Forest Lakes MSTU Minutes 10/01/2013FOREST ROADWAY and DRAINAGE M.S.T.U.
3299 East Tamiami Trail - Suite 103 D
Naples, FL 34112
OCTOBER 19 2013
Chairman Robert Jones called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
A quorum was established; four voting members were present.
Members: Robert Jones — Chairman
George Fogg — Vice Chair, Richard Barry, Kenneth Bloom
Excused: Kevin McKyton
County: Darryl Richard — MSTU Project Manager
Harry Sells — Project Manager
Michelle Arnold — Director, ATM
Others: Scott Windham — Windham Studio, Inc.
Jim Carr, PE — Agnoli, Barber& Brundage
(JuriStaff — Anne Iacuzzo)
Vice Chairman Fogg moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Richard Barry
offered a Second in support of the Motion. Carried unanimously, 4 — 0.
(1) September 26, 2013 —Emergency Meeting:
• Page 3, third paragraph, P sentence: The words, "golf course," were deleted.
The sentence shall read as follows: "The MSTU re- graded the swales."
Richard Barry noted there was severe flooding on Forest Lakes Drive. At least four
units were under water; there was also water incursion (two inches) in the garages and in
two of the "Florida" rooms.
RE: Emergency Motion
Richard Barry mentioned his confusion concerning the Motion to approve the appropriation
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of (up to) $40,000 to open the swales on the golf course. He stated he thought the money
was to be used to open all the swales, not just two ( #17 and #15).
Michelle Arnold noted the discussion that had taken place prior to the Motion being made
referenced the northern portion of the community, with the visual aids (maps) displaying
the area.
Darryl Richard confirmed it was his understanding, also.
[Motion made during the September 26th Emergency Meeting:
• "Vice Chairman Fogg moved to approve allowing the MSTU to enter into an
Emergency Contract with a vendor to open the swales on the golf course and
keep them open during the rainy season."
• "Vice Chairman Fogg amended his motion to include the following language:
The contract is not to exceed $40,000."
Mr. Barry stated it had not been made clear to him during the meeting that the $40,000
was to be used for only two swales.
Vice Chairman Fogg stated he understood the funds were to be used for the two swales
which were the most problematic at the time.
Mr. Barry agreed the discussion concerned the two swales to be done under emergency
conditions and the work was to be done by Monday, September 30I'. During the discussion,
it was not mentioned that other swales were not to be opened. He further stated he thought
$40,000 was excessive if only two swales were to be opened.
Vice Chairman Fogg explained since the cost was unknown, it was suggested that $40K
would be more than sufficient. It was not anticipated the entire amount would be spent.
Kenneth Bloom stated it was his understanding that the funds were appropriated for the
two swales most affected by the northern lakes. He stated the purpose of the current meeting
was to discuss long -term solutions of the flooding issue as well as continual maintenance of
the swales.
Darryl Richard stated the total cost to clean the two swales was approximately $9,600. The
work was done by Walker Exotic Trees and had been completed on Monday.
Vice Chairman Fogg called for a vote on the previous Motion.
Vice Chairman Fogg moved to approve the Minutes of the September 26th meeting
as amended. Kenneth Bloom offered a Second in support of the Motion.
Carried unanimously, 4 — 0.
(2) September 3, 2013 —Regular MSTU Meeting:
Kenneth Bloom moved to approve the Minutes of the September 3`d meeting as
submitted. Vice Chairman Fogg offered a Second in support of the Motion.
Carried unanimously, 4 — 0.
A. Monthly Budget Report:
(Report attached: "Forest Lakes MSTU Fund 159, dated September 30, 2013 ")
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Darryl Richard noted the following was the last budget report of the 2012 -2013 Fiscal
• Current Ad Valorem Tax Budget:
• Tax Receipts Collected:
• To be Collected
• Operating Expenses:
• Open Purchase Orders:
• Spent to date (end of FY):
• Operating Funds Available:
$ 149,900.00 (anticipated to receive)
$ 144,560.88 (actually received)
$ 5,339.12 (not collected)
$ 173,500.00 (Line Item 37)
$ 11,140.51
$ 99,003.15
$ 63,356.34
Vice Chairman Fogg asked if the "Spent to Date" contained the $9,600 allocated to
clean the swales.
Darryl Richard noted the invoice from Walker Exotic Tree Mitigation had been
included in the Report.
Kenneth Bloom asked if the unused surplus of $63,356.34 would roll over into the
2013 -2014 Budget.
Darryl Richard confirmed the amount would "carry forward."
• Improvements /Capital Outlay:
• Open Purchase Orders:
• Spent to Date:
• Unencumbered Monies:
• Reserves (debt service — Bond):
• Total Budget:
$ 1,138,493.51 (Line Items 38 & 39)
$ 11,877.80
$ 91,152.21
$ 1,035,463.50
$ 1,166,000.00 (Line Item 45)
$ 2,269,890.46 (includes Reserves)
Darryl Richard noted taxable values have increased and the revenue stream will
change based on the millage rate. He further noted the difference between the taxable
values of FY -2010 ($176M) versus FY -2013 ($130M) has been significant and is one
of the reasons why the Budget Office has set aside $1,166,000 for debt service to the
He concluded most of the Purchase Orders have closed out.
Vice Chairman Fogg commented:
• The surplus will be needed in the coming year to fund repair work which may
be needed in the future.
It was originally planned to utilize the $1,166,000 for additional construction
work in the community. But, due to the decrease in the value of the homes
and units in the development by approximately 25 %, the money was held to
cover the Bond indebtedness. The money must be held in Reserves. If the
property values continue to increase, there may be extra funds available in
the future to complete some of the projects that had been removed from the
construction schedule.
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A. Activity since the Emergency Meeting:
• Walker Exotic Tree Mitigation had been immediately contracted pursuant
to the direction of the Committee to clean the swales on the golf course.
The quote submitted was for $9,600.
• The contractor made every effort to remove as much of the vegetation as
possible — to go as deep as he could with cutting tools despite the water
levels in the swales.
• The level of the two northern lakes has subsided. The situation is being
• While the water levels have receded, there is still some water in the swales
(by design).
• One option: to chemically treat the vegetation in the swales
• He contacted the contractor recommended by the South Florida Water
Management District to obtain a quote for the chemical treatment. It is the
same contractor used by the County's Road Maintenance. He is waiting
for a response.
• He reminded the Committee that the water table is elevated in the entire
area and the ground remains super- saturated with moisture.
• He is monitoring the weather reports because the extreme amount of
rainfall for this year has compromised the ability of the swales to remove
the water. (50% than normal to date)
• The rainy season is not .yet over and County Engineers, as well as Jim Carr,
PE from Engineer from Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, are reviewing the
• He recommended the Committee consider the option of pumping water if
additional flooding occurs.
A. Status Report: Construction Project (Phase 2 and Phase 3 combined)
• The Bid approved by the Committee (at the September 3rd meeting) has been
added to the Board of County Commissioner's meeting agenda for October.
• The Contract will be reviewed by the BCC
• If approved, the Purchasing Department will begin processing the
Purchase Order to hire the Contractor
Michelle Arnold noted:
• The purpose of the Reserves is to cover the short -fall with regard to the
repayment of the Bond.
• The total cost to correct the drainage issue is not yet known.
• All of the funds will be utilized to correct the issue.
Kenneth Bloom:
• The Committee may not want to award the contract to continue construction
due to the potential cost to repair the drainage problem.
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The Committee must decide which issue is more important: drainage or the
sidewalks. There is only a limited amount of money available.
Michelle Arnold stated the Purchasing Department had been consulted to determine
if the bid that had been released was flexible enough to cover either issue. She stated
that there was no flexibility built into the bid — it was too specific. The alternative
would be to reject the bid and re -bid the project.
Mr. Bloom noted even if the bid is approved by the BCC, the Committee does not
have to approve awarding the Contract. The item can be removed from the BCC's
Scott Windham noted the Committee had approved revisions to the parking
configuration in the Pine Ridge intersection which will become an addendum to the
Darryl Richard noted the Maintenance Contract bid is in Purchasing for review. The
bid has not been released. He stated the bid was configured so that items could be
added or removed as necessary.
He further noted the Bond will not be paid out until 2022. Additional funds will not
be allocated to Capital Improvements until after the Bond has been repaid.
Kenneth Bloom asked when the debt service payment is due.
Michelle Arnold replied that two payments are made each year: January and July.
Mr. Bloom noted $144,560.88 had been collected for debt service and operations. He
stated approximately $519,000 is collected each Fiscal Year to operate the MSTU and
service the debt on the Bond. He asked how much they were "short" on the debt
service. He stated there was a short-fall (Ad Valorem) of $5,339.12. The Reserve
fund will cover the debt service if the MSTU cannot.
Michelle Arnold stated the principal and interest on the Bond is approximately
$550,000 per year.
Mr. Bloom concluded approximately $200,000 will be withdrawn from the Reserves
to make the January payment. Until the property tax values increase, the same amount
will be paid each year from the Reserves.
(Note: $1,166,000 - 200,000 = 5.83 payments.)
Darryl Richard noted even if the $1,166,000 is not touched, there will still be an
issue concerning repayment in 5 years.
Kenneth Bloom requested Michelle Arnold ask the Budget Office to provide the
following information for the next meeting:
• the initial amount of the Bond;
• the amount of the payments made;
• the current balance;
• what is the amount of the short fall.
Suggestion: Refinance the bond at a lower interest rate to reduce the payments.
Current interest rates are lower than when the bond was issued.
October 1, 2013
A. Flooding/Drainage Issues
Vice Chairman Fogg stated the next issue to be discussed was if there are any long-
term solutions to the drainage problem. He stated the Committee has studied the issue
for several years. Several solutions had been recommended and were implemented.
The MSTU thought the situation had been corrected but it was not. He asked the
Project Manager for a status report.
Darryl Richard responded the new Consulting Engineer, Jim Carr, has not had a great
deal of time to evaluate the situation. (Mr. Carr is the 3`d Consulting Engineer.) He
stated the area had been in a drought for the past few years — until this year. He stated
all options to improve the situation are being reviewed.
Jim Carr, P.E.:
• It appears the systems are working and flowing along the southern and western
portions of the community.
• The problem is water moving through the golf course from the north to the
• The lakes interconnect.
• Cleaning the swales on the golf course improved the flow which will help if
another heavy rainfall occurs.
• There may be a blockage or restriction behind the condos — either a volume
restriction or an elevation — that does not allow the two lakes to equalize.
There was a two -foot difference in the levels of the lakes during the flooding
• The focus of the emergency meeting was the two northern lakes which connect
through the golf course to the southern lake.
• The difference of two feet in the levels between the two lakes is "excessive."
• The swale connections must be inspected to determine capacity.
• There could be a volume issue that is preventing the water from moving
• The data regarding the elevation is not currently available.
• Original design plans and recent work will be reviewed.
Q. (Resident) Where is the temporary dam that was built?
A. (Jim Carr) There was quite a restriction from the southwest corner of the property
out to the Royal Poinciana bridge. A major improvement was done. The cross -
section was very constricted — it was opened up — rip racks were installed — it is
working well now.
A resident asked where the swales that were opened during the emergency were
located and Mr. Carr pointed out the areas on the map.
Darryl Richard noted one swale was closest to Turtle Lakes fairway. He asked if
installing piping would improve the conditions.
Jim Carr responded it should but installation will be determined by the capacity of
the swales. He will survey some cross - sections and run a model. If the modeling
matches actual conditions, piping will be installed on the model to see how it would
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affect the area. Water flows through a pipe while a swale makes it more difficult for
water to travel — the water has to get up several inches before the volume can be
pushed through. Generally, there is an advantage to having a pipe connection.
Vice Chairman Fogg noted the residents should be aware that when development
was constructed thirty years ago, the restrictions regarding construction then are not
the same as now. The topography of the community sits low. There is no way around
that -- it is not simple or easy. There is no magic solution.
Jim Carr concurred the land sits very low and there is very little elevation within the
community. He stated opening up as many things as possible should help.
• Jessa Olson (Turtle Lakes Golf Colony Assn.) (resident since 1980)
• Water is still resting under the drain grates at Forest Lakes /Quail Run and has
been for 16 days. The water has not drained — there is no flow.
• The parking lots were flooded. There were cars parked in the golf cart paths
because of the water.
• Although she has been waiting for sidewalks for 3+ years, she would prefer
to have the drains fixed first — unless the drains can be fixed at the same time
as the sidewalks are installed.
• She wants a long -term solution.
Connie Villegas (Turtle Lakes)
• Knowing that there is so much traffic on Forest Lakes — people are cutting
through, using the road to go somewhere else — why weren't the sidewalks a
• People are walking in the streets because there is nowhere else to go.
• The priority should have been the area that is so congested with cars and
(Comment: "Someone is going to get killed — I agree. ")
Vice Chairman Fogg agreed everyone is concerned about pedestrian safety on Forest
Lakes. He noted there were two different issues: (1) the safety of pedestrians, and (2)
the safety of their homes. He explained there are two problems with only one pot of
money. The Committee is trying to do the best it can to solve those problems.
Ken Bloom recalled when the project began, Staff contacted each Condo Association.
The sidewalks could not be done until the MSTU received an easement for each
Association which was a requirement of the Condo Associations. It took over 18
months to obtain the easements. He stated if the necessary documents had been
obtained quickly, the sidewalks would have been done first. The project could not be
held up even longer while the various Associations decided which side of the road was
their choice. He further stated the MSTU is still waiting to receive easements.
October 1, 2013
• Jessa Olson asked why the documents had not been obtained before the project
Michelle Arnold noted there had been conflicts with the various Associations.
• Ms. Olson agreed the common land belongs to the Association but stressed the
Committee should have obtained all necessary information before starting
Vice Chairman Fogg stated there were multiple problems — most of which have been
solved. It was not due to lack of trying — it took an enormous amount of time and
Darryl Richard pointed out another problem was determining where the utilities were
located. To avoid ripping out existing sidewalks, additional sub - surface utility surveys
were required.
Vice Chairman Fogg stated, "We didn't know what we were going to run into so how
could we have known that we should have done something..."
• Connie Villegas asked if the problems with Turtle Lakes had been solved.
Darryl Richard acknowledged final documents were in the process of being signed.
Michelle Arnold confirmed signed documents were being obtained.
Jim Lynn (Forest Lakes Blvd.) stated his Association had granted an easement
when the documents were presented in March, 2012. It is his understanding more
documents must be signed — the documents that had been signed previously were
not the "final" documents. His Association preferred installing the sidewalks first
for the safety of people walking at night. He stated, "We are fortunate, so far, there
haven't been any fatalities."
Concerning the debt service, he suggested since interest rates are depressed, the
Budget Office should investigate refinancing the amount to lower the payments and
save money.
Vice Chairman Fogg stated Staff would review the issue with the Budget Office.
• Lee Dixon, Manager — Turtle Lakes, stated Turtle Lakes is very interested in having
the sidewalks built first. He thanked the Committee for the fine job — the swales
have been cleared out and water was moving.
Vice Chairman Fogg noted the bid for the project to install the lights, sidewalks and
improve the turning lane has been approved by the Committee and was sent to the Board
of County Commissioners to review and approve. Construction is anticipated to begin
in January, 2014. The construction period is slated for 120 days.
• Jim Dougherty (Fairway Villas) stated he would hate to see the sidewalks deferred.
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While a long -term solution is being discussed, Mr. Dougherty suggested
concentrating on maintenance issues and pumping the culverts. He noted his
Association signed their documents in March, 2012, and have been advised that
additional documents will need to be approved.
Vice Chairman Fogg called for a show of hands. He asked how many residents preferred
to drop the sidewalk issue and devout the monies strictly to drainage. He noted the cost
to solve the drainage issue is unknown. He asked, "If we don't have enough money to
do both, which is the most crucial ?"
Kenneth Bloom stated he has lived on the single - family side of the community for the
past 20 years. He stated driving was worse 20 years ago when there was no drainage and
nothing had been done.
He summarized the situation:
o There is approximately $1M remaining from the Bond that can be spent
to complete the sidewalk, lighting and entrance project.
o Not having sidewalks is dangerous.
o We also have an issue concerning drainage. It will become even more of an
issue if we cannot find a long -term solution.
o We do not have a long -term solution at the moment.
o Mr. Carr, the consulting Engineer, needs more time to develop a long -term
o The bid for the project will be approved by the Board of County
Commissioners on October 8`h
o If we ask Staff to pull the item from the Agenda in order to address the
drainage issue, the project will be delayed for a minimum of three more
months before we can again go before the Board of County Commissioners.
o The entire process would start over again. Unlike a private company, the
County had its own process which is lengthy.
o The question is: "What is important ?"
o We are stuck as to what is the best solution. There are two problems.
Darryl Richard cautioned that financing is a consideration. The cost to solve the
drainage issue is unknown and there may not be enough in the Budget. He stated it could
be years before the project may be considered again.
o The Committee must make a decision as to how to proceed. Mr. Bloom
acknowledged 50% of the residents would not be happy, no matter which
decision was made.
Vice Chairman Fogg asked Jim Carr for an estimate concerning when he might have a
plan to present with regard to the flooding problem and the costs.
Mr. Carr estimated he would need approximately six months to thoroughly study the
issue and develop a plan.
Vice Chairman Fogg noted if the sidewalk project was delayed, it would probably be
permanently "killed ". He stated one alternative was to ask residents to contribute
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additional money but again stressed the cost to alleviate the flooding issue was
unknown. Another was to wait until property values increased to generate additional
money. He reiterated there would not be enough money to complete both projects.
Darryl Richard reminded the Committee and attendees there was no "magic bullet" to
"solve" the drainage issue. He stated he also consulted the County's Engineers. The
problem may be improved but it will not be completely solved because the entire
community sits low.
Kenneth Bloom concurred, stating there will still be flooding especially in the same
type of situation, i.e., a great deal of rain falling within a short amount time.
Q. What is the "bottom line" figure if we went ahead with the sidewalk project?
A. $950,000.
Q. When the flooding occurred, the swales or culverts were completely overgrown
with vegetation? Why was that?
Vice Chairman Fogg stated the golf course maintains the swales but was unable with
the type of equipment used to mow the swales due to the amount of water in them.
Q. That was before the flooding?
A. Before the flooding and it's become worse. The vegetation has had two more
weeks to grow.
Vice Chairman Fogg acknowledged both the golf course and the MSTU knew there
was a problem. No one expected to receive a 25 or 50 -year rain event. "We were
waiting until the water went down to clean out the vegetation."
Kenneth Bloom stated the long -term solution to the swale problem is to maintain them
on a continuing basis. The MSTU will fix the ongoing maintenance portion of the
problem. Proper maintenance will alleviate some of the problem but considering the
amount of water and the timeframe during which it fell — even if the swales had been
cleaned, there would still have been a flooding problem ... maybe not to the same
extent, but there still would have been some flooding. The lakes in the northern portion
of the community were holding a great deal of water. Even if the lakes were able to
push out the water to the swales, too much rain fell and the pumps were not able to
handle it.
Q. I know we have been talking about a shortage of funds. If the Finance Department
could look at re- financing, it may or may not generate additional funds. You can't just
compare interest rates against interest rates. You must take into consideration other
costs such as accounting fees, but it certainly would be beneficial solely on a pure
interest rate spread — but it just may generate enough funds to cover these projects.
Vice Chairman Fogg reiterated Staff has agreed to review the issue.
• Mary Ann Gracey (Fairway Villas — Building #2) stated someone will be hurt
on Forest Lakes Boulevard. Even if the MSTU does everything and the money
is spent — we will still have some flooding. Whatever was done did help, but
this rain was very unusual. Sidewalks are necessary — they are needed.
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• John Vanderheld (Turtle Lakes) stated during the September 26th Emergency
Meeting we discussed obtaining a pump to get water out to Pine Ridge Road.
Has anyone thought about putting a drain pipe underground at both ends?
Kenneth Bloom stated it would be evaluated, as well as the cost and the benefits. It is
on the table. There are a number of items to be considered including pumping the lakes
down in advance the next storm.
Jim Carr stated lowering the lakes was more of an emergency situation — if a tropical
storm was coming, the volume of water could be reduced. Once the level is reduced,
the ground water will come back up. We have high ground water — there is not much
that can be done about it.
Vice Chairman Fogg explained the existing water table was not two to three feet
underground but was at ground level. When it rains, there is no place for the water to
Harold (Quail Run Golf Club) stated that in the past, the golf course had little
or no problems with flooding, except for hurricanes and big tropical storms. We
went along with the deal to take all the water from the hard surfaces in the
community and put it on the golf course. You designed the swale system. It
seemed to work very well and the MSTU maintained them for two years. Then
it stopped. Once the MSTU maintains the swales again, please give
consideration to the fact that we don't have equipment — we are willing to help
and cooperate in every way we can. The crew that was mowing the two swales
did a great job but there is so much undergrowth, the water can't go down any
faster. Please give some consideration — the golf course is not the "bad guy" in
all of this — we have been taking all this water and we don't know what to do
with it.
Vice Chairman Fogg noted the Public Comment portion of the meeting was
Darryl Richard asked to address the issue of the bid before further discussion took
place, i.e., did the Committee want to keep it on the Agenda for the Board of County
Commissioner's October 8th meeting?
Kenneth Bloom supported keeping it on the Agenda.
Vice Chairman Fogg requested a show of hands in support of the sidewalk project.
(The majority agreed.)
Kenneth Bloom moved to approve keeping the Bid on the Agenda for the Board of
County Commissioners' October 8rh meeting. Richard Barry offered a Second in
support of the motion. Carried unanimously, 4 — 0.
Vice Chairman Fogg stated the Committee will review finding a solution to the
drainage issue, if it is even possible.
Kenneth Bloom agreed that it was "unknown territory." He asked Mr. Carr if the
swales were maintained properly on a quarterly or bi -annual basis, would there be as
much of a flooding problem.
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Jim Carr noted the flooding may not have been as severe.
Kenneth Bloom asked if the main contributor to the problem was the lack of
maintenance in the swales prior to the rainy season.
Mr. Carr agreed it did contribute to the problem. Maintaining the swales would open
things up and give a bit of extra staging to bring the water down slightly.
Kenneth Bloom moved to approve allowing the MSTU to take over maintenance of
all drainage swales from the lakes to relieve any flooding areas and to add the costs
into the Budget. Richard Barry offered a Second in support of the Motion.
Mr. Bloom stated:
• The MSTU can alleviate part of the problem by taking over maintenance of the
• We need to know the cost.
• Staff should determine a schedule — quarterly, bi- annually, or annually.
• Staff should hire a vendor.
He asked Darryl Richard for an estimate of the cost to pump water out to Pine Ridge
A. For one week (7 days) the cost was $40,549. It is a temporary solution.
Darryl Richard suggested the Committee to approve allocating up to $55,000 for any
emergency situation.
Richard Barry noted even portions of Pine Ridge Road were underwater during the
height of the storm.
Kenneth Bloom suggested hiring Walker Exotic to immediately clean out other swales.
Darryl Richard noted a final step was to chemically treat the swales to retard the
growth of vegetation and asked if the Committee was to direct staff to obtain pricing.
Vice Chairman Fogg noted treating the vegetation will not solve the immediate
problem. He supported treating the swales as part of the maintenance program.
Darryl Richard will obtain figures for mowing and chemically treating the swales to
present at the next meeting.
Kenneth Bloom noted the $63,000 surplus will carry over to the next Fiscal Year and
could be used to off -set the cost of the additional maintenance item. He suggested
inspecting the other swales.
Richard Barry noted within an hour of the storm began Fairways #7, 8 and 9 were
under water.
Kenneth Bloom suggested inspecting and taking care of the other swales while
conditions were drier.
Darryl Richard stated there was a great deal of vegetation that must be removed. He
suggested having Walker handle two additional swales.
Kenneth Bloom stated there are two more months of the hurricane season. It will not
cost $63,000 to clean them out. We might as well use the surplus to be proactive and
save money in the long run.
October 1, 2013
^ Darryl Richard agreed since the cost to remove the vegetation was worth the honey.
He suggested mowing and treating the sw-ale closest to Fairways 7, 8 and 9 and on the
west side, near Turtle Lakes (Lake 14). He estimated $30,000 should be sufficient.
Jim Carr agreed with Mr. Richard's assessment. He concurred having the swales
cleaned will help move water in the event of another extreme storm.
Kenneth Bloom noted the Committee had authorized the use of up to $40,000 in its
Emergency Funds motion — only $1 OK was spent.
Kenneth Bloom moved to approve utilizing the remaining portion of the Emergency
Funds, up to $40,400, to clean out the remaining swales on the east side at Fairways
7, 8 and 9, and near Turtle Lake. Richard Barry offered a Second in support of the
motion. Carried unanimously, 4 — 0.
It was noted the AISTU regularly meets on the first Tuesday of every month and the
schedule is also available on the County's website.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the Meeting was
adjourned by order of the Chairman at 12:20 PM.
Robert Jones, Chair n
The :Minutes were approved by the Committee Chair on %�� � • /Qj , 2013
as submitted' t1, OIL "as amended'' L.