PBSD MSTBU Minutes 06/04/2012 Clam Bay SubcommitteeCLAM BAY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2012 BY ........................ LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Clam Bay Subcommittee of the Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Monday, June 4 at 3 :00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. The following members were present: Clam Bay Subcommittee Dave Trecker, Chairman Tom Cravens Pelican Bay Services Division Staff W. Neil Doff ill, Administrator Kyle Lukasz, Operations Manager Five (5) attendees. 1. Roll Call 2. Clam Bay monitoring 3. Dredging permit application 4. Audience comments 5. Adjourn ROLL CALL All Subcommittee members were present. INTRODUCTION Susan O'Brien Mary Anne Womble Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst absent Lisa Resnick, Recording Secretary AGENDA Fiala Hiller Henning Coyle _ Coletta _ Chairman Trecker explained that the purpose of the meeting was to take input on Clam Bay and consider specific requests that the Subcommittee could recommend to the full Board for action. Requests regarding water quality monitoring were: 1) to enter data into STORET; and 2) request the County's annual monitoring report. Chairman Trecker reported that he received the County's report and requested that staff distribute. DREDGING PERMIT APPLICATION Dr. Ted Raia, President, Mangrove Action Group (MAG) recommended that the Pelican Bav Services Division support MAG and notify the Army Corps of Engineers of concerns related to the County's Clam Bay dredging permit application. Dr. Raia presented information and alleged the application: 1) allowed more extensive dredging than was authorized in 1998 and implemented in 2007; and 2) did not contain legally binding triggers for dredging. Ms. Marcia Cravens, Co- Conservation Chairman, Siena Club reported that she and representatives from the Conservancy and Audubon Society met with the Army Corps of Engineers to provide information regarding the Clam Bay dredging permit application that alleged the proposed dredging would negatively impact the benthic community and cause erosion to the adjacent shoreline. Mr. Cravens speculated the purpose of increasing the dredge cut was to obtain more sand for the beach. Mr. John Domenie was concerned about excessive sand. Misc. Corres: Date:_ %01411- Items t lam Z1A * Copies to: Clam Bay Subcommittee Meeting Minutes June 4, 2012 Mr. Dorrill said it was unclear whether the information that Dr. Raia presented was new or a new interpretation of old information and suggested inviting the appropriate Coastal Zone Management (CZM) department staff and engineering consultants to the June 6 Board meeting to present the rationale for the increased dimensions of the dredge cuts. The Subcommittee agreed with Mr. Dorrill's suggestion. Additionally, at the June 6 meeting, the Subcommittee would present to the full Board draft correspondence from the Board to the Army Corps of Engineers supporting Dr. Raia's concerns about the dredging permit application. CLAM BAY MONITORING Ms. Cravens presented a recent Atkins Technical Note that concluded Clam Bay was impaired due to high levels of fecal coliform, but was inconclusive as to the source. Ms. Cravens requested that the Pelican Bay Services Division consider funding 1) fecal coliform "caffeine" testing; and 2) additional fish and bird surveys. She recommended that Turrell -Hall & Associates do the work. The Subcommittee agreed to obtain proposals and cost estimates to present to the Board. ADJOURN There was no further discussion and the meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. Dave Trecker, Chairman Minutes by Lisa Resnick 6/21/2012 2:35:16 PM fo y,t G rave*e-S' 01