Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 12/04/2012 THE BAYSHORE/ GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AN� � 2013 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENC rl/1�( 4069 BAYSMORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAx 239.775.4456 BY: BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LOCAL ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 4, 2012 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board was called to order by Mr. Steve Main at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room 4069 Bayshore Drive. 1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Larry Ingram, Steve Main, Karen Beatty, / Peter Dvorak, Maurice Gutierrez. Excused: Mike Sherman. Absent: Vicki Tracy & Chuck District 1, V Gunther. District 2. District 3 CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, Interim Director and Sue Trone, Project Manager. District 4 ,' District 5 2 /4ctoption of Agenda: Mr. Main asked if there were any additions or corrections to the published agenda. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve. Motion to approve the agenda: Ms. Beatty. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 5-0. 3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Main asked for a motion to approve the November 6, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion: Mr. Gutierrez: Second: Mr. Dvorak. Approved 5-0 . 4. Executive Director's Report: a. CRA Project Updates. Ms. Jourdan reported to the CRA-AB there was a project update memo in their packages and went through each item on the memo. b. Sue Trone, Project Manager: Provided the update for Gateway Triangle Stormwater Improvements and on MSTU projects. 5. Old Business: a. Request for Payment of Services. Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB there were property tax invoices for CRA owned properties that are being leased in the Gateway Mini Triangle area in the amount of $123,921.66: Motion to approve: Mr. Main, Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 5-0. 6. New Business: • a. Presentation by Jim Fields and Rich Yovanovich: Mr. Yovanovich and Mr. Fields spoke to the CRA-AB about their desire to utilize 114 units from the Bayshore/Gateway bonus density pool. They asked the AB for their support to move forward with a Growth Management Plan Amendment that will permit them to seek increased density through the density bonus pool. A motion supporting their efforts was made by Mr. Gutierrez. Second Ms. Beatty. Approved 5-0 b. Residential Lot Bid: Ms. Jourdan advised the AB the bidding process would end December 5, 2012 and due to the January 14th workshop their next scheduled voting meeting would be in February. Ms. Jourdan recommended the AB make a motion to have staff review the bids and take the highest and best bid to the CRA-Board for acceptance. MotionMeNteMiettle by Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 5-0. Date: December 4,2012 CRA-AB Minutes Page 1 Item#: Copies to: c. CRA/MSTU BCC Joint Workshop: Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB that the annual workshop was scheduled for January 14, 2013 and would be held in the BCC Chamber from 1-4. She encouraged everyone to attend. No motion was required d. CRA 2012 Annual Report. Ms. Jourdan informed the AB that staff is beginning to compile the 2012 Annual Report and reminded the MSTU and CRA Chairmen that would need to prepare letters that reflect back on 2012 and for the Advisory Board members to compile a list of any positive changes they have seen during the year. 7. Advisory Board General Communications. None 8. Citizen Comments. There was citizen discussion regarding the lack of lighting on Andrew Street. Ms. Jourdan said staff would visit the street, identify existing power poles, and letters would be sent out to property owners inquiring if they were in favor of lights being nstalled on existing power poles. Additionally, there were questions regarding the stormwater project on Linwood. Ms. Trone responded that the project was not complete and she was working to have the issues addressed. 9. 10.Adjournment: Mr. Main adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm. oug- 0 Approved and forwarded by Steve Main, CRA-AB Chairman. December 4,2012 CRA-AB Minutes 2