Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 10/06/2010
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Board of County CommisSioner.:;
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Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL34112
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order
by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight Oakley,
Robert Messmer, Sheila Dugan, Carolyn Cochrane, and Gerry Buck. Victoria Nicklos
arrived at 5:05 p.m.
MSTU Staff Present: Sue Trone, David Buchheit Project Managers, and David
Jackson, Executive Director.
2. Approval of AQenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion:
Mrs. Cochrane. Second: Mr. Buck. Approved 6-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the September 8,
2010 regular meeting minutes. Mr. Buck asked that his name be spelled correctly in
future minutes. Motion to approve: Mr. Buck. Second: Mr. Messmer. Approved 6-0.
4. Landscape Maintenance: Aaron Gross of Ground Zero conveyed to the Advisory
Committee that his crews have performed the usual maintenance in the area along
with some repairs to equipment where needed. Mulch is being installed on Bayshore
Drive. A motion was made to approve paym~ices. Motion: Mrs. Cochrane.
Second: Mr. Buck. Approved 6-0.
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5. Proiects Report: Item #~~. \ 1JI:I; '2. 'A '1...
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a. David Buchheit informed the committee'::ffiMOjean Jourdan is working with FPL
to have a shield added to a neighborhood street light.
b. David Buchheit informed the committee that the he has worked with the vendor
to get the cost of the crosswalk improvements decreased. He asked that the
committee hold off on this project until the Master Plan is completed.
6. Old Business:
a. David Buchheit reminded the committee that they received a set of landscaping
plans, and a set of lighting plans at last month's meeting. Mr. Oakley asked for
clarification about the turn lane being removed, and the shoulder leading to the
October 6, 2010 Minutes
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Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
Naples Botanical Garden. Staff informed the committee that turn lane was
removed, and that the shoulder will remain up to the second Naples Botanical
Garden driveway. Mr. Messmer asked that future projects provide 8 % X 11
sheets for committee member to review. Motion to approve the Landscape
plan, the Lighting plan, and to submit the plans to the County: Mr. Buck.
Second: Mr. Messmer. Approved 7-0
b. David Buchheit informed the Advisory Committee that the he worked with the
County transportation staff, and the vendor to reduce the price of the New
Moon Court paving project from nearly $13,000 to $9,626.25. There was
discussion about the cost and how it was attained. Staff explained why the
quote was adjusted. Motion: Mr. Messmer. Second: Mr. Oakley 6-0 Ms.
Nicklos abstained.
c. David Buchheit explained that staff had received quotes not to exceed $5,000
per the committee's request at the September 8, 2010 meeting. The committee
had some discussion about the quotes. Mr. Buck asked for staff's input on the
quotes. Staff provided input. Mr. Buck made a motion to approve Christmas
on Bayshore and hire Whited Holiday Decor. Second: Ms. Nicklos. Approved
7-0. After the vote there was a discussion about the date that the lights will be
turned on. The committee agreed that the lights should be turn on the week of
the 15th of November.
d. Sue Trone discussed the MSTU Master plan. She explained that after
reviewing the goals of the committee the Master plan needs to be amended.
She asked that the committee approve a $12,000 to JRL studios. This increase
would cover the cost of added Streetscape Guidelines being added to the LDC,
and it would also cover the cost of a five year capital improvement plan.
Motion: Mr. Buck. SecOfld: Mrs. Cochrane. Approved 6-1 Mrs. Dugan was the
dissenting vote. .
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7. New Business:
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a. Walkable Community Study. Mr. Buchheit explained that the committee had
received the Walkable Community Study at the September 8, 2010 meeting.
He also explained that the CRA Advisory Committee has already approved
submitting the Walkable Community Study to the BCC for approval and
recommendation of approval to the MPO. Mr. Oakley made a motion to submit
the study to the BCC for approval and recommendation of approval to the
MPO. Second by Mr. Messmer. Approve 6-1. Mrs. Dugan was the dissenting
b. MSTU Advisory Committee Goals. David Buchheit asked for a motion to
approve the Goals and Mission Statement that was created at the Goals
workshop. There was some discussion about the goals, and some wording
October 6, 2010 Minutes
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Bayshore Beautification MSTU
4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
was changed. Mr. Buck made a motion to approve the mission statement as is,
and to approve the goals as amended. Second. Mr. Messmer. Motion carried:
The following are the amended goals:
i. Continue to evolve the goals for a better Bayshore community.
ii. Market the Bayshore community.
Hi. Encourage responsive relationships within the community.
iv. Create a plan to display public art in the Bayshore community.
v. Address streetscape issues in the right-of-way.
vi. Create a strategy to beautify the Bayshore community.
vii. Recognize sustainability when contemplating projects.
viii. Support economic development that is consistent with a broad vision
for the Bayshore community.
ix, Pursue projects in accordance with a Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Public Comments: None
9. Advisory Committee General Communications:
a. Committee Member Nomination: David Jackson asked the committee to
recommend a member to be awarded the Outstanding Advisory Committee
member award from the County. Mr. Oakley made a motion to nominate
Maurice Gutierrez. Second: Ms. Nicklos. Motion carried: 6-0. Mr. Gutierrez
abstained from voting.
The Advisory Committee agreed to meet on October 30 at 9:30 AM, and there will not be a
regular meeting in November.
October 6, 2010 Minutes