;,ss.ciations (X641 }. 2. I)cposihu'.x in,.lilutions (grnups 6011-60gg}. 3. I!ducational scrx ices (8211-8231 }, 4. I Icalth scrx ice (XOI 1-X049): 5. I lomclcss shehers. as dellned by this code. Increased I~uilding height to a maximum o1' 5(} I~:c1. Mixed rcsidvmial and commercial uses subject It, lJlc lblhminL' cHicHa: .,\ site dc~clolm~Cnt plan is approved pursuant to division 3.3. thai is designed Io protect the character of the residential usc:i and of the neighboring lands: ['Itc cnmmcrcial uses in the dc;'clopmenl may bc limited in hours of op,,.'r;.llioi1. size of delivery trucks. alld type of cquiplnCnt: The residential uses arc designed so that thc.x arc compatible xx ilh Ihc u'ommCl'CiilJ IlSCS: d. Rcsidcmial dxxclling units arc lOopled abvvc principal Rcsidcnlial and COllllllcrci;.l] rises till not occupy the ,'qiIlllC 11oor ol'il buildin.u: I'. The number ot' rcsidcnlial dr, oiling units shall be controlled by tl~ dimm~sim~al slandards of the C-I. C-I~I' dialrim. ssill~ the specific r~quir~m~nl thal in no in~tan~ shall the residential uses exceed 50 pu'rccnl ol'the gross Iloor area of Ihc 7 I~,uildinL: height ma> BOI ,,2XCCCC~ DAO .qmics: Each rcsidumial dx~¢llin~ unit shall contain the lbllmxin~ llliIlillltlIll II~l,.H' illeliS: cfl~cicncy :red ~[~llc-bcdFooIll. ,451) .square I'ecl; l~xo-bcdrntm~. 650 square I~',,:l; Ihrc¢-h¢droom. 9Oil ~,qum'e I'cct: .\ minimum uf ~lI percent of ~l~e mixed use dcvchspmcnt shall salisf> II~c ~q~cn space rcquircmcms: areas used Io satisl~' x~alcr or ~ctback areas 1/ol cox trod xxiJh Jillpervious surl~lcc or tmcd Ibr parkinB (parkin~ Im islands may not bc used unless exi~lin~ native xc~etation is nminlaincd): Ill'.' Illi\ud commercial/residcnlial slructurc shall he designed m enhance compatihilib' of lite commercial and rcsidcmial uses lhrou~h slich nlctlSUrcs as, bill llol Ihllilcd Io. Illillillli/JIl~ l i~hlin~ a~ a) I?om residential units; and separatin~ pedeslrian and vehicular access~vays and parkin~ areas i?om rcsidcnlial tillilS. Io the ~rcalcsl cXlClll possible. X. Nursing and i~cr,;olml care fi~cililics I"m~eral service and crcmalorics ( 7261)~ u: I I__[. RcliLzim~ or[zam/alions (S(',61 I. )(~ .I I.Soup kitchens, as dclincd by this code. 1-1: .[ 2=Vctcrinarian's of lice (I)742), cxchmding ouldoor kcnncling. I)imcnxi~mal .~tamh.'~L~ l'hc t;,~11ox~-ing dimer~sional standards shall apply in the ('-I. ('-I q' district. Where specific development crilcria and standards aJsu exist in the (bitmen (}.tc k, lastcr I'man. hnnmkalce Master Plan or the I'tlturc land use cmcmcm tfl'li~c Collier Cotmnty growth managcmncnt phm. they shall XLII3CI'SCdC ;~11} [CSS stringent rcquiremcnl or place additional I'CqllircIllCllt~ till ~[cx ch~pn]cnl. .W/n/mum/u/trhllh. I0() .[[I'11JlIIIIDI Yard I't'Q'ltJl'ciiI(,111.~. ). I')'mn vtmt. 25 I;..'cl. ,X'hlc vm'd. t~-I~b one hall' of the building height as measured I'rt*111 U;iC]I cxlcritu' x',aJI x%ilh a IlliI1i11111111 {)l' ill'teen. l~ /?('ill' I~11'd. I 5 IL'Vt. 4. [/inimum rard rt,quircmenl ])'ore tnLv re.¥idenliul~v :tmcd or [)rt~p['l'(l'. 25 J~'ct. .Wa.vimum /wight o/'.Wrl~t'tllrt'.~'. 35 t~ct. Word~ ~',~h me domclod. ~ords und~ are added. 8 2.2.12..1 & 2.2. i 2.4.S. ~. Sec. 2,2.13. Set'. 2.2.14. Minimum /h..' ureu o/ l.'incilud .¥trucltwe. l.(100 squart' feet Ibr each building on the gmul~d fluor, .l[~t.vi.tttm lot cm'eru,gt', (Reserved.} /"lt*t.' ttl'¢'tl I'ttlJt* I J~.eservt.'d.) llini.tum ~//-wruel purkm,t' aml ~q/:xtrect hntdin.~. ,\s required in divisim~ I.undsculm~g. /\s required in division 2,4, I.~,td:tin.g I hc maximum hcighl of lights shall b~ 25 I'~et, I.ights shall bc h,catcd so that IiO light is aJlllod directly toward a property dcsiL. matrd rcsidemial. ~l~igl~ is Io¢:.tled ~ illfin 2(}0 I~¢I of tl~e source of lhe lighl. ,gi,:4n~ .,\s required in division 2,5. ..Irchil('clllrtlJ m~d .YJl{' lh'Si.~IJ 51illldlll.d,¥. All cmmncrcial bulklings and pn~.iccts shall he suNicol Io file pm~ isi~ms of division (.'onunercial convenience district (0-2). .~/Jimhum )'w'd rcqttirumcnl.S. I')'(.tt )'w'd. 25 ,S'idc ?rd. ~ Ol/c-JlaJfol' the buildin, h~as measured each exterior ~l;llJ ~klilll il millimum of liftten 1~. Rcur vfli'~J. ] 5 Ik. cl. ('raninertial inletmediate district .~ linhmtm )'urd rcquh'cmcnl.~l 1. 1'Toni vw'tl. 25 IL'eI. 2. .S'idc yw'd. ~ onc-half of the buildin, h~as measured I?om each exterior wall xxith a nC~imum of Ruuryurd. 15 feel. Words q~h are deleted. v.'ords underlined are added. 9 Nec. 2.2. I 5., General commercial distrio! (C-4). ('omlitiomd uxe.¥ /)w ('.4. The I~11ox¥ing rises are pcrmilted as uses ill lhc gCllCl'111 croninertial district (C-4k subitel Io Iho standards illld procedures established in division 2.7.4. Agricultural services tgroups 0741-0742, 0752. with outdoor kenncling). 2. Amusement and recreation services. outdoor {groups 7948. 7t1~)6. 3. Auclionccriug scrx ices. auclion rooms (7380. 4. Auttmmtix c dealers and gasoline service stations (groups 5521. 5551. 5561.55tIt) ouldoor diqqay permitted). 5. Automotive rcrtal and leasing. otltdoor displa} pcrmiltcd (groups 7513.75 It;). Bottle clubs. IAII establishments engaged in II~e retail snlc of alcoholic beverages lbr the on-premise consumption arc su~iccl Io the locatiohal rcquircmcnls o1' section 2.6. I 0.) 7. I.ishing. hunting and trapping (groups 0912--0~1191. 8. I"ucl dealers Igroups I Iomclcss shelters. as defined by this code. I0. I lotels and intqcls (grotlps 71)1 I. 7021. 7041 x~'hen Iotaled oulsidc all activity center). 1. Justice. public order and salary (groups o~ 2. Kiosks. 3. M~,~m*'~*~ !.ocal and suburban transil ~.Motion~urc Ihcatcrs 7~ ~~~ Communicalion tt2wers b~ s~~q~q ,hl. street to scclion ~ 70(I stluarc I%'cl ofuross I]oor area i~l the ri~slrtlcltlrc. 17~ N~ kitchens as dcl]llcd hv this code. I. l"r~,ll .l'w'd. 25 plus one limt liar each one I[,ot of building height over 50 t~ct. each cxlcrior ~all x~ ith a m~ *~~51te~ 5 Words ~~ are deleled. ~ords underline2 are added. I0 Sec. 2.2.15¼, Ih.,'.lvy croninertial di~Iriet (C-5), 2.2. I 5' :4.3 .~liuimum yurd ruquirumunl.v. i,'rrml ym'd. 25 1get. plus one flint Ibr each one I~wd of huiMing hcighl oxcr 5(I Ibct. ,\'idcyard. -I.-~l:eeI one-half of the buildin~ h~ij~Las measured frmn c;icil exitriot ~all ~vid~ a mininmn! of 1111een (15) J~.'I. 3. Retn' yard. ;/,ero4~el-t~.r 5 !Yet 1 5 l~cl. Sec. 2.2.16, Imluslrial dislrict (I). I. /'ur.tincd nvu~' Agricultural services [gnmps 0711. except Ilia! chemic:fi lrcmment of soil fi~r crops. fertilizer applicalion l~r crops and lime spreading crops shall bca minirotan of 50(I I~ct ffon~ a rcsidcnlial zoning dislrict. 0721. except dmt aerial dusling and spraying. disease control Ibr crops. spraying crops. dusting crops. and insect control tbr crops (x~ith or xvifimut I~rtilizingl shall be a mininmm of 500 tL'ct from a rcsidcmial zoning district. 0722-~724. 0761. 0792. 0783). 2. ,.\pparcl and off,or finished products (groups 2311-2399L 3. Automotixc rcp:,ir. scrx ice. and parking (groups 7513-754ql. 4. Barber shops (group 7241 ). 5. I½eauly shops or saltms (7231 ). 6. Building construction (groups 1521-1542). Business services (groups 7312.7313, 7319. 7334-7336. 7342-7389. including auction rooms {59991. sub. iect to parking and landscaping l'or retail use). Communic:uions (Lzroups 4812-4899 including cmmmmications towers up to spccilied heights. subject to section 2.6.35). g. ('oi~struclion--,q'~ecial Irz~cle conlracturs (groups 1711ol799). IlL I)cpusitory and nondcposilory instilutions {groups 6011-6163). I I. liating places (5812). I 2. l!ducali(mal scrx ices 18243--82491. 13. I!lcclronic and off,or clcclrical cquipnlenl Igroups 3612--369q). 14. linginccring. accotinting. research. tllalla[2enlcnt and related services Igmups 871 I--8748). 15. I:abricatcd metal products (groups 3411-3479, 3491--3499). 16. Food and kindred produels (groups 2(Jl 1--2099 except slaughlcring plants). 17. Furniture and fixtures (groups 2511--2599). Words ';~:::ck :!:r~:::gJ~ are deleted. words underlined are added. II (Junsmith shops (group 7699) ~vilh accessory shooting ran~c fi~r IcstJllg a~ld ir~lJllill~ except I~r otfidoor shooling ranges. Ig. I lcav~ construclJon (~rotlps 161 I--1629). 11callh services I XIII J accessory IO hldustr[aJ nclJ~t~cs colldtlclcd oll- s~Ic only). 21. Jlldllstri:.lJ mid cmnmcr¢iaJ tlll. lChill~.'ry ;.tlld computer cql. lip111¢111 (351 I--359th. 22. I.cathcr and Icalhcr products {groups 313 I--3199). 23. I.ocal and suburban Iransil (groups 411 I--4173), 24. l.umbcr and wood products (groups 2426. 2431--2499}. 25. Mcastlriltg. analyzing. and controlling instruments: photographic. medical and oplical goods: walch¢s and clocks (groups 3812--3873). 26. Membership organizations (groups 861 I. 8631 ). 27. Misccllanc,us manufacluring industries {group.s 391 I--3999). _8_= Miscclltmcous r~.xpair services ,r~ 7622-76991 with no associmcd retail sales. Motor freighl Iransporlation and x~archousing (groups 4212. 4__6 except oil and gas storage, and petroleum and 4213--4225. '~'~ chemical bulk stations). 31~32~ _~2.33~ :-~? .34_~. Paper and ;,11icd products (262 I--2679). I'crsonal services (groups 7211-7219}. Physical timess Ih¢ilitics {7991 ). I'rinting. publishing and allied industries {groups 271 I--2796). Railroad Irans[~ortaliol114011,4¢113). Rubber and misccllancm~s plastics produels (groups 31)21. 31152. 3O531. . 3.,I 3251. 3253. Stone. clay. glass. and concrete products (groups '~'~ . 3255--3273. 3275. '" .,_81 ). 3,~.;7....~ Icxtilc mill products (groups '~'~1 '~'*'~ '~'~..tl..'~'~qO 'v~7t '~'~Rg 2297. 2298). I'ransportalion equipmen! (groups 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732. 3751. 3761. 3764. 376g. 3792. 3799}. .~.37~. 't'rm~sporlation by air Igroups 4512--4581 except .'firporls and 11ying fields). .~.40_~ 'l'ransportmion services Igroups 4731--4783. 4789 except stockyards). · 444,4{1___: United Slates Postal Service {4311 ). Words ~.wuc4~tlm~ ;ire deleted. x~ords underlined are added. 12 4~.4.~_. \\'dd{ng rcpah' (7602 · O_ I mMe.-durable goods (~roups 5012--5014. ~ ~ 5m',3--50'J2. 4.;:.44. \\'holesale trade--nondunfi~le goods (groups 51 I I 5lgl except Illat M~olcsale distribution of chemicals. I~'rdlizcrs. insecticides. illld pesticides shall Iw a minimum of 5l)0 I~cl I'rolll il rcsidcmial/oning disreel 15 lg2--5109 ). 44-,.J_5= ..\n~ odlcr use ~hich is comparable in nalurc ~ilh the litregoing uses and is districl. ',Vord,i ,,,m~4~4~,.*.~,h arc d,el,:lcd. ~ords underlined are added. 13 Map I above is hcrcb}' deleted in its elltirgl}'. Map 2 nbove is hereby deleted in its entirety. Words .~-ueh-4h,m~ are deleted. ~vords underlin¢~d are added. 14 i? \\'~rtl', ,~lt~4.~lh~h are dck'lcd. ~ ord~ raiderlined ar~' added 16 ~ ' :~~.~t' ~.' '.' ' . .' : Words ,,~,~4+~++~ ~ ar~' dclc{cd. ~s~rd~ underlim:d are 17 Words .r,,k~,~n4m,~g4? are deleted. words md~ are added. 19 Words ,,~r~ei~lhr~. h ,.'¢ d¢l¢lcd, t~ords underlined are added, 2O 2.2,27.7.!.2.2.2. .,artsc4.res-41mbare acc;~::.-;cq,' ~.wJ !neFJ~'n::! proYkledMbr--in ::c;::io~:,2 of e~tit.'~4km-~id~amap~n;ved mi-~ed4w, e4leve b~pn~n~, 4~ t-4 ~mm,~h d--u.~e,w--4q~e-deveqofat~nl-4a and a~d s-1~w-41~-4.s,D~ .ly4~ -.t: , . i ,': ;,,"':' ,:,', Words =n::~; L,m::~,: are deleted, words underlined are added.), ,. · · : : ,,:'~,!2.2.!. M~o'c:: !,~:&' .?:d? Di.'.':ric;. The May, x; !.~!:e mljaeent4~Marc;: !:ak-e~mv+i~-~mfi: :;id~ 0.c4;4r:;', A:'~m:¢, ::ml-belw~cn ,,l,I re~i4--she, i;:;. r¢:;tmm-~t:: ;.:::d g::il~.'ric:;. and a "5-;:i' ?:,: '1: I' -'c',-'"co' ' ' · ' :i"¢~ ~'l:'i':l:l:/ ....' ' i! :; ',4'~U4:'i'1 .....I , I" ".": ". , ' '"'.:. "," '¢'9,.':' :'.:. ' ;'; ~':':;:;:.'"' i'., '::.,. .....!:'¢~." · . . · , . ,.> '. ,.. ..' . .',,; ' ..: '.:-' ' ' "':/¢','d,':-?:: :2', ....~&.,,, ,...'7,.:,';-.... ,;~;'/ Map 6 above is hereby ddclcd in its entirely, h~h~:; :;¢t fi~ in :;=-cticn ! ¢f this C'cdc. All u:~:: p~: .....~ .....:;cc:itm ........................::hall 5-c pcrmiucd ~ ~,;~,i;:! uvc.v. Th~evelcp:~nt slamSrOt; for 111¢ undcr!ying ~ Re:::' yw'd: 'Zsr'a or five Fc:: wi:h a minh~:n :;cpar::thm cf feet between Words ':.tm.~:k :hr¢,::¢: are deleted. la,.ord$ II d~ are added. 22 2.2.2 7. h,,ea4ed-m-~t~:;grzff~hic center "" '~' ' :"~""'~ ..... ~ ......... ; .......... ,: ...... '.J--.F4 r ........ .,. ............ ~l--t-. c ...... :. ,.~ £'-,m~cr. v;:rkm:: :,~,dic--a! ;::vJ :~thcr prt:f¢:;:;k:rx:! :;f.gc¢::. The Words :;:r::'c,t. :hr¢::gh ;ire deleted. ~ords updcrlined are added. 23!.2.!.2. ",.".,'.'-"-.'-,'..'~', $,'-:,.:-',:-~:,'..~ ......'.N., N, ..', , .*.~ · - ,~.' ,..N." '~,',*.¢~'.-i ...... ' ' ''*' ," · ' ' x %. * · ;;.'~ ~ ".'' : · .'- "-'~. ,.'.,',-:.:,I ,' .: .:: ,':~- '.:. ;-:: f. "', ,.' .. ' ., ' .,?q:,',.:..'~.::'6%: : -' -' ,---'"N '<'.., ?.'-;~,', .,'.-t:,~ ',: .. ~ ,N":!~.':. · ',,... x .x ' ':'Z,. ::','::,'..',,,' .;...,,x',. -" !" I "'":fL_J', '1'1'1'"~"- ....,..''' ' I :ti-~'z.'| "."f' ~ . , ,'~ ? .,", ! , , : . · , , , ,,,-' . , \ ;.~. \\ .:, ,, ..... ,. ' .',:. ' ....,-" ', , \ ..~' \,, .\'. , \ ..x ,,,, .... · .. ', " ' ' · ' ' '. ';""~,~, '%. '~.~ "v ',~"';' ,' ' ' ~ ', . '. ': · , ' .k. *"'L ',':' · ".- 7' - ' :~- · "' · - ~ '"',..i ,'.'. ',' '.. .' ',. \x.i ........ ,,,', :,s'":':;'-:-'::,'..;'~~; :?,..L',Z-~,:v.-~'.d. ;..~ ,": ...... Map ? above is hereby deleted in its cntiret)', .... ~ ........:": ...........~;'"'~': .....:~" '~ '~ '~'~ '~ ~ ~,f tkL~ ?::d~. All r~:~ad.d~dr... in .:.~c'.io:~ '~ '~ ~'- '~ '~ ~e ,~.;. r...,~ ..~.... k .... ;"~'~ b:. !'~::'kh:;6' ,~.:; r;:qu!r;:d ]:: D!:']s]on 2,~ of:]:b Co'J.~, Words .::=:!: d:r::::rJ: are deleted, words underlined are added, 24!.3.!.2.2. Paeq¥i-~;rie. :'illage ',;har:v.;,,e:' ef tl:e ,'we::. The ~m:n'd.~rF,:~ ,,,,.e ..... ,' ,'?"/'//;.~ .7 >; ;'~.) '~:;", - I-I.I :..I..L.I.I.j. , ',' "?l"f;,L'~t?l~"l"l~ Map ~ above i~ hereby d~l~led in ils die;i:!:::,' i:; pcrmkqed en i~r~pe."t,k-:: zc, n,~2 C ~ wRl:in the ..c ,~.~ Vi!h:gc r.. ....'~ D~r~ct ,.. requi~mcnt:; :=: f;:.'x,!: ~n :-,,:reiten.: 2.2.]5 !/2.5. and 2.2.15 I/2.5 of ,,:,.:urn c,~,, :: ,.a,~: ................in eonjunetien ,.,:,u ...... I .............. If:; ............. 1' ..... '""~ *" ...................................... :, ,;:', Ihi:; ....... ~"" district. ~, ords :.m.~ .u ......h ar~ deleted. word,~ underlined ,,r~ added. ~. 4-ht¥i..~.-h(,i,~ht~l hree-hid~ittdqe-~h~rie~-. ,~l~,d~.r-residenlhd.,u' V,'.rds x;n:~.'k ;h~b are dclclcd. ~urds undcrlmgd ~re added, 2~!.4.2. Map ~) is hereby deleted in its entirety. Words ::r;::k :!:r::;:gA: are deleted. ~,..ords imd~rllned are added 27 2.2.2V.tL 2.2.27. ~t't,rds ~'~ art' dt'ltqed, ~ olds underhned are added. Ilhlxtr;lfi,m I al*,o: o i, hcrch.~ ddd,.'d in its cntircl}. \\'ord,, ,,t~t~-k-4~,:r::::F!; arc :,l::leled. x: or:J~. underlined ;Ire added IlJm, lrali{m 2 abo,,c i,, hcrcb) deleted in its cnlircl). ! ' '~ I .........:41 .....?~ arc d¢l,:lcd. xx ord,, underlined arc added. ..h I11ustr:ltlon 3 IIh,~ralion 3 ~d~¢vu i~ hcrch.~ dcK'k'd in il.~ cnlircb. ~.~, ord~ ?4ru~'k ,'h;;:;:~zh arc dd~'lud, ~ords imdcrJin~'d arc add~'d. Ilhnlrali,,n 5 IllLiMrathms 4 and 5 arc lierob3 deleted in d~cir cnlirct~. ~Vord~ 'i~m:& ~'l~',~9, h are deleted. ,.vords I d~ are added. 33 ~ny pr,~lk-'rt y 4i~-. IIh~,lr;Hion (~ ;ll'~¢~c is hcrcb,x deleted in it', cnlircr, d~ llhi.lr,m.,n ":Ji',~',v i. hcr..'lL', dck.'tvd m it'. VlllircP, X~..~d~, .,~¢~.'k :~,~. k are d¢lclcd. ~',.ld', .riderlined are added i .... i[11[ ..... Ill ....... [ I/[llll .................. I ........................... ]? 2.2.27 2.2.27.~ V, (ird',i ,.I~iM, HIs.~tg4.~ ar,.' d,.'h.'led. ~.~,~',rLl', urMurlined ar~.' added ' I L ttii~-j¢¢J~,J~- ~ ortls ~*t~i.~*gh ,ire deleted. xs ords u!ld~'rlincd arc added. 41~ 2.2.2'L 12~-1= SI;IL"iI.X"I'I()N 3.11: ..V'~II,iNI).'~II.[NTS '1'1) ()FI:-STI{EI.71' lb\liKING ,-\NI) I,()AI)IN(; I)ixision £.3. ()l'l'-.'qlrccl I'arking and I.oading. ('ollicr ('otml.', l.and I)csc[opmcnl Code. is hcrcb.s amended 1o read I)IVISI¢)N2.3. ()FF-S'I'I,~I';I.71'PARKIN¢iAND Sec. 2.3.16. ¢)ff-slrecl p;Irkinl.: lind stacking: required ;unuulm,. Pro~risitm~, lbr d~c ~,at;: aim secure parking of bic? tics 5hall I~c film;shed ;it it ralio of five pCI'CCll[ of rcquircn~cnlh lbr I ~ ~ ~ } t t , [l ~chiclcs as sol lbrlh in Sec. 2.2.16. but nol Io exceed a ~li,~o~t ,~l~luir~mml~f maximum of 15 total bicx tic parking spaces. A minimum ol'tx~o bic)tie pnrking spaces shrill be pnwidcd. :\ hie>tic parking E:cilit.x suilcd to a single bic>ulc II'p;lrking SpliCe") shall be ol'a stand-ahme inxcrlcd-I ~ dcnign incanut;rig a minimum of 36 inches high and I g inches ~ide ]o1'1~5 ind~ Schedule 411 l:ipc. AS'I'M F 10831 } benl in one piece ("Nke rack"} illOUIllCd sccurcl> In II~c ground Jby a 3:g inch fifick sled base plate, :XSIM ..X 3f, J so as w ~ccure linc bit>tic I'ramc and bolh x~hccls. 3. liach parking space ~hnll h;Isc a nfininnlm ol'lhllc¢ IL'ct ol'clcarancc on all sides oF;he bike rack. Bicycle spao:s shall he pavc~h surfaccLI ~ith the Silllie or similar mater;;ils qppro~ed lot the motor ~chiclc parking I~ lighlcd ;lilt[ Iotaled rlO grcalcr Ill;ill J I){} Ik'cl l?om Ihc Iliaill I~uilding ClllrallCC. lixlrao:dinar.~ hie\tic parking dcsign.s ~xhich depart I'ronl the bike rack slantlard I~ut arc ill keeping ~ ilh lhc development'.,, &:sign lhcmc shah bc considered hs Ill.,: ('ounl.~ archilccl. Ilike racks ~ hich funclion ~.~ ithoul securing Ihe bic> c[¢ Frame. n:quir¢ o['a bit.vole kick Slalld. or ~,hich m:l.V I've l'r¢cly rcoricnlcd are a I Io'~'. abl ,:. Words gn:ck ~h~*~t are deleted. ~ords underlined ilr¢ added 41 .~I;11NI.X"I'I(IN 3.(' :\.M I':NI)M!.:N'I'N T() SIGNS I)i~i~i,n ~ ~ .'-;i~ns. ,q' lirdimmcc OI-lU2. ax anlcndcd. the (',dlicr I)IVI.',;I()N 2.5. .SIGNS pcrnlillcd in rc,i,lcmi;d Ji~nid, ',ubiccl to the l;,llm~in:_' ()no .~rouud ,.**,lli "1 ,)r :4,11c." t',,' 14ont." (,r ~,imihir sign. ~*ith a 111ilXillltl]11 O1' fi,ur ~quare l~cl in size, per sircol l~ontag¢ Ibr each pared..r Im Ic,s than one acre in si/e. Said si~n shall bc located no closer thilu tell l~'ct I}oltl all} adjacent rcxidcnliallx tmcd property and prmidcd It ix ;I Illillillltllll ol'lCll Igct I}o111 the ed~c OI'II.I~u'IllL'Ill. huiJdin~ perrail ~cquircd. I ()nO ~lmlnd Ol x~xll "1 (,r h;alc." "l.or RCl'd," or similar si,t:n. with 111;IXIIlltIII1 ()1 I ' squilrc IL'cl in ~i/c. per street I'r. nl;lgc fi~r cac]l parcel, or lot t,lc Io ICI1 ;lores in ,i/,.. ix,, building purmil rcquirud, ) ~ ~ rds -.. ~.~ ..... ~ arc rick'led, ~s ord* Jllld~,flillt, d ilfR added .12 .ilfld "For I~,c hi." ~J/c. properb !inc. the I'qatUlJl~g ~,crx io.'s direclot nla~ ;dlm~ J T'k'dLICIioI~ H~ Ihc ~irlloUnl of IhC rcquh'cd sclh;ick Jlo~c~cr. in nu c;l~c ~h',dl s~tid si?~ aulhori/cd bx Ihc board or /omn~ appcalh fimmph Ihc xm'lancc RcM CSl;it¢ :~J~t~s ~,haJl bc rczno',cd v,h¢11 arl ,l~pri,..~d,k· t,.'rnpor.:lr.', u~,,.: pcrnlh has, expired. or ',kilhJll hC%Cll d~l~:, ol' ~111,, (,I Ihc I'~,lJo,.,,in~ i-ell[ k~r J,,.'~lS,.2'. or', JJl¢ illO,..JcJ hot11,,.' J:.; ll,n Jollier J'~cJll~ ilxdd ;lh ~1 111t~dcJ Jlot11c. .\ xign advertising ih;u ;i properi} has bccns, dd or Ic;~xcd qlall ;h~l t,c displayed Ibr m,,rc Ill;In I da',q ill'let il is crccl,..'d. .l[~[c/ h~mw ~'i.tln~ ()no on-premises si~n I}~r nlodcl IlomCs. ;ipprJ~xcd in )2 Sqtlurc l~'cl. Model home sign o~py shall bc limited Io Ihc ]mMcl nml~c. htJiJdcr's i1;1111c. IlLlille ;tBd address. pJlonc I1Lllllhcr. price. Io?. ;111d model ht)mc. NhMcl home SimlS shall nm hc iJlunlin;itcd it1 ;tax manner. iN,, huildin~ perrail required ) ('~m. Wrut'li,)n ~i.k, tl.~ All stlpporls Ibr such signs shall bc ~ccurcl} I,tlih. conslruclcd. and erected and shall bc 1ocLiIctJ on Ihc silo tJndcr co)lMructiom stlb col To The lbll(m ing: ()no ground or ~all sign. x~,ith a m;.ixinnun o1' fimr square t(wt in size. Ill/IV hC tlscd its tl collslrtlClioll sJ~i1 bv Ihc genera] conlraclor ol' lilt dcxcJopnlcnl or ;IS n perrail board. x~ithirl elicit ~?()111 ~;ird I[u' cnch parcel less than one litre in ~i/c. (No huiJding permit required. I ground ,,r ~ii]l sign. ~ith :l nlaxilllunl of' 12 squ:u'c l~'cl in si/c. hc u~cd .s ~1 COI1SII'LICIiOII 5igll J~X the ~cner;ll COl/[l'LlChH' oI' I]1C dcxch~pmcm or as u perrail b{)ard. ~ilJli11 each t?(mt x;irtl I}~ viiell p:H'ccl one It) Ion litre5 ill xi/C. (N() building perrail I'ctjuircd ) (me g~M ~ xiuI~ xx ith a rnaximunl hci,.'ht ~I' 15 )L'ct ~,1 m~al] x]~n. x~ilh a nlaxilntmm o1' 64 square I~cl in size. nla5 he Lmscd ;l~ ;~ COllSll'UClioIl si~11 b% the ~Ci1CI'LIJ COlllraCh~l' or' the dc~cJ[~j~111Clll or ah :i pcrnlil boili'd. t~ilhin cLIch front xard fi~r each pnrccm in excess of' Ictl ()Tic [~rOlllld t)r ~k;IJJ si[/11. x~ilh ;~ ill:iXillltllll o1' fimr StiLlarc I~'cl in hi/c. inMitLllion. or other similar eellip;Ill) inxom~cd ~ith the dcxch)pmcnl. rcgardlcsq id' parcel size:: f No bLiimding pernut required ) ('onditionul uses ~ithin 1)1c rcsidcmial dislric! arc permitled one ~all sign ~ ilh [1 IlliIXilllLIII1 oJ' 32 square Ibm. ('t)rncr Jots arc pcrnliltcd h~o such ~all signs. Words ~~, arc dulctcd. ~(,rd~ underlined ;ire added. 43 Ihfilctin I~oar',.l.', ;red i,.Icnlilic:Ltitm siFrx~ l~,r' public. ch:u'ihdqc. pcIInil r,.*quircd/ construction malcri;.d:, and ,ql Xll,..'. HldtldilllZ t~tllpLtl'Cu[~. lh'..' tllHl]cd '. L'I pJ_k!n .all siun xhatl cxcccd Xu .pertoni ul* Ihc v. idlh ot II.N Lmilt') ~3'$'31picd hv a txlxincss ~ith a minimum ,,f Ill i)s'LScvJ clc:tr o nSi':h.']ll hvcaliqm oil the t',uildinx lilcadc. cxctTl~ 11~l;jljJtJ>'hL,~ alL' dclctcd. u, ord-, undcrlinc,,I ;If~.' addcd . _5.?: .I ' upplic;d4c h, rl~,n-rc:.]du:lli:d dcMgnalctl rhWIhHl". ,'l I'll) /Oiled .hall m,I t.c h,c,m.'d ch,.cl lhan }';. I~.'cl II*,l~l lhu l'~,,t',.'rl', IIIliCns ~l}lk.'l',',l-t' n~q,.'d bch,,.: ~,r ;.-. I.~,,',i&.'d h. ~1 .c. lu,u A'c,d,'~/,I/,' ,;gu, thc h,[h,x~mu .hzrl,,~.lJ..ilScd,Ls i*'al c-hJk' ,q;n- ,,hall pclmiltcd HI t~,,n-tc-,M,.'t,lial dixtri,_'l> MIt~lu',.I 1o lb,.' I;, pr,q~u'l'l) linc. lhu' ld;intlin,g ,~tu'~ iccs tlilt'clor Ill;is alh,~ ,~ rt.'dllt'll,,11 III lhc ;ml~,lnll ,d' Ihc ru'quircd ',t'lb:lck h~',,,t.'s t'r. m no c;t~,c ,hall ,,n,I ', ,I~!E1 ,Ed',c~ti',ing Ih;H ;I pr,,l'crl ,Jl'-,l~Iil? cd l;,t' Ill(,lk' lhilI1 .~I)nils ~, ;EI'ICI' p;u'ccl Ic,, Illan ,,no aclc in .~/c. IN~ building i~crlllll I'cq/~ilcd ~ O,.'E'tl lit';El~.' t~l' ~t'¢llI~;lllt') . di~Iricls subw,.'l h~ lit,..' rc:-:Iriclfon', hch~\\' 'qclb;ick:.. I~ I'cL'l r'imn :lri)pnq~w'l)linc. pul'ql,.' h, mndal'icx and punic l'i~hl?~d'-~:l}~ ~111d c;iSClllL'111~. ;Llld IhL'it ~cCli~m 2.1 13 ",Vhcrc Jl can bc dcnmnsmJlCd thai v, ilhhJ Ihc ~.'.:lk lilt ;IrL';I bCP,',¢'.'n The pr,?crb Jhl¢ mid lit,..' ,..',.l~c ~1' I~]\ClllL'11( ix L'},CC\:'.J\ L'J\ \'.JLIL' ;lll~.J JJlLll lhL' ,IClUbl urllikcl\ h~ hL' \\Jd,,..'llCd h~ Ihc L'XI~.'Ill lJl;ll rcquir'cd SOlhack \\ill rcxl. lh ill JILL' ,-;i711~CJll~ ;IT1'. L'I~I:-,L'I' Jh;111 ~fJ I~'cl Io Ihc ~.'d~c ol IXi\ClliL'rlI: \\'JlcrL' ,-JUL' t¢~ [he c\i-,lhl'..J ~Jh-' c~uldJrhul,, m~d irllpi~r, ClllClH',. Jl c;lll J~k' LIL'IllkHI:',II';IIL",I IJl;lt ;l~Jhcr'cIIL'~.' J~, JILL' I'CLIIIJI'CLJ lh.,.' :',ilL' tI'tHII tilL' [~L'I'~I~CCII\L' ill' \L'hJ'..'IllLII' I~;11'kiH~ LIII~I \ L'IIJL'LII;II' Llrld F~,..'du'~lrJHII irl?'css ;lll',J dl \\'here ,.hie Io [he n;tlLu'c and hw:llion ~,1' I~.';itLIr¢-, ,111tJ tll t.,I~CCJlllCII tICCS. il J~ll' iI I'L'kJUCIJ~II1 in tilL' rcquil',.'d ;ll~ph)J~l'J',ltL'I.\ ]iIL'~IJL' tilL' SJ?I htlll,,2Jlll'L': I IlL' L'\ICIlJ ,st' The Fu'dllCli,H1 i', Ihk' llliIIJlllUll) ~lllh~11111 IlL'L'L'~,'~Lll'~, d ? hci~hl. l Jci,~hl ~,11~]1 nlcmcurc I'n,n~ Ihc Jo~o,[ centclime ~!nJdC ,,1' Ihc nc~u'v~l pul,lic ,,~ p~i~;Jlc Ti~h[-ol-~:L~ or c',,,:cmcm r,, dx' J~Ol'lhH1 IIJ'I]IC hl?l Ihc m:~ximum ~i/c limilmi,m ~haiJ upp[)I,, c~wh qruclurc J',,Ic m 01rl~lrllcJJllll \~Jlh rlOJ rll~f'c [Jl;lll OI1C dJspJ;I) Oll ¢;ICJl I;ICJlI~. ;111tJ ~LIL']I ~ ::Id~ ~tit~'4,-lh~*.c~h ,:lu deleted, ~',or d~, underlined illC ridded :.F 5.241 _~:~.1 'utl. m(ztz~(mU. nm, V..l' ,.' u..i~;,~. ,,'~'n~ ()no ~.11. m;m~ald. c;Hhq~) a~nin~ si~n ~hal] Hc I~clrll~H~'d ~q' ~'~lch ~i.~lc-(,ccupa,~c~ p:.ccl. ~,~ I~, each ccmcrx m:n t,~ :dlm~cd (,no ;iddili.n;d ~Lxl~ ~l~Lc_l]~t,~ ~all ~iFn I~cinF Ihc .h.l~pin~ ccnlcr il'thc ;iddilion;d sign is no~ ~ricnlcd h,~;llds ;m) imlqic ri~hl- ol'-~a). I~! IjqS'i~c~!];jI.Ld).~Lijt_tg!~iE..~' ~_;!11~jDt~ ~j~,~]). Remit tm~incs~c~ ~ ith ;i I].or i~rc;i ~d' l;11'~'l' Ill;HI I ~ I(1 1 ~qu;.c I~'~'1 ;I I'r'l~nl ~;dl Icn~lh ~d'llmr~' Ill;HI ]IIU linear t~'~'l. al'~' ;tlh,~wd Ihrc~' -.11 ~tl i'~cr,.'~.l~l -l' Ihv hq;tl '~qum'v ll)ul;cuc (d' Ihc ',isual li~c;u..Ic o1' lhc ~:'.;,.:,.',.'¢l _~.'11l '~,.ltlarc I~',..'I ill ;Ir~.';l Ii.' ;m.', I'r(ti¢ctin~ sf?~:-, qlalJ Ill~l prqj¢cI nhm.' lhilll l;,llr h.',.'[ I'1~111 Imiklin~ ,.,.all I. ,.,. hMi h ix I'r.i,..'clln~ .;i,:'lr. :-.hall rl~,l ,..",,h.'rM ;d~,',c lh,.' r..llinv-1' Ihc ImiMirl.,.: I. ,.',hich h ix Pr.(I,:Ctil~? xi?'., ~hall m,I i'~r.ic,,.'t inh~ Ihc pulqi,: 2..:'.5.2.4:? .~4_. ! ')~lcr-cUn.l~l .~i,~,,~ In ;u..Mili()I~ I(', ;Irl', mhcr sign ;ilh-.,,cd I~x this o~&.'. tm,..l,.'r-canup.', ..r? shall I',,..' ;dh~;',,..'d I~,r ,,.'ach ,..,st;d'fii.qml,.ml in ;~ :-:h~,l',pin o.'lllcr Thi'~ ..;i? :-,h;fil n.l ,.'xc,..',..'d si~: ~.qu;m.' Ib,.:l in ar,.';l and sh;lll I',,.' £55,2,4.X: 5:7= I"/L'.~ Rc~idcnJhd lm~pCl'l~c'¢ dl;iI h;nu I~ccu i-,xucd ;1 ccrfil)c;[Ic tlCCLIJXII1L'} 111~1~ di~pl% Up tO IJIFCL' IItH1-L'OIIll11CI'L'iH] Jl;l~h Ihrcc l]ld dL'VL'J(~JM11L'III iS ill IL'iI~[ Jk'[/ ;ICI'CS ill Si/L', ;Ill)' L'IIIt';II1L'L' X~JlJl ~];l~S ;uqcrml hi lilt trufl]c clotre'hi o1' lhc ?o~lh Ill;11111~ClllClJl [qnn. and dixpl:bcd ssilhin :, dcxcl,~lm~Cm pr,~ Mcd file llag. s arc n~t ~ i~ilqc J,, ~ .rds *r,~l,~B ar~' dcl~'Icd. ~,rd~ underlined art' :\11 flagpolus ',xhh a h,.'i?11 in ..'xo.'ss of 15 ILx.'l ab.,.u finishgsj ?'ado c.ndidun ol'pcrmillin~. 1he Ilarpole IbUlldathm ~u ',llt;ich~lclll dYall hc dcsi?cd I~ a Florida rc?~lCrCd on?ricer mi a si?cd md ~culcd ~uppm'hd~lc ('crlilicd dcxi?in~ and scalin~ ~hall md bc ~cqHi.cd ~hcrc 11a?.lcs mc Jocalcd al a di~l;mcc cxcccdin; thch hci~hl pitix J]xc lL'cl I'r,m~ all xtluclurcs (L'XCCpI IJl~SL' dcsi?cd ~.lch lot ~toravch ol' [hal co111111LIllJJ~. ~'>n xin~Jc-fitmil? .r duplex I.lx Ilagpolc~ shall hci~hl al~o~c Iinixhcd grade. I'or all ulhcr rcxidcmml x.ncd procol.. Ila~polcs shall nol cxcccd 3~ IL'c( m height I'r.m cxlcnd more Ih',ln ~I) I~'Cl fnml an~ buJldJn~ /.mn~ dJ~lrJcl~. I];l~pOJc~ ~haJl I1~,1 L'XCCL'~I jI) Igcl HI hcJ~JlI r'rom INc l]nJxhcd ~radc. zh~r CXIL'Ild IllOru Ill;It1 ~xhich tilex ;ll'u' alliichud. i1~1' shall tilL' i,crccnl ol'lhc Icn~lh ol'lhc pole Io whid~ Jl is auachcd. ..\1] Ilm.z'x )rl all xonhm clintrich; xhalJ ha,.c a rmnhnurn 5 tixd .,cll',ack 25.:'.24 ~ ~'.~,~= lwul,.r, wi w.~,.~ lhc cr..'ClJlm of aI1} Icmporm'} xi?l dxdl rcquh'c pcrmimn~ a~ cxlaNixhcd ~ilhin section 2.(~,33 tinless odlcr',~ixc indicated herein..,~pp)icanlx t'.r Icmporar} xi? pcrmilx shall pa> lhc mhlimurn I'cc &u:N 5.X.I. 15,/mc,l 5LII~j,..'Ct Io lilt.' ]~)JJl)~.; Jll~ bulk h:mi'..rar.~ pcrmh xhall bt: .tinfined Ihc pcrmh nunll,,.'r I'olilical cunlpal,._'n r, igns or p.xlcr>. propert.,. shall lll)l ,.:x,.:c,..'d I'otlr square li:t:l )oCalCd c)oscr I}lan J]',. u [c..,l IO all.V propert.,, Ihlc. IMlilical si?~s pla,.'cd v, ilhin residential dislricls shall require: prol%'rl} o',', PoJilical c;.inllXligi'l signs or poslcrt, ~ill bc perilliMed {n all othcr 'lhc nunlbcr 0fsuch sighs shall be liralied to txtt) signs fi,r each hx oz' parcel per l~ulk perrob issued tUr each cmldidalc or Nsuc. arc d,..'Jcl,..'d. ;% ord5 underlined ilI'C raided 51 cojlli~rm ,.'~ilh the r,..,,,iuh'cmcnls ul Illis c~d,..' Ihc nmximmn h,..'i~hl oF ;m.', l'.fiilic:11 camPai? si,:.:'n ~u' pt~sl,.:r. ;m elccli(m or political c~cnl. and shall I,c rcrnmed %~Jthin scxcn ~lH{ff~lbeM,qaJ. I'hc bmmcr sign shall be at~chorcd 2.552 4u?,: ~._,'q..~= ,'~wr/'.l crc,/~ w,~,.~ ..\ spcci;d ,..",,.'Ins xi? ill M/t.' IHiI'~ hC di~pla.'.cd Io illlllOillB.'t.' oF ;ld\,,:l'li~c liur~. ,:;mdvals. circtlsC~. re', i~ ills. ~purlin~ c'~,..'111s. or ;11~ punic. ,.'harimhlc. 2..4 5.2 4:11~ 5_~(LS) cchdpl,'/,,~c '/.k'"~ nm-.,//c; I)uclo Ihc unique and x;u'icd rlahllc,q'lhc lidhm in~ uses. ad,.liliolml signs hi:iv N.' required h, pmx i&: Ihc desired Its cl of ~cr'. ice hi Ihc public. Sl~Ccial pLU'p~SC si?s sh;dl hc pcrmiltcd as I'olhm s; ~..~.3.2.4-41M3: 5.g.I. Timu u,'ld h.'m/w,"rl/.,",.' .',i,~m, ()no lime and lcn]pcralurc si?l ha~in~ a surl~lcc ;IT'ca tml cxcuo. tir~g 4X L2_squarc fl.'c! shall he pcrrllillcd ill c;lch h~dustrial. ctmm~crciul or mhcr mm-rcsMcnliallx zuncd pr,~pcrl~. Nuch si?~$ require a building perrail. 2.3 3 2.4-.~4bb 3. IlL ('.mmurciul. /m.dm'.~ pu/'k u.d /.d..~/riu/ direill..u/ ./' .d,~,.x l)ircciiomd or idcntificmi~m si?s no ?cater dian six Xtluarc l~'cl size. and located inlcrnaJ h~ Ihc suMMsion or development and minimum setback of 15 I~'Cl. Illil~ b¢ allotted sul2jccl Io the approval ,d' Ihc Ctq11111UIlily dcxch~pmL'nl ;l/ld C/lXiFiHllI1CilIHI sk'/'viccx administrahu'. or hi~ apl~r{,~cd usu's stmch as sak's Cutllci-s. Jllli~m-Ill;11ioll ccnlcm-s. ~m' Ihc indix idual II1;IJlllilillillg il Colllllli)11 ~LFChiICCILJFilJ lhcmc II111)' bC COlllbillCd illlO a shall ~m'e rXt t~ a huilding perrail. For signa~e h~ bc located ahmg Ihc (ioldcn (late I~ark~x;b. scc dixision 2.2. sections 2.2.]1. I and 2.Z21.6.2 and Ihc (Mldcn (ialc M;Islcr Plan. l.~m{~$ un all dirccliou;d ~!i~ shall rml cxcccd 2~u'rcu'rll o1' The sj~n 5. l 1. ().-i;,'u,,,m,u .~,.~ n i/hh,' ,'~,cri,,'.l//.'u/di.',//'ictv. ()n-premises signs shall I~c pcrmhtcd within asricullurall~ zm~cd ,,r used propurl3. Ibr aSri-c,umncrcia] uses defined x~ idfin the (',~llicr (',tomy /rating ordinance ,ml)..red stilejoel 1o I)lc lidimping rcslriclion~: 5.1 I.I. ()no pole t)r ground sign idcntil'ying the l~u'nl or,d;uliz;llion. h,c;dcd ;11 lhc entrance or gillt' of CaL'}I sircol l'ronla~c, amid oilIv Ibr pcrnlillcd Word,, ~!r~,~.|~.,q-~,t~ ;Ire deleted. ~ ords underlined arc ;iddcd 52 agricultural uses, I hc maximum aJlm~ahlc sign area lb~ each IXdC or ?ound prix i11c right-oI'-~ a} or C;lhClllk'llL cotmlx. Ntmch signs shall be pcrnlitlcd Ibr a perrod not h~ cxcccd 3(I thl) 5 illitJ max hc issued onk l~xicc in aux calendar xc;u'. Such ~igns shall rcqtmim'c u buikJing perrail. ~.1 1.4. II'uj/. nuuL~urd cumV{l ,.' ~/~fi~,L,' ~J,~,.it,~ w/l/t/. ~Lgri('u/Itu'u/ di,lrWl~ ~k'aJl. mallsard. Callop5 or aX~/li/lg signs shall bc pcr'mJltcd xtilhin agricuhuralI> zoned or used properi5. fi~r agri-commcrci;d uses dellned resMorn,ns: ()tic ~tall or luansard. canop} or a~ning sign shall i~c iwrnducd For each principal use strutlure on lhc parcel ('orncr parcels or thrubit- signs shall not t~c combined Ibr the ptmrposc o1' plucmg linc COlllbii1cd fcd hi area per sign. 5.12, ()//:l.'c.ti.w~ ~tirccli~,~u/ .~it.',~ ()l'l'-prcmtliscs dircctiunal highs arc pcrnliMcd subjoel Io rc~ Jt'~ and approval of lhc dcsi~t~ und Jocalhul ~d' such bx Ihc CtUllII1LlIliIx dC~k'JoplllClll illld t'llt }I'(UllIlL'111;I) >L'F~ iCC5 111cJi ( )f'r:-prcrl)iScs dh'cclionaI signs ~.Jlai) onJ5 N: putmilled in i1onr,,.'skb.:nIJall~ /or]ed. or a'._'ricuhural diSIFicls. directional signs shall be permit led. klcnlil~'ing the roczmihm and sign is nol IIlO1'C Ihilll cighl Ik'cl iu )lci'..J')ll ab*~,,..' Ihc )o',xCM center gr;ldc *,J' lilt' ;Irh.:riil] r~:itJ~ax. 'l)lc sigu is h~catcd m~ closer l)mn )5 l;.'cl Io ml> pr,,pcrl} linc Jhc ;tpplicaul Illusl sub:nil with IlK' pcrmil application IlOtal'i/t.'d, ~kl'illoll pCFlllJSSi~11 froIll Ihc pr~pcrly OkkllCl' ktJlCl'C Jilt' td'J'-SJlC Sign iS hwalcd. t,t, ortl~ q.',*~k-.thft.~.~h ,u'c dclclvd. ~,~,l,rtJ5 underlined arc addt'd t )11'-prcnti~cs dir,..'cliollttJ ~i~ll~; shall m~l be hw;tlcd ch~cr IJl;ir~ ~,l) I'cct fi,m~ ~1 Ic~idcnlMll) /ruled dialriot. ()lT-i~rcnfi~c~ dJrcctJumll ~i~cn~: ~)l',lJl nol bc l,,cmcd ch,~cr ~))~1~) )()()loci I'rlmt am~J]p.:r ~.d'l'-pFCllli~;Ch dH'cclJoll~ll xi~ll 2.5.6. Nighs cxcmpl from pcrmiuin~. In addhinu h~ Illogic ~i?~ idcnIil~cLI cl>c~hcrc in lifts c~dc. Ihc I~qh,,,~ing si?l~ arc cx. cmll)ll I'mIn lh¢ pcrmh rcqun'cnlcnls o1' lhi~ c~dc. :lnd shull bc permiMed in :ill diqric~s subitel In 2.5.(~ I microled h~ f~mcilhaJc Ihc mo~cmcnI uf'pcdcxtrkmnx und kchicics k~hhh) the ~ilc the t~cxch~plncnl. Illtcrrl;iJ xh2rls ;ire IlOI h)tcndcd h) bc rcadilx x i~iiqc I'FOIll inc .4. 2.5.(,.7. 25¢ x. premise. /~r'{,x idcd ouch ~ign does nm cxcccd ~ IJlj:g_L_~ sqtmLIrC lOCI Ill ().~, ?..d .,...ll "l.,.. s;,k.." "l.m Rcm." or simiku-~i!~'n pc;' ~lrcct I'I'lmt;Igc tClUpm';u'.'. u~c pcrmh in all.', zOnill,~ diqrict~ lhlllclin h~,;u-d-; und idcntilicatiul~ ~i~ns Ibr public. ch:u'imlqc. c,luc:uitmal or rcJigiuu~ ;11~liltlliOllS located ~m IJIc Iwcnliscs o1' said imlstilulions and m~t cxcccdin~ I' sqtm;mrc IL'ct ill size. V, ~)rd~ ,~*'*~.~(.)u'~*~h :iTc dch.'tcd. ~ m'dn underlined arc added. 54 2,5.(. I I no [cs.,. l'rcqucntJ? tJ~;In c: or.', ~{) 2 LC~.H 1_?,_ \\ iml.xs si.~ns n,.,t cx,.'coJin~ 25 pclccm ol't:he-~e4t:.l each x,.hl,,Io,,', re'ca, J I;I?.. *u II1Si,..'lJJ;J', ol ,.do',crlHli,..'Ill;iJ. r'cJi~ioils. ','Jl;liil;Lt~}c. I'r;~Iclnal or olhcl cm..'inccr w, described m ~cc~i~ n 2.:,.~ 2 ~ X ..\:h:::'tL,:i:1b' ;red i~lcnlil')ili~ ~I71,, Iotaled t:rl l;l\iL';l!~x. I~u,c~. Jll;ji[L'l".. 2%': 2 IX [~;linliri?. ll:,.'[1ililllill[.] ill' ',.l'JC;Irlh1.~ (:1 ;111 ;l:J',cr'lP..m~ ';lru:.'Ilptc. or ch;m~o, ~ hi:'h ;ll'L' dolormined 1o bc It',-; I11H11 ;J ~.ub',lmlli:H }rllpr(:~ cmcriJ l'olIll11',.' :'Jl;ll1~CX Of,,_'o]~), oz' ;I['C .',p,.:cilio. ll].', do, i?ol lb: ch:m.~::s Hcc. 2.5,7. I)rohihi',cd c X lW,."; ~:].', pr::Jlihil,.'d: ~, orld,, ,,i~(~.P.-;I~¢~H~._;i ate dck'tcd, ~x ord~ undcrlhlcd ;Irv ;:ddcd I~x ('oilier 2.S.73. ].S.7.x. 2.3.7 1 I. 2.5.7,12. 2.S.7.1~. 2.5.714, 2.S.7.16. :'x. ba ndoncd giant, 111uminalcd signs in any r¢sidcnfiall~ xuncd or used disfrith except rcsidcnlial used or /oiled dislr'icl~ b) [~'ovisit~J conditional use. I't :1) ordinance. or as I:lilll~oards .~lrip lighted signs. Neon t) pc si?~s except xxilhin all commercial and induslrial districls. RooFsigns. 51ale klX~ rclbrcncc(s)--l)ispb3 nf tmat~thori/cd iraflit markings. I:.N. ~ 316.077. c~tlc). :\n~ sign which is located .d.i;,cc,~ i,, :, o.)tl)ll~ ri~h(-ol:x~a3 x~itllin linc nlainlahlcd ~ilJmul lhc pcrnlil required by scclion 2.5.1Z having been issued hx Ihc COnlmUnJl3 dc~dOpnlCnl *crxiccs achllinJxlrah~r ,~r his designee shall bc rcmoxcd as prox idcd in section 2.5.7. Such signs shall include but arc mq Io slruclurc5 ()r olJlcr t)J~.jCC[$ ~t.'*,ltl~. ~dH~q~4hr~i~'h ;11¢ dcJcl~'d. kt ords urldcrlincd arc added 56 2.57.17 .,\n~ description or r-cpr¢st.'nlathm. Jn ~hatc~cr form. ~,I' nudib. sexual CoIldLIcI. ~)F >:Cxual CXCiICIIICIl[. uhcll I~ palenil? ol'l~'nsivc 1o coTl[Clllptlr:.11'.~ slandnrds ill T]IC aduJI t'~ullrllt]11i1~ m, ~I ,.,. hole ~hh respeel Io \~. h'dt is suitable sexual 111alcri;tl Ior 1111lI*U'S: 2..4.7 17..?' lakcn as a ~h,,le. lacks ~,criou~, Ihcrarx. arlislh:. ptqifi,al. ur sciclmlic ~aluc,X. .\n? ~,ign ~xhich 2..4.7.1',~ J]niI~. ;nMibh.' s, mnd. ~.apor. smoke. or ga.,C,UlS m:lTh.'r. ;.5.7.21L ()bMlUCt,,. concc;lls. hido.. or olh,.'r~isc obsJ.'urc~, l'ltlI11 '~iC\\ ;111\ ol'lici;d traI'tic or g(~\cfn)11¢lll si~tL si?al. or dcx ice. 2.57.21 ('onstitulcs a traffic ha/ard, or dctrimcn! h, tral'llc sal;.'l~ bv leason of ils Size, J,k';l[J~)11. IllOkCflk'111. COlllt'lll. L'OltU'illg. Ol' illClJlJ~d (~I' {JIiirlIhKlIJlii1. o1' J~% obslr'uc~il~g or dixtracling lJlc ~ ision oFdrRcrs or pcdcSltians 2.5.';.24. >4igns m,,untcd on ',1 ~chicJc. bc it lhc rotll: hood. If'Link. hod. and s.o oil ~hcrc said sign is illlclltJcd lo ;llll';ICl OF I1111V dJSlhlCl Ihc allotIrisH1 t~l' IllOIoFi515 Ihc puf'j~osc t~t'ildk Cl'lJSillg 11 htlSillCSS. pruducl. scl'~ ice. ,u' lhc J}kc. ksJlclhcr not said vehicle is p:u'kcd. or drRcn. excluding cmcrgcnc5 ~chiclcs. taxi feel. ']h}s sccthm shall m~l zippi) to magnetic type signs al'lixcd [o or signs pahllcd on a x chicle. ~hich arc not olhcr~t isc pmhibilcd bx this cudc. I'sc~ flashing ~u' ~c~oI~ing "I)/II}*~CF." (1F Jill) olJlcr Xk(H'LJS. [lJlI'/15C. s)111ho[. t~r chilraclcr ill MIk']I ;I Ill/IIlI/CI ils lO illlcrJ'urc with. IlliS]Cad. or c()nl'tlSC vchictlJ:H Ii'il]'J]t. .\ll? sign which advertises or publici>'cs arl acli~ ilx Unl c,mduck'd ~m the prellliSts UpOll ~kJlJcll Ilk, Sigll is illiJinlai~lut]. c,xccpl as t~illcl'~ isc pro\ itJct] I't)l' ~idfin Ibis code sign shall t~c placed or permilled as a prh~cipal use on any prt,pcrt). m an~ /,ming dbiric~ except as lhllo~k~: I'-Pic signs. polhic;fi >igns t~r signs hertill. .SI_!II.S!<('TI()~' 3.1): ..\MI.:NI)MI.2NTN T() .NI'PI'I,K.MI.~NT..\I. I~,l.:(;I. rl...x'l'l()NS I)IVINI()N I)ixishm '~( Supplemental I)istrict Ro.'ul:ltions. ,*l'()rdin:m,c 91-1 )'~ ;is amcmh:d. flY,' t 'oilier Uount? I.and 1 )c~ ch,pmcnt (.'ode. is hc;'cb.x ;nileluded 1o rcad :is lk,I Iox~ ,4: ~),'lffds ~-h~k-ib~*~ ~**'~h aP,' tJcJ¢tt'd, P, ortt'~ IllltJcrJjllcd arc ilddcd 57 I)IVISI()N L6. 5111*Iq,I.LMENTAI, I)IS'!'IiI('T I:H'X;UI,ATI(}N.~ 2.6.4. l.-1 I-7\e(.'l)lic, ns Io requirt`d yards. life c~.caF, cs. slah'x~a.xs. and I,;ficonic> \xhich ate unr'uof~'d mllcrx~ isc iLurmiucd ,,kilhhl Ibis scclinnland urlenc]o,,,..'.J *h:l[I not project I}\C 1('Cl IIlIO it I'Cqtlil'Cd side or rc;ir \;trd Hlld Jhl'CC I~.'L'l illlo ;I ['riHll ~.Zll'd iIltlJJipb.:-famil.x dv, clJing. JlolCJ tit' Ill,,qcJ alld IlOt :~\'vl' [Jlro: I;..'cl hllo required li'Olll. side or rear )ard ol'a singlofamil) roidcnliai thxclling. 2J,.4.1.5 I Iot~ds. t'HII~,pik'S. or i.oor o\.,.,i. JlHil~s shlllJ iloJ pl'Qiccl o\cr IJtp,'c I~.,t.'l ~cquircd )m'd. hut shall not conic closer lh'dn ,,'me I'ooi I,~ Ihc lot linc. I:cno:s. ','..:Ills aim hcdgo.. ,.ubiccl to sccti,,m 2txl I. and p:ld-rmmmo, I t.'oudilioncr5 arc i',,...rnliltcd in rc, luircd >at\Is. suhit.'cl Io IJlu' ~,ccth,n 244 13. 2.(~.4. I 7. ('orniccs. ca, c:,. tu' gl. lllCr5 hhilJl ilol iwoict.'l (l',el' lhlcc Ict.q iIllt~ ;i iC\lllh'cd \ard. pro\ idcd th:.d v, hcrc lhc rcquiicd .x al'd iS less than 5ix t'vct ill \\idth. ~,uch p:',~icc~h,n shall Ilt*l t.'\cccd ollc-hil[1'lhc xxithh ol'dlc x :H'd. QHlSII'IlCd ;IS lO prtdfihil lam. lhcaping. I:XCCpl ;IS olhCl"O. ist.' pro\ idcd b\ Ibis I:.lnd dc~cJolmlCnl code. x~hcn lot., on boIh sides ol an undo\eloped l'ccordcd Jl,I Ct)llJilill ;t r'¢sid¢lllial sh'tlCltlrc \\hobo t'l'lqll \iH'd sclbilck is Ic>s lhiIll is [lo',\ rt'~.jtmircd. lilt.' axcr;lgc ol Ihc setbacks oI' Ihc l'.~,o conliguous ,,Icsch',pcd lois sh;iJJ SCl'\C I0 cstalqish Illlllilll[1111 t'r,mt \ard rctJtlirClllcll! l~r' IhC \ilk'illll 2.(~.4.1 I(~ Ca[]'x~rls ,.; hich arc open on all sides ma\' cllcro:.lch into tile .iX'sLtlircd x ardh [~rok idcd tiler do 11ol cllct'o;lch illto t}lC ~9~uircd landsca~ btfl't~rs. as rcqtfiLu;~ this c,,dc: and I'tH'lhcrmtu'c. if the landscaginu is tlcl~cicl~l ~}lcrc the See. 2,6. I O. 2.6.1o. 2.(,. I(). 1.2. car *orts i~poscd. ti~c lam. lscul'fin, mu~'Lgradcd to c~,mnE[5_l~ ,.\ ith the cod~uircmcnls h) Ihc &rcatcsl UNitill os:s~r'ior to tl~c issuance haildilm perrail l}q' said cardotis. This shall bc accomplished I~x :m silo dc~ clo ~[n~qJan an~cntimcnt or :~ silo I,ocali.nal restrictions fi)r use4nvolvin~-inlo~ie.lin,~ hu~,incsscs scr,, alc,)holic .h'u/c (~I u/ctdl,/ic i)('l'uro'.k'c'. l'hc si.te-devtq,,~,lm~em-review l'~',anr~h/~ scr'x icc~ director. or his designee. illit\ aUlhori/c Ihc sltJc (q' alcoholic bcxcragcs Ibr ctmStlllJplion oll-prcnliscs sub. jeer h, conlpJiallcc ~ith :ill zoning rcqt~icti,ms such use sh;111 hc Inculcd ~\ithin 5IX) t;.:cl or' i,n\ cslablishcd ticmcmarr. reit.Idle or his'.h s¢hool. child care conlot. public lil~rarx. church. pulqic park. does II{H irlcludc beach access points. J'hc tIisIiIBCC ol' 5()[1 l~'ct shalJ bc IllC:lst~rcd :IS lhc shortest distiillcc hcl~cc~l the Int on ~hich the school. child car'c conlet. public librar). church. imlqic park m' public pilL)groutld is located cstalqishmcnls located in shopping centers silall I,c measured h, the older ~kilJJ el'lilt cslalqislimcnl. such use shall hc localt.'d x~itllin 500 l~.'ct of an)existing csl;fi'dishmcnl x~hosc iwimaD Function is the sale oF alcoholic beverages Ibr COllSUmplion arc du'l¢lt.'d. '.t.~rds trrldcrJhl,..'d arc added 58 Ilk 1,4. rh,.. di:,~,lncc ,,l' ~()(I ]~.,...I sh:d] hc mc:~sur,..'d u.s Ihc shorl,..'st di::umc,..' fix.' ML ~,11 ~',hk.'h lilt cxistin~ c,q:lbli~,hn~cnl is Me;lied ;l[ld the MI i~i1 x,.hich Ihc shupl'~hlg conlets >,hzdl hc mcusurcd ~.~ lhc ,~ltllCl' v, ull ,~l' lhc c:,l:d'dishlm.'nt. Ihc crccmm ~1' ~m~ .~ch~d. child c~trc comer. punic lilmu'.s. church. public pm'k ,~r punic pl:Lx~r~mnd within .g(l{I t~'cl ol' ~ln ¢,q:dqishmcnl which ~d'l'crs Ihc ~zpPlicun~ shull sulmli~ ~l site pkm ]. I )hllcn.,.hms ,.q' >.u b. icct All x chicul;~r ('(,mplim~cc xsilh ~tll rcquircn'tcnts o1' this c~)dc irlchMh~ I:mdsc;q'~in~. l'r'onl lhc d;11c ~q' ;q, prox ;~1 untcs~,. xxilhin lhilI pcrMd ~d' lime. ~pct'illi~11 oI' Ihc scClhm. ot'x..r;~ti~m sh;dl I~c dclincd ;~$ !he s;ik.' ul' ;~h.'~h~,lic bc,.cl';l~,.':, ill Ihc Illll'mill i'llill'~t' OI' ]11 The CilSs' ol'iI II~.'v.. :-;IrLlcltlr,..'. /,~11i11~ ~lpjmlv;.ll :sJl;iJJ ,,:xpirc (me ',. c;u' I'i,,Hll tJlc d;1Ic (q' upprm';d unicos. ',,.ilhin lhLu pcrMd of lime. ~q~cr;m,,n ~,I' lhc :dc~,h,,lic bc',cr;l.uc csudhJi>ihnl,..'nl ]l;i.'. c(~111111,..'rlccd. J Jo',,,c~.cr. i l' xul',>,l;irlli;ll conslrucli,.q/ iS CtHIII~]UIO. I. Ihc d~'v~.h)l:,~t-ient pJ:lllilin~ scl'%icus dil'cCh)r 11/i1\ ~lilll', t~11c cxh.'nsitm l',u' tlp h~ six mtmlhs. 'l h,,.' rlilILirL' iII1Lt l.xI"C of I1;tlill'ilJ i)l' IllilIllllil(.]C JltltllluJill'".. >,11'tlCttll'C Or t~tJlCl ll..';Llurc [.vin~ bcl,.,.ccn Ill,.' pT'~g~,~cd csmblisJlillcnl ;ux.I ;Ill ~.'XiF;Jirl~ child c',u'c conlet'. put~lk: lil~l;2r,.. dmrch. public p;trk ~ public pl;L'.?'mmd ~hich is dclcrmincd I~ Ii~c Im;u'd ~l'x~min~ ;H~pc;lls I~ JCh~CII Ihc ~iccd liar the I,,tLJl ~{)(I-I~ot distilliCe I'CulUil'ClllVllt. ~tlCJ/ bOtlllLJ;lI'). hII'LICILII'L' I)l' OIJlcr l~';lltlt'C m;tx include. hut nol bc liralied hx bkcs. illilrSJlL'S. n,mdu'vclopuhlc kku'tl;mds. lhc p;Ull'~ ~1 kchicul;ir :Ul,.l l~o.l,.'slti,ul Ir:d'11c k,.hich c~mM bc mkcrl bctx,.cut~ the cst;llqh, hmcul ;ind Ihc :-ch~,d. child cm'c conlet-. public lihr;~:-x. dmr~_h. imblic p;irk ~r I'mlgic pb> sr,,un,.I ~,k ~rdn ~t.l'~,~c~q-4l.~.~l~. ,Itc dclclcd. ',',*~rdn underlined ;iru ~cncr;do.I Irom ~l~c l',rcnli~cs selling alcoholic hc,.cra.uc~. l',,rim~r:,-,d.'.e: Prior t,.~ c,.msidcralion ol' such ',.,,ai,.cr bv Ihc h~,ard ¢I' appcahg fi~c applicaix shall provMc to II~c de~ele, lm',em lqa,min~ director a ~riltcn aplfiicafion Ibr ~aivcr of the distance limitation m~ al~plicati,m h~rm suppJicd bx lhc tJe~p~e~tt i~E~H~!; scrxiccs dil'cchq', inchMing a legal description tll' all applicable slruclurcs ~xith a sur~cx btmmlar~ sketch h, scale. and such other ildbrmalio[~ ~hich lhc ;q~plic;ml supply ~hich ~ould ;issisl Ihc board of /oning appeals i~ ils pUl'SUall~ to Ihc factors set I'ol'th above. t rp,m receipt ~d' the ;q~piic;dim~ and tile applicidqc applicalion I'cc established b~ the board ;IppJ{C;1111 shall mqil'}. b~ certified mail. d~c m~ncrs or rcprcsc111;ltikcs .f the sub. itel scix,ol. child care center. public library. dmrch. public park or punic pla> ground. ¢I' Ihc applicmiml ;It least I5 days pri,r m Ihc punic hcarillg: itlld scr~ ices dh'cch~r. 2.61!t.41 t,f Ibod ;lnd i~onalcoholic beverage.. 2.h. l(I..l.2 :\nx motel ;md',w hotel x~ifi~ ]1){1 or more gtl¢Sll'OOllls. 2.6. I I 1.4.3 prixale club. golf club. CtlUlI/lF.~ club. civic ,~r I'ratcrlxll chd~ Illilk incidental to the main use ;uld Ibr IhC cxchtsivc use of the 11tCIll}~CF5. Icl/dllls or gtlCSIS ol'lhc I'acililx. 2.6. IlL5 appr.~ cd tinder dliS Sccli~,n h) sell ;lllk ;iJcJ~hoJic bcxcragcs Ibr coI15tUllpiioll IX'l'CClll;lgu' ,d'his gr(,ss r'cccipln arc I}'t)nl file sale ol';llc~,h¢lic I~cx cr;lgcs Scc, 2.6.1 I:cnccs. /"c,cc~ u~rcW~h'uU~/(h,wwl~ I"cnccsorx%allsshall bcalloxxcd m all /¢ning tlislr'icts sub.}cct h, Ihc rcsh'iclions set h,'th in sccficnls} 2.h. II 2--2.~,. II .5 .2. /h'Wdculi~/ (/iwriclv I'or Ih¢ ptlrposcs o1' this sccfit,n. rcsidcmml dis11'icl. 5hall inchMc: NSI rcsidcllfial singlc-13mil>: I{NII:-(). I(Xl F- 12. 3lid [{XII- 1 (' residential mtmhiplc-limmiI5: m~ I residential tmumisl: VR xillagc rcsidcmial: Xlll m.lglc h.mc: I'I'RV(' m~cl lrailcr-rccrcathmal ~chiclc ix, k camp?ou~M: and rcsidcnlial incrcmcms of Pt:l) rcsidcnlial planned trail dcvcMpn~cm 2.h I iLL ~_:! .~cc, 2.[~,21, I)ocl.. facililie', Indi~iJu;ll ul Iml!lipIc prix:tic ,.l'.wk~,. h~cludin~ n:¢¢rirl~: pilin2>. d;l~it>. lift, and Ihc like m'c per mhtcd h~ SCl'~ c li/c rcxidcnl~ ~,f ~;~tcr~;~x h,l~. prmidcd fi~c) de not di~mncc~ ,pccilicd in sectlens 2.h21.2. ~;Hcr~;~x. l)¢ck~ and lhc tike :u'c prim;u'il} iraended illl~orcd kChSCIs ;tll~l pick idc *alL' accc~ I~ cxlcnhiml ¢f d~ck I';~c~lilic~ :~rc mcuxurcd l'rcm Ihc pnq~crt) linc. hulkhc;M linc. ~hmclmc. ,c;~kuli. np-r;q~ linc. ¢r Xlcm~ nlm'C rc~lricd',c l In unl~ri&gcd txu'ricr a~ccX~¢l'~ uhc~ ;ilk[ ¢r >lruqlurcs. llo;tl]muhc~ and ~c~idcnliMh /m~cd im,pcrlic~ ;~ Jclincd in scclMn 2.1.-1 ~d'lhi~ t'¢dc. shall Set'. 2.6.2X. Aunmlohilt' Set,, ict' Sn~linn.,,. :\c:'e,lll-ii[hlm~--iUldli~itc-k-ii~hlhi? -iS-ll:iohibhed-,ul- ~imtsp). ,l Sec. 2.6.33. l'cllll}l~r:lr) use llcrnlil,,l anx dc~clopmcl~l I'oi -hich at Ica*l a prcli:nina:y dc~ch:pmcnt ~ltldC[ llil5 bCcll I~.'111[~ol':lr) ol'lico. to bc used lbr O)IlSlI'UCliiHI. ;11h. I ;Itlrllilli>,ll:11}'~c I'llnotions ~ ilhin the dc~ ch:pnlcnl )n-~ilc mobile I':U, Ji,.~ :lnd IcJc,,isitm ,.:qUil'miciH ;red ;uHunlmc. )rl-~;iP,.' Ic111I¥,H';ir.\ ii~,c Iq'SlFtU,.'I~,IrV'4 punic uliJili,..',;, Hn,,J .uo\ ci'11111cill Xh~dcJ JltHllC'., ;JIl~1111t~dc[ sJJ,.::.., CcHl,,.'r~ FIlLIll J~' OJ';t IcI11J'~lll';11'}' TIHIUI'¢ HILL] I1HI\ }~C ;lJJo\~.Ct.] hl UIl", rc>;Jd,,.'nIiHJ /~,ltlill~ dJ.xlricl or I'C>;id,,.'lllJ~lJ k'O1111~Oll,,.'11[ tlJ' H dcsi?. m' of prudtlclS ~imilar in design lo Ihc re.del. Xl.dcl homes product ~r' pmdtmcls permitted xxilhh~ the rcsiclcntiui /onin~ district or l't 'l) in Nh~clcl homc~ ~h:fiI tmJx I~,.' pcrmilloJ I1u' dxx...'llin~s \~hich Jxnc .'\ IlI(~.JCJ hIH11C o1' Illt~.JCJ >;HJCS collier i~ 11ol inp.'ndo. I to ;tJhl~ die Fuji ~CopC ~!l' rc~ll ,..'~I;IIc a¢lJ\'JlJc~ arid ~h:fil hc rc~Iriclcd primarJ]) ~',11c ;Irl~J ill;ii'kclill~ o1' tile m~..Icl. ur producl~ ~,imil;u' It, lhc nl.dcl...\ model h~mlc shall iml h~cludc .l'l'~cc:-: I't,r Imil,.Icrs. c~lnlrLicb~l:~. dc~ ckq~cr~. or ~imil',u' acti\ itic~. X h~,.lcl homes may l~c "\~ct" .r "dr} ." Xh.J,..'J h,.mlc~ pcrmitl,.'d ;Is "dr\" nmdclx L!lr~t~c~cjIpicd hv a sales o1'1'~c¢ und,'t~r r~_SL~rc~cnt;11i~ c ) shulI I~c \k ~,td, ',~,,'*~ d~r~uL-,h ,u¢ dk'Jctcd. x~ ~rd~ undcrlinvd arc liralied to a conclilitmal ccrlil~calc o1' occulxmc Ihc ~ll'ticltlI'c ;15 a model unly proxidcd all required int'rastructurc place u, scmcc IhC unit. Model humus pcrmhlcd service the unit mid a pcrlllallelll c'L'l'tJl]c'[Ile of oCCUlt;me) has bccn pm~ idcd ;n a ~alc~ comer. x~ hich shall ly~ idc }lalld~pcd ;ICCOtlllllOd~11iollS in accordaliCe ,~ I.dcl Iraroes occupied I~ u sales ol'ficc ;intl.'or r~lzre~.%.r~j_ali__.~ s221)_tjSj IFil? a~l required ]:mdsci~Ug:parkin~. illld handica~l~c~f~LCCs'5~_tU} ,.m,~gf3~ic~lI shall bc issued initiall~ Eu' a.pcriod -f three xcar. _..4. of this code, ,.\ Icltlporarv use ~L~ertllil fi~r a sales comer in a pcrnlallcllt s{rtlC{tlrC which is 11 residential dv. dline trail shall I,c issued iniliallx I'-r apcri.d of three ','cars. Extcnni.ns in cxccss.q Lh]_&_pcri.d shall r~_~Juirc submillal and :\ lk'lll[1OFil['\ ilS,..' .DUTHlil liar il sales Ct.'IlICF ill ;I 1¥,.'I';11allCll1 slruclurc olJicr Ihall it residential ch~cllin= t.lit shall hc issHcd iII111tl/I]iX tl11 dCIIlOIl'ilI'illJOll ill' Ilt.'Cd. ~ih: dcxch,l~rncnl plan ~.L)i_') ptlrstKiill h~ cJix ision ;.~. subject h, Ihc .\ max;HHtml o1' ll,.c nlodcJs shall bc permilled x~ilhin :m appr,~cd dckclopmcn[ pri.r It, Jillill plal ;q~prm al a~ \k uldx q..r4.~.'-~q4q..~t,ff]4 alL' delcl,.'d. o, or.is undurlmcd arc dddt'd 6.1 (c) The parcds on which the modc[~ arc h~¢alcd mu~! antl dOCtIlllCIll"; ~uhdivision shall rc~r~fim~ ;is Ibllow~: in Ihc ca~c ol'~t pcrnmncnl $1ruclurc x~hich ix ~ d~cllin~ unil. :l ~ilc in)prox cm~J;/!) ~[1~ ~cction .i.~.g.4. of lJli~ code: {u Ihc c;mc ~l'a j. crm;HlCnl ~J )J~~;t~c ol';I tcm~orm'x ~tructLirc ~m~,bilc h~m~c or ~;tJc~ ~'~uircmcnt~ .l' ~cclioll ~.6.3 S.]. tq' this code. or a silo Improvemorn R[un. dcj~cmlin~ on lhc extent of the work rc~zuircd. _l~gn ~t~' u...~_cj?crmits 1~1' m~dcl homes to hc h~cmcd ~,, illfin .pr_Lu?~cd ~iTmlc-I'~lmil~ ur mtdli-lhmilx dcvclojm~c]11 nmv li~r ;LTI ~c_.'~.lt]h'cd infrastrudtLrc cncompa:.;sitm Ihc hqs ~l~ ~hich the ?_?ncc m~tXjfi;m which adch'cssc~ the .r~Z~.lt[ircnlcnl~ 2.( ..~.2. ~d'lhi>: code. [ !noccuD.~ ~ nlodc] holncs ~xill hc comer ~hich_lmwidcs ;tdc3/!j~lt_~jL~lrkin~ t~2 ~l.~j2poi'I the m-dclL~& 9. x,k ~rd~ 'a*t~:J~ 4ht~tt~. h ~tl'c dclctc,.{, x'. otd', tuldcrlincd ,u,.' ;iddcd h5 Scc. 2.6.35. m e',,.>e-.-.~, 4Ldl.ree .',-eltl ~ -.h~,~t.~ ~e,.ttm e ',Ul',lltithti itntl i.,l',l',l ovM-,.,l ~ u~, permit.in ~ccor,.hmce ~',ill~ ~e,.'t~,m \~,'il]l the '.:XO.'plioIl of I'~tlf'NIp h~\',crs illld l,.~v,t.'fx Oll ,..'XSClllhll >Cl'\lC,.,~- .,.li~,tr ic-t~4~+c-h~d i%,-ffqa nned-+m.h-deveh,,pm, ents-v.,h. ere c.,m-,i:,,~ent-*vidt-ti-N-t.:-l--th~**u~h-R~F4,-.mld-li-*IFi, ,,,mm?,li~;tric~---11' a p~u! ,4' ,,.',. h h h,.-.l-,l X, l-l~et-,,45 the- fwop* :,~.-.-,d- ,t,,*v.-e r-e. ilem el? 4.,e ±le veh q~d - vv it h~ ,:,t:e,i~, tmh-~l~r-eca'e ,,.-iese.e-it-~hl.tll-he f, resu,nie,d-th.l,tt-the.|-~l~'l-)· it~eiH~ei.'e~,t [~.;sh I]};!~L2_:~_ Jj LLb.A, Jh~L!lL'il_hl _,,1' tJ!;_?y3_cr£_l'j'~lrl_ku [! J{:'SJl-1 R>;I 4. ;uld RXll-t /t,nin~: district,; includin,' pl;umo. l t2nl~ Io. l/5;I:-I Ihruu,.P~ l,~Xl"-(, ;red I,:5,11"-,'~ xonin~ dislricls IF a P/iI_)_alc_a ,,x~/~_~Lp_yc~h nfi!!il~mm~!cp;u'ilti,ul di,;t;mo: I.,m the l!E!l}_~l:cd hmcr ~ilc31N.kJ2;_&lx~fh.!l~_t.k~!jt_lLi~_d,;L~_~i.L~ of sj_x_ i' s'!'~2?_t'__l F2s. LLS[L, tJL!L~l?NSt_Y!!cd__.l_13.Etttlk'_l_'i!l!_;trc:t~'%rest !h_g top_g!!(.'. c \\ .~t'lL~l.:(' ['I()N 3.E: .~XlI.~NI)\lI.~N'I'.~ I'() 7.()~1~¢~ \I)MINI>;IR.VI'II)N .\NIl I'R()( I{I)l RI>, I)1\ I.~I()N I)IVINII)N 2.?. 7.()NIN(; .\I)MINI.N'I'I,I.'VI'I()N \NI) Nee. 2.7.4. ('.n(lili..al m,c lU'.ccdu,'cs lip.' u:-,c F,,r ',xlm_'h th,.' cml,.iilhm;d Li-.u' ,,'.,1'-. ?;,lllC,.I LI~11],.'.'t xx[/icll s.'Jll[IoI [~,.' ,.'~,[ixcrI,.'d Io ;L U',C lwrnlili,,.,,.I b,. lhc tlndCiIslsl,, /oiiMl" .',;I 'II.",;I.X 'TI()N 3.1.': ,.~.M I.:NI).\II.:N'I'N T() .\l.~('lll'l'[,:("l I'l~t,.\l, AND ~1'1'1.: I)I,:.".;I(;N .',;'1'.\.'% I),.\RI)S ,\,\'1) (;l'11)l.11,INl,:.'-; ],'()R ('()M.',,11.:I,~('I,\I, IIL'11.I)IN(;~ ..',,\'1) I'R().ll-:("l't4 I)IVINI()N [)i\lSlOl~ .....\rchilc,Jlural ;imi ~it,..' IX.'>i,;n :'4t;md;.d., ;~;~,.I (im,.I,.,linc:. h,r ( ,,inm,.':~.lJI Huildin~.. mid I'['~,i,.',.'l<. ('o,.],.'. i:,, h,.'lc[~; anl,.'nd,.'d it, r,.'ud ,~, h,!h,v,:. I)l \'D,;I()'N 2.N. .\l(('lll'l'l':("l't I~AI. \NI) FI I'1.: I)I.:NI(;N .'4 I..\NI) \NI)h AND (;I'11)I.:I,INI.:F I.'()R ('()\IMI,:I{('I \1, 111'11,I)IN(;.'-; .X~I) I'1(( ).l I.:( "1'~, 2.x.}.(, 2 ] \~, l,rd. ~1~*~*.~ ;J~I.,~*_~l~ ,,Ic dclu'k'd. ~', L.d~ Imtjcrlillc4 .11c added Iljustl'afi,~m 16:11'0¥~.' i~. hCF'..:I'P'.l dcl,..'tc;l M it:, t.'ll[il't..'l.~l ;lie d,:lclcd. x'.ord., u,dcriincd arc ;tdtlctl .~t:II.NI.:("I'I()N 3.(;:A:MI.::NI)MI.:.NTN '1'() ~t'III)IVI.~I()N.N I)l\'lSl()\ I)1\'1%1()~ 3.2 ~I'I~I)I\'INI()\F, ill ~,CpHIHh.' COIIII11CI'ChlJ. OIIl1111t111il~. tl'~V. ill~JH',ili,lJ ,H1LJ J~llbJk~ II~(' I,, '~Cl'~;11';llc ,L 'Mi,.i.i.n~. ~,1 r'c.,idcrlli;~] I~I,~pcl'l} Ih.,t ,.lo rhq lc-.uh and c~mslruclcd m c,,mj~li;mce ~i~l~ the pn~i~h,n~ [w~lcclcd plc~cr~c ;*r'c;~ ~hH~J oml~wlH To the I'Cqtliremci11~ ;l~Vllk'} t'CtluJrt;1p Mh.h bullet 3 2.xs 1" I~;ikv I,m,:> d~all N: l,:,,~M,.'d ~,n N,lh sM,.'- ,,t .tax ..nv:'l ~L,,,iri,:,l ]figh,..'r Ih:m ;I I,,,.'a} qlccl (ic . C,,IIcchu'. ;ITtu'r'i,ll t 5id,:~x;llks sT/ It:c! in '.sid!h, !?_l~jk% p;jfilx six xc~t'n bc prox id,..'d ~,n both sides ,,f,..'ollcch*~ ;red iliit'TUll SLd,.'xx;dks. ,,r b.ikc I";(!H,: 15~c loci m x~idlh. >hall bc t,~,,', i,h..d ~,~ l,,,/l~ \ll ,id,.:,.,,:Jik.. bile i,:~lh, and Nkc .\11vrnmi~c dc>i?~.. I;,i ,ldc~:dks. bike I.mc, ,,l hikc ixllits in n,~t bc limited h~ Ihc I'tfih,x~ing anals~i~: ;Idllhx ~ j)%Ic~i)~11 Ijlijl Ill;lIchen lilt' cxpctlc, I ;111hqlrll t~l Ulij{/,llil,il (~ J)SJt'>JgH lb;l[ re,itches IJlc C]lill';iclu'l ~,l Ihc t{c~t'JOj~lllu'Hl. I u' . olds LU2_~_I~'_dJL, yLI .ire ,,ddvd ?j_x I_, ,Ji j h~_~.k t,p.t~'!_~i~! k_ I!ikcj.x!J L h_! I.~hz_x i~ ,.-5-11: O: '._L~iP!L :_ '_ ............. ,";ITII.~I'i("I'I()N 3.11:.\.~11'::~I)),11'iN'I ~ T().Xfl'l{ I)I,3'I.:I,()I'.%11.:.NT I'I, \\t4 I)1\ IAI()N I)i'. b,i,,n ;.;. Nil,.' I )~1 ~ch~l'mcnl l'hul,. ~,l' ( )rdin;m,:u u I- 11~2. d- arucu,.lvd. ',he ( I)IVIXI().N 3.3. NI'I'I{ I)l.i\'l.ll.()l'),11.:~,"l' I'I..\,XX llik,.' limc.. nail } ,:l ~u~ M,.'d ,,n N,lh sMt.'s ,,1 ;m', ..trccl pri,. ;m..' r,,;M,.xux- >hall bc consu'ut_'tcd dg_,j,.'n.._bNs ~ccilication, id,..,milio. I in >c,:li,,n ;2_$: d i.5j5 i_qr)_ "~x_.gj'J I!L, t!!j!i ~sX ht?.n'_'J I,s'_J i! ~.~_j W_~!.t!;_sb_'-' J~_~_l !? 5'. mg ? !'![ ~-'" t l) ~_.':_lFN.g!k d2;.&r£s'J).s'.skt~JJ_~s'. liLn.d p_',.c ,.l<'r):.j ~ ,., !'}!!sLd _c_'~ cJ.! :E! U s'!]L; ~J ? _q g tZ& .\ dcM=11 lhal rcl]u',..'ls I}1c slrc..,l (~r' k:.): .:'5.j_lt.':,i__gn I~];_u ,.~1o~'.~_m,__k 5 5.' tA ix l u_'A.15_u'__k_~3J_a c r ,___!, s s '~, :t'!y p ij.lg_L, r~!d~l_i ~ i~u x d~I!E[Lt ~q qx_': 5 kd_~! i±i ,? El .\ &.'si~n th;il rcl]ccls lhc dc,,chLpmCnl. includin,, bul mq limil;:d h, ct,nsid,..'r;llhms such ;is ;u.2c chi Idrcll ;Uld acli ', c qt ij ~i L;!t i ~ tA J',~ ?-'._gs'[~= '.', a~l.k_q ?_ ;nj_d_c5 ,.'1 i_.l ,_ ( ~ [j !s'£ uj j)!!.r 5j r;j~ L[LL!Jl¢ iyL~±', i.,?.,j m..t, !'.,_c s: { j? !). ~_:2 lhi< ,_'. I X.'x clojm~cms thal l, rm Mc ;m inlcrnal biku, pad~ r.,. sloTfl. x,. hich \\ hct'c.,[~Jaltltcd I'i'./'hl-ol'-v, ax ill_.~lrox CltlCttI5 schctlulk'd ill IlK' ~I'1151.X"I'I()~ 3.1: .\.\11.;NI).XlI{NTS '1'() I.iXI'I.{I.',;IVI{S III\'ISlIIX I)l~i:-,hm ;.1.. I.xlqosisc~. ol'lh'din:llX'c ul-I 2 as alncndcd. lilt ('~dllcr (,,tull', I)IVISI().%' 3.4. I.iX I'1.( )$1 \'I,'.S Ncc. 3.4.13. 16.,slrirtil.ts f.r tilt' use and h:mdli.11 .f rxl)h)xi',c% IT >,hail bc tlllj:l\~,l'tli hlr jill} Ix_'l,;nll. tt~ blast. lirc. dchqlah.' t,l' lieu' ;lllx illllollll[ S!,'11.',iI{('TI()N 3..1:..\MI,iNI)MI.~NI','..,I'() \'I.:(;I,TI'.\'I'I(),N, I'II I.L',; I.]l \'..VI'I ¢ ) N I)I\'ISI()N RI'TXI()VAI. \NI) dx: (.'ollic~ ('oLin[',. I.:md J)L",clopmc[n t',,dc. i', hcr,.'h.,. urnended [o i,:;Jd x>, I)I\'I~I()N 3.9. \'1.~(;I,71 .,\TI(),N, RI.~.XI()V..\I, \~.1) I'I~11{Sl.],Iv,\ I'l(),X .'gcC..'1.9.~. Vt'~cl:ition FCII11)\';I[, [)r(itcclion ;l[id [)l't'~¢r", atiofl ,.l;In(hlrd,.. Reims', ;ll td' ~, ,..'L:ck, l[J~m Ii.' &L!l)rO', cd milig;niun hunk sia.'s (.?_ _,.]y I~p~'~._l_!?L lJl,..' I'1orida .,\dminislr;ni\'c (.'odcl: M:.11\.' i~1 IL'dcrallv cmh.'xcd on: irolunclmJl l)i,,i,,hm n3. I),.'lhfilion.,,. ~1' ()rdin:ux.'c 01.I()2. ;ix ;un,.'n,.I,..d. lb.' 'ullx'l I.',,ul!l', I,nld I)c',,.'lupnl,.'ni ('o,.Ic. is hcp..'J~x ;IIlI'.21/,.Jc,.I J'.~ r,.';u,i ~1>, I) I V I,'-iI( ).X 6.3,I) KI:I,'X'ITI( ),N~ [~iII'CC] doCh rlol IllCCJ ill\' N1LIliI11LII11 ~ikJlll ired L,I~ hq ;11Cil rcLjNJr'cIl/Clll~ ;ix il i'L'sllJl oJ' Inc \\ red', -t~t~-J-, thit~,h ;ILL' ,.JcJclcd. ~ uld', url,.lcrJhl,.'d ;tlc ,lddcd N!'~C'I'I()~ F'()I'I(: ('()NI:I,I('T .',,,~1) ill lJl'.' '.".'.'lit I}1i~ ()F,~Jifl;llTt.',,..' COI1JlicTS ',',Jl}l all', (HRL'F ()Fdill:lll,..',..' (,l' ('~JJi~.'l' ('OUtIt', and aplqicable last. Ihc m~,r't: x't:smctiv~: shall al~pl). I I'an? phr:lsc or pt,rtiou ,,l'lhc (h'diz~;ir~o.' is held i~%alid .%E(;TI()N I-'lVl.~: {N('I.T!.";I()N IN TIlE ('()I.I.IER ('()t;.NTY I.ANI) Dl'7~'l'il.()P.Ml'~,N'T I he prot isions o1' Ibis ( ):dinancc shall beconle alld be Iliade a pal't ol the [.ired I}cx C[ol~nlclll ( 'ode SE("I'I()N SIX: I'il:FI.i("l'lVIC I)A'l'l'i PANSI:I) ANI) I)1 :I.Y .,Xl)()PlI"[) b~ the JloiJtd ol' ('~ltlJlJv ('OI11111isSJtlllt'lS ~,f' C'olJicr I',,\MI'.I,,,\ N. Nl,.\("Kil'. ('1 I,,\]I<\V( arc dclek'd. ~,,itls u_mlc_~r'J_iL¥'_~j arc added 75 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certif,v that the foregoing is a true copy o[~ ORDINANCE NO. 99-46 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 16th day of June, 1999, during Special Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 21s~ da'/ of June, 1999. DWIGHT E. BROCK ""[ , ' Clerk of Courts an~ti'~'l~r~'.'!'i[[. Ex-officio to Boar~L~of ~County Commission'ers .~'"',~ ...~' ".' "~ ~. . ~... ,,. ,. ~..~, .., , .:. ',, ~---~ '".."~:'.. ',::? .. Deput~ Clerk""~'. . >,.'. ,, ,.' ~../~, , . ~ .%~