Minutes 01/31/2013 S 2013 Isles of Capri
Fire/Rescue Advisory
Minutes ( Special)
January 31 , 2013
AA MAR 271013 NJ
JANUARY 31, 2013
ATTENDEES: Jim Hughes,Vice Chairman
Raymond Kane, Advisory Committee Member
Dan Sansevieri,Advisory Committee Member
Man McLaughlin, Fire Chief
Barbara Shea,Minutes Preparer District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4 V
I. CALL TO ORDER District 5
A. Jim Hughes opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m.
B. The purpose of the Special Meeting is to send a recommendation to the BCC
for two committee members from four applicants.
1. Phillip Brougham
2. Ben Hilbun
3. Charles Walton
4. Matthew Crowder
A. Unapproved minutes of three ICFD advisory committee meetings.
1. Jim Hughes contacted Joe Langkawel, the prior Adv. Comm. Chairman.
2. Joe Langkawel had agreed to take minutes for these three meetings.
3. No minutes exist for the meetings of Sept. 21, Oct. 19, and Nov. 16.
4. Joe Langkawel does not have any of the minutes to provide.
5. By Sunshine Law, minutes of public meetings are required.
B. Dan Sansevieri brought up questions to the ICFD Advisory Committee.
Misc.Cones: 1. What is the goal of the "workshop planning" committee?
2. Who is the spokesman of the committee?
Date: 3. What does the committee want to specifically change?
Item#: 4. What documents are available for committee members to review?
C. Suggestions/responses from Jim Hughes to Dan Sansevieri.
1. Committees were formed when Chief Rodriguez was fired.
2. Jim Hughes recommends that Matt Crowder and John Rogers can
provide the information on the history of the ICFD which occurred
during the past 15 months (since Chief Rodriguez was fired).
D. Matt Crowder offered a brief discussion of the events since Nov. 2011.
1. A committee was formed as a direct result of the Chief being fired.
2. The ICFD Adv. Committee was not informed of the termination.
3. The committee sensed that county staff does not act in the best interest
of the fire department.
4. The committee's purpose was to explore other administrative alternatives.
5. The ICFD Advisory Committee & BCC approved of the committee.
6. Spring of 2012, Fiddlers Creek residents heard of a possible ICFD/East
Naples Fire (ENFD)merger.
a. These residents checked into breaking off from ICFD.
b. Phil Brougham led this group and had discussions with ENFD.
c. This group desires the lower millage rate (1.5)of ENFD.
7. Collier County organized a set of workshops in December 2012.
a. Committees examined different organizational options.
b. No one spokesman has been in charge of these workshops.
c. Attendees want ICFD taxpayers to have a greater voice.
d. ICFD operating costs need to be controlled.
e. Workshop participants are working toward obtaining increased
power of the advisory committee and making it a Board.
f. The current MSTU ordinance needs to be amended.
g. Powers over the budget&operations need to be increased.
h. County Attorney Klatzkow is drafting a new ordinance.
i. The ICFD Advisory Committee must approve the ordinance prior
to it being brought in front of the BCC for approval.
E. Comments by Chief McLaughlin.
1. Chief McLaughlin would like to see more active involvement in the budget
process by the ICFD advisory committee.
2. He suggests that committee members meet directly with the Budget Dept.
F. Comments by Phillip Brougham.
1. Workshop participants have not ascertained financial impacts of proposals
being studied.
2. His initial interest in the workshops was to determine how the ICFD Fiddlers
Creek taxpayers could avoid paying the higher millage rate of 2.0.
A. Verbal request by Charles Walton to remove his name from consideration as
an applicant for a position on the ICFD Advisory Committee.
1. Charles Walton phoned Jim Hughes to withdraw his name.
2. Jeri Neuhaus strongly discouraged Charles Walton's from being a member
of the ICFD Advisory Committee.
3. Jeri Neuhaus informed Jim Hughes of her preference of committee members.
4. Ray Kane expressed disappointment if in fact Mr. Walton withdrew his
name as a result of a conversation with Jeri Neuhaus.
B. Verbal request by Phillip Brougham to remove his name from consideration as
an applicant for a position on the ICFD Advisory Committee.
1. In person, Phillip Brougham officially withdrew his name.
2. Phillip Brougham is in favor of the committee's broad representation.
3. Phillip Brougham will continue to participate in the workshops.
4. Phillip Brougham expressed his support for Matt Crowder.
C. General discussion of the remaining two applicants for the committee.
1. Dan Sansevieri believes each candidate should have no preconceived
views of the ICFD and should favor the best interest of the ICFD.
2. Chief McLaughlin stated that the ICFD committee has not had a member
from Hammock Bay or Fiddlers Creek since 2007, despite the fact that
52%of ICFD's revenues come from those areas.
3. Matt Crowder was a member of the ICFD Adv. Committee in the 1990's.
4. Motion to recommend Ben Hilbun by Dan Sansevieri.
a. Motion seconded by Ray Kane.
b. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Motion to recommend Matthew Crowder by Jim Hughes.
a. Motion seconded by Dan Sansevieri.
b. Motion carried unanimously.
6. The BCC will vote on these recommendations on 02/12/13.
D. Motion to schedule the next regular Adv. Committee Meeting on Feb. 15.
1. Meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m. prior to the 3:30 Planning Workshop.
2. Motion made by Ray Kane.
3. Motion seconded by Dan Sansevieri
4. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Ray Kane at 8:53 a.m.
1. Motion seconded by Dan Sansevieri.
2. Motion carried unanimously.
Approved: r--- <;
Date: � 'I'A.N'Af 5 fI I