Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 06/06/2012Fiala
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Creativity in Bloom
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Vice Chair Carolyn Cochrane at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive.
Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Carolyn Cochrane (Vice Chair),
Sheila Dugan, Victoria Nicklos, Sandra Arafet, Gerry Buck, and Bob Messmer.
MSTU Staff Present: Sue Trone (MSTU Project Manager), and David Jackson
(Executive Director).
2. Adoption of Agenda: Ms. Cochrane asked for a motion to adopt the agenda. Motion:
Ms. Nicklos. Second: Mr. Messmer. Approved: 6 -0.
3. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Cochrane asked for a motion to approve the May 2, 2012
minutes. Motion: Ms. Arafet, Second: Mr. Buck. Approved: 6 -0.
4. Projects Report:
June 6, 2012
a. Landscape Maintenance: Aaron Gross from Ground Zero reported on items
that had been repaired over the month of May (breaks in irrigation lines).
Vegetation sprayings had been applied.
b. Bayshore Crosswalks (Hawk System). The recent hold up with the crosswalks
involves the discovery that the engineering contained errors regarding FPL
power capacity. In mid -May MSTU staff, Southern Signal, and FPL staff met on
site in both locations to discuss alternatives. Allowing for the delays
necessitated by this issue, work should begin in mid -June.
c. Thomasson Drive /Hamilton Avenue Update. The conceptual planning for this
project is virtually complete. Sabal Bay's contribution of $65,000 for engineering
outside of the MSTU boundary was accepted by the Board of County
Commissioners. The engineering must be complete by September 2012.
Atkins' contract includes assistance with boundary expansion. Staff will finalize
the conceptual plan in June and work with Purchasing to advertise a bid for
engineering as soon as the conceptual plan is complete. Staff will suspend
Atkins' contract to hold the tasks for assistance with boundary expansion until
such time as there is support to this activity. No payment to Atkins will be
authorized during the time during which the contract is in suspe►l &.
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;RCreatt�ivit�y in Bloom
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, Fl. 34112
d. Bayview and Lunar Update. This project is still in permitting.
e. Gateway Triangle Stormwater Update. ROW permits have been pulled and
Higgins is ready to stage for this project. The public information meeting was
held on May 24 at Tree of Life Church on Shadowlawn Drive.
f. Planning Commission Approval of Zoning Overlay, The Planning Commission
approved the CRA's zoning overlay and it goes to the BCC next for approval.
g. Neighborhood Watch BBQ. CRA staff. East Naples Fire, and the Sherriff
worked together to provide a bar -b -que for residents of Wild Pines community
on May 19. Over 100 hot dogs and hamburgers were cooked up and given
away that afternoon.
5. Old Business
a. Request for Payment. Staff recommended approval for payment of services.
Motion: Nicklos. Second: Buck. Approved: 6 -0
b. Budget Update. Property assessments were released on June 1. Property
values in the MSTU decreased by 2.9 %. Several months ago the committee
voted for a millage neutral policy. A copy of a proposed budget was distributed.
The final budget will be released in September.
6. New Business
a. Plant Infill for Medians. Ground Zero and staff worked together to survey the
medians along Bayshore Drive to prepare a recommendation for plant infill A
proposal for median infill was provided for $5,519,50 and a proposal for
shrubbery infill in areas where MSTU shrubs have gotten leggy /craggy for $2,
174.00. Ms. Cochrane commented that the Green Island Ficus was a good idea
for shrub replacement. The committee discussed the private hedge at Coco
and Bayshore Drive. David Jackson stated that staff would contact the private
property owner (Larry Bowein) to see about getting consent from the owner to
have the shrubs trimmed.
b. Installation of FPL Lighting for Peters Ave., Gordon St. and Collee Ct. FP &L
technical staff meet with MSTU staff to survey the subject neighborhood for
street lighting. The conclusion of this survey is that it is not lit. 11 telephone
poles in the area are equipped with transformers. FP &L can install cobra head
lights on these poles at no cost if the MSTU will pay the electric bill with a 10
year contract. The cost of electricity will be between $12 -$14 per pole per
month. Staff has been in contact with residents in the area and knows that
there is support for this project. By engaging the local neighborhood staff can
determine if lights can be placed on poles with transformers or if lights will have
to be placed over one or two spans or if lights will need shields (each
June 6, 2012
V in Bloom
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
modification incurring a cost of between $200 -$$00 each). Staff recommended
commencing a public process for placement of lights and entering into the
contract with FP &L.
Ms. Dugan expressed reservations about the project, reflecting on her
experience when streetlights were installed on her street. When she requested
shading of the light for her home, it took more than a year for FP &L to install the
Motion to approve staff's recommendation: Arafet. Second: Buck. Approved: 5-
1, Dugan opposing.
c. Repair of Bayshore Sidewalk Staff has approached several contractors
seeking creative solutions to the problem of the raising pavers on 'North
Bayshore Drive. Quotes for pavers and concrete sidewalk were presented to
the committee for review. Recommendation for Superior Interlocking Pavers to
repair the sidewalk at the quoted rates for time and material. Motion: Buck.
Second: Nicklos. Approved: 6 -0
d. Installation of Decorative Signposts on South Bayshore Drive The
Transportation Department removed excess street signs on Bayshore Drive
and placed remaining signs in proper locations. Staff obtained quotes for
decorative sign posts to match those on North Bayshore. Recommendation to
install decorative sign posts on South Bayshore for $11,210.00 by SignCraft.
Motion: Nicklos. Second: Arafet. Approved: 6 -0.
e. Printing of Fall Banners. Staff obtained a quote for printing the approved Fall
banner. The committee determined it preferred to have two banner designs.
Some felt it would not be wise to have a Fall banner since it would only hang for
less than three months. The committee selected a second design and tasked
staff to negotiate the printing of both for the same price as quoted ($2,996.30).
Motion: Arafet. Second: Nicklos. Approved 4 -2, Dugan and Messmer
f. Thomasson Drive /Hamilton Avenue Improvements Conceptual design is nearly
complete. Staff recommended suspending Atkins' contract upon completion of
final report until the time comes that the MSTU needs support from Atkins for
boundary expansion. During this time Atkins will receive no pay. Staff
recommended advertising for engineering when the final report is complete.
Motion: Dugan. Second: Messmer. Approved: 6 -0.
7, Public Comments: Phillip Litow raised two issues with hope for MSTU intervention. 1.
Mr. Litow requested assistance with reducing the speed limit on Hamilton Avenue from
30MPH to 25 MPH. 2. Mr. Litow requested assistance in getting increased spraying
from the Mosquito District. Ms. Trone advised she would pass his request on to the
June 6, 2012
3 4.-&
Creativity in Bloom
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, #L 34112
Transportation Department for assistance. Ms. Dugan advised she would further his
request on to the Mosquito District.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:26 PM.
. 21__
Approved and forwarded by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.
June 6, 2012