PBSD MSTBU Minutes 04/06/2011 R RECEIVED MAY - 9 2011 BDFlrti of County CommiSSiOners PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Pelican Bay Services Division Board met in Regular Session on Wednesday, April 6,2011 at 1 :00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples. The following members were present: Geoffrey S. Gibson John Iaizzo Michael Levy John Baron Hunter H. Hansen Fiala ......- Hiller ~v Hennin~l 1/ Coyle _ Coletta --- Pelican Bay Services Division Board Keith J. Dallas, Chairman Mary Anne Womble, Vice Chain-voman John P. Chandler Tom Cravens lahan Domenie absent Pelican Bay Services Division Staff W. Neil Dorrill, Administrator Kyle Lukasz, Field Manager Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst Lisa Resnick, Administrative Assistant Also Present Susan Boland, President, Pelican Bay Property Owners Association James Carr" r.E., Civil Design Engineer, Agnoli, Barber, & Brundage, Inc Marcia Cravens, Vice-President, Mangrove Action Group Ellin Goetz, Fellow American Society of Landscape Architects, Goetz+Stropes Landscape Architects, Inc. Tim Hall, Senior Biologist & Principal, Turrell, Hall & Associates James Hoppensteadt, President, Pelican Bay Foundation Gary McAlpin, Director, Collier County Coastal Zone Management Kathy Worley, Co-Director Environmental Science & Biologist, Conservancy of Southwest Florida AGENDA I. Roll Call 2. Agenda Approval 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. February 16,2011 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Special Session b. February 22, 20 II Pelican Bay Services Division Hoard Special Session c. March 2, 20 II Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular ,)'ession 4. Presentation of Proposed Clam Bay Markers Update (G. AkAlpin. Director, Collier County Coastal Zone Management) 5. Audience Participation 6. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman 7. Administrator's Report a. Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Update I. Presentation Proposal for Intersection Bull Nose Landscape Design Work (E. Goetz, Goetz+S'tropes) II. Presentation of Crosswalk Construction Drawings (J Carr. Agnoli. Barber. Brundage) Ill. Review & Approval of Crosswalk Construction Drawings & Timing iv. Update on Possibility of Four-\Vay Stop at Ridgewood Drive & Pelican Bay Boulevard v. Development of Rating System for All Pelican Bay Pathways (K Dallas) VI. Discussion of Timing of Pathway Redevelopment (K. Dallas) b. Monthly Financial Report c. Update on Health of Mangroves (T Hulf) d. Update on Removing Exotics from Clam Pass Park & Along Beach (K. !.ukasz, THall) e. South Berm Renovation i. Discussion & Approval of Proposal I]. Discussion of Logistics Mise, Corres: iii. Discussion of Required Permits (K Lukasz) 8. Chairman's Report Date:L4l. \ '2..~\' \ a. Renewal of Dorrill Management Agreement i. Review & Discussion of Anticipated Hours Item #:' u. -:s:: , 'IA'l. "'2.. 8459 'J Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 b. Announcements 9. Community Issues a. Lease of parking space to the Pelican Bay Foundation (.J. Chandler) b. Discussion of Possible Caution Signage for Bicycles (J. Domenie) 10. Committee Reports a. Budget Committee b. Strategic Planning Committee Update 11. Old Business 12. New Business 13. Audience Comments 14. Miscellaneous Correspondence a. Ongoing Projects Status Sheet 15. Adjournment ROLL CALL With the exception of Mr. Hansen, all Board members present. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Cravens made a motion, .~econd hv Mr. Chandler to approve the agenda. The Board voted unanimouslv in favor, nassim! the moti(}~. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 16.2011 SPECIAL SESSION Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Chandler to approve the February 16,2011 Pelican Bay Services Divi.\'ion Board Special Session meeting minute.~. The Board voted unanimously in favor, oa!~Siml tlte motion. FEBRllARY 22. 2011 SPECIAL SESSION Page 8447 was amended to read, "Chairman Dallas distributed..." Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Domenie approve the February 22, 2011 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Special Session meeting minutes as amended. Tlte Board voted unanimously in favor, vassin!! the motion. MARCH 2.2011 REGlILAR SESSION Chairman Dallas informed the Board that prior to the meeting. Dr. Raia had made suggested corrections to the draft minutes however the suggestions were in contrast to what he actually said. Board consensus was to approve what Dr. Raia actually said as quoted in the minutes. Page 8450 was amended striking "mid-block'" to read, ".. .crosswalk..." Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Chandler to approve the March 2, 2011 Pelican Bay Services Dh'ision Board Regular Session meeting minute~' as amended. The Board l'oted unanimously in favor, oassinv the motion. PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED CLAM BAY MARKERS BY GARY MCALPIN. DIRECTOR. COLLIER COllNTV COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT Mr. Gary McAlpin, Director, Collier County Coastal Zone Management (('2M) gave an up-to-date presentation of the proposed Clam Bay markers plan. January 13, 2011, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners directed Mr. 8460 -,-~"~,,"-,.,.,,-,~-~^.,-^-,._,-.__...~-- Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 McAlpin's staff to not move forward with navigational markers and get all stakeholders together to develop a "marking scheme" for Clam Bay that would meet everyone's needs. Stakeholders included representatives from the City of Naples, Seagate community, Pelican Bay Foundation, Pelican Bay Services Division, Mangrove Action Group, the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, Audubon Society, and CZM staff. Two stakeholder meetings were held on February] 7,2011 and March 15,2011. The proposal is for informational markers to be installed in Clam Bay. Three permits would be issued. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) would be the lead permitting agency. The U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers (USACE) and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) would also review and issue separate permits. They will not need a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FOEP). After review by the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAe) and Tourist Development Council (TDC) Mr. McAlpin plans to recommend the proposal presented today and moving forward with the permitting application process to the Board of County Commissioners tentatively in May. FFWee has established that Clam Bay is a "multiuse channel" for kayakers, canoeists, power-boaters and swimmers and the marker proposal does not deny any type of user access. The twelve markers will route a canoe trail from Seagate to Clam Pass. "Installation of navigational markers is not on the table." A "local knowledge required" (LKR) sign will be associated with each canoe trail marker stating, "Clam Pass - Caution Local Knowledge Required - Keep Lookout for Boaters and Swimmers". Two LKR signs will be placed on the beach on each side of the mouth of the Pass and two LKR signs placed on both sides of the Clam Pass Park tram bridge. Although shown as buoys in the current proposal, the intent is to apply for and install five markers identifying seagrass and shoals on fixed posts. eZM staff believes the proposed marker plan satisfies all stakeholders' needs. The Seagate community does not endorse the plan because they believe that canoe trail markers do not "assure, demonstrate, or protect the Seagate community's historical boating rights". Seagate is also concerned that the LKR signs do not adequately protect boaters "from negative interaction with the local beach-going community" and "navigational signs would do a much better job relative to this." Mr. McAlpin will meet with Mr. Ochs, Mr. Dorrill, Chairman Dallas, and Collier County staff on April 7 to resolve who should hold the permit. It is his understanding that the Services Division supports the plan with the exception of installing LKR signs on all markers and wants to maintain control of the permit. Mr. McAlpin explained that the proposal only concerns the marker system that is south of the Pass, not the current canoe trail markers #13 - #32 that are north of the Pass. Mr. Domenie expressed concerns about the LKR signs in Outer Clam Bay including 'look out for swimmers' because it could create a liability. Mr. McAlpin responded that the regulatory agencies control the wording in the signage and require uniformity. Mr. Domenie said in his opinion, the canoe trail permit for thirty-two markers currently in effect should remain and be modified to include the two markers proposed at the mouth of the Pass and hopes this alternative is brought forward at the meeting on April 7. Mr. McAlpin does not know what they will decide, but with Messrs. Dorrill and Dallas attending the April 7 meeting, the Services Division would have adequate representation. Ms. Marcia Cravens reported that she spoke with Mr. Ryan Moreau of FFWCC earlier today. Mr. Moreau agreed there could be two permits: one for a south canoe trail and another for a north canoe trail, but the current proposal would void the existing canoe trail markers permit. She supports modifying the existing canoe trail markers permit by renumbering the markers and placing # I at the Clam Pass concession canoe launch and applying to the appropriate agency for a Florida "Blueway" designation to encourage ecotourism. 8461 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 Mr. Chester Phillips, Heron resident said he recognizes Seagate's boating rights, but from his understanding, large wakes could damage mangroves and asked whether Clam Bay was designated an idle speed no-wake zone. Mr. Cravens said Clam Bay is designated an idle speed no-wake zone to protect manatees, not mangroves. Mr. McAlpin confirmed that Clam Bay is an idle speed no-wake zone by County ordinance. FFWCC does not allow local ordinances on State signs. The ordinance is posted on the Clam Pass Park bridge Mr. Phillips submitted photographs of boats causing large wakes in Clam Bay and asked whether the County could post additional signs indicating an idle speed nowwake zone. Mr. Cravens said the issue is enforcement. Mr. McAlpin said the Collier County Sheriff would enforce the local ordinance and CZM staff would coordinate with the Foundation to enforce the idle speed no-wake zone. Ms. Kathy Worley thanked Mr. McAlpin for organizing the stakeholders meetings and the Conservancy is pleased with the markers proposal, seagrass and shoal informational signs, and the attempt to do away with buoys. Chairman Dallas thanked Mr. McAlpin. Dr. Raia recalled that the Sheriff does not have a boat to access Clam Pass, and several months ago requested funds from the Services Division to purchase jet skis, the only vehicle that the Sheriff considers to enter the Pass "expeditiously". Ms. Annice Gregerson, Heron resident said enforcement of the idle speed no-wake zone is an issue. She contacted the Sheriff and did not receive a response until five-ten days afterward. Mr. Domenie asked the Chairman what position he would state on April 7 regarding who should hold the permit. Mr. Cravens suggested the Board discuss and provide the Chairman with direction. Chairman Dallas said the Services Division should hold the permit or at a minimum, co-hold the permit. Ms. Cravens suggested the Board provide direction to Chairman Dallas to uphold the existing canoe trail permit. Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Chandler that the Pelican Bay Services Division should continue to remain the permit holder for the ~'igtlage for the Canoe Trail in Clam Bay and seek to modify the existing permit to incorporate the ('hunges that the Coastal Zone Manager has proposed here todav. The Board voted unanimouslv in fal'or, Da.\'sinI! the motion. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Tim Corcoran, Pebble Creek President asked if the audience could participate in the discussion of the next item regarding crosswalks and Chairman Dallas said yes. Ms. Cravens said Ms. Kathy Worley did not make a presentation at the Foundation's March 31 town hall about Clam Bay dredging and suggested the Services Division provide a forum for Ms. Worley to make a presentation about dredging triggers and schedule a public workshop. Ms. Worley said that there are many factors to consider when making a decision of whether to dredge and her presentation talks about the conditions and sequencing that would trigger dredging in Clam Bay. Mr. Cravem' made II motion, .~econd by Mr. Domenie that the Pelican Bay Services Division Board .~hould hold a public workshop about the Clam Bay dredging permit. The Board voted unanimous(v in (avor, nassinl! the motion. Mr. Chandler suggested inviting Olsen & Associates and Humiston and Moore to participate in the workshop. Mr. Cravens suggested April 12 at 2 p.m. and statfwould confirm the date and time. 8462 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 Dr. Raia said they must not lose sight that the reason for dredging is for the health of the mangroves. He cited the 1998 Clam Bay Restoration and Management Plan Section 2 that explains the Pelican Bay Services Division role and authority relating to Clam Bay and alleging that the County subverted it. He acknowledged that the Chairman infonned Commissioner Hiller of this Board's 8-1 vote in support of the 1998 permit by way afletter on April 4. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN Ms. Susan O'Brien announced that she applied for the vacant Board position. The application deadline is April II. Mr. CrOl'ens made a motion, second by Mr. Domenie to defer electing officers until after an appointment to the Board is made. The Board voted unanimous/v in favor, possim7 the motion. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) UPDATE PRESENTATION OF PROPOSAL FOR INTERSECTION BULL NOSE LANDSCAPE DESIGN WORK BY ELLIN GOETZ. F ASLA. GOETZ+STROPES Mr. Dorrill introduced Ms. Ellin Goetz, Principal landscape architect at Goetz+Stropes. Staff recommends using Goetz+Stropes to perform intersection bull nose landscape design work because they have a County contract for landscape architecture in place; are well-known throughout town, most recently for their work on Naples Botanical Gardens; and the firm has an ongoing relationship with Jack Lieber, the now retired original landscape architect that conceived Pelican Bay. The proposal consists of a schematic design phase of conceptual designs with alternatives and a second phase of roadway intersection plans where designs would be made site-specific to types of areas, then construction plans. The Board would review and approve each phase prior to proceeding. He recommended the Board provide approval for staff to move forward with the presented Goetz+Stropes agreement. Ms. Ellin Goetz began practicing landscape architecture in Collier County in 1986 with Jack Lieber. She formed Goetz+Stropes in 2001. Most recently, Goetz+Stropes was the lead firm on the Naples Botanical Gardens. Mr. Hoppensteadt said that the Foundation is "pre-inclined" to use Ms. Goetz's landscape architecture services and prefers the Services Division take the lead and the Foundation follow. Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Domenie to approve staffs recommendation to move forward with the Goetz+Stropes landscape architect sen'ice.\' proposal as presented. The Board voted unanimous(v in favor, I nassina the motion. PRESENT A TION OF CROSSWALK CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS BY JAMES CARR. P.E.. AGNOLI. BARBER. & BRUNDAGE (ABB) Mr. Dorrill referred to the proposed crosswalk construction drawings presented in the agenda packet to include signage and pavement markings and clarified that according to the Wilson Miller Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Final Report, cobblestones arc for installation only at the mid-block crosswalk locations to serve the purpose as "rumble strips". Chairman Dallas agreed that although the intent is for all crosswalks to look the same, the original design and cost estimates includes cobblestones only at the mid block crosswalks. He pointed out that the ABB designs presented today do not show cobblestones. 8463 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regnlar Session Meeting Minutes April 6,2011 Mr. James Carr, P.E., of Agnoli, Barber & Brundage (ABB) reported that at the last meeting, he presented crosswalk design concepts and since that time, he met with Collier County Traffic Operations and Transportation Planning to solidify crosswalk locations and the plans were modified accordingly. Me. Chandler referred to page 22 of the Wilson Miller CIP report showing the intersection of Ridgewood Drive and Pelican Bay Boulevard. He noticed the crosswalks are "dressier" because the bricks have chamfer edging, which he prefers. Mr. Carr explained that at some of the intersections, the chamfer edging directs pedestrians into the intersection, away from the crossing area, so the County requested they modify the design at the adjoining areas, but where allowable, they would incorporate the chamfer edging. Mr. Dorrill clarified there are site-specific constraints that may prevent using pavers with the chamfer edging at one or two of the intersections. Mr. Carr said they would also have to address landscaping and the bull nose. Mr. Domenie asked why they did not cut back the bull nose that was sticking out and not landscaped. Mr. Carr said that rather than cutting back the bull nose, which would be more costly, a more simple approach would be to make a soft-cut through the bull nose and install pavers through the tip. Mr. Hoppensteadt agreed with Mr. Domenie that the bull nose could be a "maintenance nightmare" and they may be better off pulling it back. Most Board members agreed that leaving the bull nose intact was best because it would provide better protection to pedestrians. Ms. Cravens asked if the construction of crosswalks would be with pervious or impervious material. Mr. Carr confirmed that the crosswalk pavers are to be mud set in concrete cement and not porous. The Board discussed whether a three-way crosswalk would be effective and the number of signs required. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF CROSSW ALK CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS & TIMING Mr. Carr said bids for construction should be complete by June and construction could begin in the summer and complete in 90 days. There would be one permit for all fourteen crosswalks. This right-of-way permit would still be good if they decided to move forward with installing less than fourteen. Mr. Hoppensteadt said he prefers the Services Division take the lead and the Foundation follow. Chairman Dallas said the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is installing crosswalks at U.S. 4\ and Pelican Bay Boulevard using fire red brick pavers minus the cobblestone and could serve as a demonstration project. Mr. Dorrill said the staff recommendation would be to authorize staff to proceed to complete the crosswalks design and permitting phases to include any architectural review requirements and authorize the project to go to bid with an ad-alternate mechanism to allow this Board to be the final determinant of the contract award. So that work can begin in early summer and complete by September, and stay on schedule, the construction contract should be awarded, i.e., approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCe) prior to their summer recess. Mr. Cravens made a motion, ,flecond hy Mr. Gihson to authorize staff to proceed to complete the design and permitting phase to include any architectural review requirementfl and to authorize the project to go to hid with an ad-alternate mechanism to allow the Board to be the final determinant of the contract award. The Board voted unanimouslv in favor, Das~'im! the motion. A short recess was taken, then the Board reconvened. 8464 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 CROSSWALK DISCUSSION CONTINUED Mr. Chandler referred to ASB's Sheet 6 and the crosswalk design for the intersection of Gulf Park Drive and Ridgewood Drive. A crosswalk exists across Ridgewood. The design proposes installing a crosswalk across Gulf Park Drive that will require twelve signs. In his opinion, there is no need for this crosswalk, or at any proposed locations where installing crosswalks would require many signs. Alternatively, he said crosswalks would "dress up" intersections at proposed locations where stop signs exist and do not require additional signs. Mr. Carr and Mr. Lukasz confirmed that the designs presented were based on designs in the final Wilson Miller report and would be used for permitting purposes and provided to bidders. The Board discussed that they would decide later whether to install a particular crosswalk at a particular location. They discussed crosswalk construction materials and prior consensus to use brick pavers. Mr. Hoppensteadt suggested that before the Board makes decisions whether to install crosswalks at particular locations, they should talk with the individual homeowners or condominium associations that would be using it. On behalf of the "Stop for People Coalition" comprised of four Pelican Bay communities including Carlton Place, Pebble Creek, Cocobay, and Crescent, Mr. Brendan Culligan expressed concern about proposed changes to remove the "stop for pedestrians" signs in the roadway at the North Tram midblock crossing. The Coalition suggested the signs remain in the roadway until installation of a motion-activated flashing red light crossing and submitted a signed petition in support. Board members recognized that the Foundation is responsible for this midblock crossing and confirmed that the signs would remain in the roadway until construction begins. There are no immediate plans to install flashing lights at his midblock crossing, but preparing for possible future decisions, initial crosswalk construction includes installing a conduit. Mr. Chandler made a motion, second by Mr. Cravens to add a crosswalk across Pelican Bay Boulevard at Oakmont Parkway to "square off' the intersection because the Wilson Miller plans only show three crossings. Mr. Lukasz said Wilson Miller's plans reflect that there is no sidewalk on the cast side ofOakmont Parkway. Mr. Cravens withdrew his second and Mr. Chandler withdrew his motion. UPDATE ON THE POSSIBILITY OF FOUR-WAY STOP AT RIDGEWOOD & PELICAN BAY BLVD Regarding the intersection of Pelican Bay Boulevard and Ridgewood Drive and the possibility of making it a four- way stop, Mr. Carr said his firm plans to do a traffic count sometime next week from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Following Dr. Raia's suggestion that the traffic count include the evening hours to reflect the Philharmonic traffic at 10-11 p.m., Mr. Carr said they would incorporate the evening hours into their traffic count and would notify staff of date. DEVELOPMENT OF RATING SYSTEM FOR ALL PELICAN BAY PATHWAYS (K. DALLAS) Chairman Dallas suggested stafTtake an inventoI)' of Pelican Bay's pathways and rate their condition. Mr. Cravens said in his opinion, there arc isolated areas where pathways are in poor condition because of tree roots and that Mr. Lukasz addressed the issue by utilizing bio-barriers. Mr. Lukasz said bio-barriers have not been effective and Wilson Miller recommended some tree removal. Mr. Dorrill said at staffs request, the County would be assessing the pathways within thirty days. DISCUSSION OF TIMING OF P ATHW A Y REDEVELOPMENT (K. DALLAS) Chairman Dallas said widening pathways on the west side of Pelican Bay Boulevard between the Commons and North Tram is a future Community Improvement Plan project. He asked about whether they should wait until the crosswalk projects are complete to implement pathway projects. 8465 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 Mr. Dorrill said that it would be ideal to do crosswalks and pathways projects concurrently. Staff would discuss implementation possibilities and constraints with Mr. Carr and provide a report at the May meeting. REGARDING ROADWAY RESURFACING On April 7, Mr. Dorrill and Mr. Chandler will meet with Commissioner Hiller to lobby for milling and resurfacing of Pelican Bay Boulevard and Hammock Oak Drive. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Dorrill reported that this month's financial report includes mid-year actual figures. Year-la-date revenue is 94% of anticipated revenue in assessment and ad-valorem taxes. The remaining 6% are delinquent and in his opinion, 1% would likely go to certificate sale or to auction from the Tax Collector in July. Staff confirmed receipt of $35,000 from the County's Fund 11 J. Ms. Cravens requested that Mr. Dorrill report the Clam Bay fund balances for carry forward, actual and anticipated expenditures, and the amount of reserves remaining. Mr. Dorrill responded that unaudited, the Clam Bay fund carry forward balance is $435,000; current actual balance is approximately $500,000; year-to-date expenditures total $16,000; they anticipate spending $280,000 for Turrell, Hall & Associates' services; there is $155,000 in reserves; and the projected year-end balance is $225,000. Mr. CravenJ made a motion, Jecond by Mr. Levy to accept the monthly financial report as pre.~ented. The Board voted unanimous/v in favor, passinS! the motion. UPDATE ON HEALTH OF MANGROVES Mr. Hall reported they are still trying to identify the type of boring beetle, whether the beetles are a natural pest taking advantage of environmental stresses, or an exotic, but he is not concerned that the system will not recover. He plans to set up photo stations from atop three condominiums including the Grosvenor and Montenero to take aerial photos from the same angle and location to track the boring beetle progression. UPDATE ON REMOVING EXOTICS FROM CLAM PASS PARK & ALONG BEACH Mr. Hall reported that the County is in the process of obtaining cost estimates to remove exotics, i.e., Brazilian Pepper around the County Clam Pass park facility. The County is still in the running for the State grant to remove exotics in the area north of the Pass, however they must respond to an agency request for additional information. If the County does not receive the grant, Mr. Hall said he would make a recommendation as to how much funding or services the Services Division should contribute. SOUTH BERM RENOVATION DISCUSSION OF REOUlRED PERMITS Mr. Dorrill reported that the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers (USACE) is taking the position that because the area is adjacent to a USACE jurisdictional wetland area, a permit is required even for maintenance, including Wilson Miller's Option 1 to restore the berm to what it once was prior to erosion. Staff meets April 7 with South Florida Water Management District officials for clarification of what permits are required. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT RENEWAL OF DORRILL MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF ANTICIPATED HOURS Regarding the time spent working for Pelican Bay Services Division, Mr. Dorrill reported that his original contract specified he work six hours weekly, increased to eight hours weekly, and currently, his time is approaching ten hours weekly. 8466 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 He recalled that prior to his employment, the main issues as perceived b)' some of the Board members were that the current management was inaccessible and strained County relations and in his opinion, both issues have improved greatly. Mr. Cravens made a motion, second by Mr. Gibson to continue Mr. Dorrill's contract at the current rate of eight hours weeklv and reevaluate at the end of the vear. The Board voted unanimouslv in favor, nas~'inf! the motion. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Dallas announced that the Services Division's Budget Committee meets April II at 2 PM and the Board will tentatively hold a Clam Bay dredging workshop on April 12 at 2 PM. The Coastal Advisory Committee meets April 14 to discuss the proposal for Clam Bay markers. The Foundation is holding a water quality workshop April 2\ and Mr. Hall will be on the panel. The Foundation Board meets April 29. COMMITTEE REPORTS BUDGET COMMITTEE Mr. Levy reported that the Budget Committee discussed whether to utilize a non-ad valorem assessment or ad valorem tax to fund future pathways projects because such projects are a new undertaking. They would discuss further on April 12 and bring a recommendation to the full Board at the May meeting. COMMUNITV ISSUES PUBLIC RELATIONS DISCUSSION Mr. Levy suggested the Board publish an article in the Pelican Bay Post regarding the Services Division receiving a new ten-year mangrove maintenance permit in the Pelican Bay Post. Mr. Cravens said in the past, the Services Division published a newsletter however, they discovered there was not much interest, and the idea morphed into two videos produced about Clam Bay. Ms. Cravens suggested the Services Division circulate a surveyor poll about Clam Bay issues. LEASE OF PARKING SPACE TO THE PELICAN BAV FOUNDATION (J. CHANDLER) Chairman Dallas said this issue is a "moot point" because he does not believe that the Foundation is going to build a parking lot at the Commons or anywhere else. They most likely will decide to expand the Community Center and transfer some operations from the Commons to Community Center and the issue will disappear. The real issue is whether the Foundation is going to commit the wetlands area to a use other than what it is now. "I hope that you will encourage your members on the Foundation to deal with that sooner than later and say no." Mr. Chandler said that in the meantime there are two issues. The Pelican Bay Foundation Board purchased conceptual plans from Grady Minor, and there is a parking problem at the Commons as he demonstrated in his document, "Commons Parking Lot Survey". He presented a map of the Services Division 12-acre facility on Watergate Way and identified an area in the southwest corner that he said is the "same dimension length and width as the first two aisles south of S1. Lucia where the [Foundation] employees now park". He suggested that Foundation employees could park in the identified area during season and then take a shuttle to the Commons. Although the Foundation has not solicited the Services Division, Mr. Chandler suggested the Board offer the proposed parking area to the Foundation to solve their Commons parking problem, rather than the solution that the Foundation is contemplating to convert wetlands into buildable land. StafT could develop an agreement that includes responsibilities and liabilities. Mr. Lukasz said the County owns the l2-acre facility on Watergate Way. The project would require their approval. 8467 --_.~,~-~...-"_.",," ..-~._-_.------ rl o o ;,; o M o rl rl rl o '" , ~ o , ~ o Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes April 6, 2011 The Board discussed the possibility of the County approving such a project and the process. Mr. Dorrill had to leave the meeting prior to the discussion and consensus was to get his opinion before moving forward. The Board also agreed that although they wefe concerned, it was doubtful that the Foundation would ultimately decide to convert the 3-acre wetlands area at the Commons into a parking lot. Instead, as Chairman Dallas stated earlier. to resolve the parking problem the Foundation was more likely to expand the use oflhe Community Center by transferring some operations from the Commons to the Community Center. Mr. Cravens said the more alternatives offered to solve the problem other than by converting wetlands, the better. Mr. Domenie said it was his understanding that Services Division was interested in acquiring the 12-acre facility and that asking the County for pemlission defeats that purpose. Mr. Cravens said he plans to propose to his condominium association board that the condominium provide about twenty off-site parking spaces for Foundation employees. C'hainnan Dallas suggested that someone make a motion that the Board support encouraging the Foundation Board not to use the J-acre wetlands area for any other use than for wetlands. Mr. Chandler said even if the project moves fOlv.rard. the proposed Commons site reconfiguration project is several years out and there arc seasonal parking problems. Vice Chairwoman Womble said that the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) has discussed bussing employees in from another site, away from the wetlands. She recalled that Mr. Dorrill discouraged the Services Division from pursuing the 12-acre facility on Watergate Way. Ms. McCaughtry said Mr, Dorrill opined on the Services Division's pursuit of the 12~acre facility during the independent district discussions several months ago. Mr. Levy said the Foundation "has the ball" on the independent district project that is currently "on hold", Mr. Cra.'ens made a molion, second by Mr, Cbandler 10 nolifJ' Ibe Pelican Bay Foundalion Ihallhe Pelican Bay Sen';c:es Dh';s;on Board ;s opposed to an)' attempts to change the U.fle of existing wetlands adjacent to the Commons. 7'he Board voled unanlmousl,' in favor, oasslnt' Ihe molion. Mr, Cravens rcquestcd that Chairman Dallas notify the Pelican Ba} Foundation Board, President, Secretary, and Treasurer by letter, ADJOURN Mr, Cru.'ens made a molion second by Chairman Dallas 10 adjourn. 7'he Board .'oted unanimously in fa.'or of the motion and the meetinR adiourned at 4:40 n.m ~~ r #7 ._ r_ __~ . . .--J;)~ K i . Da as, h irman · Minutes bv Li~a Resnick 4/26/20111:51:58 PM 8468