EAC Subcommittee Agenda 05/29/2013 Agenda
Environmental Advisory Council LDC GMP Subcommittee
Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 9 a.m.
Conference Rooms 609/610, located at the Growth Management Division, 2800 North
Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL, 34104
1. Welcome
2. Designate a Subcommittee member to take minutes
3. Signup sheet provided —please remind all attendees to signup
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of January 30, 2013 meeting minutes
6. Upcoming absences- Next Subcommittee meeting date?
7. Topic(s) of discussion for EAC members:
a. Low Impact Development (LID) Programs
b. Pervious Pavement
8. Open Discussion between EAC members and public on topics of discussion from item #7
9. Public comment
10. Adjournment