Ochopee FCD Advisory Board Minutes 05/13/2013 2013 Ochopee Fire Control
District Advisory
May 13 , 2013
The following were in attendance:
Alan McLaughlin, Fire Chief, Ochopee Fire Control District
Caleb Morris, Assistant Chief, Ochopee Fire Control District
Ronald Gilbert, Chairman, Ochopee Fire Control District
Tony Davis, Port of the Islands, Advisory Board Member
Frank Hawkins, Port of the Islands, Advisory Board Member
All committee members were in attendance except for McBeth Collins.
Frank Hawkins added the update regarding the citation under Old Business.
The Agenda was approved
A motion was made to approve the minutes it was seconded and passed.
Chief McLaughlin — He wanted to recognize Caleb Morris who was promoted to Assistant Chief
as of April 21, 2013 and will be known as Chief 62. There will be a badge pinning ceremony
regarding the promotion around the 28th of May. The promotion was necessary due to the
extra duties of managing Isles of Capri and of the future station on 1 -75. The Chief needed
someone to handle more of the hands on duties. So his duties have been expanded and he will
be finishing up his educational requirements.
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Chief s Report:
Chief McLaughlin -- We are on track with our operating budget. We are getting tight with our
overtime budget because we've had 30 sick days this budget year compared to 18 the year
before and 20 the year before that and we are only six months through this budget year. This
has really pressed the overtime budget so when he had his executive Staff Meeting with Chief
Morris and the Lieutenants they did some problem solving regarding this issue. He gave them a
problem solving guide from a course he took so at the next Executive Staff Meeting they are
going to try and come up with a solution in the event we run out of money in the overtime
budget. The solutions will have to be implemented with the staff and the Chief will back them
regarding these results. If the overtime expenses continue to climb this might become a
problem by late July or August which is two months prior to the end of the budget year. We
will probably get creative with our Job Bankers so that it doesn't affect the response out here.
The overage is due to the increase in brush fires and sick time usage which in caparison to last
year has doubled.
Frank Hawkins — Has that root cause been identified and won't be re- occurring.
Chief McLaughlin — I think we have put an end to the root cause of it. I allowed full time
personnel to work overtime due to sick leave which prior to January 2013 Job Bankers were
filling those shifts. After that was instituted personnel started taking more sick time so the
option was terminated sick leave is once again filled by Job Bankers and the sick time usage has
US Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths for the year of 2013 is 30 and for the month of
April it is 7.
Operations Report:
There were 56 incidents for the month of April, 2013 which is actually higher than usual in fact
in the last two months we have been 25% above average compared to our previous years. In
fact in the past two or three weeks we have had four car fires. Which we are coming to our
slow season but it seems people are still traveling. He feels we are going to have more
incidents this year than last year. There was one mutual aid call outside the District on Marco
Island, no boat calls, two fire inspections, zero fire investigations and 654 training hours for
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Frank Hawkins - Is there any analysis regarding the dispatched and cancelled en -route calls?
It seems to be the highest number of calls.
Chief McLaughlin — That is very common.
Frank Hawkins —That is a normal percentage?
Chief McLaughlin — Yes, about 80% of those types of calls are on 1 -75.
Assistant Chief Morris — Yes, a lot of people drive by see a car on the side of the road and
without stopping call in the incident.
Chief McLaughlin — By the time the police arrive on scene the Fire Department is already on the
road so we wind up being canceled en -route to the incident. The cell phone has caused the rise
of these types of calls. They should really be categorized as good intent calls instead of
cancelations. Once the Station is on 1 -75 the travel times for these types of calls will diminish
due to the proximity of the incident and the new station.
Frank Hawkins — Is there any way to verify the incident via the cameras out on 1 -75?
Chief McLaughlin — No, you can't really tell. We have access to the 511 system but you really
can't tell if they are just sitting there.
Assistant Chief Morris —The camera is not live it is a loop.
Chief McLaughlin — We get a loop feed that runs so often and then FDOT updates it.
Frank Hawkins — So what is the purpose of the cameras.
Assistant Chief Morris — FDOT can get a live feed.
Chief McLaughlin — FDOT has access to a live feed, they can zoom and turn the cameras. So they
could determine what is going on. They use the cameras to monitor traffic.
Assistant Chief Morris — He has used the 511 system when there are brush fires.
Tony Davis — How much of that will be affected by the new station on the interstate will that
eliminate it?
Chief McLaughlin — It won't eliminate those types of calls but we will get there before the
Sheriff's Office because now the response time will be in 10 to 12 minutes instead of 30
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Tony Davis — But the cost will be out there.
Chief McLaughlin — Yes, the cost will come out of the Operating Budget Expenses for the
1 -75 Station.
Frank Hawkins — He Referred to the attached "Incident Type Summary Report" and wanted to
know what the "Total Estimated Loss Column" represented.
Chief McLaughlin — The dollar amounts are an estimation of the damaged property. He feels
the property losses will reduce when the new station is up and running because the response
times will diminish.
Grant Up Dates
Chief McLaughlin — We have received the grant monies for the radios in the amount of $82,000
it has been deposited in our account, a Purchase Order has been opened and an order has been
placed with Communications International for the new radios. We have not heard on the state
of the FEMA Grant for this year it hasn't been released yet but they have made major cuts. If
we are going to hear anything it should be in the next couple of months. If they release FEMA
Grants for this year we are going to apply for breathing apparatus.
1 -75 Station Up Date
Chief McLaughlin — Last week he had a pre - construction and pre - permit meeting at Growth
Management with the construction company. He felt it was a very productive meeting so that
station is moving along. The last bill in the house was the "Glitch Bill" which was submitted to
eliminate the States obligation to paying the operating costs for the 1 -75 Station which was
proposed and passed in the original bill. Senator Richter has been actively drumming up
support to follow the law by funding the operations of the 1 -75 station and defeat the "Glitch
Bill ". It was the last bill in the house and it was defeated. He does not know how we will
receive the money but this is good news that the "Glitch Bill" has been defeated because that
means the state will have to cover the operating costs as well. The District is ready to put the
bids out for the vehicles as soon as the money is received.
Ron Gilbert — What happened last year was defeated?
Chief McLaughlin — No, the "Glitch Bill" was defeated they were trying to repeal the bill that
said they had to pay for the operation costs of the 1 -75 Fire Station.
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Frank Hawkins — The year before when the bill was passed funding the operating expenses and
perpetuity was there any specified time frame?
Chief McLaughlin — No, they tried to put a two year limit on it. Senator Richter has assured him
that we have the funding for the station.
Tony Davis — Are you and Dan Summers still going to speak with the governor?
Chief McLaughlin — No, now we won't have to do that. There will be some communication
between the County Manager and FDOT as to how the funding is going to come in from the
State. FDOT may choose for us to supply the specs and they purchase the vehicle. He let them
know that it was imperative that we hire the personnel as soon as possible. It would help us
with the budget but also with the response to 1 -75. Some of his superiors stated that the State
funding is not supposed to supplement our budget. He feels they do not see the whole picture.
For 35 years this District has supplied a service to the State on their toll road every day we go
out there the paying members of this District loose 50% of their fire protection. I think that it is
absolutely imperative that the leaders here see this and ask for those people because those
two people per shift we take on will be two of the people going out to 1 -75 so that we do not
lose the fire protection in the District. It isn't about supplementing the budget it is so we do
not lose people when we respond to 1 -75. We are hiring a total of nine personnel six the first
year and three the next year. Until the station is open we are still responding with our
equipment and personnel which every time we do that it is an impact to our District. So the
sooner we receive the monies the sooner we can hire the new personnel and ease the impact
to the District.
Port of the Islands Station
Chief McLaughlin — We are really moving ahead on this one all the bids are in they have been
tabulated. He has a meeting sometime this week to go through the process of the two low
bidders. Facilities Manager Hank Jones who is heading up this project is familiar with both
companies. We had a bid of $530,000 and $576,000. Our goal is to get this back to the board
for a recommendation and then asked for the project to start construction. If we can get this
done in June we could start breaking ground in July. The Architect feels we can have this done
by November 2013. We are on schedule with this building but we are two months behind on
the 1 -75 Station which we knew that was going to happen because it was such a large project so
it looks like it will begin in August instead of June.
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Vacant position on the Advisory Board
Chief McLaughlin — We are having a difficult time getting any one from Chokoloskee, Plantation,
Everglades City or Copeland. The last active member was from Copeland. We are going to
continue to try and find someone from one of those areas.
Tony Davis — Does the County have any lee way because Bob Miller would serve on the
committee but he is not technically a resident?
Chief McLaughlin — No, it is in the ordinance.
Ron Gilbert — He asked if it would be helpful if we started holding the meetings in Everglades
City again?
Chief McLaughlin — If we got another member from there we could rotate between Everglades
City and Port of the Islands. Since we currently do not have an active participation from the
Everglades City member then there is no need to rotate the meetings between the two areas
because the three active members live at Port of the Islands.
Ron Gilbert — We have people at Port of the Islands that are willing to serve.
Tony Davis — He asked if Jan Brock or Robert Wells have been contacted for the positions on the
Advisory Committee.
Chief McLaughlin — He is going to advertise in the local paper to try and drum up some interest.
Everglades City Agreement for Service
Chief McLaughlin — He has not heard back yet. A few weeks ago he spoke to Dottie the
Everglades City Clerk who said that the agreement is on the table and the Mayor is aware of it.
The Everglades City Council recessed for the summer. He hasn't received anything yet from
Everglades City but once he does the document will be forwarded to the County Attorney's
Chief McLaughlin - The budget was approved and we received $600,000 out of general fund for
the remodeling of the marina for the Fire Station at Port of the Islands.
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District I
Chief McLaughlin — He apologized to Frank Hawkins because he forgot the power point
Presentation regarding District I but he offered to e-mail it to him.
Frank Hawkins — I don't have power point on my home computer.
Chief McLaughlin — I can send you a printed copy.
Frank Hawkins — I just want to understand where District I is.
Chief McLaughlin — He will e-mail the power point presentation in PDF form. He is not sure the
County is going to do anything about District I even though it expires in September 2013. The
contract was made 20 years ago when there were people living in the south blocks not many
people live there anymore. Everyone has mutual aid agreements with Forestry; therefore, the
only area of District I that is being covered on a regular basis is North of 1 -75, Miller Road,
Patterson and Janes Scenic Drive. There is a small piece of land by Sabal Palm Rd. Golden Gate
and East Naples Fire District have combined their Administrative Services. We are already
covering 72% of the land we could negotiate a single contract with Golden Gate and East
Naples Fire Districts for the Sabal Palm Road area which would still leaving us over $500,000 if
we bring it into our District. We are currently $435,000 short which means for the first time
we will pay all our bills and still have a reserve. The County is cautious about moving forward
with us taking District I because the other Fire Districts will lose some of their funding.
Frank Hawkins — He feels that as long as they are not getting hurt they will see that this makes
logical sense.
Chief McLaughlin — If we still make it equitably feasible as to what is being protected he doesn't
feel they would have a problem with it.
Ron Gilbert — Can you quantify that in words?
Chief McLaughlin — He has with the power point presentation and he will bring it to the next
Ron Gilbert — Can you quantify that information in a letter then we can get moving with this.
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Chief McLaughlin — He already met with the Budget Manager but he also has the obligation to
give it to the Advisory Committee. He mentioned that a comment was made by Commissioner
Fiala at the Isles of Capri Fire District Meeting in regards to giving Ochopee Fire District away as
well. He suggested that since the remark was troubling that maybe they should contact her
and Commissioner Nance about clarification because we should not be penalized just because
there are problems at Isles of Capri Fire District.
Ron Gilbert — So you are going to get us a presentation and a summary regarding District I. He
asked if Linda Swisher could obtain a copy of the minutes that contained Commissioner Fiala's
comment about Ochopee Fire Control District.
Chief McLaughlin — No, Barbra Shea would have them and she has just left for a two and a half
week vacation. He will go through the summary minutes to see if the statement is in there and
if not he will have to wait until Barbra Shea is back to obtain the recorded minutes.
Frank Hawkins — He wanted to know who to contact.
Chief McLaughlin —That would be all five Commissioners and the County Manager.
Tony Davis — Suggested they approach Commissioner Fiala first regarding a clarification of her
Chief McLaughlin — He brought up District I again and feels now is the time to take it in and
possibly somewhere down the road we could even lower the millage rate. We could balance
the budget and have a proper reserve. The Budget Manager would not have to give us funds
out of general fund any more. It would also take care of the special assessment for the
remodeling of the building for the Port of the Islands Station. The Chief was describing the
boundaries of District 1. He estimates that at 4mils District I would bring in $564,000 that is at
this year's property values. It could be more for the coming up year maybe closer to $600,000.
Frank Hawkins — He wanted to know how the District would handle the pieces that would be
contract out.
Chief McLaughlin — He went on to explain the history of how District I was divided up. Golden
Gate Fire District, East Naples Fire District and Ochopee Fire Control District each received 27%
of District I and Isles of Capri Fire District received 12% for Keewayden Island. So we would
contract with them instead of the County the monies would come out of our budget instead of
General Fund.
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Frank Hawkins — He asked would it be the equivalent amount that they are getting from the
County now?
Chief McLaughlin — District I has a budget it Is recognized as a fire district. The County wants to
consolidate the fire districts this would be a step in that direction. It was clarified that if the
contracted area is done by Ochopee Fire Control District the amount and area covered would
be negotiated. The original protected area has changed a lot of it now belongs to the State of
Florida so the coverage has changed.
Frank Hawkins — He asked for an update in regards to the State Attorney's Office as to whether
they had taken any action regarding the code violation of the table and chairs in the egress area
at one of the buildings at Port of the Islands.
Chief McLaughlin — Nothing has happened with the State Attorney's Office so this issue will
have to be pushed up for code review.
Frank Hawkins — The condominium association could have enforced the issue. He feels they
should have taken care of it.
The motion was made to adjourn the meeting it was seconded and passed the meeting ended.
Ronald Gilbert, Chairman
Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Board
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