CAC Agenda 06/20/2013 2013 Coastal Advisory Committee Agenda June 20 , 2013 Meeting Agenda and Notice COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY,JUNE 20, 2013 - 1:00 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, NAPLES •Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions .2013 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call to Order IL Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. May 9, 2013 VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Wiggins Pass Straightning - Update 3. Erosion Control Structures at Marco South VIII. New Business 1. Beach Renourishment 2. Discusson of"What Promotes Tourism" for Beach and Inlet Projects IX. Old Business X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location July 11, 2013 - Government Center, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esq., Chairman Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee FROM: Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorne 01/1G-- DATE: March 18, 2010 RE: Sunshine Law and Agenda question The issue presented is whether the Sunshine Law requires that an agenda be made available prior to board meetings. In summary,the answer is no. The Sunshine Law Manual (2009 Ed. Vol. 31)provides the following: The Attorney General's Office recommends publication of an agenda, if available, in the notice of the meeting;. if an agenda is not available, subject matter summations might be used. However, the courts have held that the Sunshine Law does not mandate that an agency provide notice of each item to be discussed via a published agenda. Such a specific requirement has been rejected because it could effectively preclude access to meetings by members of the general public who wish to bring specific issues before a governmental body. See Hough v. Stembridge, 278 So. 2d 288 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). And see Yarbrough v. Young, 462 So. 2d 515 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (posted agenda unnecessary; public body not required to postpone meeting due to inaccurate press report which was not part of the public body's official notice efforts). Thus, the Sunshine Law has been interpreted to require notice of meetings, not of the individual items which may be considered at that meeting. However, other statutes, codes or ordinances may impose such a requirement and agencies subject to those provisions must follow them. Accordingly, the Sunshine Law does not require boards to consider only those matters on a published agenda. "[W]hether to impose a requirement that restricts every relevant commission or board from considering matters not on an agenda is a policy decision to be made by the legislature." Law and Information Services, Inc. v. City of Riviera Beach, 670 So. 2d 1014, 1016 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996). Today's Coastal Advisory Committee Clam Bay Subcommittee was properly noticed in compliance with the Sunshine Law on or about February 1, 2010. Further, the agenda for today's meeting was also publically noticed on the County's website on Monday, March 15, 2010. The related back-up materials for the agenda were supplemented and available on the County's website on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. In addition, a number of these materials also appeared on the agenda for the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. In my opinion, there is no violation of the Sunshine Law and no legal issue regarding the date the agenda was published. cc: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Co ler Comity Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management TO: CAC Board Members FROM: Gail Hambright, Accountant DATE: December 1, 2012 SUBJECT: 2013 CAC Scheduled Meetings Please mark your calendar for the following 2013 CAC scheduled meeting dates: January 10, 2013 February 14, 2013 March 14, 2013 April 11, 2013 May 9, 2013 June 13, 2013 July 11, 2013 August 8, 2013 September 12, 2013 October 10, 2013 November 14, 2013 December 12, 2013 All meetings will be held in the Board of County Commissioner's chambers, third floor, Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, unless otherwise noted. A public notice will be sent out before each meeting. Collier County Coastal Zone Management.3299 Tamiami Trail Fast,Suite 103 Naples,Florida 34112-5745.239-252-2966•FAX 239-252-2950 www.coll iergov.net/coastalzonemanagement ■•P%■ Jill IC LUG LU IJ VI-1 Approval of Minutes 1 of 8 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, May 9, 2013 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3`d Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Burke Anthony Pires Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland (Excused) Victor Rios Larry Hong Debbie Roddy (Vacancy) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples %-.M.,JUI IC Lt..LV I., VI-1 Approval of Minutes 2 of 8 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:00PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda subject to the following changes: • Deletion of item VII.5 • Item VII.4 to be combined with item VIII.5 Second by Ms. Roddy. Carried unanimously 7—0. V. Public Comments Bob Krasowski expressed concern the Agenda and related backup material was not made available to the public in a timely manner. Staff reported the Agenda was posted two days before the meeting with some information and items added the day before the meeting, as soon as the information was available. Mr. Pires noted it would be prudent to ensure all information is available to Committee members and the public a minimum of 48 hours before a meeting so adequate pubic input may be garnered and Committee members have ample opportunity to review the information. VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. April 11,2013 Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2013 meeting as presented. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7—0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report—Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 12 TDC Revenue Report" dated through April 30, 2013. 2.Marco South P roject—Update Mr. McAlpin reported: • The renourishment has been completed on the Marco South beach with the work on the "groins" continuing. • Laser grading of other sections of Marco beaches was completed without adding sand to the system in an effort to reduce the potential for ponding of water on the beaches. lo"%.*JUI IC LV,LV IJ VI-1 Approval of Minutes 3 of 8 Mr. Rios and Mr. McAlpin to meet to field review any areas that still may need to be addressed after the proposed grading has been completed. Any subsequent work would be completed after turtle nesting season. 3. Wiggins Pass Project- Update Mr. McAlpin reported the work necessary to straighten the Pass has been completed with the final aids to navigation pending placement. Contractors are still working to remove approximately 3 tons of rock in an area outside the main Pass with no impact on turtle nesting season. He provided a copy of Mr. Moreland's editorial "Success without S at Wiggins Pass" published in the Naples Daily News on May 5, 2013 for information purposes. 4. Major Beach Renourishment Bid - Discussion (Combined with item VIII.5) 6.Doctors Pass—Discussion Mr. McAlpin reported: • The Florida Department of Environmental Protection intends to approve a permit amendment to place the dredged sand on the beach south of the Pass. • The Tourist Development Council recommended approval of the proposal subject to the sand being placed on the beach, not a nearshore hardbottom. • The item is scheduled to be heard by the Board of County Commissioners on May 14, 2013. 7. Major Beach Renourishment Permit—Discussion Mr. McAlpin reported the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is preparing to issue the permit for the renourishment for the placement of up to 500,000cy of material on the beaches and will include permission for truck haul or dredging project. The other permits such as the one required from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management are under review no project delays are anticipated to delay the project. Committee discussion occurred on the Pelican Bay Service Division efforts to renourish portions of their beaches utilizing Tourist Tax revenues given visitors to the Ritz Carlton Hotel use the beaches. Mr. McAlpin reported 25Kcy of sand is to be allocated to the Pelican Bay beaches under the major beach renourishment plan for areas deemed to have "public access" (from monuments R29.5 —R31). Any renourishment to occur on the northern areas of the Pelican Bay beaches, and the funding source has not yet been determined. Speaker Bob Krasowski expressed concern on the avenue for funding renourishment of areas of Pelican Bay beaches not accessible to the public. If off shore sand is utilized to renourish the beaches in areas not deemed to have public access, given the sand is a public resource, the cost of the sand, should be borne by the Pelican Bay Foundation or Services Division. l./Ml..,JUI IC LUG LU I J VI-1 Approval of Minutes 4 of 8 8. Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project (combined with Item VIII.5) VIII. New Business 1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman" dated May 9, 2013 for consideration. Mr. Rios moved to appoint John Sorey, III as Chairman and James Burke as Vice Chairman of the Coastal Advisory Committee. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7—0. 2.Sum mer Schedule Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Determine Summer Schedule for CAC Meetings" dated May 9, 2013 for consideration. Mr. Rios moved to cancel the August Coastal Advisory Committee meeting. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 7—0. 3. Tourist Tax Ordinance Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney reported the Board of County Commissioners approved revisions to the Ordinance governing the Tourist Development Council and related revenue disbursements. She noted: • The Statute, Collier County Ordinances (and related policies) are "silent" on any funding requirements for sand to be placed on a dry beach as opposed to a nearshore hardbottom. This determination would be subject to local policy. • Staff to review the requirements of the Ordinance and related policies to determine if the use of TDC funds is permitted for placement of sand on any sections of the Pelican Bay beaches. The proposed activity would require a finding by the local authority "the item promotes tourism. " Speaker Bob Krasowski expressed concern on the reallocation of Tourist Tax Revenue funding categories and utilizing the General Fund for various "funding shortage"purposes. The beach related benefits of the Program primarily accrue to those property owners within close proximity to the shoreline as opposed to property owners' further inland. Chairman Sorey reported the use of the funds is in the interest of the all County residents as studies indicate70 percent of beach goers are local residents. 4. FY13-14 Grant Submittals Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Category "A" Tourist Development Council Grant applications from the City of Naples, the city of Marco Island and Collier County for FY-2013/2014 in the amount of$17,024,593 authorize the Chairman to sign grant agreements following County Attorney's approval, and make a finding that these expenditures will promote tourism" dated May 9, 2013 for consideration. He provided an overview of the following Grant requests: LF%' Julie LV,LV IJ VI-1 Approval of Minutes 5 of 8 1. Regulatory and Permit Compliance Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County - $160,000 Beach Tilling—Collier County— 80171 - $40,000 Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring—90536 - $206,000 SUB-TOTAL - $406,000 2. Projects Collier County Beach Renourishment- $15,000,000 SUB-TOTAL - $15,000,000 3. Beach Maintenance Beach Maintenance— Collier County/Marco Island—90533 - $167,000 Naples Pier Annualized Repair& Maintenance—City of Naples—90096 - $475,000 Beach Maintenance—City of Naples- 90527 - $132,945 Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal —County Wide—90044 - $75,000 SUB-TOTAL - $849,945 4. Administration Project Management and Administration - $17,548 Indirect Administration Costs - $46,100 Department Rent—$10,000 Division Fiscal Support - $70,000 Tax Collector Fee's (2.5%) - $25,000 SUB-TOTAL - $768,648 TOTAL GRANTS -$17,024,593 Discussion occurred on the request for the substantial repairs to the Naples Pier at a cost of $475,000. Mr. McAlpin reported the maximum funding amount allowed under the Ordinance is $200,000 and Staff is recommending the request not be approved given funds are limited and the County is undertaking the major beach renourishment project in 2013/14. Mr. Pires recognized the need to ensure facilities are adequately maintained for tourists and the public however expressed concern there was no engineering report identifying the necessity of the proposed work including alternatives for items such as replacing the decking on the Pier. Discussion on the status of the capital project budget. ■.■Ml•JUI IC LV,LV IJ VI-1 Approval of Minutes 6 of 8 The Committee requested Staff to place an item on the next meeting Agenda for review of the capital projects budget. Speaker Bob Krasowski queried if any funds in the account financing beach facility improvements could be directed to the Naples Pier grant request. The Committee requested Staff to investigate the requirements for the beach park facility fund and determine if this expenditure is feasible. Regulatory and Permit Compliance Mr. Pires moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the following Grant Requests: Sea Turtle Protection Program - Collier County- $160,000 Beach Tilling—Collier County—80171 $40,000 Physical Beach & Pass Monitoring—90536- $206,000 Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 7- 0. Projects Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the Grant Request for the Collier County Beach Renourishment at an amount of$15,000,000. Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7—0. Beach Maintenance Mr. Hong moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the following Grant Requests: Beach Maintenance—Collier County/Marco Island—90533 - $167,000 Naples Pier Annualized Repair& Maintenance—City of Naples—90096 - $200,000 Beach Maintenance—City of Naples- 90527 - $132,945 Vegetation Repairs/Exotic Removal—County Wide—90044 - $75,000 Second by Mr. Rios. Chairman Sorey stated an engineering report is available on the Naples Pier and will contact the necessary parties to have it forwarded the members of the Committee. Motion carried 6 "yes"—1 "no." Mr. Pires voted "no." Administration Mr. Rios moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the following Grant Requests: Project Management and Administration- $17,548 Indirect Administration Costs - $46,100 Department Rent—$10,000 Division Fiscal Support- $70,000 Tax Collector Fee's (2.5%) - $25,000 Second by Mr. Raymond. Carried unanimously 7—0. Ma JUIIC LV,LV IJ VI-1 Approval of Minutes 7 of 8 'eak.• 2:20pam ?convened: 2:28pm 5. Collier County Beach Renourishment A) Great Lakes Letter B) Target Volumes Summary Table C) Tropical Storm Fay Bid Form D) Reminder Volume of 2013-14 Renourishment Project E) Beach Volume Presentation Gary McAlpin Recommendation to reject all bids received for Invitation to Bid(ITB) 13-6076 Collier County Beach Renourishment Project; re-solicit the project with target volumes per beach segment; reduce bid acceptance/validity timeframe; approve the project price submittal form and bidding approach; approve a sand placement renourishment approach and make a finding that this project promotes tourism for information purposes. He noted: • The only bids received from vendors were those who propose a truck haul project. • Dredging contractors who chose not to provide a bid to the County expressed concerns on several fronts as outlined in a letter from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC dated April 22, 2013. Mr. McAlpin presented a slideshow "Collier County Beach Renourishment Volume and Bidding Presentation" outlining a revised bid package. Staff intends to recommend the following to the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Reject all Bids from Solicitation 13-6076 2. Re-solicit with the following Target Volumes —Vanderbilt Beach - 53,000 CY's —Park Shore Beach —120,000 CY's —Naples Beach - 164,000 CY's —Pelican Bay Beach —25,000 CY's 3. +7- 15% volume variation without price change 4. Adjust Target Volumes as needed with a pre-renourishment survey approved by BCC 5. Reduce bid acceptance timeframe to not-more-than 60 days 6. Approve the bid forms and approach 7. Defer Truck Haul as a bidding option 8. Preferred renourishment timing is outside of turtle nesting season 9. Make a finding that this project promotes tourism Speaker Bob Krasowski noted a truck haul proposals are important to provide a comparison bid (versus a dredge project) on the work and is beneficial to the local economy. It provides more flexibility for the placement of sand especially any work undertaken during turtle lA'1■•JUI IC LUG Ltd I J VI-1 Approval of Minutes 8 of 8 nesting season. It may be appropriate to investigate the feasibility of a"blended"project and use of some funds for jetties to aid in promoting acclimation of sand. IX. Old Business None X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion None XII. Next Meeting Date/Location June 13,2013—Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:05 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended . 1,f14 JUI IC 4V, 4 L I J VII-1 Staff Reports 1 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 13 TDC Revenue Report 31-May-2013 FY 13 Adopted FY 13 (5%) FY 13 Net Variance to FY 13 Fund Budget Reserved by Law Budget FY 13 Forecast Budget 183 2,368,600 (121,600) 2,247,000 2,182,200 -186,400 184 3,588,800 (180,800) 3,408,000 4,147,300 558,500 193 342,000 (17,100) 324,900 365,500 23,500 194 1,667,700 (83,400) 1,584,300 1,782,700 115,000 195 4,809,000 (297,900) 4,511,100 5,222,300 413,300 196 0 - 0 0 0 198 1,579,100 (79,100) 1,500,000 1,645,200 66,100 3ross Budget $14,355,200 (779,900) $13,575,300 $15,345,200 $990,000 _ess 5% Rev Res (779,900) \let Budget 13,575,300 Budget Collected to % over FY 12 % over FY 11 % over FY 10 Actual FY 13 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections 627,861 627,861 4.374% 19.52% 31.12% 41.11% 734,419 1,362,280 9.490% 6.18% 17.48% 34.27% 959,221 2,321,501 16.172% 3.73% 27.88% 28.74% 1,276,477 3,597,978 25.064% 5.62% 26.42% 20.69% 2,057,493 5,655,471 39.397% 7.89% 28.49% 22.57% 2,396,642 8,052,113 56.092% 3.05% 18.29% 17.89% 3,303,059 11,355,172 79.101% 18.49% 28.68% 37.28% 1,462,849 12,818,021 89.292% 1.75% 7.82% 10.56% 0 12,818,021 89.292% n/a n/a n/a 0 12,818,021 89.292% n/a n/a n/a 0 12,818,021 89.292% n/a n/a n/a 0 12,818,021 89.292% n/a n/a n/a 12,818,021 12,818,021 8.55% 23.07% 25.23% 3.00000% 3a1 to Collect 2,527,179 H:\Revenue Report\Monthly Gas,Sales,and TDC Receipts l,f\l•JUI IC LU, LU I J VII-1 Staff Reports 2 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 13 TDC Revenue Report 31-May-2013 )arison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Budget to Actual Forecast History-Cum History-Monthly Collections Collections $Variance Collections 3.5% 3.5% 498,837 627,861 129,024 627,861 8.1% 4.7% 667,994 734,419 66,425 734,419 14.0% 5.9% 847,404 959,221 111,817 959,221 22.3% 8.3% 1,189,853 1,276,477 86,624 1,276,477 35.1% 12.8% 1,840,940 2,057,493 216,553 2,057,493 50.8% 15.7% 2,246,668 2,396,642 149,974 2,396,642 69.1% 18.3% 2,624,759 3,303,059 678,300 2,710,071 79.2% 10.2% 1,457,116 1,462,849 5,733 1,504,476 85.4% 6.1% 882,042 0 n/a 910,711 90.3% 4.9% 708,949 0 n/a 731,992 95.6% 5.2% 752,626 0 n/a 777,088 100.0% 4.4% 638,012 0 n/a 658,749 100.0% 100.0% 14,355,200 12,818,021 1,444,450 15,345,200 106.90% 103.00% Tourist Tax Revenue Collection Curve N $3.5 C' 0 ri $3.0 __......._....._........- $2.5 ---......_.........................................................................................................._. O• $2.0 ............... ._...._. • w Budgeted o $1.5 -.._......................-....__.._ u 'Actual / $1.0 -..................................... ..._ ! .._._,__._....._.._.............._.................._._.__..: ..............................................,__,_...... Forecast $0.5 .................... .:.................................... __ $0.0 u lEL , O o 0 5, LL tc0 Q fc4 0 , Z C L Q V1 H:\Revenue Report\Monthly Gas,Sales,and TDC Receipts l rP li JUIIC LV,Lt..)I VII-1 Staff Reports 3 of 19 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY CITY PAGE 1 ** NAPLES ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 428547 618948 776408 361084 3142562 ** MARCO ISLAND ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 440902 525686 766954 388107 2921287 ** IMMOKALEE ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 882 843 1056 1206 6651 ** EVERGLADES CITY ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 14311 15331 19962 12663 93253 ** COLLIER COUNTY ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1172851 1235834 1738679 699789 6654268 ** OTHER ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ** TOTALS ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 2057493 2396642 3303059 1462849 12818021 1Jf11•JUIIV LV,LV IJ VII-1 Staff Reports 4019 LIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY ACCOUNT TYPE PAGE 1 ** APARTMENT ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 5810 6385 8007 4216 39819 ** CONDOMINIUM ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 129378 227218 589742 90728 1224137 ** CAMPGROUND/RV/PARK ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 22963 24115 36656 9655 118134 ** HOTEL/MOTEL ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1297086 1528434 :'.;29146 1189336 8821500 ** INTERVAL ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 18677 30204 25897 17922 128669 ** MOBILE HOME PARK ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1815 3131 6289 814 15320 ** SINGLE FAMILY ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 37917 59955 170795 39053 451873 ** REALTOR ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 543847 517200 436527 111125 2018569 ** OTHER ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ** TOTALS ** FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 2057493 2396642 3303059 1462849 12818021 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX NAPLES FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $76,843 $149,990 $236,963 $316,250 $512,938 $580,227 $570,569 $334,191 $217,611 $152,642 2006/2007 $111,854 $151,746 $217,262 $291,277 $532,706 $589,595 $640,395 $340,926 $205,947 $156,476 2007/2008 $122,094 $174,235 $231,470 $306,731 $564,747 $617,010 $664,907 $330,698 $233,938 $145,532 2008/2009 $105,937 $154,246 $209,703 $298,657 $500,986 $528,321 $471,924 $327,310 $179,344 $133,913 2009/2010 $102,425 $147,706 $202,271 $304,284 $473,406 $536,310 $578,659 $314,492 $192,256 $129,009 2010/2011 $107,247 $144,923 $207,947 $296,553 $469,260 $537,127 $620,402 $342,016 $210,346 $150,143 2011/2012 $124,889 $171,672 $257,204 $310,088 $463,661 $581,690 $646,118 $359,807 $239,314 $156,429 2012/2013 $154,953 $197,464 $260,272 $344,886 $428,547 $618,948 $776,408 $361,084 TOTAL: $906,242 $1,291,982 $1,823,092 $2,468,726 $3,946,251 $4,589,228 $4,969,382 $2,710,524 $1,478,756 $1,024,144 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MARCO ISLAND FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $71,763 $112,414 $147,512 $199,030 $344,074 $525,468 $576,530 $374,000 $261,791 $218,203 2006/2007 $73,397 $88,576 $141,951 $189,026 $335,898 $517,149 $595,449 $379,673 $225,816 $216,858 2007/2008 $165,745 $166,397 $93,819 $321,400 $408,079 $503,575 $666,564 $507,602 $140,088 $322,017 2008/2009 $99,516 $168,129 $185,986 $280,663 $372,230 $457,015 $473,292 $324,558 $204,748 $183,654 2009/2010 $124,837 $158,522 $168,816 $229,316 $364,347 $466,758 $550,969 $361,520 $197,005 $167,786 2010/2011 $149,854 $169,786 $175,540 $198,803 $307,625 $416,029 $571,019 $363,648 $210,320 $192,412 20/11/2012 $142,329 $171,194 $201,691 $244,744 $391,683 $485,677 $628,522 $372,070 $226,574 $231,338 2012/2013 $192,829 $165,543 $196,934 $244,332 $440,902 $525,686 $766,954 $388,107 TOTAL: $1,020,270 $1,200,561 $1,312,249 $1,907,314 $2,964,838 $3,897,357 $4,829,299 $3,071,178 $1,466,342 $1,532,268 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX IMMOKALEE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $842 $1,151 $1,306 $1,450 $1,683 $1,837 $2,050 $1,786 $1,900 $1,774 2006/2007 $1,306 $1,258 $1,837 $1,447 $2,307 $1,932 $1,982 $1,691 $1,466 $504 2007/2008 $731 $746 $776 $966 $749 $828 $2,806 $1,501 $887 $650 2008/2009 $410 $553 $686 $687 $808 $1,137 $952 $944 $618 $723 2009/2010 $676 $624 $558 $754 $633 $912 $580 $596 $541 $965 2010/2011 $625 $470 $639 $649 $649 $768 $928 $937 $440 $990 2011/2012 $528 $489 $863 $1,067 $681 $740 $983 $879 $807 $709 2012/2013 $457 $749 $804 $654 $882 $843 $1,056 $1,206 TOTAL: $5,575 $6,040 $7,469 $7,674 $8,392 $8,997 $11,337 $9,540 $6,659 $6,315 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX EVERGLADES CITY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $2,246 $3,922 $4,783 $6,921 $9,386 $15,217 $14,334 $13,423 $7,670 $3,754 2006/2007 $4,678 $5,602 $5,705 $9,961 $12,884 $14,766 $16,860 $14,152 $8,653 $3,929 2007/2008 $4,018 $5,424 $6,879 $9,724 $11,917 $16,032 $15,800 $11,327 $11,881 $4,136 2008/2009 $3,443 $4,975 $7,186 $8,987 $11,486 $15,137 $15,206 $10,315 $5,932 $3,302 2009/2010 $3,783 $4,473 $5,706 $8,704 $12,423 $15,656 $18,852 $10,467 $6,149 $3,705 2010/2011 $3,270 $5,011 $6,326 $7,626 $10,020 $13,210 $17,210 $10,847 $6,870 $4,054 2011/2012 $4,057 $5,607 $7,144 $9,161 $12,338 $17,648 $18,666 $9,921 $6,879 $4,220 2012/2013 $6,921 $5,847 $8,340 $9,878 $14,311 $15,331 $19,962 $12,663 TOTAL: $25,495 $35,014 $43,729 $61,084 $80,454 $107,666 $116,928 $80,452 $54,034 $27,100 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $86,479 $255,807 $446,229 $534,560 $867,498 $1,119,215 $1,277,646 $777,494 $465,272 $357,870 2006/2007 $245,217 $358,486 $492,296 $564,991 $952,204 $1,215,359 $1,354,022 $765,087 $465,420 $368,234 2007/2008 $233,050 $342,484 $467,648 $602,044 $937,713 $1,172,727 $1,363,500 $726,065 $479,408 $332,957 2008/2009 $190,563 $291,340 $395,097 $538,743 $749,012 $973,781 $1,060,618 $566,718 $358,045 $258,429 2009/2010 $213,228 $235,663 $367,743 $514,622 $827,789 $1,013,235 $1,256,966 $636,092 $393,674 $282,867 2010/2011 $217,861 $304,930 $359,617 $506,087 $813,768 $1,058,980 $1,357,406 $639,303 $422,707 $332,170 2011/2012 $253,531 $342,743 $457,827 $643,501 $1,038,706 $1,239,892 $1,493,363 $694,955 $460,970 $337,636 2012/2013 $272,701 $364,816 $492,871 $676,727 $1,172,851 $1,235,834 $1,738,679 $699,789 TOTAL: $1,439,929 $2,131,453 $2,986,457 $3,904,548 $6,186,690 $7,793,189 $9,163,521 $4,805,714 $3,045,496 $2,270,163 I 4 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS NAPLES,MARCO ISLAND,IMMOKALEE,EVERGLADES CITY,COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $238,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 2012/2013 $627,861 $734,419 $959,221 $1,276,477 $2,057,493 $2,396,642 $3,303,059 $1,462,849 TOTAL: $3,049,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX APARTMENT FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $1,466 $198 $874 $1,987 $3,447 $6,076 $10,463 $1,504 $4,446 $1,740 2006/2007 $2,403 $320 $1,387 $2,519 $3,479 $4,476 $7,976 $1,601 $624 $692 2007/2008 $296 $2,797 $964 $2,770 $6,901 $4,396 $5,539 $2,817 $587 $1,045 2008/2009 $675 $111 $1,162 $1,700 $3,571 $4,192 $7,489 $1,210 $710 $349 2009/2010 $367 $165 $947 $2,776 $3,910 $4,729 $6,041 $2,607 $1,350 $799 2010/2011 $1,113 $260 $1,018 $2,495 $4,802 $5,119 $4,555 $3,300 $2,706 $879 2011/2012 $896 $435 $1,497 $863 $5,735 $6,040 $10,405 $4,081 $1,847 $1,221 2012/2013 $1,205 $5,819 $1,368 $7,009 $5,810 $6,385 $8,007 $4,216 TOTAL: $7,216 $4,286 $7,849 $15,110 $31,845 $35,028 $52,468 $17,120 $12,270 $6,725 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CONDOMINIUM FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $18,115 $9,286 $24,892 $46,267 $62,578 $172,726 $290,466 $55,985 $24,142 $17,905 2006/2007 $17,081 $12,475 $21,751 $61,089 $79,540 $188,992 $323,240 $57,775 $23,138 $20,648 2007/2008 $26,279 $14,948 $26,623 $60,871 $114,344 $203,054 $362,939 $60,403 $34,262 $19,440 2008/2009 $18,344 $13,399 $23,789 $52,809 $91,805 $192,617 $347,817 $58,346 $23,642 $19,728 2009/2010 $19,477 $14,463 $32,182 $63,689 $67,669 $240,487 $412,028 $65,444 $26,234 $23,042 2010/2011 $84,551 $18,112 $30,208 $63,785 $91,669 $231,388 $462,079 $56,684 $32,886 $37,981 2011/2012 $39,952 $21,515 $35,761 $82,154 $118,188 $264,235 $531,116 $59,412 $47,525 $37,085 2012/2013 $37,104 519,674 $34,328 $95,965 $129,378 $227,218 $589,742 $90,728 TOTAL: $223,799 $104,198 $195,206 $430,664 $625,793 $1,493,499 $2,729,685 $414,049 $211,829 $175,829 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CAMPGROUND-RV-PARK FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $2,009 $2,462 $6,622 $17,116 $21,543 $30,174 $33,024 $11,607 $5,331 $3,474 2006/2007 $3,579 $4,746 $11,676 $11,640 $20,946 $27,551 $38,732 $9,843 $5,634 $2,542 2007/2008 $2,813 $3,141 $5,568 $14,015 $22,010 $27,176 $32,516 $13,625 $3,740 $3,059 2008/2009 $2,648 $3,212 $4,849 $13,465 $39,031 $26,499 $40,324 $8,261 $3,491 $2,910 2009/2010 $2,494 $2,999 $5,825 $13,772 $21,117 $30,227 $41,973 $7,260 $3,551 $1,501 2010/2011 $1,903 $3,102 $5,296 $14,095 $18,919 $25,457 $42,028 $7,013 $3,961 $1,735 2011/2012 $1,892 $3,546 $5,271 $11,540 $28,012 $27,270 $22,208 $7,704 $19,524 $2,046 2012/2013 $2,371 $2,872 $5,966 $13,536 $22,963 $24,115 $36,656 $9,655 TOTAL: $17,338 $23,208 $45,107 $95,643 $171,578 $194,354 $250,805 $65,313 $45,232 $17,267 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX HOTEL-MOTEL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $284,057 $467,480 $720,774 $761,245 $1,112,751 $1,512,646 $1,716,480 $1,253,822 $855,707 $647,441 2006/2007 $371,144 $531,060 $735,510 $744,056 $1,163,479 $1,582,476 $1,772,635 $1,282,854 $829,704 $641,921 2007/2008 $450,926 $600,629 $663,134 $899,608 $1,210,928 $1,557,503 $1,811,406 $1,370,272 $738,197 $715,412 2008/2009 $326,143 $547,238 $683,525 $804,914 $926,626 $1,244,914 $1,240,850 $1,012,168 $653,733 $484,556 2009/2010 $367,978 $469,435 $611,459 $712,102 $1,010,110 $1,243,041 $1,434,996 $1,081,251 $698,121 $477,576 2010/2011 $333,456 $555,623 $619,659 $684,174 $953,504 $1,315,029 $1,587,010 $1,132,637 $737,285 $567,319 2011/2012 $410,547 $599,695 $765,114 $796,797 $1,113,647 $1,478,881 $1,662,425 $1,202,831 $787,911 $585,887 2012/2013 $495,304 $623,240 $817,839 $841,115 $1,297,086 $1,528,434 $2,029,146 $1,189,336 TOTAL: $2,544,251 $3,771,160 $4,799,175 $5,402,896 $7,491,045 $9,934,490 $11,225,802 $8,335,835 $5,300,658 $4,120,112 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX INTERVAL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $865 $2,254 $3,617 $4,037 $7,099 $8,669 $15,490 $9,765 $8,182 $4,710 2006/2007 $2,028 $3,691 $9,886 $10,092 $19,130 $24,221 $26,340 $17,397 $9,043 $6,290 2007/2008 $6,597 $7,295 $10,353 $10,716 $20,438 $19,074 $20,960 $13,613 $7,614 $7,215 2008/2009 $4,897 $5,623 $7,807 $10,438 $14,909 $13,650 $20,868 $21,687 $10,080 $11,449 2009/2010 $10,156 $9,509 $13,274 $20,198 $17,462 $28,801 $34,980 $31,383 $12,115 $19,999 2010/2011 $7,444 $5,816 $13,426 $18,029 $17,347 $22,275 $27,152 $28,303 $16,540 $6,406 2011/2012 $4,990 $7,843 $11,914 $14,375 $18,080 $18,075 $22,054 $23,386 $10,833 $11,349 2012/2013 $7,420 $9,011 $8,739 $10,799 $18,677 $30,204 $25,897 $17,922 TOTAL: $36,977 $42,031 $70,277 $87,885 $114,465 $134,765 $167,844 $145,534 $74,407 $67,418 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MOBILE HOME PARK FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $26 $312 $554 $517 $129 $779 $2,399 $45 $51 $89 2006/2007 $3,093 $482 $203 $620 $1,110 $2,831 $2,017 $700 $828 $133 2007/2008 $172 $288 $768 $1,444 $3,492 $1,941 $4,349 $557 $218 $461 2008/2009 $43 $162 $1,057 $1,229 $1,982 $3,139 $4,012 $1,175 $702 $228 2009/2010 $438 $746 $974 $1,688 $2,479 $1,940 $5,061 $2,170 $911 $516 2010/2011 $352 $705 $1,477 $2,940 $3,895 $4,309 $5,743 $1,692 $879 $312 2011/2012 $228 $517 $543 $1,455 $1,392 $3,710 $4,826 $1,441 $466 $126 2012/2013 $126 $281 $1,558 $1,306 $1,815 $3,131 $6,289 $814 TOTAL: $4,352 $3,212 $5,576 $9,893 $14,479 $18,649 $28,407 $7,780 $4,055 $1,865 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX SINGLE FAMILY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $9,710 $3,439 $4,409 $18,100 $17,773 $24,067 $52,042 $15,400 $5,945 $9,955 2006/2007 $13,559 $4,549 $6,049 $20,838 $14,666 $23,955 $67,207 $13,573 $6,254 $16,936 2007/2008 $17,673 $7,136 $12,482 $27,895 $15,617 $22,793 $82,815 $18,577 $11,121 $19,502 2008/2009 $17,263 $11,147 $10,098 $33,205 $16,416 $33,371 $97,716 $19,903 $11,470 $23,375 2009/2010 $24,226 $7,933 $12,349 $33,206 $16,749 $41,749 $113,111 $20,584 $9,537 $23,926 2010/2011 $31,981 $9,989 $12,618 $39,011 $20,626 $40,342 $126,367 $27,892 $12,448 $28,622 2011/2011 $45,000 $11,899 $21,462 $49,877 $28,960 $51,324 $151,981 $26,449 $21,948 $38,055 2012/2013 $38,494 $20,440 $19,791 $65,428 $37,917 $59,955 $170,795 $39,053 TOTAL: $159,412 $56,092 $79,467 $222,132 $130,807 $237,601 $691,239 $142,378 $78,723 $160,371 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REALTOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $21,925 $37,853 $75,051 $208,942 $510,259 $486,827 $320,765 $152,766 $50,440 $48,929 2006/2007 $23,565 $48,345 $72,589 $205,848 $533,649 $484,299 $370,561 $117,786 $32,077 $56,839 2007/2008 $20,882 $53,052 $80,700 $223,546 $529,475 $474,235 $393,053 $97,329 $70,463 $39,158 2008/2009 $29,856 $38,351 $66,371 $209,977 $540,182 $457,009 $262,916 $107,095 $44,859 $37,426 2009/2010 $19,813 $41,738 $68,084 $210,249 $539,102 $441,771 $357,570 $112,468 $37,806 $36,973 2010/2011 $18,057 $31,513 $66,367 $185,189 $490,560 $382,195 $312,031 $99,230 $43,978 $36,515 2011/2012 $21,829 $46,255 $83,167 $251,500 $593,055 $476,112 $382,637 $112,328 $44,490 $54,563 2012/2013 $45,837 $53,082 $69,632 $241,319 $543,847 $517,200 $436,527 $111,125 TOTAL: $155,927 $297,107 $512,329 $1,495,251 $3,736,282 $3,202,448 $2,399,533 $799,002 $324,113 $310,403 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS APARTMENTS CONDOMINIUM, CAMPGROUD /RV /PARK, HOTEL /MOTEL, INTERVAL, MOBILE HOME PARK, SINGLE FAILY, RI FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY 2005/2006 $38,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $1,907,069 $2,325,647 $2,787,652 $1,437,632 $934,544 $730,332 2012/2013 $627,861 $734,419 $959,221 $1,276,477 $2,057,493 $2,396,642 $3,303,059 $1,462,849 TOTAL: $2,849,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $12,316,294 $15,250,960 $17,546,049 $9,927,011 $6,051,287 $4,859,990 Patricia L. Morgan From: HambrightGail <Gail Hambright@colliergov. net> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:42 PM Subject: VIII-1 CAC Item for 6/20/13 Meeting Attachments: VIII-1 Beach Renourishment ES.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro.pdf Qad 0. Xam&it*,, accountwid Coastal Zone Management Natural Resource Department Collier County Government 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Phone: (239) 252-2966 Fax: (239) 252-2950 Stream Fax (239) 252-6502 Under Ronda Law, e mai' addresses are piAblir records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. l,/1li Ju11C GV, LV I VIII -1 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Update the CAC and TDC relative to Bid No. 13 -6067R to renourish the Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Park Shore and Naples Beaches via a off shore sand source utilizing hopper dredges along with presenting alternatives for consideration and solicit Advisory Board recommendations. OBJECTIVE: 1.To Update the CAC and TDC relative to Bid No. 13 -6067R to renourish the Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Park Shore and Naples Beaches via an off shore sand source utilizing hopper dredges. 2.Present alternatives pl ans for consideration. 3. Solicit recommendations. CONSIDERATIONS: Bids were received on 6/17/2013 to renourish the Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Park Shore and Naples Beaches via a off shore sand source utilizing hopper dredges. Only one bid was received. Great Lakes Dock and Dredge (GLDD) bid approximately $32M to place approximately 360,000 CY's of sand on these beaches. Collier County budget was approximately $15M to perform this work. Great Lakes Dock and Dredge was the contractor who renourished Collier County beaches in 2006 for a cost of approximately $18M by placing 663,000 CY's of sand on the beaches. Collier County had expected a price increase but was surprised by the extent of this increase. In the past, we have repeatedly indicated that the dredging capacity during turtle nesting season is very tight. Typically demand exceeds dredging capacity during this period of time. However, within the past six months several issues have occurred that have severely affected the market. Some of the major ones are: 1.Hurrican e Sandy destroyed the New Jersey and New York coasts when it made landfall on 10/31/2012. The entire dredging community was eagerly anticipating renourishment plans from the USACE and for the first time on 5/22/2013 both the NY Corps District and the Philadelphia Corps District announced that they are moving forward with the updating of Plans and Specifications for immediate construction on a number of large projects. This is a bonanza of work that will continue for many years and the dredgers are reluctant to commit capacity this year in anticipation of these significant projects. The dredgers have always preferred working with the USACE as opposed to local communities. The dredgers believe that there is the potential for lots of projects, lots of money and the USACE will tolerate larger prices and larger claims. Corps project tend to utilize the same specifications making project familiarity and equipment standardization the normal. These are all large projects that all utilize hopper dredges. 2.On Friday of last week, the Jacksonville Corps District announced in a webinar a list of Florida projects that would be moving forward this year. This was the second webinar to L,mt, JUI IC LV, GV IJ VIII -1 New Business 2of3 discuss Corps status in Florida and the first time specific projects were announced. As is the case of Captiva just to our north, immediate construction is anticipated. The USACE is delaying bid openings week by week until all funding sources are identified. The dredging community indicated that there was not sufficient capacity to accomplish all this Florida work. 3.L ouisiana just received funding for the rebuilding of two large restoration islands as part of the Mississippi delta rebuild program. This is a large multi -year project that was awarded within the past two weeks and has tied up all the capacity of the Louisiana dredging community. Sam Morrison, the VP of Great Lakes indicated in a phone call on Tuesday 6/18/2013 that this was definitely a supply and demand issue. He also noted that the size of the project, the difficulty of the project, the timing and scope uncertainty were all factors. They would like to work with us to reduce the risk and downtime and have offered several suggestions that could reduce costs. It is doubtful however that these reductions even if acceptable to the county could close the gap to the budgeted costs. Obviously, a $32M beach renourishment project is unacceptable. However, there are several options that the Collier County can pursue. Two critical points that need to be taken into account in evaluating any options are that the TS Fay PW expires on 12/31/2014. This PW would pay for 155K CY's of material on the beach. The second consideration is that the FDEP and USACE permits for this work expire on 1/12/2015. Staff is recommending the following options for consideration and discussion: 1.Work with GLDD to evaluate and eliminate, if possible the "High Cost Obstacles and Risks" to reduce the bid price. Some of these might be: • Alternate material screening methods to eliminate dredge screening and downtime. • Eliminate pipeline relocations. • Dredging /renourishment when capacity is available. • Other methods of renourishment in "low fill volume" areas. 2.Reject the GLDD bid and postpone dredging for a year but be prepared to perform emergency truck haul renourishment to deal with critical hot spots as they develop. • This would also include a permitting update component. 3.Reject the GLDD bid and rebid the project utilizing a modified truck haul approach and extremely close coordination with the City of Naples. This project would begin as soon as turtle nesting season ends or the beaches become available and continue until 5/1/2014. Dual sand mines, dual haul /placement contractors and multiple discharge locations on the beach would be required along with approval to stockpile screened sand prior to placement. This approach would be difficult but would be doable with coordinated planning and cooperation by all stakeholders. FISCAL IMPACT: $15M is budgeted/available for beach renourishment in FY 2013/14 as per the Office of Management and Budget. l.r/'11.r JUI IU LU, LU IJ VIII -1 New Business 3of3 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT:Ther e is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This is a project update and has not been reviewed by the County Attorney at this time. The County Attorney will review and approve any items presented for a "recommendation for approval" to the CAC, TDC or the BCC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is soliciting input and recommendations as to how to proceed with the renourishment of the Vanderbilt, Pelican Bay, Park shore and Naples beaches. Prepared By: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Coastal Zone Management, Natural Resources Department