Haldeman Creek MSTU Minutes 03/04/2010 iE Fiala Hiller Henning Coyle v'" / Coletta ~ 161 'I. A, fo) ); (Q1 ~ I( WI rn: 1m H\l AUG 0 9 2011 JY) fi..~ BY: ....................... Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 HALDEMAN CREEK DREDGING MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 4, 2010 MEETING The meeting of the Haldeman Creek Dredge MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Mr. Wilson at 4:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Roy Wilson, Joe Patton, Tom Briscoe, Steve Main, and Vicki Tracy. MSTU Staff Present: David Jackson, MSTU Director, Jean Jourdan and Sue Trone Project Managers. 2. Approval of Aqenda: Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Motion to approve: Ms. Tracy. Second: Main. Approved 5-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to approve the November 12, 2009 regular meeting minutes: Motion: Mr. Briscoe. Second: Mr. Patton. Approved 5-0. 4. Proiects Report: a. East Naples Bav Advisory Committee. Mr. Wilson informed the Committee that he had attended the City of Naples MSTU Committee meeting and that they were moving ahead with the project. That committee sent out a survey to land owners and they had an 80% favorable response. 5. Old Business: a. MSTU Committee Goals Workshop. Mr. Wilson advised the Committee that the planned January goal session had been cancelled and that they needed to set a new date and time. The Committee agreed to a workshop on April 1, 2010 from 4- 6PM. b. Channel Marker 13 Replacement - Discussion. Mr. Wilson stated that the way he reads the Ordinance, the MSTU is responsible for the replacement of Channel Marker 13. Mr. Jackson explained that he did not get quotes for this meeting beca.~s~_he,wanted to see and hear the Committee discussion in January, but since the meeting was cancelled, he had not quotes. Mr. Patton said there was no rush. __.~..__.:....rY1J,:,.\Nll~'OJ1~sfated that the non-replacement was benign neglect on the Committee's part. Ms. Tracy suggested the staff submit the ordinance to the County Attorney for a '. .'. .:.. " iTr')ll --- -------- March 4, 2009 Minutes (It ."" .ic:",. ') J I 1.61 1 A 7 ~ Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 legal opinIon about the Committee's responsibility to replace the marker. The Committee agreed. 6. New Business: a. MSTU Committee Member Interviews. Mr. Jackson noted that three applicants for the MSTU Committee seats expiring in March 2010 were received. One applicant, Mr. Cochrane lived in Windstar and that he did not own a MSTU paying piece of property. Mr. Jackson advised that two applicants eligible were: Mr. Roy Wilson amd Mr. Larry (Joe) Patton both reapplying for the seats. Motion to recommend reappointment for Roy Wilson and Larry (Joe) Patton: Mr. Briscoe. Second: Ms. Tracy. Approved 5-0. b. FY2011 Budqet & Millaqe Recommendation to the BCC. Mr. Jackson handed out a set of charts and gave a presentation on FY2009 and FY2010 Revenues and Expenses. He stated that the Committee's decision to set 0.5 mils in FY2010 had a fiscal impact on their budget. The projected 10% decrease in MSTU property values will further impact MSTU revenues in FY2011. He explained that decreasing property values over the next two to five years and a low millage rate may not provide adequate revenues to complete projects or their goal of a future dredging. He stated that in the FY2011 County Budget Policy the MSTU had the option to recommend millage neutral or tax neutral for FY2011. After a roundtable discussion on the impacts to recommending either of the Budget Options, motion to recommend tax neutral to the BCC for FY2011: Ms. Tracy. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 3-2; Mr. Briscoe and Mr. Patton dissenting. 7. Advisory Committee Communications. None. 8. Public Comments. None. 9. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Mr. Briscoe. Second: Mr. Main. Approved 5-0. The regular meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. It; It /vJfr--- Approved and forwarded by Roy Wilson, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman. March 4, 2009 Minutes Misc. Corres: DatI: \ c\ \ \ \ \ , Item I: \L1l ":l:: \ A"\ Copies to: I..