Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 03/03/2010 • Fla ' thilv( Henning Coyle Colette 41, RECEIVED DEC 1 0 2010 Board of County Comrtus,sioners hi? Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 3,2010 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Mr. Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight Oakley, Victoria Nick los, Carolyn Cochrane, Jerry Buck and Victor Brittain. Absent: Conrad Willkomm. MSTU Staff Present: David Jackson, MSTU Director, Jean Jourdan and Sue Trone, Project Managers. 2. Approval of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Motion: Mr. Buck, Second: Mr. Brittain. Approved 6-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the February 2, 2010 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Mr. Brittain. Second: Ms. Nick los. Approved 6-0. 4. Projects Report: a. Landscape Maintenance. Mr. Gross, Ground Zero Landscape, gave a report on the work Ground Zero had performed in the last 30 days. He updated the Committee about treatment of White Fly on ficus trees and hedges. Mr. Gross provided a list of suggested planting material to remove and replace along Bayshore Drive's medians. These plants were either dead or suffering from the extreme cold in January. The Committee decided to hold off on any replanting work until April to pass the cold weather period. b. South Bayshore Drive Construction Plans. Ms. Jourdan briefed the Committee on progress to date and stated that at the ABB had been responding to her requests and they are working on the Collier Transportation Division's 60% construction comments which were passed from Stormwater and Maintenance. Mr. Oakley asked for a one-on-one meeting with ABB & MSTU Staff to review his comments about the design. Ms. Jourdan stated that she would arrange a meeting and requested Mr. Oakley give her a list of dates he was available. c. FPL Side Street Lighting Project. Ms. Jourdan Updated the Committee on the FPL lighting progress and that FPL had a work order to install ligtshiAlk March 2 2010 Minutes Date: Item#: Copies to: 1611 8 2 PI a ? r Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 d. MSTU FY2011 Budget and Millage. Mr. Jackson advised the Committee that in March of each year the Committee must recommend to the BCC their next year's millage rate. Mr. Jackson presented the Committee with copies of the BCC Budget Policy for FY2011, and he explained the two options given to all MSTUs with Advisory Committees: millage neutral or tax neutral. He gave a short presentation of FY2009 and FY2010 millages, property values and millage rates. After a roundtable discussion on the impacts of setting millage neutral or tax neutral, a motion to request tax neutral for FY2011 budget was made by Mr. Buck. Second: Mr. Brittain. Approved 5-1; Ms. Nicklos dissenting. e. CRA Update. Mr. Gutierrez advised that he had nothing to report because he missed the last CRA meeting due to illness. 5. Old Business: a. Presentation: Road Conceptual Design — Thomasson & Hamilton. Mr. Jackson introduced Mr. John Ribes of JRL and Mr. Jeff Curl of PK Studios, the MSTU's selected consultants to develop conceptual streetscape designs for the two streets. Mr. Ribes provided an introduction and overview of the project. He covered some of the challenges and the reasoning behind their selection of improvement. Mr. Curl gave the detailed portion of the presentation describing the street cross sections, planting material, bio-swale systems, solar lighting and area-defining gateway features. The consultants fielded a variety of questions from the Committee. Mr. Gutierrez thanked them for their work and stated that this was exactly the kind of jump-start the MSTU needed to move forward with beautification and improvements to the area. 6. New Business: a. Request for Payment of Services. Motion to approve Ground Zero's landscape maintenance February 2010 bills, and JRL/PK Studios final payment for services rendered today: Ms. Nicklos. Second: Mr. Oakley. Approved 6-0. b. Lunar Street Planting Proposal. Mr. Gutierrez asked if the Committee wanted to proceed with Mr. Gross' proposal to upgrade the plant material on Lunar Street. The Committee asked several questions about the type of plants, location and time to plant. Motion to have Ground Zero install the proposed plant palate but wait until late April to do it: Ms. Nicklos. Second Mr. Buck. Approved 6-0. c. Walkable Communities Study Proposal. Mr. Jackson presented the Committee with the cover sheet and executive summary of a County Transportation March 2 2010 Minutes i . , 1611 82 t sisilo 1., 4,..e 4 -,-..,, . � RI ' Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 Division study performed in Naples Manor. With the Study, the County was able to acquire $750,000 in grant funds to install the improvements cited in the study. Mr. Jackson presented a Transportation quote to do the same study in the entire CRA boundary, and that the fee would be the staffs hourly rate based on their salaries of those involved. This in-house work would be between $7,000 and $10,000—a significant savings over having a private consulting firm do the work. Mr. Jackson told the Committee that at the March 2, 2010 CRA Advisory Board meeting, the Board agreed to split the cost of the work 1/3rd to 2/3rds based on acreage of the Triangle and MSTU Bayshore areas. Motion to perform the Walkable Community Study in the Bayshore (MSTU) area provided the CRA agreed to pay for the remaining area within the CRA but outside of the MSTU boundary: Ms. Cochrane. Second: Mr. Buck, Approved 6-0. 7. Public Comments. None. 8. Advisory Committee General Communications. a. Mr. Jackson offered to the new and old members of the Committee that staff was willing to sit with each member and provide a comprehensive update and briefing on everything the CRA and MSTU has done and has in work. b. Mr. Jackson presented a spreadsheet showing the fiscal impact of the MSTU getting a regular bank loan to fund the streetscape improvements. The Bank loan could begin as a line of credit for streetscape design and transform into a fixed rate loan when the construction draw was made. The spreadsheet shows the principal and interest payments for$3M, $4M and $5M. 9 Adjournme : The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. �' c- Approved and forwarded by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman. March 2 2010 Minutes