12/16/2013 Minutes\LEa�� fit is G�ERK p p C• MINUTES OF MEETING HERITAGE GREENS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT q`f The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Greens Community Development District was held on Monday, December 16, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at the Heritage Greens Community Center, 2215 Heritage Greens Drive, Naples, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: George Coombs Marsha Coghlan James A. Marshall Henry Michaelson Also present were: Calvin Teague Several Residents Vice Chairman Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary District Manager The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken at the December 16, 2013 Heritage Greens CDD Board of Supervisors meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Teague called the meeting to order and made the following statement: Due to the nature of the incident that occurred following our last meeting and the ongoing related legal processes, this Board will make no comment on the situation and will not entertain any comments or questions relating to the matter from the audience. Also, as there may have been some relation, this Board has made itself quite clear that the subject of Supervisor compensation is outside the control of this Board as a whole. It is a matter of statute that the Board is unable to modify as a body. Consequently, the Board will not accept any further questions or comments from the audience during its meetings on the subject matter. The proper forum for the public to express comments on the particular statute and its application would be to the Florida Legislature or to our State Representative and Senator. Mr. Teague called the roll. Mr. Teague announced he received verbal resignation from Mr. Parrott as Chairman; however, he is not resigning from the Board. Resolution 2014 -1 was presented to the Board for consideration of designation of officers. December 16, 2013 Heritage Greens C.D.D. Mr. Coombs was nominated as Chairman and Mr. Michaelson was nominated as Vice Chairman. On MOTION by Ms. Coghlan seconded by Mr. Michaelson with all in favor Resolution 2014 -1, designating Mr. Coombs as Chairman, Mr. Michaelson as Vice Chairman, Mr. Teague as Secretary, Mr. Koncar as Treasurer, Mr. Bloom as Assistant Treasurer and Ms. Coghlan, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Parrott as Assistant Secretaries, was adopted. Mr. Coombs read into the record a proposed motion provided by our Attorney. In order to minimize misunderstandings between the Board and the audience and to allow the Board to conduct its public business, I move that all questions and comments from the public be limited to items appearing on the Board's agenda or propositions that may otherwise come before the Board for that specific meeting. If a resident has a concern that he or she would like to have the Board consider, he or she should make a formal request through our District Manager for its inclusion on the agenda for a future meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Marshall with all in favor the above stated motion was approved. Mr. Teague noted this is in compliance with rules formally adopted by previous Boards. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Marshall with all in favor the agenda was approved as submitted. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the November 18, 2013 Meeting Mr. Teague stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the November 18, 2013 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions. A change was made, which will be incorporated to the amended copy of the minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Mr. Marshall with all in favor the minutes of the November 18, 2013 meeting were approved as amended. 2 December 16, 2013 Heritage Greens C.D.D. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Coombs commented on the traffic accident and how it does not make sense citations were not issued. Mr. Coombs stated the drivers involved exceeded the speed limit by 30 mph and were driving recklessly. There was a witness report; however, the officer did not issue citations. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Safety and Security Concerns i. Riser Installation on Manholes Mr. Teague reported six buried manholes were excavated and risers were installed. Total cost was $4,362.67. access. ii. Emergency Access Through Gates Mr. Marshall stated there was a misunderstanding and there are no issues with emergency iii. Review of Traffic Report on Accident between two Racing Vehicles Mr. Teague submitted the accident report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record. towed. iv. Clearing of Brush from Warning Signal on Immokalee Road Mr. Teague was told by the County this is a local issue. The area will be cleared by PJM. PODS was notified their storage units are not allowed in the community and will be B. Sidewalk Project Update Mr. Teague reported the sidewalk project began today and is expected to be complete by the end of the week. C. Vegetation Removal between School Fence and CDD Wall There was discussion regarding the vegetation issue. There was consensus this is not a District issue. It is the school's responsibility. Mr. Teague will write a letter to the school principal regarding this issue. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business A. Golf Course Operating Agreement This item was removed from the agenda. 3 December 16, 2013 Heritage Greens C.D.D. B. Striping Bids The striping bids are due on Friday, December 20, 2014. One bid was received from Driveway Maintenance in the amount of $3,970. This item will be addressed at the next meeting. C. Pressure Washing Bids Mr. Teague reviewed pressure washing proposals submitted by Copeland Southern Enterprises, Inc. totaling $2,085. The Board requested clarification on water availability. It was also noted the proposal needs to be adjusted because the measurements of the walkway to the school are significantly off. The Board requested a quote to stucco any exposed Styrofoam and rebuild the caps along the fence. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in favor the proposal from Copeland Southern Enterprises, Inc. at a total cost of $2,085 was approved. Mr. Teague will obtain pricing on stucco and rebuilding the caps. He will email the quote to the Board and if there are no objections, he will proceed with the work. D. Tree Removal/Replacement along Streets Mr. Teague reviewed information regarding permit requirements to remove and replace trees. The Board questioned whether there is a local government exemption. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Manager's Report A. Follow -Up Items Mr. Teague provided ownership information on the fenced area and utility area off of Immokalee Road. B. Approval of Financial Statements Mr. Teague reviewed the financials. On MOTION by Mr. Coombs seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in favor the fmancials were approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney's Report There being no report, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Engineer's Report There being no report, the next item followed. 4 December 16, 2013 Heritage Greens C.D.D. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors' Requests and /or Comments There not being any, the next item followed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments The following comments were made: • Ms. Coombs asked if anyone asked the officer's superior why no citations were issued. The Board requested District counsel contact the County Attorney to see if there is a process allowing aggrieved citizens to question the officer's decision. • Mr. Smith stated he has not noticed sheriff presence in the community. Mr. Coombs stated because of several complaints from the pool area, they will be patrolling regularly at night. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment There being no further business, On MOTION by Mr. Marshall seconded by Ms. Coghlan with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. r Calvin Teague Secretary 5 Ge rge Coombs Chairman