Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 03/05/2013 2013 Bayshore Gateway
CRA Advisory Board
March 5 , 2013
4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAX 239.775.4456
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Mr. Maurice Gutierrez at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting Room
4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Larry Ingram, Karen Beatty, Peter Dvorak,
Maurice Gutierrez, Mike Sherman, Excused: Chuck Gunther & Steve Main, Absent:
Vicki Tracy.
CRA Staff Present: Jean Jourdan, Interim Director and Ashley Caserta, Project
2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Gutierrez asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
published agenda. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve. Motion to approve
the agenda: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Mr. Sherman. Approved 5-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Gutierrez asked for a motion to approve the February 5, 2013
meeting minutes, Motion: Ms. Beatty: Second: Mr. Dvorak. Approved 5-0
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. CRA Project Updates. Ms. Jourdan reported to the CRA-AB there was a
project update memo in their packages and went through each item on the
b. Ashley Caserta, Project Manager: Ms. Caserta updated the CRA-AB on
the Gateway Triangle Stormwater Improvements and provided a brief
update on the MSTU projects.
5. Old Business:
a. Request for Payment of Services. Ms. Jourdan informed the Board there were two
invoices: one for proportionate cost of advertisement for the pending Growth
Management Plan amendment in the amount of $820.80, and one for County real
estate services in the amount of $178.75. Motion to make payment: Ms Beatty.
Second: Mr. Dvorak. Approved 5-0.
6. New Business:
a. CRA Owned Lot Karen Drive: Ms. Sue Zimmerman, Property Acquisition
Specialist for Collier County made a presentation to the Advisory Board. She
informed the Board about safety issues the Waste Management Department is
encountering on narrow residential streets in the area and that Collier County is
seeking driveway access from property owners for trucks to pull in and back out
of. Ms. Zimmerman said the County is seeking permission to construct a
reinforced concrete driveway on one of the CRA's properties on Karen Drive.
Mr. Sherman asked if the access could be removed if the property was sold and
Ms. Zimmerman said it could. Staff informed Ms. Zimmerman there are exotics
on the property and asked if the County would be amendable to removing them
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in return for the driveway access. Ms. Zimmerman said she would talk with the
appropriate Department and return with an answer.
b. Gateway Triangle Stormwater Services: Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB that
the stormwater project had reached final completion on February 13, 2013, but
the CRA needed to retain engineering services to respond to any CRA or
residents concerns and coordinate any necessary repairs with the contractor
through the duration of the warranty period. Ms. Jourdan recommended
approval of engineering services not to exceed $10,000. Motion: Mr. Dvorak,
Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 5-0
c. CRA Staff Reorganization: Ms. Jourdan informed the CRA-AB that Ms. Ashley
Caserta was officially promoted to Project Manager on February 28, 2013 and
the Operations Coordinator position was being advertised.
d. CDBG Grant (fire hydrants). Ms. Jourdan reminded the CRA-AB that last year
the CRA applied for a grant to fund Phase I of a Fire Suppression infrastructure
upgrade project and although the CRA received positive feedback from HHVS,
the project was not funded. Ms. Jourdan recommended the CRA allow staff to
reapply this funding cycle. Motion to approve: Ms. Beatty. Second: Mr. Sherman.
Approved 5-0.
7. Advisory Board General Communications. Mr. Sherman ensued discussion regarding
the CRA being reactive -vs -proactive to marketing and branding the Bayshore area as
Naples Bay Village, which is the term resulting from Mr. Sherman and his marketing
group survey at the last Cultural Arts Festival. No vote was taken and direction was
given to staff by the Advisory Board.
8. Citizen Comments. Mr. Robert Weisenborn informed the CRA-Ab that he was seeking
approval to construct a covered parking area at his bus station and wanted to have their
support and assistance if needed getting through the approval process. Staff said they
would assist in any way they could.
9. Adjournment: Mr. Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Apprti ed and forwarded by Steve Main, CRA-AB Chairman.