Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 03/09/2011
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JUN 1 0 2011
Board of County Commissioners
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Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
OF THE March 09, 2011 MEETING
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Dwight Oakley, Robert Messmer,
Sheila Dugan, Carolyn Cochrane, Gerry Buck, Victoria Nicklos, and Maurice
MSTU Staff Present: David Buchheit, Project Manager, and David Jackson, Executive
2. Approval of AQenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion:
Mr. Messmer. Second: Mrs. Cochrane. Approved 7-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the February 2,
2011 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Mr. Buck. Second: Mr. Messmer.
Approved 7-0.
4. Proiects Report:
a. Landscape Maintenance: Aaron Gross of Ground Zero conveyed to the
Advisory Committee that his crews have performed the usual maintenance in
the area. He also explained that his crew had fixed a broken sprinkler main line.
A motion was made to approve payment of monthly invoices. Motion: Mr.
Messmer. Second: Mrs. Cochrane. Approved 7-0.
b. David Buchheit informed the committee that ABS has submitted the 90% plans
to Collier County for a right of way permit.
c. David Buchheit informed the committee that JRL is working on finalizing the
master plan, and will present it to the committee at the next meeting.
d. David Buchheit informed the committee that Q. Grady Minor staff had
proceeded with the initial phase of the stormwater improvement plan.
5. Old Business:
a. David Buchheit informed the Advisory Committee t~1~lanting on New
Moon Court was completed. Date: C\ 1\'0\ \I
January 12, 2011 Minutes
Item #: \ 19 I. "2. ~ 'l..
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
b. David Buchheit explained to the committee that a neighborhood meeting was
held, and that a vote was taken. He went over the results of the vote. Mr. Buck
made a motion to proceed with getting a quote to do sidewalks on both sides,
valley gutters, trees where possible, and pedestrian lighting. Mrs. Cochrane
was the second. There was discussion about limiting the sidewalk to one side
of the street. The Chairman called the question, and the vote passed 6-1 with
Victoria Nicklos dissenting
6. New Business:
a. David Buchheit explained the Quote that was received to paint the bicycle lane
on Bayshore Drive. He explained that this would be one of the first installments
of this type of product in the Southern United States. Mr. Buck expressed his
desire to see the area move forward. and made a motion to approve the
installation. Mrs. DUQan was the second. There was discussiol1 about the cost.
and the idea of sole source. The motion passed 6-1 with DwiQht Oakley
b. David Buchheit requested that a formal motion be made to place Thomasson
Drive at the top of the priority list. Motion to approve: Mrs. Cochrane. Second:
Mr. Buck. 7-0
c. Gary WinQo from PBS&J presented information about the past .proiects of his
firm. David Suchheit provided information about this proiect. There was
discussion about the proiect. Motion to approve: Mrs. DUQan. Second: Mr.
Messmer. 7-0
d. David Buchheit provided information about the 2012 possible budQet. There
was discussion immediately about the committees desire to continue to
complete proiects. A motion was made by Mr. Buck to QO Tax Neutral for
FY2012. Second: Mr. Oakley. 7-0
7. Public Comments:
8. Advisory Committee General Communications:
a. Mr. Oakley apologized for missing the workshop, and asked to go on record to
express his displeasure with the images that were in the JRL master plan
recommendations section.
The Advisory Committee agreed to meet on April 6 at 5:00 PM.
Approved and forwardec! bfMi:ll.irice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.
January 12,2011 Minutes