Immokalee Beautification MSTU Minutes 08/22/2012 e
Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU
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Certification of Minutes Approval Form
Prepay-• fly: Ap•roved by:
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Penny ' ppi,Executiv /ector Cherryle Thor ., Chairman
Immos Lighting and eautification MSTU Liaison
These Minutes for the August 22, 2012, MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting were
approved by the MSTU Advisory Committee on October 24,2012 as presented.
* The next MSTU Advisory Committee meeting will be held November 14, 2012 at 8:30A.M. at
the Southwest FL Works conference room located at 750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, FL.,
All meetings will be publicly noticed in the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building F), posted at the Immokalee
Public Library and provided to the County Public Information Department for distribution.Please call Jeffrey Nagle,
Immokalee MSTU Project Manager,at 239-867-4121 for additional information. In accordance with the American
with Disabilities Act,persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact Christie
Betancourt, Administrative Assistant, at least 48 hours before the meeting. The public should be advised that
members of the MSTU Lighting and Beautification Advisory Committee may also be members of other Boards and
Committees. In this regard,matters coming before the Advisory Committee may come before one or more of the
referenced Board and Committees from time to time.
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Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting
August 22,2012
A. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Cherryle Thomas at 10:03 a.m.
B. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Advisory Committee Members Present:
Cherryle Thomas, Bill Deyo, Lucy Ortiz, Andrea Halman and Norma Ramirez
Action: A quorum was announced as being present.
Others Present: Richard Tindell, Robert Kindelan, and Cristina Perez
Staff: Jeffrey Nagle, Christie Betancourt, and Penny Phillippi.
C. Introductions. Cristina Perez was introduced as the Code Enforcement Supervisor for
D. Announcements: Ms. Thomas announced that the Immokalee Christmas Around
the World will be held on 12/8/2012 this year and that Guinness Book of Records
will be there to count floats. Ms. Thomas added that if Immokalee places 2nd in
the book of records then Good Morning America will do a story on the event. No
other announcements.
E. Adoption of the Agenda.
Action: Ms. Ortiz made a motion to approve the agenda; it was seconded by Ms.
Halman and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0.
F. Communications.
o Mr. Nagle passed around the Communications Folder which contained the
following: Notice of MSTU Public Meeting.
• No Littering Flyer.
• Keep Collier Beautiful Coastal Cleanup Flyer.
• Carson Road Sidewalk project plans.
• Proposed ramp modifications for the Main Street
Improvement project.
• Photos of August 13 light pole knock down.
G. Approval of the Minutes.
Action: Ms. Ramirez made a motion to approve the minutes for the month of May
and June 2012. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ortiz and the motion passed by a
unanimous vote of 5-0.
H. Old Business.
a. Budget Report.
Mr. Nagle reported on the current budget, provided Purchase Order and
Expenditures Reports to the Committee. It was noted that the Purchase
Order report was incorrect and will be revised and emailed to the
Committee Members. The reports were accepted by consensus.
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes
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b. Code Enforcement Report.
Ms. Perez from Code Enforcement announced that a Community Clean
Up on Saturday September 8, 2012 will be conducted along Delaware
Avenue. The Code Enforcement Task Force meets every last Tuesday of
the month, at 10:00 am at the Health Department, to review blight issues
and break in's of foreclosed properties in Immokalee, all were invited to
attend those meetings. Ms. Perez added that the Sheriff's Department will
perform a Sweep in September. Ms. Thomas stated that it seems like all
the enforcement efforts have been focused on the west side of town and
asked that the east side also be considered for these efforts. Ms. Thomas
inquired who is typically responsible for mowing the lawn area between
the edge of roadway and the sidewalk on a residential property. She
indicated that some residents had called her about the maintenance in the
area on the south side of New Market Road near the "Triangle area".
Ms. Perez and Ms. Phillippi responded indicating that it was the lot
owner's responsibility to maintain that area. Ms. Thomas asked if anyone
knew who was mowing the area behind the 1st Baptist Church. Attendees
responded with an assumption that it is FDOT.
c. Project Manager (PM) Report - Mr. Nagle reviewed the MSTU Project
Managers report with the Committee.
i. Carson Road sidewalk project — Mr. Nagle provided the
Committee with an updated Opinion of Probable Cost for the
project and identified some additional design improvements and
adjustments made to the plans prior to preparing the RFP. The
added improvements increased the engineers estimated project
budget from +-$95,000 to +-$100,000. He stated the RFP is
almost complete and will be ready for solicitation by the end of
August or early September. Mr. Nagle inquired of the Committee
if they wanted to increase the budget amount of $105,000
approved at the last meeting to reflect the new engineers estimate.
The Committee declined and will wait to see what the bids are
before considering a revised budget.
ii. Main Street Improvement project - The Committee Members were
informed that the MSTU has received 100% construction plans for
the project from JRL, however there are concerns with the
ownership at some of the road intersections where sidewalk and
handicapped ramps are proposed. Stewart Title performed the
Ownership and Easement research and found no easements in the
target area. A meeting with JRL, RWA, and FDOT has been
schedule for Friday 8/24/12 to find a solution.
iii. Street Lighting—Mr.Nagle informed the Committee that there had
been a median light pole knocked down over this past weekend at
Main Street and 9th Street. A new Lumec standard blue color for
the light poles was presented to the Committee for comparison
with a piece of existing blue light pole as an alternative and
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes
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anticipated cost savings when ordering replacement lights. The
Committee all agreed that the new standard blue should be
specified when ordering new light poles for knock down
replacements in the future. Ms. Thomas stated that Deputy Taylor
has told her that the blue lights at the intersections of Main and 2nd
and 1st and Delaware are not working and asked that Mr. Nagle
investigate the reason why and coordinate repairs with the
appropriate MSTU vendor.
iv. Holiday Decoration - The Committee was informed that a total of
40 Lighted Angel decorations are anticipated and planned to be
installed along Main Street from 1st Street to the Triangle at New
Market Road. Mr. Nagle has obtained the structural EPA
information from the Angel manufacture and is preparing a general
use permit for FDOT approval. The permit must be in by mid-
September before the County is relieved of the permit issuance
responsibility. Ms. Phillippi indicated that we have only 12 more
weeks until the decorations have to be installed for the Holiday
v. Ninth Street Sidewalk replacement—The Committee was informed
that through discussions with Collier County Transportation
Department staff has recommended preparing the R.O.W. permit
and asking for a waiver from the required lot owner signature since
one owner is deceased and the other has not been located. Ms.
Phillippi indicated that the amount of time spent by the Immokalee
MSTU Project Manager on coordination for this project might be
more than the actual project costs.
d. Contractor Reports.
Maintenance Report - The Committee was directed to review the
report from CLM. Mr. Kindelan reviewed his report. CLM has
been trimming the bougainvillea hedges in the medians to provide
a level top to the hedge row as directed by the MSTU Project
Manager. CLM performed paver area pressure cleaning last month
and review the dirt that remained on the pavers after cleaning with
the MSTU Project Manager in the field.CLM will schedule another
test pressure cleaning with Mr. Nagle next week to determine why
the pavers did not come clean. Mr. Kindelan indicated that the site
furnishings are looking a little dirty and that they used to clean the
bench slats with bleach and water; however he stopped doing that
because the bleach residue can damage the clothing of pedestrians
and that it also pitted the plastic/rubber slat material. The benches
will be pressure cleaned in the future. The irrigation that is not
functioning at the Casino area on 1St Street, as recently brought to
the attention of CLM, will be reviewed today. Mr. Kindelan also
pointed out to the Committee that the porous irrigation pipe
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes
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(soaker hose) will be checked for leaks where the juniper is dying
and recommended that the system be upgraded to a regular
irrigation system (Netifim drip pipe). Ms. Halman asked if the
MSTU can change the plants in the medians to get away from the
bougainvillea. Mr. Nagle responded indicating that he is
considering a new plant palette for the medians however, the new
plant materials being considered may present a concern with
pedestrian trampling it and perhaps some time of post and chain
barrier may have to be incorporated in the design. Mr. Kindelan
added that the bougainvillea in the medians is continuously
trampled by pedestrians, however the Jasmine groundcover is not
trampled and a that a planting design with more Jasmine could be
considered. Ms. Thomas added that there is a lot of pedestrian
crossing through the medians on South 1st Street, near the Coral
Palms area.
ii. Landscape Architect Report - Mr. Tindell from JRL reviewed the
Landscape Architect Report and the photos provided. Mr. Tindell
again pointed out the missing shrub material at the Sheriff's office
frontage along South 1st Street that should be replaced and
identified 1 dying Crape Myrtle tree in a 1st street median that has
significant dieback on it and requires corrective pruning and 1 dead
Crape Myrytle near the Casino on 1st Street that needs to be
removed and replaced. Mr. Tindell suggested that the 1st Street
Crape Myrtle be replaced with a nicer evergreen tree since the
existing Crapes are past their prime and starting to decline adding
that perhaps a flowering Tababuia tree might look nice there. Mr.
Nagle indicated that he had met with CLM on site a couple of
weeks ago and directed him to prune all the Crape Myrtle trees up
to a height of 10 feet from the ground (evenly) per our contract
with CLM. A discussion regarding the deterioration and damaged
disposition of the existing brick planters along Main Street ensued.
The Committee collectively directed CLM to review the planter
conditions and provide recommendations as to which planters
should be repaired and which should be removed and provide the
MSTU with a quote for the work to be performed. Mr. Tindell
closed his report by thanking the MSTU Committee members for
providing JRL the opportunity to work with them and that his
contract with the Immokalee MSTU will be ending tomorrow
8/23/2012. He added that he would be pleased if the Committee
saw fit to extend his contact for landscape architectural consulting
services. Mr. Nagle indicated that this item is on the agenda to be
discussed under New Business.
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes
e. Community Redevelopment Agency Report.
i. Stormwater Project — Ms. Phillippi provided an update on the
project schedule informing the Committee that the project is 75%
complete and that the resurfacing of 2 streets associated with the
project is next on the schedule. Additionally, at the moment, Mr.
Muckel is attending a meeting with the Big Cypress Basin to
discuss further funding assistance of$400,000 for design of Phase
II, Immokalee Drive. Ms. Ortiz asked gets the money for the fill
dirt coming out of the pond site on the current storm water project.
Ms. Philippi responded indicating that it is the contractor. Ms.
Thomas asked who is mining the dirt by the Marian Feather site.
No one knew.
ii. Crosswalk Project—Ms. Phillippi informed the Committee that the
$140k from the CDGB has taken 6 months for the County to
prepare the RFP and that it could take another 6 months for the
feasibility study and design process which would push the project
into 2014. However, the grant funds require the project to be
completed by 12/31/2012. Therefore, the money will have to be
returned to the funding source. The MSTU Committee was asked
if they might consider partnering with the CRA and sharing some
of the study's cost of $20k. Ms. Halman asked why the County
took 4 months to prepare the RFP. Ms. Phillippi responded
indicating that Purchasing had no answer or recommendations for
speeding up the process, adding that she is still discussing the issue
with Purchasing.
iii. 1St Street Plaza RFQ update — Ms. Phillippi informed the
Committee that the No. 1 selected professional for this project is
Corban Architecture.
I. New Business.
a. MSTU member renewal: Mr. Nagle informed the Committee that Ms.
Ramirez and Ms. Ortiz have completed the online application as shown on
(Enclosure 9) for review.
Action: Mr. Deyo made a motion to approve the MSTU membership renewal for
both Norma Ramirez and Lucy Ortiz, it was seconded by Ms. Halman and the motion
passed by a vote of 3-0.
b. JRL Design contract renewal: Mr. Nagle indicated that the JRL contract for
landscape architectural consulting services will expire tomorrow on 8/23/2012
and inquired how the Committee would like to proceed. The Committee
directed staff to file an extension of the current JRL contract for the next 30
days to allow the Committee to review the other short listed landscape
architectural firms in the County's library of vendors. Mr. Nagle added that
Mr. Tindall has formed a new firm titled Green Works Studios which is one of
the 5 shortlisted firms that the County selected. Ms. Thomas asked if the
Immokalee MSTU will have a chance to select who they want to be their
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes
landscape consultant or will it be assigned to them. Mr. Nagle responded
indicating that he will investigate their concern and will provide a response to
the Committee as soon as he receives an answer.
Action: Mr. Deyo made a motion to approve the extension of the current JRL
landscape architecture consulting contract for an additional 30 days from 8/23/2012, it
was seconded by Ms. Ortiz and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0.
c. Street Light replacements: The Committee was directed to 3 estimates from
Southern Signal for the replacement of currently missing light poles along
Main Street and 1st Street, specifically located at Walgreens & Main Street,
Eustis Avenue & 1st Street, Popeye's Chicken & Main Street and McDonalds
& Main Street. Mr. Nagle explained that the current available MSTU budget
for street lights is approximately $17,000 and that there is not enough budget
remaining to replace all 3 of the lights. Possibly 1 light could be replaced at
this time prior to the 2013 fiscal year budget. The Committee directed staff to
proceed with coordinating the light replacements as far as the budget will
allow with the exception of the replacement of the McDonalds & Main Street
Citizen Comments.
a. None
J. Next Meeting Date.
Ms. Phillippi suggested that the MSTU members consider holding their next
meeting as a joint meeting with the CRA Advisory Board members on September
26, 2012 at 10:00 am at the Southwest Florida Works building. The Committee
directed staff to coordinate the next meeting with the CRA Advisory Board.
K. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Immokalee CRA 2012/MSTU Master File/Agendas/September 2012/August Minutes