Minutes 05/17/2013 S 2013 Isles of Capri Fire/Rescue Advisory Committee Minutes ( Special) May 17 , 2013 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE/RESCUE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MAY 17, 2013 ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE STATION 90 ATTENDEES: Jim Hughes, Chairman Matt Crowder, Vice Chairman Raymond Kane, Advisory Committee Member Dan Sansevieri, Advisory Committee Member Ben Hilbun, Advisory Committee Member Alan McLaughlin, Fire Chief Dan Summers, BES Director I. CALL TO ORDER A. Jim Hughes opened the meeting at 4:00 p.m. II. REPORTS A. Motion to accept the Agenda by Dan Sansevieri. 1. Motion seconded by Matt Crowder. 2. Motion carried unanimously. III. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of May 2, 2013 decision and future impacts. 1. Potential loss of revenue from loss of Fiddlers Creek residents. 2. Potential issues arising when proposals are looked at again in October. 3. It is preferable to have County staff review future proposals first. 4. The Advisory Committee should not vote on incomplete proposals. 5. On many issues, the ENFD proposal did not provide concrete information. 6. Collier County should ensure the fate of the ICFD firefighters. 7. Commissioner Fiala has stated, "The BCC wants to be out of the Firefighting business" on numerous occasions. 8. Motion by Matt Crowder, "We formally request to Collier County that they vet these proposals first and answer some of the detail questions which shall include at a minimum (1)the fate of the firefighters, (2)the fate of the hard assets, and (3)the fate of the ALS status. a. Motion seconded by Ben Hilbun. b. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Placeholder on the 05/28/13 BCC Agenda for an ICFD Status Report. a. Dan Summers recommends that the Chairman draft a letter to Len Price and the County Manager discussing these issues and comments. b. Jim Hughes directs Matt Crowder to draft such a letter. B. Discussion of hiring a Full Chief or a Divisional Chief. 1. Financial impacts of hiring a Chief. a. Difference between Full Chief& Div. Chief is approx. $16,000. b. Ad valorem numbers will not be received from OMB until mid June. c. Annual health insurance cost is charged to ICFD for the vacant FTE. 2. Per Chief McLaughlin, in February 2013, the ICFD Advisory Committee unanimously voted to hire a Divisional Chief with the intent to save money for ICFD. 3. Matt Crowder believes there are two huge benefits to a full Chief. a. A full Chief would have ownership of the department. b. A full Chief would be an advocate for the department. 4. Dan Summers would welcome the participation of an Advisory Committee Member on an interview board for the hiring of a Chief. a. It is the decision of the County Manager to move forward to hire. b. Chief McLaughlin states, "Two days ago I received an email stating that Len Price and Leo Ochs have put the hiring of a Chief or Divisional Chief on hold until the future of the department is determined. 5. Motion to "withdraw my motion for a District Chief'by Dan Sansevieri. a. Motion seconded by Ray Kane. b. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Chief McLaughlin's role as Chief will cease when ICFD either hires a Chief or ICFD goes to East Naples. 7. As of 06/01/13, Chief McLaughlin's salary will be handled differently. a. The Chiefs salary had been split between OFD and ICFD. b. Per direction from OMB, the Chiefs salary will no longer be split. c. The Chiefs hourly time will be billed to ICFD and will vary based on actual hours worked on ICFD issues. d. Collier County HR is working out the exact details of this process. e. Capt. Purcell's salary will no longer be split as of 06/01/13. f. In general, Chief McLaughin spends 50% of his time on ICFD. 8. Motion to request that the County begin the process of hiring a full Chief. a. Motion seconded by Ben Hilbun. b. Motion carried unanimously. c. Jim Hughes directs Matt Crowder to include this issue in his draft letter to be sent to Len Price and the County Manager. C. Matt Crowder's draft letter will be shared with all members of the Committee. 1. Any comments or changes need to be quickly emailed to Chief McLaughlin. 2. Chief McLaughlin will forward this changes to Matt Crowder. 3. Ray Kane excused himself from the process. (He will be out of town.) D. Marco City Council has directed their staff to gather information regarding a possible future proposal. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. HR is conducting an internal investigation on an ICFD employee. B. Boat 90 is out of service. 1. The injector oil pump needs to be replaced. 2. Boat 90 will be back in service prior to the Memorial Day weekend. C. Discussion of Boat 90's utilization. 1. ICFD is part of the Marine Emergency Response Team (MERT). 2. Dispatch of 2 fire boats to all boat calls is the standard protocol. 3. Dan Summers is an advocate of the MERT team. 4. Fire boats are utilized for life safety. 5. Fire boats are not used for towing. VI. ADJOURNMENT Approved: Date: