Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 12/08/2010
JUN 1 0 2011
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Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight Oakley,
Robert Messmer, Sheila Dugan, Carolyn Cochrane, Gerry Buck, and Victoria Nicklos.
MSTU Staff Present: David Buchheit, Project Manager, and David Jackson, Executive
2. ApprovalofAQenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion:
Mrs. Cochrane. Second: Mr. Buck. Approved 7-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the October 6,2010
regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Ms. Nicklos. Second: Mr. Oakley.
Approved 7-0.
4. Landscape Maintenance: Aaron Gross of Ground Zero conveyed to the Advisory
Committee that his crews have performed the usual maintenance in the area.
a. He also provided two quotes to the committee for replacement trees. One was
$1,547.50 for the replacement of a dead royal palm tree. The second was
$7,033.00 for the removal and transplantation of 12 alexanders, and the
installation of seven foxtail palms at the last median on Bayshore Drive near the
Misc. Corres: intersection of Thomasson Drive. Mr. Messmer asked if the royal could be
. 0\\\ \ \\ replaced with a shade tree. The committee wanted to wait on changing
Date, 'b laAaacape (Le. from royal palm to oak) until the master plan was completed.
item #'\lU:'2..A'2.. The committee decided it would be best to wait on removal and replacement of
, the 12 alexanders until March of 2011. A motion was made to approve
payment of normal monthly invoices, and to approve the payment of the
$1,547.50 to replace the dead royal palm tree. Motion: Mr. Buck. Second: Mrs.
Cochrane. Approved 7-0.
5. Proiects Report:
a. David Buchheit informed the committee that ABB has submitted the 90% plans
to SFWMD and to Collier County. He explained that ABB and staff are working
December 8, 2010 Minutes
~ -1>
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
on the comments received from the submittal, and that the committee would be
updated when the project progresses.
b. David Buchheit informed the committee that JRL is working on updating the
Master Plan per the results of the data that they received from the November
workshop. He also informed them that there will be a workshop held on
January 8th, 2011 at 9:30 AM at the East Naples Park community center.
c. David Buchheit then asked the committee if they had any questions about the
budget report. Mr. Buck asked if he could see a detailed breakdown of the
budget. David Jackson said yes, and he provided the detailed breakdown to all
committee members at the end of the meeting.
6. Old Business:
a. David Buchheit informed the committee that Maurice Gutierrez was selected as
the November 2010 Committee Volunteer for all of Collier County.
b. David Buchheit informed the Advisory Committee that Whited Holiday Dimor
had submitted an invoice for $5,000.00 for Christmas on Bayshore. He
requested that the committee make a motion to pay the invoice. Motion: Ms.
Nicklos. Second: Mrs. Dugan 7-0.
7.. New Business:
a. Select 2011 Officers. Mr. Buck made a motion that we maintain the same
officers for 2011 that we had in 2010. A second was made by Mrs. Dugan.
Approved 7-0.
Southern Sional Repairs. David Buchheit asked for a motion to approve the
repair work that was provided by Southern Signal after the fact. Mr. Buck made
a motion to approve the payment. Second. Mrs. Cochrane. Motion carried: 7-
8. Public Comments: A member of the public commented that they were glad that we
would be distributing post cards for our January 8th, 2011 public stakeholders meeting.
9. Advisory Committee General Communications:
a. Banners: Ms. Nicklos expressed concerns about the banners that are currently
displayed on Bayshore Drive. The committee did not make any
recommendation, or vote on changing the existing banners. They did ask that
the Holiday banners be displayed.
b. Marketing: Mr. Buck requested an update on interaction with the Marketing
Committee. Mr. Jackson provided an update to the committee.
c. CAPA Event: Mr. Oakley provided the committee with an update to the CAPA
Event, and requested volunteers.
December 8, 2010 Minutes
D R I~,\:j
Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
The Advisory Committee agreed to meet on January 8 at 9:30 AM, and on January 12 at
5:00 PM.
Approved and forwarded by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman.
December 8, 2010 Minutes