Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 02/02/2010 • 16) 1 B2v Fiala 1-1-0 ve RECEIVED t,„:44 5 ti 0 Henning Coyle DEC 1 0 2010 Colette tioard of County CornmiSSiOnOtS FIR I C` Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 2, 2010 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Mr. Gutierrez at 4:00 p.m. at the MSTU Office 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Committee Members: Conrad Willkomm, Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight Oakley, Victoria Nicklos, Carolyn Cochrane, Jerry Buck and Victor Brittain. MSTU Staff Present: David Jackson, MSTU Director, Jean Jourdan and Sue Trone, Project Managers. 2. Approval of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the agenda: Motion: Mr. Buck. Second: Mr. Brittain. Approved 7-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the January 5, 2010 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Mr. Brittain. Second: Ms. Nicklos, Approved 7-0. 4. Projects Report: a. Landscape Maintenance. Mr. Gross, Ground Zero Landscape, gave a report on the work Ground Zero had performed in the last 30 days. Ms. Cochrane asked about treatment of White Fly on ficus trees and hedges. She asked for Mr. Gross to check for the Fly's presence on MSTU landscaped areas and she was concerned that private property owners should be made aware. Mr. Gutierrez asked how the Foxtail Palms handled the cold snap. b. South Bayshore Drive Construction Plans. Ms. Jourdan briefed the Committee on progress to date and stated that at the ABB had received South Florida Water Management District permit, forwarded and received the 60% construction comments from the Collier Transportation Division which were passed to Stormwater and Maintenance for review. She stated that the previously presented street lighting plan was conceptual only with lights placed at 75 foot intervals and were intended to be pedestrian scale lights. The schematic layout had not been engineered for proper light spacing yet. c. FPL Side Street Lighting Project. Ms. Jourdan Updated the Committee on the FPL lighting progress and that staff had ordered six shields for$1,007. Misc.Corres: February 2 2010 Minutes Date: 03 O Item#: Ali Copies to: . 161 .1 B2 ' . , f , J p X Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 5. Old Business: a. Hiring of Dedicated (Full Time) MSTU Staff. Mr. Jackson reiterated Committee member's discussions with staff about moving forward with the selection and funding of a full-time staff member or contracting for consulting services. At the last meeting a motion to proceed with acquiring a full-time staff person was made by Ms. Nicklos and seconded by Mr. Oakley. Mr. Jackson covered the information he discovered in his discussions with Collier County HR, Budget and Management and County Manager's office. Essentially if the MSTU desires to proceed, the new staff position would have to be a CRA employee, fully funded by the MSTU through a department transfer of funds. During a round table discussion the Committee discussed the merits of a percentage time split with the CRA duties, the amount of work available within the MSTU, and whether the employee should be hired in a `permanent' status or `contract' status similar to the executive director. The Committee agreed that they desired a full-time staff of one person, under contract, stationed in the MSTU building under the management of the CRA Executive Director. Motion to process through the CRA and BCC Boards a 100% MSTU hire, 3 — 5 year CRA contract employee at the Project Manager level. Mr. Buck. Second: Mr. Brittain. Approved 7-0. 6. New Business: a. Approval of MSTU Landscape/Irrigation Contract. Mr. Jackson presented the Collier Purchasing Department's Bid Tab sheet showing the respondents to the Invitation to Bid for the MSTU's annual landscape maintenance contract. The lowest bid meeting specifications was Ground Zero at $4,740/month or$56,880 per year. Motion to recommend approval to the BCC: Mr. Willkomm. Second: Mr. Brittain. Approved 7-0. b. Request for Payment of Services. Motion to approve Ground Zero's landscape maintenance January 2010 bills: Mr. Willkomm. Second: Mr. Oakley. Approved 7-0. c. MSTU Committee Meeting Change. Mr. Gutierrez stated that at the MSTU workshop there was an expressed desire to get more community participation at MSTU Committee meetings. Motion to have MSTU meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 6PM: Mr. Brittain. Second Ms. Nicklos. Approved 7-0. February 2 2010 Minutes . . 16 1 1 B 2 1 S ,- ( vo4 OR Bayshore Beautification MSTU 4069 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112 d. Bayshore Drive Design Survey/Audit — Discussion. Ms Trone discussed a handout that detailed the many discussion points noted in the MSTU Workshop. In discussion, Mr. Jackson advised the Committee that before the committee commits to spending money on a corridor audit/study and obligate funds to redo a landscaped street before untouched streets are addressed may bring negative citizen comments. Mr. Oakley stated that Bayshore is different than any other streets in the area and the MSTU should seriously consider an audit and develop a 'master plan' in conjunction with the CRA. Ms. Jourdan added that the CRA already has a consultant on board to rewrite and/or update the two CRA Land Code Overlays. Mr. Oakley asked that there be more communication between the MSTU and CRA on what each organization is doing in the area. Motion to postpone the audit. Ms. Nicklos. Second: Mr. Willkomm. Approved 7-0. 7. Public Comments. Ms. Spink asked that the MSTU/FPL streetlight across the street from her house be removed. Ms. Jourdan stated that the Committees' process was to install all lights, evaluate them, install shields at problem locations, and evaluate. If there was still a problem, the MSTU options were to install a lower wattage bulb and/or move the light to another pole. All the above would require additional funds to pay FPL contractors. 8. Advisory Committee General Communications. a. Grass replacement on Bayshore. Ms. Nicklos asked if the MSTU should replace grassed areas to reduce the cost of mowing. Ms. Cochrane stated that removing the grass will not reduce the cost. b. Kidde Park on Lunar Street Triangles. Ms. Nicklos asked if a public park equipment could be installed. Mr. Jackson stated that it is not in the MSTU charter and it would have to be managed by Park & Recreation. 9. Adjournmz. t: The regular meeting was adjourned at 5:38 pm. , ... /N -- C - -,--- Approved and forwarded by Maurice Gutierrez, MSTU Advisory Committee Chairman. February 2 2010 Minutes